
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Closing the Circle

We had our 12th and final prosperity class and we were expressing interest in continuing to meet in some configuration. As people were discussing times and places the words busted out of my mouth "There needs to be closure" and with the words my hands created a circle. I heard and saw it when everyone else did. It wasn't logical at the time...I didn't know what it meant....but there it was.

This morning I asked: "What is closure?" I see it as North on the circle of life...the circle of a life cycle. Sometimes we don't want to close the circle and let go. We often want to hang on to the experience and people. We want the adolescent dramas of the South. We want to perpetuate melancholy. However, this does not a circle make! Dramas and melancholy get stagnant and create diseas. It's healthy to let go and yield to the unknown. It's vital to step into the darkness.

I know a man who refuses to do this and continues to stalk, spy and harrass in etheric realm and this linear one. He doesn't understand that negative, feminine space is the source of connection. In his fear he hangs on to the old. This way of ego is ignorant of the energetic dance of circle.

Being stalked is like being choked. It's toxic. Where does this pattern come from? I continue to think that it's more than a pattern on this planet. It's a larger pattern of masculine force destroying the feminine. If micro and macro patterns are one continuum Earth body is also being "tracked." What is this effort to destroy the wholistic Nature of the Circle? Who or what is benefitting from this behavior? Ego again. The "civilized" brain that steers us toward being machines. Machines that create more and more, bigger and bigger without any consideration of how those machines are destroying HER!

She is part of the circle of life and it's time to let her rhythms into our own conscious living and breathing.

Response Happens!

Sunday was full day with spiritual community and several women friends. As I was driving home I thought about my job search and creative projects. Everything seemed to be at a standstill. I melted into the void without any emotion. I felt numb and it was okay. No attachment. No achievement. No masculine drive at all. It simply didn't matter. I was in total surrender to the unknown.

Monday morning a friend says I can use his art gallery in Seattle for Circle of Life Mapping classes. He says I can probably use a gallery near my house since we both know the owner. I then pick up an email from a Native American woman artist that friend Dana referred me to. She is interested in my Turtle story for children and we are consider working together. (Interesting that my class and children's book are coordinated.) Then I meet a woman who has ponies on the property where I live. We share spiritual interests and will do more activities together. I had no idea! It's absolutely amazing how the circle shifted overnight from no movement to integration.

This morning a woman I am working with on the Green Heart grant called to tell me how much she has learned from me and she went on and on about the positive qualities she sees in me. That, too, was so very amazing.

I am so grateful!!

Such is the magic of the circle and its creative forces.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Honey Bee Encounter

I was working in my garden yesterdy turning soil and planting seeds. I was so happy to see a honey bee directly in front of my face. She was seeking nectar from the purplish Heal-All that is growing everywhere in my garden. Honey bees are associated with Goddess. I gave her a burst of blessings as well as thanking her and recognizing her part in the circle of life. As I dig up dandelions I am saving the roots to chop and roast for a nutritious coffee drink. I steamed some young nettles for dinner...I've never cut them so young and they are delicious. There is so much to learn about wild foods! There is so much bounty that is not seen anymore...which is why it's paved over.

This morning I think about eyes in the back of my head as a polar shift.

I was watching some of The Spy Factory on Nova last night. The images of our cities from space and the fiber optics that go under our oceans is astounding. How can Earth Mother breathe with all this commotion. I am so ready for her to give a little hiccup and shift things.

I drove past another plot of land near my house that is being leveled for the development of cheap housing. I felt choked and upset. I'm not sure how long I can live here and I want to retreat to the country. I have to engage logical male during these emotional times. My choices are simple these days due to unemployment.

I learn to live in the moment and not worry about 8 months from now. I learn to say no to this and yes to that. It's amazing the simple things that make me happy. I now have more time to hand sew the peace day banner which will parade tomorrow, I have more time to read about wild foods and the plants growing outside my door, I have more time to wash my dishes before I leave the house. I like slowing down.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Two Dreams & Fallen Angels

Dream three days ago:
I am on a bus with a man. We have a heart connection. There's a man outside the bus who wants to be close to me. The bus pulls away and I see him on the curb with a pizza box in hand. (I had a craving for pizza over the weekend.) He chases the bus and gets on. He is now on my left and the other man is on my right. There is love between me and the two men. It's important for the men to acknowledge each other. It's awkward for them but they shake hands. My thought watching the dream was that love is not jealous or possessive. This love was more than sexual -- it circulated wholistically -- it was and is holy.

I've been told that all aspects of a dream refer to parts of oneself. I didn't know that I had two males. Perhaps one is my inner male facing both toward and from my core and the other one my outer male facing both toward and from my worldly surface. That turning is a new aspect of Being. I'm grateful for this evolution in consciousness that will reveal itself more fully through circle of life.

Dream this morning:

I am held captive and cannot move. I struggle to see who has hold of me. I work and work to see. It's as if I have to turn my eyes around to see through the back of my head. His face appears and it's not someone I know in this realm. There is a very tight and pinching line across my upper back. It is constricting and painful as if the inner and outer are no longer compatable. As if something is trying to bust free.

At the debate Does Satan Exist? there was talk about fallen angels. Humans are fallen angels who descend into Earthy matter. The wing chakra is forgotten along with angelic identity.

This morning I asked what could I do to assist this line of force (fault line?) in this realm so it wasn't so constricted. I then remembered the two black corn kernels that I was given by a man in my spiritual community and prosperity class. The corn was given to him by White Eagle.
I will plant this corn with horse manure, sammamish valley soil and compost from my worm bin. I will take care of them working with the elements. Earth has to have space to breathe life force and spirit. This garden work is critical and so very valuable.

"Civilized" people have forgotten their connection with Earth and with gardening. It's too simple -- too humble. Civilized people need more complexity and sophistication. I'm glad I'm still wild and my dragons, fairies and horse! I'm glad my spirit has not been broken by this world of material values and indulgence.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

High Blood Pressure

Meditation reduces high blood pressure. If it's good for individual bodies it's good for Earth body. Earth heats up from inside and outside pressure. What, where and who are the conduits to release the pressure?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Well Being

Doing research for Green Heart meditation circles I followed the paper trail of Deepak and meditation and discovered this excellent report about health and well-being:

In 1990, the US Public Health Service released a 700 page report called Healthy People 2000:

“The health of a people is measured by more than death rates. Good health comes from reducing unnecessary suffering, illness and disability. It comes from an improved quality of life. Health is thus measured by citizens’ sense of well-being. The health of a nation is measured by the extent to which the gains are accomplished for all the people.” To reach this goal, the report called for “mobilizing the considerable energies and creativity of the Nation in the interest of disease prevention and health promotion” as an economic imperative.

The health benefits of meditation have long been recognized. has been explored as a way of reducing stress on both mind and body. Some studies have found that regular meditation reduces health care use; increases longevity and quality of life; reduces chronic pain; reduces anxiety; reduces high blood pressure; reduces serum cholesteral level; reduces substance abuse; increases intelligence-related measures; reduces post-traumatic stress syndrome in Vietnam veterans; and lowers blood cortisole levels initially brought on by stress.

Alternative Medicine, Expanding Medical Horizons
A Report to the National Institutes of Health on Alternative Medical Systems and Practices in the United States,
September 1992

Evolve and Revolve

Life seems to evolve inside out and revolve outside in. Evolve includes invisible spiritual forces and revolve includes visible earthy forces. I am working to align the two.

Since January I've been working on four creative projects as well as doing the ongoing job search with unemployment. All this work (forward motion) depends on external response.

Someone said to me recently that I'll find a job when I decide what I want to do. I don't see it this way. It's not this simple. I don't live in a vacuum. I live in a larger context...a whole. I can plant seed after seed; I can email this person and that; I can speak with this one and that one. If there is no response there is no revolving motion.

I spoke with someone at Catholic Community Services this morning. I'm reaching out to see which non-profit organizations are interested in partnering in Green Heart meditation circles and in receiving funding to support their at-risk programs. I mentioned to this woman that the program was evolving me and I asked her is she was familiar with that experience. She laughed and said, "Yes, from the ground up." Such response is critical to me and Green Heart if we are to move forward. I also spoke with Salvation Army. These "faith-based" organizations are curious and interested in learning more about Green Heart.

This inter-face reminds me of the debate the other night regarding Does Satan Exist? (ABC's Nightline, Thursday night). There seems to be a new integrating force at work to bring parts together that were previously separated. This is definitely a sign of evolution! Can Green Heart take meditation circles into Christian organizations such as the Salvation Army?

I told a friend recently that I am looking and listening for signs so that I know which way to turn. Receiving a call this morning from Catholic Community Services and Salvation Army was the information I needed regarding which direction to go in my work today. I could work on my children's book, my Circle of Life mapping classes, etc. Response keeps me moving in certain directions achieving certain goals. They are not "my" goals...they include a larger whole. Which is why I listen and I watch. It is so energizing when the parts do come is synergizing!

I am so grateful that I am no longer working alone. That I have people with me supporting my vision and work. I even have a spiritual community! There is much work to do in this new territory.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Ministry of Inclusion

Bishop Carlton Pearson talked about an inclusive church/ministry. I agree and have my angle on what that looks like. An inclusive ministry includes the sacred feminine. When God is mentioned so is Goddess. When mind is mentioned so are feelings. No, they are not the same thing! Yes, she does want to be recognized and not hidden away. She wants equal space and time!

Her femininity will nourish green upon the land. Land of emotion, thinking and acting. We cannot evolve without including Her in a very specific and straightforward way. That way includes a circle with green heart at the center. At least that's my contribution to the vision of inclusion. I am one part...I want to hear and see the visions of others.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Does Satan Exist?

I saw satan yesterday. My blood is still boiling. Satan's hell has met the wrath of my own hell. All hell is breaking loose!

Another plot of land near my house was raped. Nature's green earth clothing was stripped and piled in the middle of the barren plot of land. Why? Another home? Another market? Definitely a structure to fill the needs and wants of us greedy, devouring humans.

When will this madness stop? Earth is choking and unable to breathe as it is...why do we continue in destroying that which sustains us? Where's the feminine creativity and imagination to create a new landscape that is in balance and harmony with Nature? Where's the respect and love for Earth Mother?

Green values must be integrated from heart to mind and to hands and feet. Systems must be integrated to include green values...which is more than recycling and changing light bulbs.

Trees are the lungs of the earth...wake up people! I am being called to have a voice in this healing. New work.

The following exerpt from Carolyn Myss reminds me of kundalini's heaven/earth force in all bodies of matter.

Carolyn Myss, Why People Don't Heal and How They Can
page 195

The first chakra is the Tribal center of our bodies. Within the Hindu tradition, it is called Muladhara, which in Sanskrit means "root support." Buddhism recognizes this center as an earth point of connection. Through this chakra, at the base of the spine, flow the roots of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, referred to in Hebrew as Shekhinah. And within the Christian tradition, this center is symbolically represented as the sacrament of Baptism. Though each of these traditions uses different words to refer to the power of this center, they are all referring to the same quality of energy, which is considered to be feminine, symboloc of the earth. If you can think of all the different ways to describe this energy as one united force, you can begin to grasp the nature of the power of the first chakra.

The energy of our first chakra is meant to ground us, to make us feel that we are part of the grand universe of life but also inextricably connected to the physical dimension of life. Because this energy is so directly rooted in physical life, because it nurtures and is nurtured by connection, it is considered a feminine force. This force can be though of as our link to the actual energy of the earth itself. A strong and positive connect to this chakra's energy is essential to our health because we are energy beings. Our physical body produces and thrives on electrical currents that, in turn, connect us to the physical patterns of the earth.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Collective Body Reflections

I like the television show Lie To Me. It's amazing how the landscape of our body speaks the truth and that those communication lines and tones can be identified.

I like to watch American Idol. It connects me with millions of people. Last night one of the contestants wore a shirt with a dragon. Country singer Carrie Underwood did a segment where she was face to face with a big brown eye of a horse. It makes me happy when television reflects my inner mythic journey. This inner and outer alignment makes me feel comfy and safe like being in a field and womb of embryonic fluid. It's how I feel when I see the lilac buds opening and hear the robins' song. There are signs that all is right with the world! When more people have the eye sight to see these crystal reflections there will be peace and harmony on this planet. Can we all see soon enough? One can only do what one can do inside out knowing that one's light and goodwill shines through the darkness of ignorance...and that includes our own ignorance.

"Be fruitful and multiply" and have "dominion over".... Humans have twisted and distorted those instructions. Being fruitful and multiplying pertains to creativity and not overpopulating our planet. We are co-creators. Having dominion over pertains to our field of oneness. All living beings belong in the circle of life. Dominion is embracing not controlling and destroying.

I received a call from West Seattle Senior Center. They want me to present my Circle of Life Mapping class. The woman was most generous saying that if there is interest that I could offer a four week series. She mentioned that some storytelling classes work well at community colleges. I will look into that while I am unemployed. It's quite a process to let response (outside in) open doors for me. Such is the creative journey around the circle of life.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Love breathes me and I breathe love out into my world. Love expands and contracts; gives and receives; inhales and exhales. The chords have different qualities of tone, color, temperature and temperament: e-motional chemistry.

There are many kinds of love. Love of oneself, love of family, love of nature, love of romance, love of peace and justice, etc. Sanskrit has 96 definitions of love!

Love feels like water currents and is electrical in charge. Is that not light? Sexual connection (when positive and negative are attracted and make contact) brings this to point as earth body responds sensually in One field of Love.

I am feeling very grateful to have a spiritual community. I have experienced so many people and groups come and go in my life on waves of evol. Will this community be another one that shape-shifts into yet another form? I practice non-attachment even as I increasingly engage. Spirit knows. I listen and act.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Teaching Circle of Life

I have three Circle of Life classes scheduled at senior activity centers. I have talked with WorkSource about a class there to assist people with identity crisis that unemployment can create. The manager suggested the class might work better for WorkFirst folks....since it's about "soft" skills.

I think it's very significant that my inner story is aligning with an outer class in the mainstream world. People like the Circle of Life mapping idea. It sparks something in them. It's a new adventure for of teaching inside out.

Circle of Life -- Mapping One's Story

Childhood, adolescence, adulthood and senior are chapters in our lives that can be mapped on a circle to help us tell our unique and personal story. What inspired you as a child? Was it a pet or a teacher? What inspired you as an adolescent? Was it a sport or a hobby? In this creative mapping experience we will share our stories and through poetry and art we will highlight our very own Circle of Life. Each one will take home an artistic mandala map of their life.


Trish Knox is a native Washingtonian who loves her blue and green Pacific Cascadia bioregion. Trish has been writing poetry and journalling for 35 years and wants to inspire others in the same creativity. Trish is writing a book about the "language of the sacred feminine" which is that part of our mind-body that relates through intuition, feelings, senses, dreams, art, images, myths, visions, etc. Trish is eagerly sharing her 'right brained" gifts with teens, adults and seniors through classes and workshops. Trish can be reached at

Whole Systems

I keep sensing through inner sight a circle formation with center "valve" and chords moving in 8 patterns around the circle. The valve breathes me -- it's soul of "green heart." I'm thinking it's pituitary gland. The chords/threads are circulatory systems that run through my body of matter. I regulate the thread chords from center. There is expansion and contraction; inhale and exhale.

There are threads that get out of control and I work to bring those into harmony and balance. I go through an unconscious dark phase that I see as North West, North and North East. I feel the crud; I express the negativity to myself and sometimes it spills over for others to witness. I don't feel the need to sit down and share that which is passing away with anyone else. (Perhaps if I had a significant male partner in my life that would change. No doubt he'd hear all about my stuff.) I prefer to share Light and it's Truth. That is my core identity!

In the East is the dawn of sunrise and new consciousness. The blessing of this circle of life is that I am not stuck in dark depression. I move through it quickly but passionately. The sun always follows the darkness and vice versa. It's how evolution moves in micro and macro bodies.

A friend gave me the DVD The 11th Hour. Wow...with all the agreement about our dying life support systems why are we still stuck in old patterns? Why are we cutting down trees when we should be planting them. There needs to be a national ban on tree cutting. See how creative we can be with the materials, buildings and space that we have. There needs to be serious taxes for those who have more than one child. We need to redefine "economy" and expand it's regulation to include the environment and faith. We need to integrate our systems!! Nothing is isolated and separate in the natural world. If we are to save any human life on this planet we need to move quickly. No doubt Earth Mother is purifying.

I saw on the Oprah show a segment about Chris Brown and Rianna. A woman in the audience commented that Rianna deserved to be hit. Some others felt the same. I was appalled! That is an insult to my intelligence! No one...absolutely no one...deserves to be hit. Life is sacred. Humans are divine creations. How did we get this low? The media ...the mirror for so many. It's time for us to stand up taller and stronger for peace which is more than the absence of war! Greed...we must uplift consciousness. Evil...those who thrive on the drug trade and material possisions. Evil...those who are sick and know nothing about evol.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Crystal Consciousness

Matter regulates energy through "valves" of unconscious, subconscious, conscious and crystal consciousness. If the unconscious valve is open all the time that is the result. To sustain healthy homeostasis these valves or chords work together providing the passageways for energy flow East, South, West and North. The expanded E/S/W/N points of circle regulate temperature and temperament. Sometimes the energy gets very intense and during these times I remind myself that the higher I fly the lower I dive. The dark North is balanced by light South. I spin and move around my own soular sun core.

The regulation and modification of energy flow always brings change. It's an evolving process rather than a stagnant one. Change can bring judgement about right and wrong, good and bad but that's not the Truth. The Truth is that change is in motion...change centered in energy-motion of e-motion: the language of the sacred feminine. Change is a constant by-product of flow. The regulation of energy through matter includes transmutation -- the burning up of old debris, toxins, ama.

Perhaps as individuals learn to move through this purifying and sustaining practice our businesses and corporations will become more responsible for the collective debris they create. Debris that is so rampant now that it's in outer space endangering our space craft.

What part of the brain do we use when we use technology? What part of the brain do we use when we are moved by nature? Is e-motion involved in both mediums? I keep thinking that humans are becoming machines rather than living and breathing emotional beings. Are we letting machines do our breathing for us? Which reminds me I've been at this computer long enough and it's time for me to apply some balance and do some gardening!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Coyote Trickster

I haven't been working on writing my book. Simply no energy. I'd look at the stack of papers and have no idea where to begin. There is so much material after 35 years...and it's still flowing!

I woke up this morning letting the wheels turn. This must be a type of "meditation" that simply lets the wheels move. In the process I sometimes get specific "instructions." I'm not sure how or where they doubt through that etheric connection and intelligent source. This morning I got instructions on how I was to proceed with the book. Yes, specific information on how to lay it out. I had thought I was letting the project go...but, no, it came back around. That creative cycle is very mysterious and underlines again and again the practive of non-attachment. It reminds me of "coyote" trickster that Native People's talk about. This force is thee Trickster!

What about that meteorite that almost hit Earth? I heard about it on NBC last night..a great news source because it always features positive news. I've been hearing references to "positive feelings" this week. How cool is that? The "sacred feminine" is getting through!

Circle of Life Mapping

This is the first step of what I want to teach others. I booked something similar with a local Senior Center.

Circle of Life -- Mapping One's Identity

Our lives move in circles from birth to childhood to adolescence to adulthood to senior. These rhythms give us definition and meaning through a sense of identity. These rhythms also apply to creative cycles of relationships, professional work and personal growth. In this Circle of Life mapping experience we will explore the myths of identity that one gathers throughout one’s life and discover a source of identity at the heart of it all. Please bring with you four items that identify your childhood, adolescence, adulthood and senior. We will share stories, write poetry and create colorful images. As a result you will take home a mandala map that identifies your very own Circle of Life.

At the meditation on Saturday one woman was disapointed that she didn't get much...she saw a flower but didn't think it significant. People don't know about the language of the sacred feminine. They don't know how to see it or hear it. I hope to help change this.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Circle of Life Mapping - Heart of Identity

A woman I met at a WorkSource class asked me to write an article about Green Heart for her paralegal newsletter. That story was written and is being circulated. A few days after that she called to schedule a meeting. I didn't think I'd hear from her again as I sensed she was Christian and that my website with shamanic references might not appeal to her. However, she called and we met today. She is Christian...and...very open minded and hearted.

The Green Heart article I wrote is too abstract for her newsletter so she kept working with me to find something "tangible" to share. I've been thinking about doing a workshop at senior centers so we developed the idea. As a result I'll be doing a workshop with her paralegal group entitled Circle of Life Mapping -- Heart of Identity. It will be artistic and each one will create a mandala to take home with them. The mapping will move E/S/W/N and will bring up memories both positive and negative. It will center around wellness and true identity in changing times. I will encourage people to tell stories, create art and write poetry. It will be very interractive. 60 minutes will be filled full.

I guess this is proof of the power of intention. I am saying what I want to do and it's starting to manifest thanks to people I meet on a daily basis.

Slumdog Millionaire

I saw the movie Slumdog Millionaire. It was difficult to watch as I don’t expose myself to poverty, torture and violence as I get sick to my stomach. I am very grateful that my life and my family’s lives have been without this darkness. However, we all have had and continue to have opportunities to face darkness. It is the hero/heroine’s journey. How dark does it have to get before one turns toward Light within, integrates it and then expresses it into one’s world?

Slums and skyscrapers reflect the lack of the sacred feminine. Slums and skyscrapers reflect cancerous cells that are far from green -- a green that signifies the breath of life through the beating of heart both spiritually and physically.

During our silent meditation with Genesis on Saturday I kept seeing an 8 pattern with each inhale/exhale. First it was vertical and then it was horizontal. Green heart is at center holding the reins and managing the input and output of life force. Balance is the ongoing lesson.

What is prosperity? Is it better, newer, more stuff? Is that what identifies abundance? That orientation is what has us suffocating through overpopulation, overdevelopment, overachieving, over polluting, overspending, overeating/drinking/drugging/gambling, over killing. When will we stop? Will it be when our precious Earth Mother runs out of oxygen; when she has no more green space breathing her and through which she breathes?

It’s time to step up in Green Heart.