
Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Songlines are moving expressing the deepening quality of relationships. In the newness is a letting go and a coming together.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lilacs and Leprechauns

Enjoyed time with youth at the Duwamish Longhouse. They all engaged and sat quietly creating their circle of life -- or "medicine wheel" as their tradition would say. I love working with children and wonder if I'll get more involved. I made some heart to heart connections with these kids who dance, drum and do a "canoe journey". I have permission to post the photos online.

Energy has opened up in West Seattle, Ballard, Duwamish Longhouse, Daybreak Star. I wonder if I'll move West. Maybe a job there? Mind wants to know what the future holds so that I can support myself and the activities I love. Mind is a caretaker which is why He's intelligent! Mind also needs good reigns to bring Her emotions back into check. She can get out there at times with worry and doubt.

Thursday morning I awoke to seeing brown soil with tiny green leaves emerging. I thought this was in response to my "Gardeners Wanted" post on the ANH Pacific Northwest group page.

Last night I picked lilacs and as I was taking them into the house I looked up into the western sky and got "TRUST"...this phase of the unknown is an opportunity to practice trust! I have started to wonder how I'll steer my life these next couple of months. I do have decisions to make regarding employment and possibly moving.

I put the bouquet of lilacs next to my bed and could not get to sleep. There was a bustle of activity with little people popping in and out. One had a crooked pipe...leprechaun? They were merry and substantial. Quite different from faery energy and form. RJ Stewart came into view/consciousness. I haven't seem him since the last Fairy Congress. I wonder if the tiny green leaves were shamrocks. Maybe lilac and shamrock were communing since I have living shamrock plants in my house.

This crossroads of multi-dimensional realms transpires through collective grid/network of contacts. Each individual being holds unique matter and energy that connects with points and lines in multi-dimensional inner and outer space. It's as if each one of us is a shining star to some degree in space and time. The shining quality is the magic potion in/on which we travel and See.

Over the years I've collected business cards. I contacted several people I had met in Costa Rica with ANH. The business cards feel like seed packets. The outreach feels like a furrow made in soil. Gardening is so fun!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Missing Link

Getting more social and starting to use Facebook. Will probably use Facebook for Circle of Life and the Pacific Northwest (change of name) Alliance for a New Humanity. I like the short and sweet chats and photos.

Saw on the news tonight there was an unveiling of the "missing link". Scientists have found an ancient primate that looks like a dinosaur, is the size of a cat and who lived with snakes and horses. Now, that got my attention. I must have lived back then...that DNA runs through my veins.

All weeds are useful in some way....most are edible and/or medicinal. Are the weeds in my personal "garden" that way as well? I guess they're all lessons that teach love of self and others. I am more outspoken these days about my garden of Truth. I guess I'm speaking my heart/mind. I can do more of that now that I'm unemployed. I can be more genuine!

Monday, May 18, 2009

New Ground / New Horizon

Linkage happens: Heaven and Earth, Global and Local.

As my new friend Irma said, "I've been waiting for this for forty years!" What is "this"? To me it feels like parts coming together in one whole expression. Irma was the second Elder to ask if she could be a member of the now forming Pacific Cascadia Alliance for a New Humanity. She has a lot of connections and is proving to be a wonderful PR person. It's fun to see new doors open! It's all very grounding!

Nearly every day something new opens up via a relationship from the past or in the now. It's a new horizon full of rainbow colors!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Links Happen

Linkages that have happened this week feel as if the universe is behind it all --very circular.

I took a friend, Kennie, who is chief of her village in Nigeria and founder of Caring Hearts International to Olympia for the Global Oneness Project films. We arrived late and I walked into a very dark theatre. If I had used logic I would have waited for my eyes to adjust...but, no...I walked blindly down the aisle. I bumped into a couple of people...very awkward. And then a man takes my arm and guides me saying there were some empty seats up ahead. I asked this person if he could see in the darkness? He said, "Yes". The voice was that of Orland Bishop! Now, what momentary gears would have created such a symbolic linkage?

During one of the event's small group discussions a young women thought she knew me. Neither one of us could identify time or place. When walking out she asked me if I had been associated with EDL. I knew her when she was 5 years old! She now has 3 children! I didn't recognize her at all....but afer all the years she said that she recognized my face. She told me the Emissaries have a reunion page of Facebook. That will be another grand linkage!

Irma, who has the DVD of Does Satan Really Exist booked me for an hour talk about the Circle of Life at one of her business meetings and is proposing that we show the DVD at her church, St. Peters United Methodist -- pending board approval. Irma is a HUGE fan of Deepak! I might like to present this DVD to the general public and invite Rev. Charles Hall to help me facilitate. It all depends on response and how linkage happens.... I'm also remembering that I'm supposed to be slowing down. There is a pace and vibration that I'm supposed to hold. As I was watching the leaves on tall trees dance in the breeze at Kennie's house I was lifted in enchantment. I'd so like to be this care free. It is a lesson in balance that I continue to listen and watch for. Now...back to gardening and planting seeds and weeding rows. Weeding is ongoing in a fertile garden!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Linkage, Spin and Effects

Instant karma...the circle is going around at new efficiency and speed. An act of negativity produces an instant effect. The same is true of positive action. This does appear to be a time and season of instantaneous harvest.

The Native American artist who had expressed interest in illustrating my children's book was at the Embodying Spiritual Wisdom in Practical Action tonight. She apologized for not getting back with me and we may meet next week. She sketched some turtle images for me and I gave her feedback about the turtle story. This linkage and the one with Ruth Ward at my Circle of Life class felt like the universe was having a good belly laugh! As if to say that some things are worth waiting for!

A woman approached me at the event saying that she had heard me mention Deepak Chopra (ANH). She has a CD of Nightline's taping of the Does Satan Really Exist debate. She suggested get a group together and discuss it. Perhaps this viewing and discussion can be our first local ANH group meeting! How easy was that? Effortless is the word -- and that's the way some things are manifesting lately. I hope to put out an expansive invitation to this meeting...which means to the general public as well as to friends.

Several people were talking about circles tonight. Circle logos were visible. The collective body is honoring all levels of consciousness. This calls for ceremony and celebration! Silversong assisted with this by giving the UN dignitaries medicine bags with sage.

I met Dimitri Spivalk from St. Petersburg, Russia who is an inter-religious chair of the United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. I gave him my Circle of Life material to digest and welcomed his feedback. Fun to know my circle vision is somewhere in Russia. Dimitri has a sweet spirit.

A couple of weeks ago on television I saw a special feature about wolves in the Methow Valley. Two friends of mine, whom I knew from the Human and Fairy Relations Congress Council, own Skalitude Retreat Center located in the valley and were interviewed about the wolves. I'd been thinking about the upcoming Fairy Congress community and missing those friends. So I called. Today Lindsay called back and I'm going to be the Volunteer Coordinator for the event. Brook Medicine Eagle is going to be one of the presenters.

Embodying Spiritual Wisdom in Practical Action

What a shift! Response is what makes the world go round.

Jon Ramer invited me to an event tonight. This morning when I was rattling (I started at heart then E/S/W/N around head and then at feet) and drumming I got that drum and rattle want to go to this event, too. I would love to do an Earth offering of prayer and song tonight. However, I don't know these folks! I am taking my Circle of Life flyers as it is a great tool to gather elders and build community. I'm wondering if the United Nations has a circle/department of Elders. I will ask tonight.

Embodying Spiritual Wisdom in Practical Action:
A Conversation with UNESCO Chairs and Community Potluck
Thursday, May 14th
St. Mark's Cathedral, Bloedel Hall

On Thursday, May 14th from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., you are invited to St. Mark's Cathedral to hear three Inter-religious Chairs of the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization. They will speak at a community potluck dinner discussion about their global perspectives and experiences on the ways that faith can unite or divide us throughout the world. The UNESCO Chairs are from St Petersburg, Russia, Lyon, France and Graz, Austria. They are interested in learning from us insights about our local faith experiences.

This dinner is hosted by Northwest Interfaith Community Outreach and the Compassionate Action Network as a way to expand authentic intercultural and interreligious dialogue. Bring your favorite entrée and your thoughts about your spiritual journey. Greetings will be brought by Rev. Samuel Berry McKinney. Small group discussions will be held on how we use our collective faith and spiritual wisdom to make Seattle and the world a better place.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Elders Speak

Early this morning I saw, in inner/outer space, a round mass of exploding red and heard a "crunch" sound in my head/brain. Seconds later I felt a sharp poke at one point in the ball of my right foot. Then, later a I saw sheet of pale blue. A lot of fireworks going on - a rewiring and restructing of brain/body.

I welcomed my first student today at the Circle of Life Class in West Seattle. She is 83, an artist, author, activist (she has a bumper sticker on her car that reads, "War is Terrorism"), world traveler, spiritual student, etc. Ruth Ward's poetry book is entitled Thankful that the Tree Still Stands. Many of her poems sound like my writings! She wants to know more about the Alliance for a New Humanity so I invited her to join the Pacific Cascadia group that I am now birthing.

One of the films in the Global Oneness Project featured African Elders and agriculture. It illustrated 5 circles representing how the people live their cosmologies and how each circle is held by an elder. During the Q&A session I asked Orland Bishop how African Elders perceive male/female, light/dark, day/night...polarities. He said that it wasn't that simple. What I understood him say is that the brain reflects the cosmologies that honor water, air, earth, fire, mineral. Fascinating to listen to Elders!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Global Oneness Project

I attended the Global Oneness Project event in Seattle. A couple of people commented about the lack of attendance. I don't see lack. I do see a triangle that holds layers of consciousness. At the base is unconsciousness, then subconsciousness, then consciousness and then higher consciousness. I don't think multitudes of people fit at the apex. Each system is valued and unique -- thus the sacredness of inclusive and circular systems. I think it's time for linkages. Thus, I attended this event representing ANH and Community Threads. I am linking in.

At the event it was great to see and speak with Orland Bishop again. I met Jon Ramer with the interra project. He introduced me to the Compassionate Action Network and Wiser Earth. I asked him how I can get ANH involved in the October 17 CAN event in Seattle and he said to "declare it." Perhaps I'll do that. I learned that my son knows Jon and that ECOSS is a strong supporter of interra's Puget Sound Community Change. Jon commented about my "light", proceeded to give me a big hug and asked for my photo. I'll post our photo on my website.

I'm very interested in attending the Global Oneness Project events North and South of me but not sure I have the energy or time. I'm interested in meeting those locally who share this vision.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Love Heals

Forces of healing are stronger than forces of dis-ease. Time is a factor in the process that thins out space so that one can see with new eyes and take new steps on a healing path. It's a lot of work from subtle/spirit to gross/matter. We are all in this process together. All things are made new. We support one another seeing the positive within oneself and within another and others. This positive force lights our way and connects us with forces multi-dimensional.

Objective and Subjective Communication

I could blog in an objective way. My style, however, is subjective. What's the difference? The former revolves around mental mind with information and facts (parts). The latter revolves around intuitive mind with inspiration and stories (whole). One is left brain the other right brain. A balance of the two is nice.

Bio-Rhythms and Roots

With the food craving was a descent into depression and sadness. It's been quite a few days since I felt that heaviness. I especially noticed it when I was talking with a friend on the phone -- I was cranky and toxic. This made no sense as I was not experiencing any stress with a job, a relationship, poor diet, hormones, etc. Does this mean that bio-rhythms sound from deeper core of being and not on the surface? What sets our bio-rhythmic patterns? Do these patterns run through inner and outer space? Do they create the spinning motion that regulates life support systems?

I feel victorious in that during this food craving phase I had one pumpernickle bagel with butter and felt satisfied. My old pattern has been to eat and eat and eat. Memory of my childhhod nanny/housekeeper came up last night. I saw her face and remembered her vividly. I loved this woman very much. She and I had a special bond as she loved me in return. Aida would care for us kids while mom was in the hospital due to nervous breakdowns (mom became deaf as an infant and had many challenges). I remembered that childhood was also a time when my older sister and I had terrible rashes on our arms and behind our necks. I had to stop eating wheat for the doc to figure out what I was allergic to. Rye krisp didn't cut it back then. Thus, AH-HA! the roots of my emotional attachment to wheat. (My sister and I are now aware that the rash reflected the unspoken feelings and circumstances in our family. We never talked about feelings, why mom left for periods of time, etc.)
So, as I get to the root of my food addictions I also get to the root of those who were there and are still there in my heart. Those who represent patterns of love, wholeness and health. Thank you, Aida! And Lassie and Laddy...they want to come forth as well! My collie dogs whom I loved so much.

AM dream 1:
Movement in a wide sweeping arc going downward. I can't see over the edge and feel the descent. I am sitting with two women on a seat on a ferris wheel. We are not dumped out because a ferris wheel keeps one in an upright position, stable...graceful.

AM dream 2:
Firefighters on top of a tall building are putting water from a hose with diffused nozzle on flames. They have the flames surrounded and are working as a team doing amazing and creative feats to get the job done.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Eye at Core

I took the time to listen to Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson and Caroline Myss on The Chopra Center website via online newsletter. Comforting to connect with others who are on a spiritual path and hear their voices and digest their thoughts and experiences. Nourishing food for a whole body.

I'm recognizing a pattern that I create. It has to do with getting ahead of myself by projecting what I think is happening when in fact it is not. For example several people in my environment who said they were going to do something have not. Just when I thought a couple of things were settling in place I have to think again...see again. The pattern is that I say this or that is happening before it takes root and blossoms. I make a statement in the East (sprout) of cycle without waiting until South (flower) and West (fruit) come into play. I think this is due to my emotional charge. I get enthused and speak too quickly. Logic is starting to kick in more fully -- perhaps it can help me with this pattern. Wait and see will be a challenge. I'm used to moving fast.

Same pattern with diet. Today I feel hungry from a place other than stomach. I am craving carbs and I want to binge. So, I'm telling myself that this is a sign of cleansing as those old messages and urges come up from deep layers of underground consciousness and out through body. It's a wait and see time. I am eating healthy and want to sustain this new pattern of balance.

What chemical in body is regulated by wait and see? What organs? What systems?
I'm not sure but I do have a sense that it's located at my core (circle image) and not on the surface that spins. My core that is still as everything revolves around it. Is this the structure of an atom? Are there "stable" parts or do all parts spin? What's the difference? So many questions about energy and matter. I'm getting that "eye" is at the core. What does that mean?

One thing is for sure...all my parts are in agreement: It's time for lunch!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Emotional Intelligence

Heart without mind is not grounded in logic
Mind without heart is void of uplifting color and sound

Harmony / Chaos
Health / Toxicity
Feel the difference within one's body
relating to other bodies
and choose
from a new position
of evolving consciousness

Brain body re-wiring
of intuition and logic
Sacred Feminine
Sacred Masculine
There is no stopping
the evolving process
It has us by our threads

Etheric - telepathic relationship
matter is included via the senses
co-creative grounding
circuitry full-force

Earth, Moon, Sun Passion

I wrote the following several days ago when I was experiencing heat of connection. As in all healthy systems the alchemical phases change to sustain equilibrium.

Reminds me of the moon. What a gracious relationship between Earth, Moon and Sun.

Earth is loved through contact points and lines in space. These astronomical relationships beam light her way. As Earth's force field (aura) clears and thins from toxic blockages light increases. This builds pressure at her core and affects all lines and points. Plates move causing friction. Fault lines shift as elements of air, fire, water and earth matter release in passionate expression.

Earth loves and is loved in return. That is how the system works!

Senses as One Whole System

Now that I’m eating less foods with white flour and sugar and eating more protein, vegetables and fruit I find that I have nights when I can’t sleep because I am buzzing with lightness. As a result I have to get up to eat so that I can get some sleep. I know well the pattern of going to bed feeling heavy with too much food in my system. I will learn balance.

Last night before sleep I saw my mind wrap some thoughts together like a knotting. It made an impression on my senses as if it was moving backward with the future happening before the now. It was a twisting of time.

Are not the senses one whole system made of many more parts than sight, sound, taste, touch, smell and telepathy?

Global Sex Trade

I watched a feature on PBS regarding the Global Sex Trade. My heart went out to all the victims: the women who are daughters and mothers, the men who are sons and fathers and a political/social system that reflects the toxicity of a larger energetic system dominated by lowest chakra frequencies of red and orange.

The fact that I did not react emotionally in criticism and anger says that my heart has expanded in empathy and compassion and that my energy field of water, air, earth and fire is more alkaline and less toxic.

I continue to work (moving the energy wheels that I am) to consciously elevate my thoughts, words and actions thus changing my alchemical state of heart, mind and body. After 35 years on this healing path this new phase feels like rest.

In response to the global sex trade I have this to say:

I see men respecting their inner female (intuitive, holistic, mystical, creative).

I see women respecting their inner male (logical, rational, reasoning, mathematical).

I see whole men and women loving one another in ways that reflect new and vibrant vitality.

I see whole systems that value peace, justice and creative opportunity for all.

I see and sense the vibration of the human species rise into higher frequency as light penetrates the layers of dark matter: unconscious, subconscious and conscious.

I see higher senses bringing humans to their senses in peace and joy.

I see all things made new.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Senses as Food

Here at my new office, the public library, I notice the quote on my binder:

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within. ~ Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Senses are like teeth on a gear or wheel. They face outward and bite into information. These receptors then face inward to feed ones' emotional field through the many systems of glands, nerves, blood, etc.

My senses don't want to text, twitter, do facebook or sit at a computer all day. They prefer to hear a live voice, see a face eye to eye, smell the trees, touch the soil, etc.

My senses feed me and feed my relationships. I am much happier/healthier in this knowing and being.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Mental Mind Shift

Slowing down gives one more breathing room, more space, to see the negative tapes that run through the wheel of the mental mind. This is an opportunity to say "NO" to the negativity that has been deeply rooted in the psyche. Our senses have time and space to choose/inject balance through the alkaline and acidic chemistry that supports matter. Humans become more attuned to wellness through new vibrations of health and well being. Senses celebrate the good news.

Friday, May 1, 2009

S L O W I N G Down

I never knew how driven I was. Work, volunteer, spiritual pursuits. Push, push, push. Yesterday I watched myself spin too fast doing chores around the house! How absurd! Where did I learn this? No doubt from mom who had 6 kids to care for. Mom who took little time for herself. And dad who was also a hard worker. And from the culture and time that seems to think that spinning fast is the way to be successful. I am getting a handle on my own spin and s l o w i n g down.

This new place of being happened after several shifts of pushing this way and pushing that way regarding new ideas and projects. I have to trust my gut instincts and keep moving until I find the right balance through inner and outer equilibrium. That balance includes more than me as one part.

I am thinking of ways that I don't have to go back to a corporate job. I don't want to multi-task and sit behind a computer. I want to slow down and simplify. I so love being outside working with the soil and plants under open sky. (I've noticed there are days when I can't be out in the open with the elements. Days when I have to turn within to inner elements and a cocoon state for healing purposes. I guess this is North and Bear hibernating.) My neighbor has a nursery/landscaping business and I am going to help her out a few hours a week. This is what I want to do...along with my Circle classes. As I mentioned to David Spangler via email this morning: "I feel like a horse being put out to pasture!"

Will this state of being shift like so many other ideas and projects have? It does seem to be a turbulent time riding the waves of change. As always the task is not to be attached to externals but to notice balance in the moment.

I'm determined to repair my garden hose so I went to the local hardware store. As I walked in I was face to face and eye to eye with the blackest face I have ever seen. Instantaneoulsy, in a split second my nerves communicated surprise and then my body smiled at him. At the check-out counter I told this young man that I didn't want plastic. He was happily supportive. I said that I was a tree hugger. He said that he was also. I extended my hand and we connected hand in hand. I will probably invite him to one of the local Global Oneness Project events.