
Saturday, June 27, 2009


I caught a portion of a news feature about a Professor Allman who made some discovery regarding bringing two points in space together creating a tube -- a wormhole. So, is not Sacred Circle a wormhole with convex and concave arcs?

Google: SPACE & TIME


A hypothetical "tunnel" connecting two different points in spacetime in such a way that a trip through the wormhole could take much less time than a journey between the same starting and ending points in normal space. The ends of a wormhole could, in theory, be intra-universe (i.e. both exist in the same universe) or inter-universe (exist in different universes, and thus serve as a connecting passage between the two).

Wormholes arise as solutions to the equations of Einstein's general theory of relativity. In fact, they crop up so readily in this context that some theorists are encouraged to think that real counterparts may eventually be found or fabricated and, perhaps, used for high-speed space travel and/or time travel. However, a known property of wormholes is that they are highly unstable and would probably collapse instantly if even the tiniest amount of matter, such as a single photon, attempted to pass through them. A possible way around this problem is the use of exotic matter to prevent the wormhole from pinching off.

Pushing the Envelope

At center of generation of substance Eagle emerges. Thank you, Great Spirit.

Today's News:

I am inside a bubble pushing the inside edge outward
I have new stature/capacity
I feel new sensual links between head, groin, feet
I watch demons control me and suffer the consequences via earth body

In this intense time of inflammation both positive and negative poles are engaged and active. One turns one way; the other turns the other way -- out-of-balance and whobbly.

I asked why I stay in the pattern of food addiction. I got that I am not in my body; that there are holes in my aura.

I have a bubble around me and sense its edges. New substance comes in from the outside meeting the edge offering circular embrace. Is this new muscle bringing masculine logic and structure needed to change old self-destructive habits?

Logic uses boundaries/lines that circle requires for sound structure.

I offered a friend attunement on her ankle. My right hand generated healing force. I got that the wring worm would dry up. I shook the tingling vibes off my hand. I notice I am doing more with chi in service to others. I can use this substance in my own healing.

Chi expression is healing like a soothing ointment.

I remembered that I sucked my thumb until I was 5 years old. How can one breathe while sucking one's thumb? Is food addiction an oral obsession? Is tongue a muscle that is overused? Maybe tongue needs a rest. Maybe nose-body needs deep breathing to heal old addiction. I search the edges for answers.

In those moments when I am craving sweets I feel like I am drowning and nothing can replace the forbidden fruit. The drowning gets louder and louder and I quicly cave in. I don't work to use the tools that are available: breathing, drumming, stillness, dance, bike riding, singing, meditation, screaming, punching pillows, sobbing. My pattern has been to go with the flow. It's time to change that with structure and a new pushing back. Feminine energy can be strong and forceful making healthy choices.

Friday, June 26, 2009


It's not easy for me (I don't have the "capacity") to engage with so many social networks and communicate online with so many people. Though I have interest I don't have the energy...including mind/body muscles. Even if something interests me it feels like such an effort to use technology to do the work. And it's not as if I don't have the time right now.

I have limited capacity for some things. Perhaps it's about balance, speed and appetite. I don't have a huge internet appetite. Or perhaps I need more focus...maybe capacity requires development.

Maybe it's another learning curve that I'm resisting???

pl -ties
1. the ability to contain, absorb, or hold something
2. the maximum amount something can contain or absorb: filled to capacity
3. the ability to do something: his capacity to elicit great loyalty
4. a position or function: acting in an official capacity
5. the maximum output of which an industry or factory is capable: the refinery had a capacity of three hundred thousand barrels a day
6. Physics same as capacitance

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mother Goose Goddess

I met a young and beautiful African American woman drumming at Soul Food Books. She is a scholar and holds much information. When I asked her about her spiritual path she identified it as: Female Shamanism. That law of attraction is working! She knew about Mother Goose's association with Goddess and emailed this:

Hi, Trish
Thank you so much for inviting me to visit your home today. Thank you for the fruit and herb bounty too.

Mother Goose Goddess
Mother Holle is an old pagan Goddess. She was associated with the darkest nights of winter. She rode on the winter winds, bringing purification to the land. This winter purification caused the land to bear good harvest and brought abundance to the people. Frau Holle name means "Beneficent One."

She was the protector of the hearth and was gifted at spinning of flax. Her sacred objects were the distaff, flax, coal, the goose and a feathered quilt. The distaff, a tool of spinners, was used to keep the flax in place before it was spun into wool. Wise women used many times the distaff as a magic wand to create good blessings
Holle's quilt whose feathers become snow is linked with the old tales of Goosefoot Bertha and Mother Goose. A Welsh proverb says: “When snow falls people say, 'The old woman is feathering her geese,' or 'Mother Goose is moulting,' or 'The goosemother is feathering her nest.'“ [Trevelyan, 119]
Bertha is the Norse goddess of spinning. In German mythology, Bertha, is also known as Berchta. I found different references to Berchta as being: the goddess of growing things, the guardian of the souls of unborn babies, a fertility goddess. Sometimes she has a goosefoot and other times she has a golden spindle. At times she’s called Berta, dressed in white, who soothes babies while their caretakers sleep.
To confuse matters ever further, the goddess Bertha is also sometimes called Fru Gode and, it’s possible that she’s connected with Fru Gosen, which might be the German name for Mother Goose. *

Could the truth be that Mother Goose is a combination of one of the Queen Bertha’s of France, combined with the borrowed mythology of the goddess Bertha?

Susan Weed Forum

Mother Goose

Thanks to unemployment I was able to help a friend in distress today as well as offer a drum journey to two women friends.

The journey found me flying on the back of a goose. I got that geese are social creatures and care for their goslings. These two women were like my goslings in a motherly sort of way.

My intention for the journey was, as always, to heal our beloved planet. So goose and I "dusted" Korea, Iran and other countries around the planet with love fairy dust and star dust...mystical.

One of the women knew Goose as a Goddess archetype so I looked it up in The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects:

The Goose that laid the Golden Egg was originally the Egyptian Goddess Hathor who gave birth to the sun, when she took the form of the Nile goose. The sun god was "the Egg of the Goose appearing from out of the sycamore," that is, the Goddess's sacred tree. The hieroglyphic sign for the World Egg was the same as the sign for an embryo in a woman's womb.

Caesar said that goose was sacred to the Celtic tribes and was not considered edible, because of her connection with the Sun-Egg. For similar resons, medieval superstition forbade the killing of a goose in midwinter, when the sun was thought to be in need of maternal care to gain strength for the new season. Later the superstitious rule was reversed, so radically that a goose could even become a traditional Christmas dinner by the time Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol. Like other formerly sacred creatures, geese were said to contain sould of the unbaptized (pagans).

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pattern of Lying and Cheating

It's not okay for the leaders of this nation to be playing games cheating and lying to their spouse (prevalent pattern is men lying to their wives). That is not mature behavior. Cheating and lying is getting to be too much of the norm...and that's scary. This old pattern is NOT okay and is why any politician who lies and cheats on their spouse must resign. A true leader leads by example. Where are wholesome examples?

We need new patterns for male/female relationship. Ones that honor sacred union and co-creation. If the system of a relationship is not sustainable than the couple should look at their commitment every couple of years and make adjustments. Why be in a relationship that's not working? It makes no sense. "Til death do us part" is based in fear -- not in the natural process of evol. People change. Some couples grow together; some grow apart. It's time to instill more honesty between men and women who are honest within themselves. That requires new consciousness and new patterns of feeling, thinking and behaving.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer Solstice 2009

Sun reaches out through space/time
Rays of light
Touching matter and spinning Earth
A divine love affair
Circular in e-motion

I am closely following the Iranian situation. How symbolic that a young woman was shot in the heart and killed. The spirit of Woman will not be silenced or taken down. Divine Feminine stands in solidarity knowing critical mass. Divine Masculine by Her side in respectful - loving and intelligent - partnership.

I heard a reporter on CNN: Fareed Zakaria, GPS. I appreciated his overview of the situation. The people are rising up to denounce religious/political authority. An old system pressured to change. I trust the women who protest are including those women who are not intellectual or have the means to buy make-up and cosmetic surgery. I trust the women in green carry heart of inclusion.

Today, Solstice, I commune with Earth and Sky transplanting cucumber, beans, brocoli. I know a new peace and oneness in sea of elements and elementals. A melting into and with. Today I am aware that I am not lonesome as I wrote about some time back. Maybe that's an emotional space that will reappear. For today my simple life is very Full and Happy. I guess that means I am plugged into community. If so, I am fulfilled!

It doesn't take much for me to get my physical system back on track. I eat fewer cookies and bread. I'm grateful that there isn't any food that I cannot enjoy. My lesson is moderation and acidic/alkaline balance. I have a friend who started the raw foods lifestyle. She is a good influence on me. However, I love cooked foods. I will stay with a full spectrum of foods in my diet. Increasing the raw, decreasing the carbs, is a good way to go.

And life moves on from the profound macro to the profound micro. (I had the word mundane...but that is so not true.) The wholeness of circle is profound.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Energy Meridian Wheel

Thanks to on Google:

Movement Of Ch'i

Ch'i circulates along acupuncture meridians or energy channels in the human body in a similar way that radio waves travel through space. These radiate to and resonate with all cells in the body. Although imperceptible, like radio waves, electricity moving faster than the speed of light continuously charges the body. When this energy flow is unrestricted, the body harmonizes the flow to optimize body functioning. When we abuse or cause stress to our bodies, sometimes the stress is so intense or so constant that, in effect it "overloads" the circuit. The "circuit breaker" pops and needs to be reset before energy can flow properly. The indication of whether this has occurred is the muscle test. The energy of each meridian system can be thought of as a circuit connecting joints, muscle areas and organs. The embryological development of the human body explains why each energy pathway connects to its own distinct and distant areas. As the human embryo grows, its organ/energy pathways develop and reach into distant parts of the body.

The major meridians connect to one another deep inside the body. On the surface, the meridians circulate closely, within a half-inch to an inch of connecting with each other. Each meridian runs on both sides of the body--mirroring itself. The Chinese were especially concerned with eliminating energy blockages in the energetic body channels. They created intricate maps of the body's energy system, and used acupuncture needles to draw awareness to specific areas where energy blockages occurred--rebalancing the channels. Today we have learned how to accomplish this same balancing of the body's electromagnetic system in non-invasive ways, utilizing different mediums such as the hands, special magnets, crystals, reiki patterns, etc. The highest goal of inner alchemy is to transform our cells to unite with Cosmic Energy and become immortal cosmic cells of the universe.

Using The Wheel

The wheel represents the flow of the meridian energy, each meridian being represented by a section of the wheel rim. By moving around the wheel in a clockwise direction, we can follow the flow of energy through the entire 12-meridian system. The lines within the wheel denote subsidiary energy flows among meridians, and may help you notice the patterns underlying a particular set of muscle weaknesses. Since the meridians are part of one continuous flow, we can look upstream and see where the block is, causing the energy not to flow properly. If we release the block, the energy can resume its unrestricted flow and energize the meridians downstream. If you look at at the muscles listed on the meridian wheel, you will see that the three meridians involved lie next to each other. When the flow is resumed, you will find them strong and energized just by working on the correct one. If another muscle is still weak, you deal with each of them in turn, moving around the wheel of meridians. You test muscles associated with the central and governing meridians first and strengthen these muscles if they are found weak. The central and governing meridians are called exit or storage meridians and it is helpful to be sure they are unblocked at the start of the balancing process.

There are patterns relating to the subsidiary flows between meridians, represented on the meridian wheel as dashed squares and dotted triangles. Dotted triangles indicate the energy bond that exists between meridians running in the same direction in the same part of the body. The triangles connect the three yang meridians that run down the back of the arm, the three yang meridians which run down the legs, the three yin meridians which flow from the feet to the torso and the three yin meridians which flow outward from the torso to the fingertips. The dashed squares indicate a relationship between meridians at the four extremites--they connect a yang meridian running from the back of the hand to the face with a yang meridian running face to feet with a yin meridian running feet to torso with a yin meridian flowing from torso to fingertip. If weak muscles form three corners of such a square, start strengthening with the first weak muscle clockwise from the one strong corner. The black spokes of our meridian wheel represent a relationship between pairs of meridians called the mid-day--midnight law.

When it is noon, the sun is straight above us, we are geting maximum energy from the sun. As surely as day follows night, when it's noon here it's midnight somewhere else, somewhere on the other side of the big circle we call home. The amount of energy that any given meridian absorbs from the environment varies throughout the 24 hour day, being highest during certain hours, lowest 12 hours later. The hours of highest energy absorption for each meridian are noted on the meridian wheel (now point). If muscle weaknesses found in testing don't fall into any of the patterns mentioned, begin with the first weak muscle clockwise from the present time of day (now point).

Meridian Body Clock

According to Chinese theory, the cycles of ch'i energy moving through the organs follow a daily clock-like pattern. The flow of energy is said to follow oscillating energy cycles with respect to time of day. Each of the main meridians has two, two-hour periods, during which, energy flow is first at a maximum and then later at a minimum intensity of circulation. The time at which energy flow is the greatest through a particular meridian may define the time of day at which it is best to treat a disease in the associated organ system. This internal timepiece which governs many bodily functions, including cyclic enzymatic activity within the brain, also seems to have an effect on the expression of drug toxicity. These subtle-energy rhythms are in resonant synchrony with the cosmic cycles of the universe. It is well known that many biological events seem to follow the maxima and minima of solar activity. The meridian system may be the energetic mechanism by which changes in solar activity are translated into cellular and physiological effects.

One Earth Body

It's as if a level of critical mass is being reached and increased light is breaking forth. I've cancelled several social events this weekend in order to contain my energy. An inhale of breath while birthing proceeds.

I put my body into inflammation again through too many acidic foods. It's a life long cycle and I'm a broken record talking about it. However, each time I go through this I and my body are at a new level. Now, with new awareness I can better see the spectrum of food choices and how the American diet is so very acidic. Where's the logic, the intelligence, when it comes to this addiction? Where's the "will power" and discipline? The healing of addiction goes deeper than that.

I hold myself in love as this emotional dis-ease (is not all disease and addiction an emotional dis-order?) sorts itself out. It seems to require a collective coordination of "muscles" through spirit, heart, mind and body. Each time I end up on this side of the health spectrum I turn to information about energy meridians. It's fascinating how spirit and body parts are connected...and how earth acts out, communicates, its true state of being. The body doesn't lie!

It's also as if I don't want my body to be more pure and light. The "dark side" has had a strong magnetic hold on brain pathways and chemistry. And yet we move forward toward light. What is this chaos and order cycle? And do they always play out simultaneously? Im thankful to know a transcendent point of stillness beyond all the motion and e-motion of change.

Earth Mother / Turtle Island knows inflammation due to emotional outbursts through people. As one part I know that my personal healing has an effect on our collective healing. We are one body.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Shift of Focus

We have opposite poles in a political spectrum and system. One left, the other right. We need a new political system that is round in the inclusion of the many voices in-between. The old polar pathway that separates must die to something new being born: that which integrates.

We have a health care system that supports the negative end of the spectrum: disease. A health care system must support prevention and award those who don't use the system for disease. It's time to shift the focus.

Crystal Community

Light spectrum is circular -- a color wheel.
Each individual color (parts of wheel) in an incline plane/angle
One plane lifts into the next creating rainbow flow of colors/sounds
Color wheels move in e-motion of evolving pathways
All wheels have a common center point of I AM / AUM.

The intensity/radiance of a color wheel depends on intention
Purification clears the lens of the color wheel so I AM can see and sound ever more clearly.

Wheels of colorful e-motion move through space time creating pathways in cosmic community

We are shining stars -- a constellation community -- a crystal community

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dimensions of Love

Last night as much was spinning with energy I saw that a circle has both concave and convex arcs. The exchange between these two opposite shapes creates spinning motion. In other words spinning motion is the dance of concave and convex lens. Light is the energy source that causes/creates this response in the lens of matter. I have no idea how this plays out scientifically. That is not the part I play!

According to The Rainbow Book a halo is a bright glow of colored light. I thought it was white light without the individual colors. As I write I get that white light is the projection of the spectrum parts! According to The Rainbow Book aura is a glowing field of colored energy. So, we meet in one another's halo and aura. This is spiritual intimacy and a new quality of LOVE on our planet and thus in our galaxy, cosmos and universe. One plane rests in the next.

I notice in ANH discussion forums that I create new language that I didn't know was there. In other words my thoughts via words are NEW. I attribute this to the stimulation that I receive from other participants world wide. I attribute this to our global brain. Meeting certain individuals who have In-Sight and share Eye of Dragon is also stimulating to brain body. I need others and others need me. That is the purpose of a body: to hold space that contributes to the evolution of the whole brain/body. Such are the expressions, the dimensions, of LOVE.

One last thought: I'm thinking that shape via sound and color precludes language. In other words language is born through color and sound. How do I know? I am / we are experiencing it as one body. There is magic in our circle.

Color and Music

The Rainbow Book opened to another page is if it wants to speak:

Color and Music
The Search for the Spectral Song

Those who have attuned themselves speak glowingly of the radiant glory of the inner vision and color, the intoxicating sweetness of melody of these inner planes. Sound and light, then, are one phenomenon at two levels of manifestation.

Max Heindel, in the Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception (1909) writes:
"The physical world of Form, The Desire World (Astral) that of Color, and the world of Thought (Causal) is the sphere of Tone. Echoes (of this music) reach us in this physical world and are our most elusive possessions, as a tone dies as it is born...As geometrical figures are created by drawing a violin bow over the edge of a glass plate, so the forms around us are the crystallized sound-figures of the archetypal forces of the Heaven Worlds."

That is, the physical plane is only the first of three co-existent planes or levels of reality (or Illusion in a higher sense). This four-dimensional space-time matrix in which we live we call the "real" world. In a second, more subtle regions, usually called the Astral, we are in the domain of COLOR, shape, myths, gods and mystery; an intensely luminous world of which this is inly a dim copy. In a yet highter sphere, the Causal, we are in the world of Form Archetype, number, geometrical figure, and, most importantly, MUSIC, the most direct manifestations of the Eternal. Other travellers divide these successive gradations of subtlety into five or seven planes, but their descriptions generally concur.

Turtle Island

I asked Michael Beckwith to sign my purchase "Trish and Turtle Island." He hesitated briefly and I explained that I always like to include Turtle Island. He commented that he knew it must be something that "I carried" and as he spoke the words he drew a circle with his hand at his upper body. I so appreciated this response...this knowing and understanding.

In The Rainbow Book is a picture of The Hindu Universe. It's a turtle above a coiled serpent who has his tail in mouth. Above turtle are elephants holding a half dome which holds a mountain. The description reads: "In a great many of the religions of the world some member of the reptile family symbolizes the nature of time. This element in the iconography of cosmograms is found not only in India, but alos around the Aztec calendar, and in the Alchemical image of a drgon-like creature biting its tail. As a rule, the symbol may be understood as a representation of the very outside edge of is, outside of which is infinity."

Hands Speak

When Michael Beckwith was speaking he expressed himself (drew lines) with his right hand. My right hand connected and drew similar lines...especially to the rhythmic music. I felt the substance he was swimming in/drawing in. It was palpable. What is this individual and collective body language?

I'm reminded of a magical fairy wand with sparks of light at the end. One's hand is like that -- energy emits from our hands -- and many other openings in our body, our eyes especially. It's as if I was painting a picture with Michael in a sea of energetic substance. I'm calling this negative in-between matter. We can know one another in negative space. Clairvoyants "see clearly" in this negative space.

Why do most of us use our right hand dominantly? Are there cultures where the left hand is dominant? So much happens on my right side of body. I understand it's associated with left brain. Maybe I'll start to use my left hand more. What balanced effects would this produce?

Incline Plane in Brain

So much is unfolding! I'm glad to be unemployed with more time to process it all...and more time to be in the moment...especially in my garden. The challenge is living on $800 less a month. I thought I was living simply I get to learn a new dimension of that reality.

Reality. Last night before sleep there was a lot moving in this world and between worlds. I felt a pressure in my head that cut my space nearly in half. It was as if the open space that I'm used to was pushed into an incline plane at half way line. It stayed with me and was so unfamiliar that I called to my white light support system. The response I got was to breathe deeply through my nose. I did that a few times. Then I felt sharp twinges in right eye and then something lifted off. I followed the was like an elevator shaft. My brain/head felt normal again. This morning when I woke up and thought about the experience. It was like a space ship landing and then taking off. No doubt, I'm tuning into some reality...or some reality is tuning into me. Perhaps it's a sharing in "negative" space like the experience I had with Michael Beckwith. (to follow in next blog entry)

Definitions of inclined plane on the Web:

a simple machine for elevating objects; consists of plane surface that makes an acute angle with the horizontal

The inclined plane is one of the original six simple machines; as the name suggests, it is a flat surface whose endpoints are at different heights. ...

An inclined plane is a system used on some canals for raising boats between different water levels.

One of the simple machines; a sloping surface such as a ramp such that an object can be raised with less effort than being lifted vertically

A flat, slanted surface that is used as a simple machine.

slanted surface used to raise an object

is a railway operating over exclusive right-of-way on steep grades (slopes) with powerless vehicles propelled by moving cables attached to the vehicles and powered by engines or motors at a central location not on board the vehicle. ...

A straight, slanted surface that can multiply an effort force.

an influence on the shape, motion, or other characteristics of a body or system.

A plane which makes an angle less than ninety degrees with the horizontal.

A flat surface set at an angle used to help raise or lower objects.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Soular Flares Arcing on Earth

The sun outreaches through solar flares and light beams.

Humans outreach through soular flares and light beams. These arcs move globally through ANH. When I shared this image with a friend, Lady Selah, she said that I was talking about the head/crown chakra. Perhaps we are generating Her wiring of brain which is a gross and subtle spectrum.

Michael and Rickie Introduction

I heard Michael Beckwith speak for the first time last night in Seattle. I appreciated his taking time to breathe with his audience and to include his wife's (Rickie) music. Michael's energy is fast paced and positively charged. The feminine touches gave the talk balance from the other end of the spectrum. I experienced a vibratory connection with Michael...the same way I connected with Carolyn Myss and Deepak Chopra. We know one another vibrationally...through color and sound of subtle quality.

I invited Michael and Rickie to the ANH gathering in November. A couple weeks ago I also invited Orland Bishop. This gesture of outreach invites them in to share with a global family. I mentioned to Rickie that perhaps she could share some music...adding that I am not the official one to make that decision. She totally understood and acknowledged that I was planting seeds.

I proposed a business outreach effort and World Map for ANH. Perhaps these ideas/concepts are stepping stones for something else to manifest. For example, last night at Michael's talk I met two charming people with The World Flag Project. This artistic flag honors many parts. I learned how this project could serve as a fundraiser for ANH. I also learned that I can promote/sell this product here in the Pacific Northwest. It does seem to fit the "templates" that have been showing up...which is how evolution works (which gives new meaning to "survival of the fittest"). For weeks I've been doing job searches in sales and not finding a product I want to sell. This could be that product. It would mean I give presentations to introduce the flag...I love to speak! My whole being wants to speak!

What can I contribute through focus and intention? I guess that is not yet in focus.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Living Pipe and Flute Music

Fascinating people at the Duwamish Longhouse event. I will be reaching out and networking with some of them. The food yummy and the flute music soothing. I am hearing flute through John Denver and Celtic music.

Before sleep a lot of creativity was moving in streams of consciosness:

I thought about Tracker and image appeared of native pipe/chanunpa which he owned years ago. Image of pipe was taken with two hands and broken against a leg/knee with soft white buckskin. This pattern repeated over and over again. New pipe is delivered. (There is a Native story about white buffalo calf woman and the sacred pipe. This is not that story nor is it a revised version. All things are made NEW.) I ask about the feathers dangling from old pipe; there are no dangling feathers on new pipe. New pipe has living feathers via winged beings of fairies and angels who express in descending order. I ask about winged dragon and hear that horse and dragon are of the underworld and express in ascending order. Human is in the middle. With both hands I receive the pipe that is horizontal E/W. As I bring the pipe to me it shifts into N/S position. Pipe is now flute with outlets for sound. Humans are living, breathing instruments.

I reach out to Deepak/ANH rejoicing
We gesture hand to hand in high-five
Then I take hands in mine jumping for joy on a trampoline
Trampoline is made of material with give and take
Material that can flex with pressure and tension
Jumping up and down on trampline creates concave and convex motion
in circular space of e-motional content

I see Serpent jaw above me
I wear Serpent head dress
Serpent is a collective body
I am honored to play my part

Dragon lines rejoice integrating Heaven and Earth

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Lens of Sight; Lens of Circle

Tuning in to John Denver and Ireland today by listening to their music. Loved ones passed over seem to come into consciousness through rhythmic cycles. Mom does this as well. Are these souls on a circular path or am I? Are we all?

I attended my son-in-law's graduation. He gave the commencement address and exemplified leadership. It was a bit awkward for me being with family after my explosive outburst two weeks ago regarding his children's violent behavior toward one another. ("They're just kids" didn't ring true for me.) That explosion knocked something out of orbit for me. I wasn't sure how it would settle with family. So, sitting with family at the Tacoma Dome I felt neutral, unemotional, detached. Everything felt flat and grey. Everyone I looked at had a negative thought thread attached to it. I observed separation and lack. I didn't accept this and thought about Truth and in that I started to see people radiating light beams from within. Each one had a sol/soul within. My youngest daughter reached out to me lovingly several times. Seems we got through the tension. My son-in-law wants to be of service and go into the military with his degree. The city jobs he's applied for have not come through. He reminds me of my own quest years ago. A quest to find my larger self and to be of service in a larger community.

Driving home I turned off the radio and drove in silence. I sensed/saw myself as a large arc N/S as if from outer space and I sensed/saw Earth as a large arc E/W. I felt in the earth but not of it. My thoughts revolved around not having a place to be my full self. A place to talk my talk from inside out. I have to frame things so I don't offend people and so I can fit in. I guess it's walking in different worlds. I'm still looking for a community to plug into. Maybe that's an illusion but I do have feelings around this longing for home...which means with people.

I'm attending an dinner/auction event at the Duwamish Longhouse tonight. I get emotional about being with Native Americans. These people love the land as I do. These people understand the spirit world. I can talk about my love of rocks with these people! I attended one of their community meetings regarding how to support their youth in the public school system. There is discussion about starting their own school. I think the Native community has a lot to contribute to the Seattle public school system. It's like the right and left sides of brain that need each other. A separate school could help heal and educate the parts but I'm seeing that there needs to be an integration as well. Why not create a Native American ciriculum for the public schools? Perhaps something is in place and needs support. I will be doing this outreach of ideas starting tonight.

The arcs that I am remind me of concave and convex lens. I'm also thinking about "negative" space and "negative" emotion. What is this seeing and being and how does our lens of sight work?

What exactly are lenses? A lens is a transparent material, such a glass, that has either one curved surface and one flat surface or two curved surfaces. As with mirrors, these two lenses are either convex or concave. Convex lenses are thicker in the middle then the edges and concave are thicker at the edges then the middle. When light travels through lenses, refraction occurs. The light bends either outward or inward, it depends on the lens.

The lens of your eye is a double convex lens. Its job is to focus the image on the retina of the eye. If one is farsighted, the lens in the eye causes the focus to be behind the retina. These people see far but have some difficultly seeing close-up. The lens focuses behind the retina because the actual eyeball is too short from front to back. To correct this farsightedness, the person would wear glasses or contacts with convex lenses.

Cut Off in Communication

Having trouble communicating with ANH forums today. I often suspect Tracker who spies and manipulates via tech/computers.

This is what comes up again and again:

Failed query: XN_Query: subject [Contact] returnIds [] begin [0] end [] alwaysReturnTotalCount [] orders [ ] filters [ owner : = : 2s1oruoawug2q : string AND contact : in : '0apy7wwhi0wuj' : string ] Error in query proxied to CAPI

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Dragon Constellation: Draco


During the time that Draco's star Thuban was the pole star, it would have appeared to ancient sky watchers that the Earth revolved around Draco. Dragons and other similar creatures often played a role in creation myths. In these stories the gods would often battle such creatures for control of the Earth. When defeated, the dragons were flung up into the skies.

Roman myth calls this dragon Ladon and he guarded the golden apples on a tree in a garden tended by the Hesperides, the daughters of Atlas. Hercules was sent to obtain the apples while under pledge to Eurystheus. He learned from Nereus that he could not pluck the apples himself, but must get help from Atlas. Hercules shot and killed Ladon with an arrow, making way for Atlas to enter and pluck the golden apples. The goddess Hera was greatly distressed by the death of Ladon and placed the dragon in the heavens.

A Greek legend tells the story of Draco as a horrible dragon that guarded a sacred spring and slew the soldiers of Cadmus (first king of Thebes) who had been sent to gather water. Cadmus then fought the dragon and won,. After the dragon died, Athena appeared and told Cadmus to sow the ground with the creature's teeth. The teeth immediately sprang up as a group of armed soldiers who helped Cadmus found Thebes.

A Babylonian creation story tells of Tiamat, who turned herself into a dragon but was later defeated and split into two parts. One part became the heavens and the other, the Earth.

A Chinese tale sees the stars as the dragon who eats the Sun or Moon (possible represented by the north star Polaris) in an eclipse. During a real eclipse, ancient Chinese would make as much noise as possible, banging on pots and pans to try and scare away the dragon which was eating the Sun or Moon.

A Norse creation myth tells of a dragon who gnaws at the roots of Ygdrasil, the tree that covers the world.

Because Thuban was the pole star 5000 years ago the ancient Egyptians keenly observed it. Some of Draco's stars were part of their constellation of Hippopotamus and some were of the Crocodile. They appear on the planisphere of Denderah and the walls of the Ramesseum at Thebes. The hieroglyph for the Hippopotamus was used for the heavens in general while the constellation is supposed to have been a symbol of Isis Rathor, Athor, or Athyr, the Egyptian Venus. Draco's stars were also said to represent the falcon headed god Horus.

Around 800 BC, the prehistoric Adena people who lived in the Ohio area of the United States created Serpent Mound which is believed to mirror the constellation Draco. This huge mound is nearly a quarter mile long.

The Persians have regarded Draco as a man-eating serpent called Azhdeha.

In early Hindu worship, Draco is given the form of an alligator known as Shi-shu-mara.

For the Observer
Sky Chart of North Circumpolar Stars

α Alpha Draconis, Thuban (14h03m +64° 37'0 has a magnitude of 3.64 and is a class A0 star about 215 light years distant. Thuban is a spectroscopic binary. The star is also along the Earth's precessional path and was the pole star 4800 years ago.

β Beta Draconis, Rastaban (17h29m.3 +52° 20') means the "head of the snake." Arabian lore calls Rastaban and Eltanin the Dragon's eyes. Rastaban has a magnitude of 2.78 and is a class G2 white giant, about 400 light years distant. Rastaban is a binary system with the companion being 11.5 magnitude.

γ Gamma Draconis, Eltanin (17h55m.4 +51° 30') is a 2.2 magnitude yellow giant class K5 star about 110 light years away. The surface temperature is 3,800 degrees K and the luminosity is 145 times that of our Sun.

η Eta Draconis (16h24m +61° 31') and its neighbor Zeta were sometimes known by the Arabs as the Two Wolves or Ravens. The star has a magnitude of 2.7and is a yellow giant class G8 star about 65 light years distant. The star has a very faint companion difficult in anything but large telescopes.

ν Nu Draconis (17h32m +55° 10') is a dim but attractive double star. It is found in the head of the dragon, about 5 degrees from Eltanin and 3 degrees from Rastaban. The pair have a separation of 62.3 arcseconds. Both stars are blue-white main sequence stars of magnitudes 4.88 and 4.87. The pair is 93 light years distant.


Negative End of the Spectrum

I was given the spirit name "Yellow Turtle Spirit" by a Native Elder when I was part of her medicine lodge. It didn't work for me to stay in the lodge because she was the teacher and my own spiritual experiences/stories weren't welcome. Some time later I received the name "Laughing Waters" from within. So, combining them I am Yellow Turtle Spirit in Laughing Waters.

I am swimming in deeper waters these days. Waters represent emotions.

I got angry again and let the person know through tone and words. This is so unlike me. I grew up without the expression of feelings...especially anger and conflict. It's as if a new spectrum of negative emotion is rising up. Reminds me of a lightning bolt...and Zeus?

I had a confrontation with yet another friend and found myself telling a third friend about it. Doing so made me realize I needed to talk to the one I was spinning around. So, I did. Seems to be a time of drawing lines and tightening boundaries. A time of instant cause and effect.

I am happy to say that the recent confrontations have not led to breaks in relationships. I think they may be deepening.

I've planted flowers in some ground that is shallow. Foxglove is usually 5-6' high. Mine is 2' high and won't get any taller due to the lack of depth underground. This is so much like one's own evolution. We fly upward into emotions of happiness, joy and bliss and we dive deep into emotions of sadness, anger and grief. Can one handle the extreme weather patterns? Can one yield enough? Can one be humble?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Light Spectrum Drum Journey

E-motions steer us through life. What steers e-motions? A spirit-wind force?

Morning Drum Journey:

I created a circle honoring 4 directions. Fire/Sun in center. A certain rhythm/beat carries me away. I am on turtle's back flying through ocean waters. My right hand is open feeling water pressure. I acknowledge whale, dolpin, shark and sea weed. Enlivening. We fly out of water. I am on the back of dragon. I see colored prism-like gems on dragon body. Chakra system radiating as one system of light spectrum.

I close with hands together at heart chakra. I raise hands upward in V formation -- receptive pose. I close with hands together at heart chakra. Such is the way energy moved me this day. Such is the way light spectrum inspired and informed me.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Once again. In that place of no wind. Nothing moves. There is no direction. No East, South, West or North. It's sad here...lifeless. It feels empty. Tears flow in cleansing waves. This time I do something different. I reach out. I call friends and stay active. As if something once dense is now more porous. Is that old dark depression lifting in my world and in a larger world?

Cause and Effect Chain

A bully abuses another out of disrespect of self. This quality emanates from bully into his/her world hitting targets of matter. Is the bully conscious of the acts? Bully hits another who hits another who hits another. It's a bully chain of evil.

A peace maker befriends another out of respect of self. This quality emanates from peace maker into his/her world hitting targets of matter. Is peacemaker conscious of the acts? Peacemaker touches another who touches another. It's a peacemaking chain of evol.

Both chains emote through cause and effect.

Which one reigns through survival of the fittest?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Increasing Sharpness

Is it time to get more focused and sharp on one thing and in direction rather than being so spread out? What sort of line and point would this be...this that includes all parts within a whole?

Friday night: I left my friends' home Friday night and found myself in an energy field of stillness that was very expansive. Some new quality was moving...and not moving. A new vibration. I went for a walk on the river trail and stopped a few times to find an off trail spot to be still. The third spot was perfect. Just as I sat down under fir tree which was under cottonwood tree the wind picked up momentum. The timing could not have been more perfect. I listened to the music of wind and tree like passionate lovers. I watched the treetops bend in the gale. I heard snapping and cracking. I hunkered down getting closer to fir thinking it would protect me from falling branches and debris. I loved the wild forces in motion. I didn't want to go indoors. Did I live in a teepee once? Did I travel following the seasons and food sources? The land feels like home. It smells so good!

Emotion moved up and through again. Instead of grief (Duwamish Longhouse) it was anger. I found myself in the midst of a family get-together yelling from my core: "There's enough violence in the world I don't want it in MY family." There was dead silence. My family has never heard my anger. It was a surprise to me as well. There are some patterns that I don't tolerate well and I seem to be speaking out when I see/hear them. I'm amazed how unconscious some people are about their behavior. It's time to stand up and say "Enough!" Others can be rude and disrespectful if they choose. But they will not be this way in my presence! I choose peace and harmony.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Native Youth

I heard that someone in the local interfaith network didn't like the word "alliance" in ANH. I've also heard this one or that one doesn't like Deepak Chopra. Unlike someone else I know I'm not interested in asking why or discussing this. I am interested in linking with those who share my visions/actions which are inclusive.

Inclusive doesn't mean we all fit in/on the same wavelength or share the same vision and action. However, inclusive does mean that we all respect and value our differences and our similarities. On a circle we meet at the core of soul/spirit and it's from here we see the whole and thus, we are inclusive. One cannot be inclusive from any other point of orientation.

I attended a community meeting at the Duwamish Longhouse regarding how to meet the needs of Native youth academically and emotionally. We used the talking stick format. I didn't think I'd stay for the entire 5 hour meeting; I didn't think I'd speak. But I stayed in the flow. As one Native woman introduced her Elder mother I felt this huge wave of grief rise up. I started sobbing. This was after someone had talked about native longhouses being a place of healing for the land. This was after Native parents had talked of their isolation and struggle with the school system. When I had feather in hand I was able to move my emotion through whole body language. I have fallen in love with Native youth and my Native community. I have new heart connections that share my green values. I will be getting more involved to see how I can assist them in their visions/actions.