A new contact/friend is sending me WINGS messages. (It's as if I hold a space and good things are flowing in!) This one is timely for my journey into unemployment (3 days left of work!!)
I have recently received several new friends in my life at a time when I'm moving into a new cycle. These friends help me bridge into the new. They offer me reassurance that I'm not alone. I'm feeling very grateful for these higher vibrational beings wrapped in earthy matter.
How can ascension be happening when there is so much violence and war? Which lie is the true lie? Or do both Light and Dark move at the same time? Could it be that both Light and Dark are moving with increased intensity? If we speak of one we must include the other. For every war story offer up a peace story. For every peace story offer up a war story. What effect would that have? Would it be equalizing? Would it be humbling?
The Celestine Insights suggest that one only focus on the positive. The dark/negative is part of the process and if we don't give it room to breathe it acts out of control. We need to find new relationship with Light as well as Dark.
I appreciate Karla McLaren's Energetic Boundaries tapes. She speaks of earth bound spirits and how they need to pass on with the help of conscious humans. Planet Earth needs this support. Perhaps the worlds hot spots need this special assistance. It's energetic work of some kind.
I'm rambling....it's a different mind-set (vibe) writing in a library. It's the way it is for now.
WINGS Message, December 16
From The Ascension Primer:
"Our Eternal Connection"
BECAUSE THE ASCENSION process creates so much loss, we> can at times feel very disconnected. Our sense of security can> really go through the ringer. Through this process we lose> friends, family members, jobs, our old (ego) identity, our old> source of financial support, our old homes, and on and on.> The list can seem endless at times. And even those whom we> considered our closest soul mates can end up with "another> assignment" or perhaps no longer match our new vibration> anymore and leave our space as well.>
We can easily become confused, lost, fearful, disoriented, and> feel as though our barometer has gone awry. But there is one> way to really stay on track when all else fails. When it is time> to make a change, (and in these times we are making changes> every five minutes as we are "morphing" so fast!) we become> discontented with where we are. Our work, our living> situations or even perhaps our entire lives no longer feel good.> This is the nudge that is guiding us to make a change. And the> way to guide yourself through this change is to do what makes> you feel good. It's that simple.> > If something no longer feels good to you and is not working for> you anymore, discontinue it as soon as you are comfortable> doing so. It is no longer working because you are no longer in> that space. Something new is waiting for you. If we were to> stay in the old space out of mental rationalization, the new> opportunities and manifestations could not find us. If there is> something you always wanted to do but didn't think it made> sense to do, do it anyway. If you do not know what to do, then> fill as much of your day with things that make you feel great> and the new will arrive on its' own. Always, always put yourself> first. Follow your heart. Make time for you and the universe will> get the picture.>
In this way we are always connected. When the denser and> darker energies are leaving it can feel uncomfortable at times.> But if you can find ways to stay in the higher vibrations and> higher realms through what makes you feel good, you will> greatly assist yourself in staying in alignment. Certain things> feel good to us because we are supposed to be involved with> them. And even when you find the good feeling things, you> will always need to "tweak" them on a regular basis until they> are in their purest form (i.e. new publishers or ways to get out> your writing, higher ways to present your music and art, etc.).> We will need to tweak things until we are at the point where> we are only wearing our one hat...not spending any of our time> consumed with other responsibilities.> > This is one of the reasons why the ascension process places us> in a space where we can become disenchanted with life. We> are only supposed to be in our passion and in the energies that> light us up. Stay in these as much as possible. We are> becoming the pure gold nugget of our true selves and this does> not include being the accountant, sales rep, e-mail sorter, or> planner (unless that is your passion, of course). It was> intended for us to be our purest vibration of our contribution> and our creativity. And this is where we are headed.>
I have days where I do not feel like writing, even though I> absolutely love it. On these days I paint furniture, sew, or> simply spend the day in nature. These are my other passions.> And I can and need to do this, even if I should be writing. I> have had to learn that nothing will go awry or fall apart if I> take a time out for me. Actually, it is just the reverse. If we> are doing what we love because we think we have to in order> to make money, it will not work. We have to know that we will> be provided for. Our mindset is very important here. Financial> support does not need to come from any kind of supply and> receive situation. When our usual passion ceases to be fun and> bring us joy, it is either time to tweak it or to shift gears and do> things only for the fun of them while we allow everything else> to fall into place. I am frequently asked to do radio interviews,> but unless I feel like they will just be fun with no agenda (like> book selling), I will not do them. (I rarely do them...I would> rather be out in nature!) And this applies to promoting as well.> If you stay in your creativity and bliss, everything will come to> you on its' own.> > Am I suggesting that you go sit on a rock and wait for> everything to fall into your lap? Of course not. This is a> process and it involves trial and error while we are learning> these very New ways.>
Our eternal connection also relates to individuals in our lives.> For many of us, there are certain people who simply feel like> home. When we are feeling discombobulated, lost and fearful,> the simple sound of their voice can bring us back home and> center us in record time. With so many instances of being> knocked out of our old grooves and now vibrating higher than> everything around us, we can so very easily feel like we do not> fit or belong anywhere. Nothing feels remotely good or right.> These individuals can bring us back home and connect us once> again. In this way, we never lose our connection. And many> times we are unable to be a regular part of these people's lives> in a physical "being together" sense.>
At higher levels, we were "created" at the same time that these> individuals were. This is why we feel this strong connection> that seems unbreakable. And it is absolutely unbreakable.> Although we may be vibrating at different levels in the human> sense or have consequently taken on different assignments> according to what we agreed to do, know that we will most> certainly be re-united in the end. Our connection is eternal> and we will absolutely be together again.> > We have soul connections that relate to projects, as well as> soul connections that come from our hearts. These very deep> connections from the heart are what I would consider twin> flame connections and they come with a devotion to one> another that is never ending. By having these people in our> lives in some capacity, we can feel eternally connected even> when we are feeling just the opposite.> > Another way that I regularly feel connected is through the non-physical> beings that I spend so much time with. I have to say,> I am very selective and feel the best when I am with the> highest vibrating of them all. And these are the only ones that> I allow in my space! These beings are incredibly loving, have> incredible knowledge and wisdom, cherish the ground I walk> on, and just plain feel good when they are around. So we are> back to the basics again...realizing that feeling good is being> connected.> >
Although the ascension process can make us wonder if it is all> worth it or question if we even want to remain on this earth,> the rewards are truly worth it in the end. If we hang in there> and are willing to let go and explore new territory while getting> out of our own way, we may just find ourselves in a place of> near bliss and deep connection to Spirit, while we are truly> living in the Promised Land.> > As this unusual process continues on, we still have a very long> way to go. But the more we progress and the higher we> vibrate, the easier it gets. If you were to look back to who you> were only a few years or even month ago, you would most> likely be amazed at who you have become.> > While the process continues on step by step, we are all in this> together. We are having such similar experiences because we> are all one and connected through the very same energy. As> brothers and sisters we are creating a brand New universe for> all others to utilize and enjoy. And we are creating it through> ourselves.>
Are you ready to live in harmony and alignment with your> passion and joy and who you really are? Are you ready to be> much more connected to Source? Are you ready to have a life> of expansion into new and higher vibrating realities?>
May this book have served as a guide to ignite within you what> you already knew and to inspire you to know that you are> always right where you need to be. Until next time, Karen"> > > To access the newest WINGS post, kindly utilize the link below:> >