
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Kundalini Force

My new friend feels like a sister. She is certified to teach Kundalini Yoga. Her yoga and kundalini community in Los Angeles "saved" her from an addiction. Another woman mentioned that Kundalini Yoga caused her to have too much energy and she preferred Hatha Yoga. It will be fun to experiment with these different energy forms/practices.

I entered the following article into my computer recently. Now that I have more time I am getting back to organizing my journal writings from the past 35 years. Kundalini is the main thread in my journey and was/is birthed through my bodies of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, cosmic dimensions. This story began in dream time with salamander and then grew into serpent dragon with wings. Kundalini Dragon is a cosmic force that unifies parts (matter) of the whole. All winged beings are supporting this force. Humans are evolving and discovering their unique wings.

I still remember the emotion that ran through me as I wrote this on November 18, 1993

Sacred Sites

This flesh is Goddess flesh. This earth is Goddess earth. We share miles and miles of terrain brought to life by invisible grids of energy. We share patterns and pathways sacred. Energy vortexes of dancing light swirling, coiling root to crown, crown to root. Kundalini Serpent sets matter afire. Charged circuitry of root, spleen, naval, heart, throat, brow, crown. Ignited glands secreting vital life force filling out my space of body, mind emotion, spirit and generating core substance of who I am creating my personal environment. Pollutants of body—be gone! Pollutants of mind—be gone! Pollutants of heart—be gone! Let my fire burn clean and bright.

This flesh is Goddess flesh. This earth is Goddess earth. We share miles and miles of terrain brought to life by invisible grids of energy. We share patterns and pathways sacred. Energy vortexes of dancing light spiraling, coiling from earth to sun, sun to earth. Kundalini Serpent sets matter afire. Ignited pathways Stonehenge, Dragon Hill, Grand Canyon. Sacred sites emoting vital life force filling out Her space of body, mind, emotion, spirit. Generating core substance of who She is. Creating Her global environment. Pollutants of water—be gone! Pollutants of earth—be gone! Pollutants of air—be gone! Let Her fire burn clean and bright.

Kundalini in the Physical World by Mary Stone (notes from from 1993)

"As all matter is ergoconscious and responsive to formative pressures from above, there must be in our terrestrial context as well as in ourselves, centres and channels through which cosmic energies pass and in which they blend."

"All energies at work in bodies become Kundalini forces as soon as they enter dense matter. Similarly all becomes part of the earth as soon is it manifests within its field of forces."

"Cosmic energies are conceived as polarized between spirit as the most refined form of ergoconsciousness and matter as its densest, most solidified state. In Kundalini yoga this polarity is seen reflected in a relation between two centres in the human body, the Sahasrara Chakra or spiritual center in the head and the Muladhara or Kunkalini Chakra at the base of the spine.

In terms of life on this planet there is a similar polarity between the center of the Sun and the centre of the Earth defining a multidimensional field of forces from highest Bokhi-Shakti down to the chemical forces of dense matter."

The Rebirthing of Nature by Rupert Sheldrake

"In sacred places, the spiritual and the physical are experienced together. Sacred places are openings between the heavens and the earth, or between the surface of the earth and the underworld; they are places where different planes or levels of experience cross."

Trish writing 12/20/93

North/South connection spills over creating connection East/West and focus of energy shifts to hands. More than spirituality. More than sexuality. Proving the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Hands on fire—charged—with life force. Hands doing what comes natural—taking action in this world. Loving action made visible through outpouring of the parts.

New field born East/West. Holy birth to be celebrated this Christmas Time.

Happy New Year 2009 as the story goes on through time measured by rhythms and cycles invisible and people and places visible. We are gifted with sight and with sound to tell the story.
In all things give thanks.

Dark and Light Linkage

Is energy/light positive and matter/dark negative?

Radiation +
Attraction +/-
Response –
Union +/-
Unified Radiation +/- -/+ +/- -/+ (synergy of whole system and crystal community)

Does energy and matter have an alternating current that moves through contact linkages (chakras) in ascension and descension?

Matter is dark with shadow because it’s in relationship with light. The two opposites are related through creation and, in turn, the two co-create within the whole.

I have relationship with dark patterns/demons that are not healthy for my body. I’m not battling the demons. I’m dancing with them. It’s a give and take. I would love to just kill them off but that is not my nature. The demons have held alchemical territory and they love the sugar rushes. This pattern is similar in the larger body of humankind with its unhealthy dark patterns/demons holding alchemical territory through violence and aggression. What chakras and organs are overactive? What hormonal chemicals are dominating our brain-body?

It’s time to shift into gentleness. A letting go (rather than resistance) and holding new ground for patterns that are healthy and balanced. The effect is and will be increasing peace.

It makes no sense to point fingers at local and global wars. It makes sense to take responsibility for one’s own part in this old alchemical drama. That responsibility includes an honest look in the mirror of one’s self/dark and Self/Light.

Monday, December 29, 2008

WINGS Messages

A new contact/friend is sending me WINGS messages. (It's as if I hold a space and good things are flowing in!) This one is timely for my journey into unemployment (3 days left of work!!)

I have recently received several new friends in my life at a time when I'm moving into a new cycle. These friends help me bridge into the new. They offer me reassurance that I'm not alone. I'm feeling very grateful for these higher vibrational beings wrapped in earthy matter.

How can ascension be happening when there is so much violence and war? Which lie is the true lie? Or do both Light and Dark move at the same time? Could it be that both Light and Dark are moving with increased intensity? If we speak of one we must include the other. For every war story offer up a peace story. For every peace story offer up a war story. What effect would that have? Would it be equalizing? Would it be humbling?

The Celestine Insights suggest that one only focus on the positive. The dark/negative is part of the process and if we don't give it room to breathe it acts out of control. We need to find new relationship with Light as well as Dark.

I appreciate Karla McLaren's Energetic Boundaries tapes. She speaks of earth bound spirits and how they need to pass on with the help of conscious humans. Planet Earth needs this support. Perhaps the worlds hot spots need this special assistance. It's energetic work of some kind.

I'm's a different mind-set (vibe) writing in a library. It's the way it is for now.

WINGS Message, December 16

From The Ascension Primer:
"Our Eternal Connection"

BECAUSE THE ASCENSION process creates so much loss, we> can at times feel very disconnected. Our sense of security can> really go through the ringer. Through this process we lose> friends, family members, jobs, our old (ego) identity, our old> source of financial support, our old homes, and on and on.> The list can seem endless at times. And even those whom we> considered our closest soul mates can end up with "another> assignment" or perhaps no longer match our new vibration> anymore and leave our space as well.>

We can easily become confused, lost, fearful, disoriented, and> feel as though our barometer has gone awry. But there is one> way to really stay on track when all else fails. When it is time> to make a change, (and in these times we are making changes> every five minutes as we are "morphing" so fast!) we become> discontented with where we are. Our work, our living> situations or even perhaps our entire lives no longer feel good.> This is the nudge that is guiding us to make a change. And the> way to guide yourself through this change is to do what makes> you feel good. It's that simple.> > If something no longer feels good to you and is not working for> you anymore, discontinue it as soon as you are comfortable> doing so. It is no longer working because you are no longer in> that space. Something new is waiting for you. If we were to> stay in the old space out of mental rationalization, the new> opportunities and manifestations could not find us. If there is> something you always wanted to do but didn't think it made> sense to do, do it anyway. If you do not know what to do, then> fill as much of your day with things that make you feel great> and the new will arrive on its' own. Always, always put yourself> first. Follow your heart. Make time for you and the universe will> get the picture.>

In this way we are always connected. When the denser and> darker energies are leaving it can feel uncomfortable at times.> But if you can find ways to stay in the higher vibrations and> higher realms through what makes you feel good, you will> greatly assist yourself in staying in alignment. Certain things> feel good to us because we are supposed to be involved with> them. And even when you find the good feeling things, you> will always need to "tweak" them on a regular basis until they> are in their purest form (i.e. new publishers or ways to get out> your writing, higher ways to present your music and art, etc.).> We will need to tweak things until we are at the point where> we are only wearing our one hat...not spending any of our time> consumed with other responsibilities.> > This is one of the reasons why the ascension process places us> in a space where we can become disenchanted with life. We> are only supposed to be in our passion and in the energies that> light us up. Stay in these as much as possible. We are> becoming the pure gold nugget of our true selves and this does> not include being the accountant, sales rep, e-mail sorter, or> planner (unless that is your passion, of course). It was> intended for us to be our purest vibration of our contribution> and our creativity. And this is where we are headed.>

I have days where I do not feel like writing, even though I> absolutely love it. On these days I paint furniture, sew, or> simply spend the day in nature. These are my other passions.> And I can and need to do this, even if I should be writing. I> have had to learn that nothing will go awry or fall apart if I> take a time out for me. Actually, it is just the reverse. If we> are doing what we love because we think we have to in order> to make money, it will not work. We have to know that we will> be provided for. Our mindset is very important here. Financial> support does not need to come from any kind of supply and> receive situation. When our usual passion ceases to be fun and> bring us joy, it is either time to tweak it or to shift gears and do> things only for the fun of them while we allow everything else> to fall into place. I am frequently asked to do radio interviews,> but unless I feel like they will just be fun with no agenda (like> book selling), I will not do them. (I rarely do them...I would> rather be out in nature!) And this applies to promoting as well.> If you stay in your creativity and bliss, everything will come to> you on its' own.> > Am I suggesting that you go sit on a rock and wait for> everything to fall into your lap? Of course not. This is a> process and it involves trial and error while we are learning> these very New ways.>

Our eternal connection also relates to individuals in our lives.> For many of us, there are certain people who simply feel like> home. When we are feeling discombobulated, lost and fearful,> the simple sound of their voice can bring us back home and> center us in record time. With so many instances of being> knocked out of our old grooves and now vibrating higher than> everything around us, we can so very easily feel like we do not> fit or belong anywhere. Nothing feels remotely good or right.> These individuals can bring us back home and connect us once> again. In this way, we never lose our connection. And many> times we are unable to be a regular part of these people's lives> in a physical "being together" sense.>

At higher levels, we were "created" at the same time that these> individuals were. This is why we feel this strong connection> that seems unbreakable. And it is absolutely unbreakable.> Although we may be vibrating at different levels in the human> sense or have consequently taken on different assignments> according to what we agreed to do, know that we will most> certainly be re-united in the end. Our connection is eternal> and we will absolutely be together again.> > We have soul connections that relate to projects, as well as> soul connections that come from our hearts. These very deep> connections from the heart are what I would consider twin> flame connections and they come with a devotion to one> another that is never ending. By having these people in our> lives in some capacity, we can feel eternally connected even> when we are feeling just the opposite.> > Another way that I regularly feel connected is through the non-physical> beings that I spend so much time with. I have to say,> I am very selective and feel the best when I am with the> highest vibrating of them all. And these are the only ones that> I allow in my space! These beings are incredibly loving, have> incredible knowledge and wisdom, cherish the ground I walk> on, and just plain feel good when they are around. So we are> back to the basics again...realizing that feeling good is being> connected.> >

Although the ascension process can make us wonder if it is all> worth it or question if we even want to remain on this earth,> the rewards are truly worth it in the end. If we hang in there> and are willing to let go and explore new territory while getting> out of our own way, we may just find ourselves in a place of> near bliss and deep connection to Spirit, while we are truly> living in the Promised Land.> > As this unusual process continues on, we still have a very long> way to go. But the more we progress and the higher we> vibrate, the easier it gets. If you were to look back to who you> were only a few years or even month ago, you would most> likely be amazed at who you have become.> > While the process continues on step by step, we are all in this> together. We are having such similar experiences because we> are all one and connected through the very same energy. As> brothers and sisters we are creating a brand New universe for> all others to utilize and enjoy. And we are creating it through> ourselves.>

Are you ready to live in harmony and alignment with your> passion and joy and who you really are? Are you ready to be> much more connected to Source? Are you ready to have a life> of expansion into new and higher vibrating realities?>

May this book have served as a guide to ignite within you what> you already knew and to inspire you to know that you are> always right where you need to be. Until next time, Karen"> > > To access the newest WINGS post, kindly utilize the link below:> >

9 Insights

A friend gave me the film The Celestine Prophecy to watch during the snow storm. Some good points:

9 Insights

1) We are discovering again that we live in a deeply mysterious world full of sudden coincidences and synchronistic encounters that seem destined.

2) As more of us awaken to this mystery, we will create a completely new world view redefining the universe as energetic and sacred.

3) We will discover that everything around us, all matter, consists of and stems from a divine energy that we are beginning to see and understand.

4) From this perspective, we can see that humans have always felt insecure and disconnected from this sacred source, and have tried to take energy by dominating each other. This struggle is responsible for alll human conflict.

5) The only solution is to cultivate a personal reconnection with the divien, a mystical transformation that fills us with unlimited energy and love, extends our perception of beauty, and leads us into a Higher-Self Awareness.

6) In this awareness, we can release our own pattern of controlling, and discover a specific truth, a mission, we are here to share that helps evolve humanity to this new level of reality.

7) In pursuit of this mission , we can discover inner intuition that shows us where to go and what to do, and if we make only positive interpretations, brings a flow of coincidences that opens the door for our mission to unfold.

8) When enough of us enter this evolutionaly flow, always giving energy to the higher-self of everyone we meet, we will build a new culture where our bodies evolve to ever higher levels of energy and perception.

9) In this way, we participate in the long journey of evolutionm for the Big Bang to life's ultimate goal: to energize our bodies, generation by generation, until we can finally see.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Angel Readings

My son and daughter-in-law offer me their laptop this Christmas morning to read the news. I want to share the magic of Angels. Last evening with family at their dad's house I offered my oldest daughter an angel card reading. She was very receptive. This is a gift for me as years ago I told dark forces that they couldn't have her...she belonged in light. Now, after relating with her angel to angel and now, that she's talking to me again I read her angel messages. She was in tears and I was also moved by the pointed communications in the card. After the reading I felt a strong flow of energy moving at my right daughter was also at my right. I commented on it and we both held silence.

I was not aware that I needed to relate to the snow in a more personal way. That those crystal formations need to be honored and celebrated rather than seeing it as a nuisance and inconvenience. Energy gets trapped in matter and needs to be released. Conscious humans can do that ceremonial work. I have so much to learn!! and do!!

Happy Christmas from West Seattle

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Slipping and Sliding Dimensions

This has been one strange snow cycle. A comedy of errors starting from an unemployment notice to a snow storm that continues. My actions caused me to bump into systems, people and objects.

For example, I cut my finger on glass trying to fix a print. It was traumatic since I'm so used to being protected/safe. I held the flesh tightly together and projected healing energy and thoughts. I had no idea how serious it was. Interesting that I cut myself in the same living room location where, an hour earlier, I had laid out angel cards for a reading. I offered gratitude to angels that the cut wasn't serious. The healing power of body is amazing.

After that I was cleaning a room and bumped my head on an object--twice! I've cleaned that room many times over many years and never have I bumped my head on that doorknob! It started to feel like something was off-kilter in my if there was a tilting and I was sliding off.

The next day my car slides down the driveway hill out of control. It takes me a good amount of time to shovel out of the snow -- something I really enjoyed! being dry, warm and getting a good workout. The mishap, however, added to the out-of-kilter lines.

Then it gets really crazy regarding work and trying to get holiday gifts to kids without phone numbers and the office closed due to the snow storm. And angel neighbor transports me so I can do errands. I forget my cell phone and miss many calls. Nothing was normal. I felt I let people down. And somewhere I lost my debit card...that really got to me. I try to be so conscious of that card. Life was out-of-control...non-ordinary reality.

I finally had groceries for holiday cooking and I had to work to settle down after all the give and take. Give me an angel reading and take some blood. Give me a car that gets out of the snow and take a debit card. Give me an angel who assists with errands and take the phone. This give and take was bizarre--is this what survival is like or a shift of elements?

As I was standing in front of the stove cooking I noticed a split second flash at that X point in front of me. I simply noticed.

Trying to sleep was impossible. Something had opened up and there was a parade of whispy characters and images. At one point there was a horizontal line and I was watching a scene like a movie. Was I being projected into another time/space? Was another time/space coming into my space? It seemed like the snow storm had spirits on the move! Was this like Halloween when the veils of the worlds are thinned? I have exprienced this before and stayed with it until I thought about my boundaries. I asked for space and finally got some sleep.

This morning I remembered the news feature about the girl in the hospital who was taken off life support and an angel image appeared on the hospital camera. Soon after the girl recovered-- a miracle! That angel image was a hologram! Perhaps the images before sleep were also holographic. What does all this have to do with being off-kilter? Are we sliding into a new dimension or is a new dimension sliding into us??

This is a very strange holiday to all beings in all dimensions!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Holographic Relationship

Communication is important to me as I plow through snow to get to this library. Circumstances remind me of Lord of the Rings. Nothing can stop forward movement. No evil wizard, no ghoulish monsters, no spies, no weapons of destruction...nothing. Truth of Love prevails as fires of communication light the hillsides. Community is in place.

I told Rev Charles that our new connection is like two gears coming together. This attraction and contact is not romantic. Charles is my son's age and has a girlfriend. I've been involved/engaged spiritually (telepathically) with several men who were involved/engaged with an/other women. These relationships were powerful and creative but limited. My emotions had no place to ground and I hit ceilings (reminds me of recent dreams).

When that ceiling point was reached and the dead end apparent I cut the chord and let go. It was easy simply because it was time. Years ago I held on with sticky emotional residue. In more recent years the cut is swift. I now realize that this is how logic works! Logic is firm and sharp where emotion is soft and round. Both energies are critical in establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries. Learning about boundaries comes late in my life and I now learn to function within healthy lines of personal space. Boundaries mark consciousness of who I am.

Is it possible for a man and woman to engage in full-force contact that moves 360 degrees? Is earth garden and crystal community developed enough to hold the strong electro-magnetic positive and negative charge? Can matter contain this expanded voltage and radiance?

We write a new Genesis story as we exchange new quality of Love, Truth and Life. This male/female relationship begins within and my hope of finding a compatable partner lives on. Why? Because it's inherent in design. Because the Garden, Adam and Eve, Serpent, Apple and Tree of Good and Evol are in my/our DNA. Love through positive/male and negative/female is natural law and order.

We release the chains. We release the bondage of lies in our lives. We release again and again goind round and round the circle of life. We do this individually and collectively because it is our Nature. For those not ready to let go of ego grace holds them through time. For those ready for new service in this world the way unfolds NOW to do so.

Matrix boundaries are set as attraction pulls the parts together. I stand tall and shout: "Let new cycle begin." I stand on mountain with lightning flashing and staff in hand. I stand with those who have gone before me, those who stand with me and those who will stand together in the future. This is the time and this is the place for cohesion as force rises up and through this physical form sitting in a public library. I radiate and reflect love and let it surround earth matter. How does that happen? Through holographic lines and lens.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Male / Female Contact

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Three days at home due to snow...what a nice vacation! The library is open for a few hours today so I can catch up.

I purchased a deck of angel oracle cards by Doreen Virtue and opened them yesterday. Wow! What a gift! I ask a question and lay out cards and the messages are loving and wise -- angelic! I am opening Living the Wisdom of the Tao by Wayne Dyer daily to connect with universal inspiration. I appreciate this introduction. Today I opened to verse 60:

Governing a large county
is like frying a small fish.
You spoil it with too much poking.

Approach the universe with the Tao
and evil will have no power.
Not that evil is not powerful,
but its power will not do harm to others.
Not only will it not do harm to others,
but the sage himself will also be protected.

If only the ruler and his people would
refrain from harming each other,
all the benefits of life would accumulate in the kingdom.

Reverend Charles Hall asked if I'd be interested in doing outreach ministry at Genesis (this was a surprise to me...and a natural evolution). He invited me to a January meeting with other leaders of the church. I am delighted to see what doors open now that one closes. Reverend Charles spent time at the Agape International church in LA and worked closely with Michael Beckwith. Rev Charles says that I am a blessing. I tell him the same. I am moving forward with an Earth Day event with the Genesis community and I'll be talking with Charles' mom about joining me in showing Wayne Dyer's film Ambition to Meaning to the community. It will be fun to have interractive conversation about the film. This grounded contact with Genesis and possible work in the future provides an inner and out alignment of who I am and my work in the world. I am ready for new work!!

Male/female contact is what makes the world go round. It's natural law from which all life springs energetically and physically.

Male/female contact is first born and developed within one's individual body through emotions and thoughts with left and right brain support. Conscious alignment and development with one's higher spiritual Self is critical in order to transcend negative ego patterns that separate one from Source.

One's personal life journey is filled with relationships that weave varied patterns. Relationships serve as teachers reflecting one's own ego, psyche and soul. Relationships are mirrors. If one is on an evolutionary path one moves forward learning soul lessons while clearing unhealthy and limiting ego patterns. The journey goes round and round ever upward riding the current of Truth and Love (is this Tao, chi, prana...?) This path of inner commitment revolves around Self first and self second.

External relationships come and go like waves on the shore of one's being. There is gratitude for the contacts and experiences both positive and negative providing opportunity to identify and claim inner harmony and balance within oneself and within relationship with another.

Letting go of a relationship is part of the ascending process. Letting go is natural when contact reaches a ceiling and there is no room for further co-creative expression. Holding on is foolish and full of ego. When a wave comes and goes the whole ocean is transformed and renewed. All contacts, all relationships, call for celebration -- those that are being born, those passing away and those that have passed on. All relationships are held in oceanic space of Love with its ascending and descending cyclic patterns.

Male/female contact is a point of light that radiates and reflects. This brightness and creative power depends on inner work of the parts much like polishing rough stone that transform into diamonds. Relationship contacts create crystal community.

Male/female contact is a spark, a beginning point of engagement. It's like a car. One can turn it on. One can put it into gear. One can step on the gas. One can move forward. Or not. There are many possible outcomes after initial contact.

Standing in the Garden of Eden we write a new Genesis story. We draw a circle and call in elemental water, air, earth and fire. We call in Nature and His/Her Beings of Light. Beings from all directions and all realms -- subtle to gross and gross to subtle. We stir the alchemical soup under watchful Eye of Serpent. May the world be tempted by a new story. May the world know a new Tree of Life. Life that holds both good and evol.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Red Clover

I woke to information/inspiration about the work/service I want to do in the world now that space opens up. Thoughts and ideas were simply there in that evolving design. Thoughts that emerge through one are much different than thoughts that move from one. The latter has to do with ego and goals. The former has to do with being in the moment aligned with life force. Perhaps waking up is a point where concave and convex rays cross bringing magic. I'm not going to ground my ideas yet...I'm going to hold them for a time. The ideas are moving in crystal community...I simply watch, speak and move when it's time.

I have one large dry red clover blossom at my work computer. It caught my eye on a walk months ago. Perhaps having it near is like a family picture. Perhaps it has to do with affection. Last night I read in Opening Our Wild Hearts to the Healing Herbs:

Red clover, renowned throughout the ages, has been called....God-given and prized-herb. Culitvated since prehistoric times, red clover was revered by the Greeks and Romans, and was sacred to the Celtic people, who believed it helped them get in touch with their eternal soul.

...No less than thirty-three different cultures around the world use red clover blossoms when cancer is suspected or diagnosed.

Ancient peoples knew red clover as an herb of immortality and protection. Old wives say that placing a blossom in an amulet or magic bag insures good health and a strong spirit. Red clover is a benevolent herb that creates a protective aura for animals and domestic pets.

On the way to work I saw a sticker on a car that read: If you think you’re perfect try walking on water. Made me think about walking on water. It’s not about walking on physical water but about consciousness above watery worlds of subconscious and unconsciousl. It’s about dry land and dominion thereof.

Dream: Flew high and hit a ceiling with a quick jolt and crashed to the ground. I checked the thin metal legs of my craft and they were intact and I saw four small wheels at the end of each leg and they were also intact. I looked in a house. Check rooms looking for my child. Oldest daughter speaks to me from a vent deep underground giving me information and assurance that family is there. One room has charred black matter due to candles burning. I try to snuff out the candles but cannot.

Dream: A suspicious woman and man are trying to get in through the doors of my house. I go to the back door and they step in. I insist they leave and manage to shut the door on them. They keep harrassing me. I leave the house to find a cell phone and get a good distance away.

Creating space in conflict is good medicine!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Negative Space

New cycles bring unknown territory. Sometimes I find myself concerned and stressed but logic is not far away. Logic seems to let me have my emotional space and steps in so that I don't get too out of balance. My self-prescription for unemployment is to beam more light and be more aware. When there are cracks in one's foundation all sorts of goblins can get in causing havoc in one's daily life. So, I am keeping them at bay...not keeping them out because they have their territory and purpose in negative space but keeping them at bay. Reminds me of that great movie about circles for protection....Bridge Over Terabithia. Which reminds me how different my bike ride was yesterday when I put air in the tires. How does that apply to an aura? How does one pump up one's aura for smooth sailing?

I am listening to Karla McLaren again. She has a six disc set that I so appreciate. The second disc is called Discovering your Elemental Nature. Water, air, earth, fire and the fifth element is Nature - quint essential. Fascinating how she has found her own rituals...along with her partner...and how they use these rituals in service to others. I learn about boundaries from her stories.

A couple of groups in my valley are opposing a new jail in our community. They don't want the "criminal element" in our valley. Why not take those "criminals" something nourishing when they're our neighbors. Karla offers drumming to prisoners...and she is very aware of her boundaries. Fear will only be transcended when enough of us reach out and through old negative patterns.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Cobra, DNA and Love

Last night I felt two energetic beams supporting me. They came in from NE and SE toward center though I couldn't detect at what point they grounded. Perhaps they didn't ground but went through creating an X. This transparency is a quality I've been feeling lately. If X is associated with chakras the beams would look like this


Isn't this cobra? And if this pattern coils and twists isn't it DNA? I'm hearing from within that this patterned "map" needs to include "meridians." Is't this convex and concave light rays?

Eagle was perched in cottonwood tree this morning along the "canal" as it was called in the early 1900s. Young men with juvenile detention were planting trees. I observed the men and thought about telling them how their work was healing the planet and how each part of the tree is like their own life. I didn't have the nerve to stop. A few seconds later I glanced at one of the men removing blackberry stalks and he gave me a large grin saying "good morning." Maybe the thought about healing gets through without words! Love is powerful!

Talked with a very compassionate Asian woman at WorkSource this morning as I begin to fill out unemployment forms. I join a new body -- the unemployed. This woman's kindness is a good omen. It's amazing how the little things in life create abundance.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

True Wealth and Success

Serpent Dream:
I am walking with a man taller than I. We see a snake. It wants to get close to me and I freak out -- a physical snake is much different than an archetypal one. It wraps around my neck and I have to consciously work to stay calm. I focus and attune to the snake. I feel its presence around my neck, left to right, and then hear it make a sharp sound at/in my right ear. The man unwraps the snake from my neck very carefully because it’s tangled in my hair. He lifts the snake high. I think he’s going to throw it (men will be boys and boys usually torment snakes) but he gently places it on the ground. The man then strokes my head and neck. (how loving is that?)

A co-worker walked into my office yesterday saying that someone is saying good things about me to her husband who works at the Jewish Federation. This woman is saying that "She wants to be just like me: spiritual, positive and intuitive." This woman and I were on a board together. This was a surprise as I had no idea how she perceived me. This is so good to hear as I get ready to leave my job after 18 years. It’s good to be seen! Now, can I put these qualities on a job resume? Maybe a karmic resume is more in line with Truth.

I celebrate an 18 year cycle by going to LA in January for Wayne Dyer’s Ambition to Meaning premiere and I’m taking my big sis who lives in the area. I will attend I Can Do It! These are good mantras for a new cycle.

I was talking to a family member who thinks success is material possessions. She felt that at her age she should have accomplished more. She asked me what I’ve accomplished and I didn’t have anything physical to show her. I suggested that success is knowing oneself…and inner contentment. At the end of our time together she did comment that maybe she didn’t know what success was.

I notice at the new church that some see success as material wealth…seems to be a sign of spiritual achievement much like the movie The Secret. As nice as it would be to have material comfort true success and wealth is inside out.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Serpent Goddess

I've been sensing something was going to shift at work...and it did. My last day -- after 18 years -- will be January 5, 2009. I see this change as positive and I am so ready for new work and service. This is how evolution happens. A space fills in to overflowing as a new form waits in the wings ready to be born. This is how relationships (employment is a relationship) are fullfilled and end so that a new relationship can be created. It's that 8 pattern of flow and change. I admit I am a little shaky on the surface not knowing what the future holds regarding that secure pay check. I want to run out and start looking for new work. And on the other hand taking a month or two off and living on unemployment might be okay. I am stable at the core because I know the significance of this shift. I am celebrating an ending and a beginnning point!

In When God Was a Woman is a chapter entitled Unraveling the Myth of Adam and Eve. There is good information about serpent (sometimes dragon in myth). Goddess was referred to as Divine Serpent Lady, Great Mother Serpent of Heaven, Divine Mother who reveals the laws, She who Directs the Oracles, Serpent Goddess, Cobra Goddess, Primeval Prophetess. Serpent was associated with Eye of prophecy and vision: "At this temple in Byblos....Many symbols of the Goddess and Her cobra were found amid the ruins. One headband, adorned with the rising cobra, was constructed so that the snake would emerge from the forehead of the person who wore it, as the Eye of Wisdom. "

Eye is associated with Third eye and pineal gland. It is a part and point of a chakra system. I am seeing this "eye" at every chakra circuit as a portal that fuses light/energy/matter. These portals are chakras, glands, organs cells and they are planets and stars. The eyes or focal points are critical in the whole health of an organism...a body of matter. I sense that these portals are where a shift happens due to the union of +/male and -/female. It's where the download and upload of energy/light is focused, permeated, fused. It's a spiral "serpent" in design due to these points of light that co-create through evolution.

Just as there are points of light in our individual body so are their points of light in our collective body and on our Earth Mother. All points of light join forces for the good of the whole. We stand together and light the fires for all to see. Reminds me of the first Lord of the Rings movie.

It is an honor to now be learning Goddess history and the sacred serpent/dragon who has been with me as my "totem" for many years. What an amazing field is the unconscious to hold these archetypes that reveal One body.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Seeing in Time Space

Biking along the river trail geese fly overhead winging their way North in W and M formation depending on one's angle of viewing point -- interesting that one can see both angles of positive and negative space at the same time -- the choice then is communicating what one sees. Yummy wood smoke fragrance oozes from chimneys of cozy houses.

I'm purchasing airline tickets for SanDiego's I Can Do It! conference. It's cheaper to purchase them now than later...paying as I go I now plan ahead. I'm joining a host of forces winging our own way into the consciousness of humankind. I'm glad to see a diversity of speakers including Dr. Stephen Farmer, shaman, and Chris Prelitz, with a green message. Green heart chakra energy extends to hands and feet. Spiritual substance joins earth substance and all parts of community are included. We are rainbow warriors with colorful threads weaving through points like eyes of needles -- there's that convex/concave image again. It's amazing how this body teaches me as I witness words rising up and out spontaneously...purely. Language is quite magical...I wonder where it lives in my brain? The answer is Now Here: brain is whole psyche (unconscious, sub-conscious, conscious, supra conscious).

I just read in my PCC Sound Consumer newspaper that Obama has responded to Michael Pollan's letter entitled "Farmer in Chief." I will add the article to my website. I am so happy to read that Obama's website has a list of agriculture priorities. We have a leader who is enlightened from the agricultural angle. This calls for much gratitude to awakened human beings who did deep inner work that is now reflected in the outer world.

When God Was A Woman
Robert Graves's translation of The Golden Ass by the Roman writer Apuleius of the second century AD, the Goddess Herself appears and explains:

I am Nature, the universal Mother, mistress of all elements, primordial child of time, sovereign of all things spiritual, queen of the dead, queen also of immortals, the single manifestation of all gods and goddesses that are. My nod governs the shining heights of Heaven, the wholesome sea breezes, the lamentable silences of the world below. Though I am worshipped in many aspects, known by countless names, and propitiated with all manner of rites, yet the whole round earth venerates me.

The primeval Phyrygians call me Pessinuntica, Mother of the gods; the Athenians sprung form their own soil, call me Cecropian Artemis; for the islanders of Cyprus I am Paphial Aphrodite, for the archers of Crete I am Dictynna; for the tri-lingual Silicians, Stygian Prosperine; and for the Eleusinians their ancient Mother of Corn. Some know me as Juno, some as Bellona of the Battles; others as hecate, others again as Rhamnubia, but both races of Aethiopians , whose lands the morning sun first shines upon, and the Egyptians who excel in ancient learning and worship me with ceremonies proper to my godhead, call me by my true name, namely Queen Isis.

This history is new to me. The words and places unfamiliar. I embrace "herstory" and release the grief associated with it. For a time Goddess was supreme and the male was not her equal. He was used in sexual rites and sacrifice. He was subservient. Until the story changed. Goddess religion and God religion merge now through evolved consciousness. We are more than separate and diverse parts. We are one spiritual body expressing our male/female Nature.

Earth Mother purges the past...and moves into a new phase of co-creation.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A New Story

Al Gore was on Oprah talking about global warming. The melting ice chunks in Antartica is a purging. This is renewal and cleansing of Earth Body. Why? Because of new energy/light in this dimension. There was an image of Earth as a speck of dust held in sun beam. As individual and collective specks of dust we are constantly embraced in sun beams. Do we receive and emit the energy in turn -- with heartfelt joy and gratitude? Or are we blocked off and separate? Are we seeking something from the external world to make us feel powerful and whole? Or do we surrender in that shining and celebrate a deeper identity?

This time of change is an indicator of "the level of psychic free radicals in the collective consciousness" as Caroline Myss writes in her brilliant Thanksgiving enews message. "What psychic systems are out of balance that need to come into balance? Nothing that a person can do in the physical world can possibly redirect what "has" to happen in the energetic domain if that process has already begun." In my words it's that process of integration and disintegration: Evolution happens!

Held in sunbeam a new story unfolds. As characters in the story we play our parts through our own evolution. As we listen within and honor threads of integrity the plot reveals itself. We are like owl -- watching, observing and flying when it's time. This new story runs through the unconscious, sub-conscious and conscious bodies. No part is excluded.

I was in Portland to hear Dr. Wayne Dyer. I looked for a word to describe the experience. Sort of like scanning a field. A general feeling rose up and took shape as a word. I ground that "point" in consciousness via communication. It's an internal dialogue before it's external. This process includes two different lines. Perhaps one is concave and the other convex. The experience with Wayne Dyer was...comforting. I think that quality of experience has to do with angelic presence. What greater experience of service is there?

When Reverend Charles says "God" in his Sunday sermons I respond within with "Goddess." When Wayne Dyer said "God" in his talk I responded within with "Goddess." A book jumped out at me the other day at the bookstore. It's a book I've been aware of for years: When God Was A Woman by Merlin Stone. She writes, "This is not intended as an archaeolgical or historical text. It is rather an invitation to all women to join in the search to find out who we really are, by beginning to know our own past heritage as more than a broken and buried fragment of a male culture. We must begin to remove the exclusive mystique from the study of archaeology and ancient religion, to explore the past for ourselves rather than remaining dependent upon the interests, interpretations, translations, opinions and pronouncements that have so far been produced. As we compile the information, we shall be better able to understand and explain the erroneous assumptions in the stereoptypes that were initially created for women to accept and follow by the proclamation in the male-oriented religions that, according to the divine word, a particular trait was normal or natural and any deviation improper, unfeminine or even sinful."

Our new story goes beyond matriarchal and patriarchal lines; Goddess and God religions; left and right hemispheres in brain. Our new story honors parts and the whole. It's not one or the's subtle and gross matter rising up in response to the beams of light that hold us and comfort us.

The name of the church I now find myself in is Genesis. We re-write this story and free the Adam and Eve that carried shame and guilt. We re-write a new paradise that holds inner female co-creating with inner male. We re-write a new Serpent that represents the sacred spiral of heaven and earth force and flow as one whole. Evolution is the creation story. I am honored to play a part and add my hand in the turning of the next page.

Monday, December 1, 2008

New Cycle - New Life

I forgot to mention eagle in my parade of animals. As I walked out of the Alaskan Native event I noticed a man who was wearing a beaded medicine bag with an elaborate eagle. We chatted. The next day as I was riding my bike along the river I saw a large bird with white head and white tail. Eagle flies North as I bike South. Later a man is taking photos of the eagle perched in a tree. He sent me photos for my website. A lot of animals spoke last week. They, too, are guardian hosts holding a layer of systemic support.

I thought the woman at the local book store was sincere when she responded to my interest in presenting a talk on the sacred feminine. However, she didn't respond to several calls. I'm not going to push it and I no longer take these things personally. Now, that is freedom! I simply move on.

Reverend Charles is a dynamic minister who speaks from his heart ( and yesterday mentioned "rocks" a couple of times. This "language of the soul" created an arcing bridge with me as I have pinnacle rocks featured on my website. It was the sign I was watching for and opened the door for me to step forward in this community to offer ideas and energy of contribution:

1. Earth Day event, 2009
2. International Day of Peace, 2009
3. Alliance for a New Humanity (global meditation involvement)
4. Language of the Sacred Feminine (sharing my story)

Genesis is celebrating one year of life this Sunday and I will join them in their new cycle of worship and service via community.