
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wise Awakening & Kissing

Synchronistic day in Bellingham. Village Books and Indian food in the outdoor market. I asked the chef/owner what was on the yummy green salad. Some lemon and salt/spice they make and I could purchase some at his restaurant in town. Community Food Coop took books and from there I walked down to the Indian restaurant. On the way I noticed a flyer in a window with Gregg Braden and Barbara Hand Clow photo. I went inside and met a wonderful man in Wise Awakening who said that he had a dream about the grange (I was in Bellingham for a State Grange convention) that turned into a shamanic journey. He acknowledged the secret/sacred nature of Grange. He liked my book and would show it to the owner Dianna. She called later full of enthusiasm and wanted to buy ten books! I backtracked and met her. She said my book is "high energy" and will put it on their website that features Barbara Hand Crow as she is related to her. I will also teach a class.

Now I will have to learn more about the 2012 event Gregg and Barbara are presenting. Circle of Life network keeps expanding.

I read that feathers in a headdress represent brave acts. I think for me that the feathers represent each contact/business that relates to my book since it came to me after I had posted the first few business names on the website. The nice thing about visions is that there is no limit to the number of feathers I can gather. Our physical plane is limiting in that way...matter is a more solid substance thanks to "earth".

Which reminds me...for days I've been singing: ooh you got a way about you, now I can't live without you...never knew what I missed til I kissed don't realize what you do to me, and I didn't realize what a kiss could be Why am I singing this song about kissing? I have kissed one man in 9.5 years and that was many months ago for a very brief time. Telepathic kisses don't count because they aren't grounded in this realm and lack emotional content and reality. They are not sustainable. So why am I singing about kissing?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Heal On / Shine One

So happy that I heard from the Puyallup Tribe and am invited to teach a class at their July Unity in the Community event. And that I'm going to the Yakima Tribe.

Today another healing "miracle" happened between me and another woman who had been cold and closed off. She is like a new person and I get to reap the sunshine from her presence. Can these woman to woman healing patterns spill over to woman to man and man to man? Yes!

For many years I have used the word "fun" in my communications. I've asked myself recently what does that mean exactly? It's another word for "delight": That sounds like fun. / That sounds delightful. or That was fun / That was delightful. Humans need more fun and de-light in our lives and all around this precious planet.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Healing Time

Went to Soul Food Books for Narayan and Janet's concert. I introduced myself to a Native American man in the crowd. I am now plugging in to the Yakima Nation in Eastern Washington and may participate in a drumming circle there. This native man attends Unity church in Yakima...met a couple of his friends. I love the networking Circle of Life book provides.

Healing happens. In my body (pacing myself) and between bodies. I am grateful to have my g-kids back in my life again...especially when Parker snuggles up close and Sierra shows me her class yearbook. A woman I had a disconnect with reappeared and we talked. Felt good. Last week I had two disconnects with two friends. One of whom called this morning for a good heart to heart. I am amazed at the healing that is in play. Seems there is a lot of fire moving in people and healing requires a cooling off and re-engagement. I am learning alot about my own fire and how it effects my communication. Such great opportunities for new pathways to charge in our brain-bodies.

A great teleconference call with Evolutionary Leaders as we encircled our blue-green water planet with conscious energy. I kept seeing a white capped pipeline and blue green waters...clean and clear. Some talk about an LA event. Am I ready to promote my book in LA?

Friday, June 25, 2010

Radio interviews 6/27

As it turns out I have two radio interviews on Sunday, June 27: Noon, KKNW 1150 AM and 6:00 PM KPTK 1090 AM.\

Last night at the radio station I took a couple of minutes to be still before my interview for Circle of Life. I looked up into the lights and an Indian headdress appeared and got bigger and bigger. There was no face so I received the garment. It reminds me of a full feathered aura. I will google to learn the meaning of feathers and a headdress.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dr. Emoto's Prayer for the Gulf

*Dr. Masaru Emoto's Healing Prayer for the Gulf*

*Focusing our energies in response to the Gulf tragedy and for healing the waters and its inhabitants – *

*Yesterday at my spiritual center we read a letter from Dr. Masaru Emoto who many of you will recognize as the scientist from Japan who has done all the research and publications about the characteristics of water. Among other things, his research reveals that water physically responds to emotions.*

*Right now, most of us have the predominantly angry emotion when we consider what is happening in the Gulf. And while certainly we are justified in that emotion, we may be of greater assistance to our planet and its life forms, if we sincerely, powerfully and humbly pray the prayer that Dr Emoto, himself, has proposed. *

*"I send the energy of love and gratitude to the water and all the living creatures in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings. To the whales, dolphins, pelicans, fish, shellfish, plankton, coral, algae, and all living creatures** . . . ***

*I am sorry.**
**Please forgive **us**.**
**Thank you. **
**I love you."***

*I am passing this request to people who I believe might be willing to participate in this prayer, to set an intention of love and healing that is so large, so overwhelming that we can perform a miracle in the Gulf of Mexico. We are not powerless. We are powerful. Our united energy, speaking this prayer daily...multiple times daily....can literally shift the balance of destruction that is happening.*

*We don't have to know how......we just have to recognize that the power of love is greater than any power active in the Universe today. *

Hopi 7th Prophecy

That Eagle in the sky carried impact because of its line of was flying North to South in a straight line of intention. I walked outside directly into its path. Now that is communication!

Radio interview with Jacques with Soul of Seattle at East West Book Shop was so fun. It's unique to engage in conversation with someone who is metaphysically oriented. He commented during the interview that the interview was "shamanistic" because of my joy, etc. Does that mean that I animated emotion? Does that mean that shamanism is not something one does but is the spirited e-motion of one's being? And does not "animation" refer to our primal instincts...and are not those instincts of joyful light? Seems humans have forgotten that expression and thus identity.

Muddy waters...all around. Humans are very sick! Where does the healing begin and is it too late?

A friend was telling me about the 9 predictions of the Hopi and that the 7th is the blackening of waters. Humans can turn the tide...and purify their inner and outer worlds.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June Moments

Walked outside of my friend's house to see an Eagle in the sky. This morning a red Hawk. Gratitudes....

As I was gardening I kept seeing bands of energy going left to right at ground level. ???

Yesterday as I was making phone calls waves of contentment washed over me. The same thing happened in the garden. I wasn't consciously meditating or relaxing. I was simply Being. As if subtle and gross wavelengths met in some middle that me, my body? I'm happy to be content from the inside out and in relationship with Mother Earth.

Received a phone call and will be taping a radio interview today for Circle of Life, Seattle talk, on Soul of Seattle.

On Monday morning, the first day of summer I sang this song spontaneously or, rather, this song sang me. Today it came through again. I sing it for Earth and Sun and their cosmic embrace. I sing it for my internal Earth and Sun...Female and Male...and the Sacred Circle I Am.

- Wedding Song -

He is now to be among you at the calling of your hearts.
Rest assured this troubador is acting on His part.
The union of your spirits here has caused Him to remain,
for whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name,
There is love. There is love.

Oh, a man shall leave his mother, and a woman leave her home.
They will travel on to where the two will be as one.
As it was in the beginning, is now until the end,
woman draws her life from man
and gives it back again and there is love.
Oh, there's love.

Well then what's to be the reason for becoming man and wife?
Is it love that brings you here or love that brings you life?
For if loving is the answer then who's the giving for?
Do you believe in something that you've never seen before?
Oh, there's love. There is love.

He is now to be among you at the calling of your hearts.
Rest assured this troubador is acting on His part.
The union of your spirits here has caused Him to remain
for whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name
there is love. Oh, there is love.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

On a Roll

Fascinating segment on Ancient Aliens talking about the great pyramids as nuclear reactors. How earth energy moves up, chemical moves in to Queen's Chamber, and energy that is created moves out as beams of light. (I should have taken notes.) Reminds me of sitting in meditation (creating triangle) and the same thing happening.

If chi/qi is life force than it is the force that moves all chakra wheels. It is the force of Kundalini connecting earth and cosmos. Are any scientists studying the effects of chi? I suppose Dr Emoto is water dances with chi.

In my travels and job searches I am promoting Circle of Life, published by Community Threads. Funds for the book go to the non-profit not myself helping to move the mission of "expressing, educating and celebrating community" forward.

I'm on a roll today and thanking the Universe. One woman purchased 12 books for two stores...she lived in a teepee for 8 years. Another woman purchased 6 books and invited me to teach a class. Both women agreed to my wholesale price which was more than their usual rate. These women simply wanted to support me and my work. Both of them thanked me! this full circle of giving and receiving.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Chi = Clean Energy

My arm injury is teaching me about chi. I felt the grinding in my brain/body when I was moving too fast and now that I slow down I feel the difference. Chi is a force that micro and macro parts swim in..the galaxy glue that cushions and protects. It carries a "fertile" charge. Dynamic and quiet; subtle and gross it fills in and fills out space of opposites: circling and circular.

chi is a lubricant and is what is missing in our imbalanced and unsustainable life styles


qi: the circulating life energy that in Chinese philosophy is thought to be inherent in all things; in traditional Chinese medicine the balance of negative and positive forms in the body is believed to be essential for good health
the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet

Chi means either "a hornless dragon" or "a mountain demon" (namely, chimei 螭魅) in Chinese mythology. Hornless dragons were a common motif in ancient Chinese art, and the chiwen 螭吻 (lit. "hornless-dragon mouth") was an Imperial roof decoration in traditional Chinese architecture.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Be Still

Islands are enchanting with a slower pace and more green space. Vashon Island is beautiful and my books are available there now at Intuitive Arts. I will teach a class there this fall.

I experience a deep sense of contentment and joy at Dana's outdoor concerts. It's a full circle communion.

I noticed some personal behavior that was "sticky" and I looked at the emotion behind it. I realized I needed to let go. As a result I had more range of motion and emotion! And as a result what I had let go of came back at a new and more rounded/full level. Magic!

The pain in my shoulder spread down my arm. Acupuncturists said it's a muscle. I've slowed down...but not enough. I'm resorting to a heating pad so I can sleep at night. Last night I took a couple of doses of tincture thinking the vodka would did.

I learned that there are different kinds of chi. The chi my acupuncturists referred to had to do with relationship between chi and blood....chi helps carry the blood. When I push myself I can feel the grinding in my body and this created my injury. I have to have a more intentional relationship with chi. I feel this life force in my body and know better than to go to the extreme of injuring myself. Today I sat in meditation...something I still resist. I'd rather be on the move getting work done. Immediately I felt a plugging into chi. This must take a new priority in my life.

More rest and less action. What a concept!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sabbath Space

I worked in the garden "for just an hour" last night and my arm is rebelling! Everything I do involves my right arm! I realize that I cannot manage two gardens and will use my garden budget to hire someone! Bastyr has a student clinic that has affordable acupuncture for those unemployed like myself. So I will get a chi transfusion. My deep "connective tissues" and negative space will get some much needed "oxygen." I love my life and have so many great things to do...I resist slowing down. My body is more intelligent than this over driven person and is a constant teacher. Thank you!

I hope to do a Poetry Wheel series in July that addresses the oil spill. Here are two poems that I will recite:

Imagine a place without a pipeline,
Without an oil well,
Without a rig.
Imagine a place without a coal pit,
Without a smoke stack,
Acid rain free.

Imagine a land of long white vistas,
Ice cold saviours,
Gleaming glaciers,
Breaking into the sea.
Imagine the Earth without an oil slike,
Free of pollution,
No radioactivity.

Imagine a place on Earth so awesome,
So vast so pure,
We can hardly breathe its air.
Imagine the Earth alive with morning,
Shimmering white nights,
No end of sky
No end of sea.

Carole Forman, “Antartica”

We who have lost our sense and our senses—our touch, our smell, our vision of who we are, we who frantically force and press all things, without rest for body or spirit, hurting our earth and injuring ourselves: we call a halt.

We want to rest. We need to rest and allow the earth to rest. We need to reflect and to rediscover the mystery that lives in us, that is the ground of every unique expression of life, the source of the fascination that call all things to communion.

We declare a Sabbath, a space of quiet for simply being and letting be; for recovering the great, forgotten truths; for learning how to live again.

U.N. Environmental Sabbath Program

Pow Wow

I received a response from United Indians regarding Community Threads being a vendor at their annaul pow wow in July:

We discussed your request to be a vendor at our Pow Wow and we decided that we would be happy to have you! We appreciate all your time you have volunteered for United Indians!

I am happy...I get to hang out with my Native Family for three days!

The Net of Light via Grandmothers

Krysta and New Spirit Journal are publishing my article about Circle of Life in the July issue.

Krysta Gibson to me
show details 9:51 AM (2 hours ago)

This was sent to me by a dear friend and I am sharing it with you. -Krysta

"You Are Desperately Needed"

"We ask you to cast, anchor, and hold the Net of Light steady for
the Gulf of Mexico," the Grandmothers said. "This crisis is
affecting the entire world, and humanity is asleep. Wake up!" they
cried. "Animals are dying, plants are dying, and your Mother is
writhing in agony. If you hold the Net of Light steady at this time
you will help stave off further catastrophe.

"You have been lulled into a false sleep," they said, "told that
others (B.P.) will take care of this problem. This is not so," they
said. "And this is not the time for you to fall into oblivion.
Determine now to stay awake, and once you have made that commitment,
think of, cast, and hold the Net of Light. Hold it deep and hold it
wide. Amplify its reach to penetrate the waters of the Gulf and dive
deep beneath the crust of Mother Earth. Anchor it at the earth's
core and as you hold it there, ask it to unify with the mineral
kingdom of this planet. It will do this and will harmonize with all
the solid and liquid mineral states on earth-including oil and gas.
The Net of Light will call these minerals back into harmony.

"Whatever human beings have damaged, human beings must correct," the
Grandmothers said. "This is the law. We repeat: This is the law.You
cannot sit back and ask God to fix the mess humanity has created.
Each of you must throw your shoulders to the wheel and work. We are
asking for your help. Several years ago we gave you the Net of Light
so you would be able to help the earth at times like this. Step
forward now. This is the Net of Light that will hold the earth
during the times of change that are upon you," they said.

"First move into your heart and call on us. We will meet you there.
The Net of Light is lit by the jewel of your heart," they said, "so
move into this lighted place within you and open to the Net of which
you are a part. Bask in its calming presence. It holds you at the
same time that you hold it.

"Now think of magnifying your union with us. We, the Great Council
of the Grandmothers, are with you now, and all those who work with
the Net of Light are also with you. There are thousands, even
millions now connected in light," they said. "Along with this union,
call forth the power of the sacred places on earth. These will
amplify the potency of our joint effort. Then call on the sacred
beings that have come to prevent the catastrophe that threatens to
overwhelm your planet. We will work together," they said, nodding

"Think of, cast and magnify the presence of the Net of Light in the
Gulf of Mexico. See, imagine or think of it holding the waters,
holding the land, the plants, the sea life, and the people. Holding
them all!" they said. "The Net of Light is holding them steady; it
is returning them to balance. Let the love within your lighted heart
keep pouring into the Net of Light and hold, hold, hold. Calmly and
reverently watch as the light from your heart flows along the
strands of the Net. It will follow your command and continuously
move forth. As soon as you think of it, it will happen. We ask you
to practice this for only a few minutes at a time, but to repeat it
throughout the day and night.

"We promise that this work with the Net of Light will do untold good,"
the Grandmothers said. "We are calling you to service now.You are needed.
Do not miss this opportunity. We thank you and bless you."

--The Indigenous Grandmothers

Bright blessings and love,

Krysta Gibson
New Spirit Journal

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Heart and Blood

Something shifted in my right shoulder earlier today and a tightness lifted. That does not mean that I can go back to my old fast-pace. My Bastyr U friend suggested arnica. Bastyr U Bookstore manager liked my book and will carry it as well as post it on their website. It means so much to me when others connect with my book.

The other morning I woke up to see image of an Indian head dress with full range of feathers. I looke for the face wearing it...and saw a familiar elder. The next morning I woke up to the face of the Dalai Lama. So many images ebbing and flowing through consciousness.

Am I pushing the envelope? I am asking United Indians of All Tribes if I can be a vendor at their yearly pow wow. As a non-native I'm not sure I will be permitted. I say that I am native in heart...not blood. But I wonder what's the difference? It would be nice if all of us who love Earth and Her natural forces can be together in ceremoney and celebration. All of us who share Her heart and blood.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Motion of E-motion

I try to do too much. If I have 10 tasks to do I want to do them now, today. I've been wound up and moving too fast and my body is honest with me creating rotator cuff in my right shoulder. Now, I am forced to slow down. It's a different feeling entirely and I feel out of synch for not getting work done. I can learn to pace myself and not abuse my body by gardening until 9:30 at night.

Connective tissue is something real at all levels. When I move more slowly I am more connected to all parts within and in my environment. Once again I am reminded that meditation is helpful...something I don't always do.

My brain/head feels different now that I've slowed down. It feels light/spacey like a meditation vibe without doing meditation. Not sure if it's the healing process...maybe some sort of chemical communication. Which reminds me that yesterday I felt a subtle "settling" in my body more at center than North or South. It was a definite "glumph"! I associated it with emotional cleansing.

My head feels light and my body has to make adjustments so that health can be sustainable in daily life. Being wound up and moving too fast is not sustainable. It's okay to shift gears and move into new waters...always the shifting of gears and always new waters! The motion of emotion!

David Spangler Wisdom

©2010 by David Spangler with the Lorian Association:

No pun intended, but there is a gulf between where our society and our collective human consciousness are at the moment and where they need to be to fashion a world that is sustainable and that works for the benefit of all species of life. To write off this tragedy as “just another oil spill” and part of the price for doing “business as usual,” is to lose an opportunity to recognize the need to revision ourselves and our world and to move in a different, more holistic direction. If this tragedy has a deeper meaning, I believe it manifests in how we can seize this opportunity. (A new book that looks at how we can make this change in a most positive and creative way is Plenitude: The New Economics of True Wealth, by Juliet B. Schor, an environmental economist; I highly recommend it.)

Many years ago a friend of mine was involved in drilling oil wells in Louisiana. One day he gave me a small bottle of crude oil brought up from a mile or so under the earth. I was interested to see that it had a reddish color, which made me think of the way many indigenous peoples refer to oil as the blood of the earth. In many spiritual traditions, the spilling of blood in sacrifice is considered transformative. Perhaps we might see this oil spill as Gaia spilling her blood to effect a transformation in our consciousnesses that we may learn to truly think like a planet and to care for the world that sustains us. If so, my prayer is that this sacrifice is not being made in vain.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Cap that Leak

The capping of the oil leak is quite symbolic reminding me of a that gauge and monitor of emotions that emit from one's core. There is a lot of pressure at the core and with my tendency to be more emotional than logical and more fiery than earthy I have learned about this process of capping...and I continue to learn.

Capping and monitoring one's emotions is protective and provides safe boundaries. My goal is to have clean waters and it's a constant process of ebb and flow just like breathing. The circulation is purifying. My intent is to keep circulating Truth and Love of Self that is transparent with no secrets lurking in dark waters.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Forces of Nature

Fire = core pressure
Core pressure = fire
Fire = emotions
Emotions = thought, word, action
Action = pressure
Pressure = change via both chaos and order

I continue to communicate honestly from pressure at my core. There is always room to ask myself about the unconscious and subconscious layers underneath the conscious words and actions I extend into the world via relationships. How clear am I and what's behind the pressure that moves me? How do I regulate, monitor and gauge my core energy/fire that creates personal weather patterns?

At the Folklife Festival I saw a woman I had not seen for years. I had taken her wild foods class and quit early because I thought she was rude and narrow minded. We chatted and she casually mentioned the challenge of our previous relationship. I, too, brought the past forward and lightly commented about my role in the relationship. There was no blame on either side. There was, however, acknowledgment of that past sticky situation. There was now, in both of us, respect for differences and humility. It was remarkable how quickly healing occurred woman to woman. Can this happen woman to man?

The oil spill is a sign that life as we have known it is ending. We have crossed a threshold, a boundary.

Water, air, earth, fire are not commodities for human greed and abuse. They are living and breathing forces/beings of nature. Thay have circulatory and respiratory circuitry. We are part of them and they are part of us. To respect and honor -- know -- these forces of Nature means that we must also respect and honor -- know -- one self.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Breathing Together

I am experiencing a new location on my heart chakra "band". Heart communication was being received at the left of body at the location of physical heart now I am experiencing it at the right. I don't know what this means other than a shift..that seems to correlate with increased intensity of emotion. I'm reminded of the Sundance and how two points on the chest are used for this sacred ceremony. More mystery.

It got very dark and I could see and feel no light in any direction. I called on angels and they seemed to be missing. Even though I thought this could be the end I wasn't pulled under emotionally as much as I have been in the past. Keeping busy helped me ride this phase out. It's very odd to be busy and going through external motions without feeling an inner spark or combustion.

The oil spill reminds me of the unconscious mind and it's spewing of toxins and no one on the surface who is conscious enough to clean up and heal the mess. Dr Emoto has the answer as do so many other teachers. Get focused, set the vibrational intention and radiate! That spiritual system includes boundaries and laws in this grounded realm so that there is protection of eco-systems.

I have been thinking a lot about family. One family is with me everyday in its embrace...and that family is green in plant and tree expression. As one family we breathe oxygen and release carbon dioxide. That is our unifying and circular force.