Water Wheel Ceremony, Lake Washington
(Trish's Dragon Lake)
The path took me to the perfect spot next to water and under trees. Healthy green holly with thorns wrapped around the underbrush in front of me. Perfect! This reminded me of the place I found salamander in my first dreamtime vision. Meditation waves activated with pulsating energy. When I looked right and down to the rippling water I saw purple shimmering dragon face. It was as if we were reunited after a long time. There is familiarity and love between us and it was very emotional. I touched his back, shanks, face. Thanks to Camilla and her friend Marshall I now am conscious of a Lemuria connection. This is how dragon and I know each other. I am dragon rider. Angelic Fairy Queen present on the left reflecting in waters on the edge. We are all Lemurian kin.
There are two grids, one above solar plexus the other below. One is Feminine/Nature centered; the other Masculine/technology centered. At the time of Lemuria these two grids within people and on Earth became too imbalanced and a split occurred. We are presently at that same juncture here on Earth. If enough of us can raise the vibration from red and orange within ourselves we will see a new world, a New Jerusalem. If not there will be a repeat pattern of immersion in waters of Truth. If humans cannot accept Truth and live it in a conscious way we will be thrown into it unconsciously. Waters of Truth always have their say.
The dark magic and sorcery playing out on Earth now happened back then in Lemuria only now it is different. Technology is playing a positive role in uniting the “white blood cells” that are surrounding the cancer cells. Consciousness is expanding on Mother Earth. Our enlightened substance is her corona and halo of protection.
On the way out of the forested lake a bird flew in low and landed on a branch above me. I look up and owl and I engage eye to eye for a good amount of time. Wow! 25 yards further another owl is in a tree. Two hikers are taking pictures telling me it is the mate. The following medicine refers to both masculine and feminine holding the pattern of balance, strength and stability for Gaia consciousness and action.
Medicine Cards ~ Jamie Sams & David Carson
Owl medicine is symbolically associated with clairvoyance, astral projection and magic, both black and white. Owl is called Night Eagle on several medicine wheels used by Amerindian teachers. Traditionally, Owl sits in the East, the place of illumination. Since time immemorial, humanity has been afraid of the night, the dark, and the unseen—waiting fearfully for the first crack of morning light. Conversely, night is Owl’s friend.
Owl is oftentimes the medicine of sorcerers and witches. If Owl is your medicine, you will be drawn to magical practices and perhaps explore the dark arts. You should resist any temptation to practice black magic or any art that takes energy away from another person or being. If you have Owl medicine these night birds will have a tendency to collect around you, event in the daytime, because they recognize a kinship with you.
Is it any wonder that in many cultures Owl is a symbol for wisdom? This is because Owl can see that which others cannot, which is the essence of true wisdom. Were others are deceived, Owl sees and knows what is there.
Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom, had a companion owl on her shoulder which revealed unseen truths to her. Owl had the ability to light up Athena’s blind side, enabling her to speak the whole truth, as opposed to only a half truth.
If Owl is your personal medicine, no one can deceive you about what they are doing, no matter how they try to disguise or hide it from you. You may be a little frightening to be around, since so many people have ulterior motives which you see right through. If you are unaware of your medicine power, you may take your keen insights and abilities for granted. Others never do. You may frighten them and reflect their blindness, for you cannot be fooled. Owl medicine people know more about an individual’s inner life that that person knows about herself or himself.
If you have pulled the Owl card, you are being asked to use your powers of keen, silent observation to intuit some life situation. Owl is befriending you and aiding you in seeing the total truth. Owl can bring messages in the night through dreams or meditation. Pay attention to the signals and omens. The truth always brings further enlightenment.
If you have Owl upside-down in your cards, you have been greatly deceived by either yourself or another. Perhaps witchcraft or black magic is being used against you, or maybe you are using witchcraft or sorcery to aid you when you should be praying and asking the Great Spirit for guidance. The message is to befriend the darkness inside yourself. Look deeply, and soon the bright light of dawn will illuminate you. Then ask yourself what you are in the dark about. How and by whom are you being deceived? Have you lied to yourself about someone or something? Are you being greatly deceived or just slightly deceived? Owl tells you to keep an eye on your property and your loved ones. Remember that Owl is always asking, “Who?”