
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Emotion Drives Action

E-motion breaks spells. So get emotional! About something you care about and is for the good of the whole.

I wrote this letter to the editor early this morning.

It’s my understanding that Woodinville is a Tree City, USA and that there are regulations about cutting down a tree. If this is so, why was another plot of land clear cut for a Walgreen to rise on Woodinville Duvall Road? Are there not vacant buildings down town that can prevent this sprawl? Do we really need stuff more than we need the trees’ green lungs to keep us breathing?

And why does Woodinville have to look like every other city with its cookie cutter strip malls? Let’s gather as visionaries to create solutions so that we can live with nature. Let’s call on the creative genius of community…of which trees are a part.

When was the last time you stopped in the fast track of consumerism to sit under a tree and smell its green life and to watch the birds enjoy that habitat? Trees have rights. Nature has rights. Humans do not have the right to destroy the future of our grandchildren’s children. Yes, that can happen one Walgreen, one strip mall, at a time.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dragon Lore

Yesterday...Untangling hop vines from pots....unbinding spells.

Planting bee balm in open field and a shadow passes overhead for a brief second. I catch it and think, "Dragons are coming."

What are these tales that spin through this heart body?

Are they woven from another planet, another age, another race.

Today...I think of dragons as alien neighbors...flying through space time.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Legend of England

A friend and I went to see Harry Potter and near the end of the movie I started thinking about that Human Unity Conference in England, being paralyzed for several days and that legend of the frozen Lady in the Lake. I determined to go home and find that poem. The poem talks about a Queen and King. At that time those two represented relationship between a man and woman. Now, so many years later I know that Queen and King represents much more from micro alchemical matter to macro systems. It's a Love continuum with "Queen and King" expressing in many forms.

In the movie as Hogwarts (the name of a flower ) School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was being protected by magical wands of light and being invaded by wands of darkness I thought of Rob Hopkins and that line of connection across the planet. I thought about lines of protective space we create arcing around precious Mother Earth. Our connections are not coincidence...we have specific healing work to do at this time. Lines continue to be drawn, substance continues to be raised.

Here's that poem written by an Emissary of Divine Light, Yujin Pak, 1982:

The Legend of England

Unto a land frozen byt ancient magic spell
shall one day return the Mage and the King.
They that can weave the magic of unbinding
awake and arise in destiny's appointed hour.

IOt is told in England's Cotswold Country
that an ancient witchcraft turned King's court into stone.
Frozen and mute stood megalithic stones,
forgotten majesty of true King and princely consorts.

The legen goes in that place near Long Compton
that one day when the King can unimpeded see
Compton Hill past blurring fields of briarly weed,
that upon that day shall reign again
King's majesty, justice, upon the waiting land.

A story that is not told is of the Archmage that never died.
Another is the sotry of a tru love--
a heart's prayer that to King held true,
and brought him back to life agian.

Forgotten by all, the Queen had lived on
who love the King, deep and with all.
Without identity and without recourse,
through the power of love's deepest memory,
she had followed her King through all history.

The longing and love in her inknowing heart
stirred the King from ancient sleep.
"My King, my Kin, I wait for you,
to eternity's end I wait for you."
As she grew, strong in truth and deep in memory,
so too grew the power of her heart's invocations
bringing destiny's appointed hour to final fulfillment.

Onlt the Beloved can know Love's own heart.
As Love awakens to Beloved's prayer
so too is woven the true magic of unbinding.

No one remembers now when exactly it happened,
a few years ago perhaps.
The field by Long Compton was mowed down by a farmer.
From the stones you can now see Compton Hill.

The King and Queen reign once again.
The Archmage never died.

Hummingbird Medicine

I was reflecting on the source of the tingling sensation I felt in body when I connected with hummingbird. Where was that located? It wasn't at the top of my head, my heart, or lower chakras. So, I'm, determining this deep resonance was at my solar plexus. From there it rippled/radiated throughout my body. I felt like a child--maybe the emotion running through this relationship was pure joy!

Jamie Sams Medicine Cards

Hummingbird is associated with the Ghost Shirt religion, which taught that a certain dance done properly would bring about the return of the animals and that white people would disapear. Once again the Original People would know the joy of the old ways. In Mayan teachings, Hummingbird is connected to the Black Sun and the Fifth World. Hummingbird can give us the medicine to solve the riddle of the contradiction of duality.

The song of Hummingbird awakens the medicine flowers. Hummer sings a vibraion of pure joy. Flowers love the Hummingbird because nectar-sucking brings about the reproduction of their families. Plants flower and live because of Hummingbird.

Hummingbird can fly in any direction -- up, down, backwards, and forwards. Hummingbird can also hover in one spot and appear to be motionless. Great Spirit created hummingbird to be slightly different from other feathered creatures.

Because of their magical qualities, Hummingbird feathers have been used for a millennium in the making of love charms. It is said that Hummingbird conjures love as no other medicine does, and that Hummingbird feathers open the heart. Without an open and loving heart, you can never taske the nectar and pure bliss of life. To Brother and Sister Hummingbird, life is a wonderland of delight--darting from one beautiful flower to another, tasting the essences, and radiating the colors.

If Hummingbird is your personal medicine, you love life and its joys. Your presence brings joy to others. You join people together in relationships which bring out the best in them. You know instinctively where beauty abides and near or far you journey to your idea. You move comfortable within a beautiful environment and help others taste the succeulent nectar of life.

Hummingbird holds the Bow of Beauty which is delicately inlaid with gold and silver flowers, pearls, and precious jewels. Hummingbird disdains ugliness or harshness and quickly flies away from discord or disharmony.

It Hummingbird has flown in...get ready to laugh musically and enjoy Creators many gifts. Drop your judgmental attitude and relax. Hummingbird will no dout give you a flas of the spirit, darting here, there and everywhere. Get ready for a strange new burst of energy which may send your senses reeling.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


I was in my garden this morning taking pictures of the squash blossoms and zuchini...I'm so happy to have fruit as the past two years there was none. Thank you bees and pollination! Also ate the first raspberries from my garden. My poor home garden has been neglected due to the amount of time I spend at other gardens...however, it seems quite happy.

As I was taking pictures of the nasturtiums I saw quick movements in the leaves. A hummingbird flew up to my face and looked directly into my eyes. I watched it and my body vibrated with something I have not felt before. I was elated! Then a second hummingbird flew in...the first greenish at the back...the second reddish on the throat. They flew toward one another and exchanged contact beak to beak making a high-pitched sound. It seemed to be about whose flowers were whose. I watched them flitter about for several minutes.

Medicine cards have much to say about hummingbird. I will add that and photos...

Gravity and Black Holes

For a long time I’ve felt uncomfortable around people. This has to do with the kundalini snap at the back of my neck when I was in England years ago. The myth that was present at that time and in that place was The Lady of the Lake that talks about a lady who was frozen and it reminded me of my plight at that time. I’ll have to look for that story in my files. Lately I’m noticing that I am more comfortable around people. And though I continue to like my solitude I am enjoying gardening and being with people especially my Transition friends and blood family. I’m so comfortable that I’m thinking about intentional community. Love expands in community and brings with it a whole new equation that includes a sense of safety—a homeostasis.

Two days ago I was depressed and negative thoughts kept playing in my head. The next day I was care free...happy. There seems to be an emotional expansion and contraction process going on as I continue to work quarter time and pull from savings. Perhaps I need to consider an alternative banking system that might give me a new sense of security. I heard that Hopelink (a mainstream non-profit) in Redmond initiated a Time Bank for its clients. That is encouraging! At Dana’s recent concert I connected with someone in Redmond and am now building bridges with Sustainable Redmond. Each Transition town and Sustainable city has their own unique culture and we all tend to be separate. As parts we need to bridge and interact so that this substance of love can weave its creativity and “livelihood”….is the word that comes through. It’s a word that is being used by Transition Snoqualmie Valley for an upcoming event of which I am involved in. I love being a part of my neighboring sustainable groups.

The other day I wrote to someone about “pulling together a committee” and this statement came up for me this morning. Does radiation have gravitational force? How does reflection relate? If radiation is energy and matter absorbs, reflects and dances in response what role does the force of gravity play?

From the book The Universe that I read to my grand children:

What is gravity?
Gravity is the mutual attraction [is not attraction the electro-magnetism of two opposite parts; is not electro-magnetism an alchemical relationship; is this relationship unconditional love?] between every single bit of matter in the universe. The more matter there is, and the closer it is, the stronger the attraction. A big dense planet pulls much more than a small one, or one that is far away. The sun is so big, it makes its pull felt over millions of miles of space. The earth is smaller, but big enough to keep the Moon circling around it. The weight of an object is simply how hard gravity is pulling on it.
What is a black hole?

If a small star is very dense it may begin to shrink under the pull of its own gravity. As it shrinks, it becomes denser and denser and it gravity becomes more and more powerful—until it shrinks to a single tiny point of infinite density called singularity. The gravitational pull of a singularity is so immense that it pulls space into a “hole” like a funnel. This is the black hole, which sucks in everything that comes near it with huge gravitational force—including light, which is why it is a “black” hole.

So, the other day when I was depressed and dark I was experiencing my own black hole! I have always wondered how my light was consumed during these opposite times of an emotional cycle. So to be healthy/balanced one can learn to work with one’s dark side. That means accepting one’s emotions and letting them move in appropriate ways that don’t cause harm to others. Negative emotions can be processed internally…in the intimacy of one’s self. Emotional expression does not make one weak! Emotional expression is the movement of day and night and all other natural processes that Nature does in harmony with universal law and order.

It’s important to remember that as dark as it gets light is around the bend. And as light as it gets remember….darkness is around the bend. The difference in my life these days is that the darkness is not as dense and does not last very long. And yet I walk through the darkness and feel the void. Eye remains at center as heart body does the dance.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Full Circle Blossom

I'm waking up with ideas for a class with Circle of Life mapping. Will submit the Ongoing Education form at Cascadia Community College...if this stays in the flow. My life is so unpredictable. I say enthusiastically how someone feels like family and then days later I'm gone. Guess I fly from point to point like a bee flies flower to flower. Ya just gotta keep flying.

Dark wizards weave toxic spells. Light of consciousness unravels them making them neutral.

Truth flows North/South. Love flows East/West. Life is full blossom.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Muscle Development

Had a brain/eye/hand (new muscle!) coordination breakthrough working on my taxes. I have had so much struggle getting my eyes to focus on details. However, I've been doing a little each day and this week I am whizzing with the numbers on the calculator and scanning the pages of data. I'm not sure how I'm going to do cashiering at the Farm when there is a long line of people.

Met with my new Transition friend who is very academic. Her suggestions for Circle of Life do not ring true for me. She wants me to explain this and that. To expound on this and that. I cannot speak that language. I teach differently. And at the same time I know that I have my own resistance so I am staying open to meeting her half way. She did have some good artistic ideas that could work. This woman has a 17-year-old son, Dana, who helps me in the garden. These people feel like family. Transition is such a blessing!


Monday, July 11, 2011

Dr. Maze's Farm

Notes from Apacolypse Island:

Venus eclipse in front of Sun at end of world

Kings/gods [Queens/goddesses] return to Earth at end of world

Movement of Venus foretells the future

Planet’s movements told when to plant crops, go to war

2010 final year of the calendar in a 5000 year cycle

Death of world age with cosmic events

Mayan Calendar a coincidence? No, this is Intentional Design

The ancients built monuments facing the stars/planets to honor cosmic relationships. What do our monuments face? Wall Street God, Gross National Product God, Tech God, and more stuff, stuff, stuff that one cannot take to Heaven. Reminds me of Godspell music: “Pre--ee-pare ye the way of the Lord….”

My vision has been that Earth will turn into a Sun. I see fire and transformation which is the only way that our landfills and toxic messes can be cleaned up.

When I told a Grange and Transition friend that I had quit the farm job she mentioned that she needed someone to help her pick chamomile. Her husband then asked if I knew how to drive a tractor as their farm tours are coming up. I said I could learn! Life is such a Trickster—from traction to tractor! So I am now working on a 15 acre farm two miles south. This farm is part of 47 acres. My little home and circle garden is on 15 acres; the larger circle garden is 1 acre on 70 acres. I seem to have created a lot of open space/pores for myself spaces where Earth can inhale and exhale from core. Farm Tours begin... and I jump into Farm Tots, crafts, cashiering...and more.

A man called this morning asking if I (Transition or Community Threads) would sponsor a local summer festival. When he told me it was going to be held at the sod farm I declined. I told him I personally don't want to spend a day on a toxic field and I could not be a sponsor. He suggested the green sod farm was better than development with its concrete and asphalt. I declined.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Venus and Sun

If I am not chasing after nor pulling on matter does that make me less planet like and more sun like. More radiant (masculine) and less reflective (feminine)? Maybe I am both aspects of one whole energy field. Maybe I have a center point with orbs revolving around.

Sewing cloth diapers last night I was listening to the History Channel/Apacolypse Island about a Mayan Monument that is the best place on the planet for viewing Transit Venus in June, 2012. When they showed Venus moving in front of the Sun it reminded me of my current experience.

This face to face/body to body alignment is an experience of rapture.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Talk at City Council

The Declaration of Independence says that every citizen has the right to the “pursuit of happiness.” That pursuit continues. Last month the Seattle City Council endorsed the Happiness Initiative that tracks regional indicators of well-being and sustainability.

Happiness includes Gross National Product and material wealth but it also takes into account our environment, governance, social connections and community vitality.
The on-line Happiness Survey ( has 135 questions that measure well-being. Complete the survey and you will get an instantaneous well-being score!

Seattle residents do well in:

Social Connection - 84 %
Psychologcial Well-Being - 78 %
Material Wealth - 73%

And not so well in:

Environmental Quality - 46%
Time Balance - 43%

What would the happiness scores of Woodinville residents look like? Transition Woodinville is curious to find out and welcomes a partnership with the city council to initiate this survey, track the results, and announce the outcomes.

As Richard Conlin, Seattle City Council President stated in a press release last month, “Measuring the subjective happiness or well-being levels of Seattle residents is an important tool that can help our council make effective policy decisions and can engage our community in conversations about what we really want from life and from our economy.”

What makes the citizens of Woodinville happy? Should this not be part of our conversation as we determine the direction and scope of development in and around Woodinville?

I've developed good connections with some of the council members and the four who were present last night approved looking into the cost of a Woodinville Happiness Survey. The City Manager offered to do this work. Fun!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Eros = Community At-Traction

Eros is community at traction. How do I know? It’s revealing itself in my life.
Parts in love create traction. “In love” is both noun and verb….and another aspect that is spiritual. Holographic is the word that comes through reminding me of reflecting and projecting mirror effects – crystal like. Love is radiant in force like outreaching sun light.

That feeling of "love" is very tangible and is a closeness of the kinship...kinship of spirit first and foremost.

Transition is a catalyst for me and currently there is a quantum leap happening that has everything to do with linkage and connection of parts. For example another new Transition friend, Cynthia, used to work at Northwest Indian College and is now at Antioch University. She read my Circle of Life book yesterday and immediately gave me specific assignments to market the book. Her bright mind and personal connections open doors that I could never have seen or opened alone. One connection leads to another. It’s a new epidemic and a new virus that will “soak up”(I leave those words in without analyzing them) the dark spots!

Cynthia says that I should be training the trainers...local mental health professionals so that they can forward it on to their clients. It reminds me of how the body coordinates with glands/organs to get nutrients out to the cells. All requiring outreaching pressure of love. Love as spirit and love as earthy substance.

Sitting on a picnic blanket yesterday a bee was getting too close to me. I attempted to move it to a distant location. Somehow it stayed with me and I ended up with a bee sting. Bee and I are one.

Walking home last night I noticed how I no longer yearn to be in nature. I am Nature! And I notice that I no longer yearn to be with a man. It’s an ongoing success story of not pulling on men or chasing after them. Something has shifted in me; something new has settled in. I do continue to yearn for food however -- food that has been my comfort for so long. Since quitting my job I’ve wanted more comfort foods and it seems to be deep in my sub-conscious/unconscious. It is a response to fear. I have the tools to get ahead of the old tapes/patterns and insert new inner language and thus new behavior. The key is to stop, slow down and make new choices. It's work! I'm not good at the discipline part of this.

How do bees see? I keep thinking my eyes have something in common with them. I've been too busy to research that right now.

Monday, July 4, 2011

At-Traction & Eros

Yesterday afternoon I was feeling that love connection with distant star. The force is a new passion that's more than sexual. This force between us has evolved over the years. It's evolved in the whole because it has evolved in the parts.

Spiritual connection comes first and then the denser forms appear. This is true in this relationship as it is in my own heart/mind/body relationship. Words and language are part of that equation of spirit to form in expression on earth.

As I felt this sun beam like love coming in I found myself responding into space,
"You move me so very much." As I said this I saw the "traction" and gripping power of sun light on earth so that spin is the response.

At-traction is the new word that comes into play.

Talking with my friend Carl just now we exchanged some stories. I heard that Agape love is unconditional whereas Eros is about give and take through God/Goddess forces.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


My Circle of Life class is getting more traction this time around. I had not been working on it for months. Now that I am engaged in a larger community there is new traction.

The word "traction" simply flowed through wheels of heart/mind and I listen/see.

It's as if my life is a concave/convex mirror reflecting deeper meaning. Maybe this is how I see.

Traction could be read in that image I drew recently since gripping surface to surface requires opposite forces and substances.

Not sure...simply staying with this process of listening/watching and acting. If I don't ground it -- give it traction -- I might lose it, forget it in all the other waves/particles that are moving through this vibrant living.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Left, Right, Center

I am the center of my Circle of Life map. These are my stories that make me unique and provide me both lessons and gifts that only I can receive and give. You are the center of your Circle of Life map. Your stories make you unique and provide you both lessons and gifts that only you can receive and give.

Years ago he said, “Can’t I and the children be enough for you?” In response I left my family and set out to discover my Self, the center of my universe. I never went too far as my family is very dear to me.

As I reflect on my journey I see that I have created a bubble around my Self. Now, that bubble holds harmonious relationships, activities, work, food, etc. It’s ongoing work to sustain harmony and equilibrium and doing so I have had to cut people, activities, work and some foods out of my life.

The bubble holds vibration and chemistry. It holds color and sound. It is a compass that leads me forward and a resting place that holds me still. It is protecting in its rounded projection.

Unconditional love is the standard by which this bubble stays intact and afloat. Unconditional love is not for another or others. It is first and foremost for one Self – one’s Love of Self! This seems so very shallow/flat and ego self-centered when in Truth it is full/round and Sacred Self-Centered.

A friend joined Transition Woodinville. He was invited to our Full Moon Fire Circle, July 15, but is going to the Sundance in South Dakota. Talking with him last night I learned that he is becoming a member of that tribe after 20 years of association. I also learned that his mother’s (now 90 and still hiking, driving) family was responsible for bringing Yogananda to the United States. He said that he doesn’t resonate with yoga in the way he does with Native American culture. We talked about Yogananda being cosmic in orientation whereas Native Culture is earth centered. I like holding both paths and walking them in my own way. Maybe they are holding me and walking me! Or…maybe we hold one another and walk as One. Perhaps this is information and inspiration held in that leap frog image I drew this past week.

New language letters and words will hold both information and inspiration. I see! That symbol I drew is a letter and a word that communicates both aspects of one circle. It is like sacred geometry. This evolving form of sacred geometry is not flat, one-dimensional. It connects dots through space time. It goes in, through, out and around again and again. This spin is sacred language!

Enter Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine two aspects of one whole and holy connection. When will scientists see what’s in front of them? When they walk in sacred circle of knowing rather than thinking and analyzing.

How I love this process of communication that opens in-sight. This is my daily sacred practice.

What does this new language tell us? It tells us that our individual and global brain has new parts in a new whole and that there is new communication through higher emotional intelligence.

Celebrate! Celebrate that which is all around you...and where there are dark spots...go around them in love.

Friday, July 1, 2011


How does the breath enter the body with light? Song lyrics by Wah!/maa. om sri matre, the last song on this CD is total rapture. I am grateful to the Chopra Center and Snychrodestiny for introducing me to Waa. How does the breath enter the body with light is something to digest, meditate on, watch and listen for, and practice.

I woke up happy.

Kundalini Fire is Unconditional Love. How do I know? Both have been my teachers for many years. Both are “mana” that I digest, meditate on, watch and listen for and practice.

Yesterday I experienced a quantum leap like a frog, drew this image and sent a letter to my distant star. This direct communication is not my usual pattern. The pressure was such that it was the right communication. The image represents unconditional love and is both wave and particle for the quantum physics enthusiasts. It’s a pore, an open circle, with space around it. For me at this time it represents outreach.

Outreach is unconditional love moving as pressure through open pores.

I have a lot of fire and it can be overwhelming. I work to regulate it and channel it so it’s logical and balanced for myself and others around me. This fire is naturally inclined to reach out and integrate the parts. It’s something I will be doing with the 67 organizations in SCALLOPS, I’m grateful to have the time to do this work right now. The challenge is getting people to respond.

I will network and promote 3 projects:

1. Summer and Spring Bee Alerts – can they be replicated through these groups?
2. Circle of Life ~ Mapping One’s Story – can my class be useful in any of these groups?
3. Heart and Soul – do these groups recognize this “spiritual” aspect? If so how? My vision is to identify Heart and Soul values perhaps via a survey. The purpose is to unify Transition Towns and Sustainable Cities in Heart and Soul awareness.

I had the strangest experience yesterday as I picked up my pay check from my previous boss. She refused to let my friend who works there bring me my check. So I had to go back. As I was standing in the big barn that is the home and as she went into the next room to get the check I found myself in a saloon with similar dark wood and this woman was getting a gun to shoot me. It wasn’t one of those flashes as it stayed with me for a good amount of time. She was in that room for several minutes. Because of all the other negative/dark images I had when I worked there I have concluded that I know these people from a previous lifetime. What that exactly means I’m not sure. I am sure that I left feeling very peaceful. Another karmic thread recognized and cut because of darkness.

Unconditional Love is both cutting and mending based on Universal Law of Karma. The heart body is the driver of this love while the mind body steers. I write that spontaneously….is it accurate? Is it absolute? I can’t quite get my logical mind around it – as is the way of elusive language that buzzes. Time will tell. My heart body drives me so details of information are secondary.

By thy heart I know thee.