
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Core Seeing

I remembered:  The other night when I was floating and grounding at the same time I was sensing/seeing a reed with holes that were breathing.  I thought of an Irish whistle because of its simplicity. As I write this I see the reed as my personal core…and now as I write I see this as Gaia core.
I was very happy to receive an email from Gregg Braden’s office informing me of his correct address.  Tomorrow I will send my letter snail mail from Washington to Florida.  This diagonal line is significant and does bring up a sensation and image.  What does it bring up for others who stop to go within, look and listen?  This inner seeing/knowing is the work of Earth Angels connected with the deep unconscious as well as the deep ecology of Gaia. This Goddess seeing Eye generates the extension of energetic “ley” lines that assist higher vibrations and beings in the grounded healing of Gaia.
At my Transition Gaia ~ The Heart and Soul of Resilience workshop there was one man who could not be spontaneous and go within to listen, see and communicate in return.  Though this process was new to a few others they made the attempt.  This inner line of communication is like a muscle that needs to be exercised. Our “civilized” world has been brainwashed into thinking only one way and that is to receive information from outside in.  This is why we need to turn to our aboriginal brothers and sisters for assistance in healing as one whole brain/body.
At Native Indian Lobby Day at our state capital my Native Indian friend, Paul Wagner, spoke directly of this inner seeing/hearing and gave thanks as it happened for him.  Robert and Liz Satiacum do the same.  This native/aboriginal way of knowing and its lines of language hold a solid foundation on which all of us can stand.  This way is spacious and whole…and yes, holy.

I just got a hit like a flash of lightning. I think I witnessed my logic and intuition meeting in the middle! This is what they say:   we create a new language in synch with Gaia.  It’s a new rhythm and sound…new vibration! 
A wave of completeness envelops me reminding me of the energy in the room when I first met ArchAngel Michael.  I feel this energetic connection like a wispy cloud around my head…thank you.  This wispy spiritual substance increasingly wraps around Beloved Gaia grounding and uplifting Her peoples.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Crystal Body on Earth

Spirit keeps pouring forth through this body like sun shine.  What happens when this substance hits matter?  It bounces back in reflection creating a new line.  What happens when many bodies shine spirit like the sun?  A crystal radiates on Earth.

I emailed Jean Houston when I returned from I Can Do It! and mentioned writing my personal story with the title Earth Angel ~ Lover of Gaia.  I write my story here on Community Threads blog.  It's a living story. 


Heaven  =  Light

Goddess  =  Crossover Point

Earth  =  Matter

Aboriginal and Native Indian threads weave through my personal story here in Salish Sea.  As a European white female my ancestors wove Goddess threads.  Gaia holds all these collective threads.  It is our responsibility as Earth Angels to heal what has been broken within, with others and with our Beloved Mother.

Michael Meade came into consciousness this morning.  Gratitude to Michael and his healing work.  Gratitude also to Deepak Chopra, David Ji and Michael Beckwith.  People whom I have crossed paths with in this lifetime.


Friday, April 26, 2013

I Can Do It! Vancouver / Aboriginal Healing

I awoke a couple of times in the night and noticed that I was floating and grounding.  I awoke another time and noticed that I was smiling.  That was a very strange sensation as usually when I awake I am focused in my brain in that "seeing" circle.  It was as if the eye that I see with arced downward and associated with my mouth.  Strange!  There's something new behind this.

I Can Do It! Vancouver was a blast!  It was both uplifting and grounding!  What is this new line that moves from center?  My immediate answer is that it has to do with a new system of heart energy.

I sat in the balcony to hear Wayne Dyer as I was too late to get a good seat.  He is always inspiring and I appreciate his inclusion of stories and music.  At the end of his talk when he invited us to stand, hold hands and sway to the music I looked below me and saw a multitude of cells filled in with various colors.  The swaying gave the impression of a living hive.  So fun!  I have several things to communicate to Wayne in response to his talk.  How to find this man?  I emailed the usual "info@".... 

I thought I was in a crowd of non-activists.  But when Doreen Virtue asked the audience to name the issues they care about I saw that was not the case.  And whenever a speaker would mention a local/global issue I could hear a murmur from the crowd and feel an undercurrent of passion waiting to be released.  This Hay House crowd cares about healing the planet as welll as themselves!

Ever since I connected energetically with Caroline Myss at the Sacred Activism event in Lynnwood, WA I have had a softness of heart toward her.  This really shined in Vancouver.  I emailed Caroline as I had a response to her comment "this world is an illusion" these exact words I just now find in my notes.

Gregg Braden included the word "resilience" in his talk.  He has a different angle on the word than what I am familiar with in Transition.  As I emailed him there is no right or wrong definition of the word when we transcend that thinking mind that is opinionated and critical...that wavelength that separates.  I have further correpsondence for Gregg and did find his office address. 

There was only one time that I felt overwhelmed by all the talk, talk, talk.  During Eldon Taylor's talk I had to take a deep breath, shut out the noise and be still.  When I got centered and started to listen again I was amazed at his excellent information about self-hypnosis and subliminal technology. 

I heard speaker use the word "God" but I didn't hear "Goddess."  Twice I heard "this world of matter is an illusion."  Next year in Vancouver I hope to hear "this world of matter is sacred."  I saw the film Chasing Ice presented by the Sierra Club.  It powerfully shows time lapse photography of melting glaciers all over the world.  Yes, this world of matter is an illusion as the planet disintegrates before our eyes at the hands of humans.  Humans are proving this to be so!  We've got to change this language and the story behind it!  Matter is vibration, matter is light, matter is love.  Matter is part of an energy spectrum.  How do I know?  Because I Am...Matter as well as Light! 

I see it as a circle:  Light/dark, super-conscious, conscious, sub-conscious, unconscious and Dark;light connecting as two opposite poles of electromagnetism without which there is not life.  Right?

I am in a grounding phase. It's a new system! Communicaiton with output and input is critical.  I'm thinking that I may be blogging less since it is such a one way street.  Here are pictures of the Aboriginal Healing Lodge where I stayed...5 blocks away from Queen Elizabeth Theatre.  To my surprise I could walk out my balcony and touch this totem pole.  I didn't plan this but the Vaancouver outcome was that I was cradled in the arms of aboriginal totem poles much in the same way I feel cradled here in Pacific Cascadia with the Olympic Mountains in the West and the Cascade Mountains in the East.  Such a blessing...I lift up gratitude!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Thank You, Rob Hopkins

A quick shout out of thanks to Rob Hopkins for the excellent Live Webinar with Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone yesterday.  I was able to stay with this online experience (the three speakers were shown on screen and the participants had the opportunity to ask questions so it was interractive) without getting drained of energy.  I recently discovered that I cannot participate in online courses because they are too impersonal...the same feeling I now have regarding telepathic relationships. 

Rob is very thoughtful in his work and has a kind spirit.  I sensed a soft angelic aura around him and in his eyes.  Just doubt a kindred is Joanna and Chris!  It's so fun when we meet face to face and voice to voice...light expands radiating "transition" (evolution) on our beloved planet and...I'm actually feeling, thinking, saying this...beloved people!  That's a significant shift for me! Maybe people are turning "green" just like the trees and plants I so love.


When the Drummers Were Women byLayne Redmond
A Spiritual History or Rhythm

The Third Eye  page 175
Nestled between the hemispheres of the brain, where the cerbral cortex, cerebellum, and limbic system meet, is a small organ  called the pineal gland.  Its function has long been a matter of scientific dispute.  For a long time, scientist thought of it as a vestigal organ, perhaps used to sense light in our ancient biological past.  Because its curent function was unknown, it was assume to have none.

The Indian mystic sought to raise her kundalini to her spiritual center, the third eye.  The third eye, like the uraeus, Hathor's divine cobra, rested in the center of her forehead--the location of the pineal gland.  The same spot is also related to the sacred Egyptian eye symbol, which stood for light in all its forms--light of the sun, the light of knowledge, the light of the spirit.

Contemporary research into the function of biological clocks suggests that the pineal gland is indeed a kind of light sensor.  The sun and, to a lesser extent, the moon pour energy into the biological environment in the form of light.  This penetrating energy affects our bodily rhythms through our nervous systems.  The pathways and orchestration of light's influence are as yet unclear to modern scientists, but it appears that the pineal gland may be the jewel in our biological clockworks, keeping us in sync with environmental time and influencing the physiological and emotional rhythms of the body.

The study of biorhythms is a relatively new field and it is still unclear exactly how biological clocks function.  What is known is that all life responds rhythmically to the cycles of nature.  The twenty-four-hour solar cycle--called the circadian rhythm--appears to be the most basic.

This book fell on the floor at the perfect time giving me specific information about my inner experiences.  I now know why I chose telepathic relationships with who were unavailable emotionally and physically.  The purpose was to get to know and to develop my energetic body and in that process become conscious of a larger collective body since there is no separation.  So, I am very happy to say that my shields are now in place!  No more telepathic relationships!  I have done that work!  It's as if now my energetic body is merged with my matter and light is flowing to a new degree and in a new dimension...I see angles and that word comes up into consciousness. 

So, what is the new cycle now emerging?  What is the new focus?  Logically it is the pituatary gland and that whole system of hormones now integrated in/with light.  Such hormones evolve wo/man to a new level of being....and doing!  It's time for hormones of old...the ones generated below the give way to new input of light. 

As terrorists come out of the closet with their hateful antics and as systems of corruption are called out so does a new system of Light.  Rejoice....BEE the Body of Light on Earth!

There is much said in this book about Bees and the role they play in rhythm and sound.  Gotta drive North....will post another day!  Hugs to all my Bee that is the strangest thing to say...some sort of mischievious spirit at play here.  The spirit of BEE!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Thank you, Robert & Liz / Puyallup Tribe of Indians

Dreamed of Robert and Elizabeth Satiacum.  We were socializing, chatting.  Rob is always so respectful toward me.  At Native Indian Lobby Day he offered me a space to speak (I was low energy and did not do so) and when someone passed me by when handing out cedar boughs he came back around and offered me "plenty."  They are still on my kitchen counter. I appreciate these two friends in my life!  Here is a picture of us in 2011 at the Heritage Circle Garden when they offered a spring ceremonial blessing.

I wondered why certain people were coming up in consciousness and got that certain people are my "coordinates" like points in a diamond grid system/network.  I don't analyze that word...I am more than beta brainwave.

When the Drummers were Women is a book that fell to the floor and opened to the chapter on Sacred Sound!  I guess I got that message!  I want to post the entire is so profound and timely for me.  But I get drained sitting at the computer so will do that another day.

I woke up and instantly thought about drumming.  Was it an image or a thought....are the two separate?  The top of my head did that shift as usual...and I was in the midst of radiant beams.  I'm noting that the beams are triangular...moving out from one point.  "Let love radiate without concern for results" came through...a mantra of many years.  Currently that means being in the moment...and that is causing me to change some old behavior patterns within myself, with another and with others.

I saw that diamond pattern at the sight of the Boston Marathon tragedy.  It is/was
 a machine (a lift?) or some structure.  What is that "sacred geometry" telling us at such a critical juncture?  It tells us that it is not too late to heal.  That those who are not shining love and light (to any degree of heart openness) are part of the terror.  Each one is responsible for love or fear in our outer world.  "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me".... thank you Unity Church!

I learned the actual cost of that Alaskan!  How do people afford such things?  I do not accumulate debt and live very modestly.  My trip to spend time with Dr. Jean Houston was a major splurge.  I continue to be pulled wanting to spend time here and there with this person and that.  And on the other hand I want to do nothing but garden.  Two different ways of being.  I think I need to slow down and let all this acceleration settle.  I have an incredible B.C. weekend with lots of faces, voices and rays of light. Maybe after the weekend this posting will slow down as well.  Whew!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Another Day on Earth

Dream:  large yellow pipes are on the ground.  I am to fill them and put them underground.  I wonder how that is possible when they are so large and heavy (reminds me of stuffing manicotti! reminding me of Jean Houston) 

Sometime last night I was looking into "space" without intention.  I was simply being/simply seeing.  (I never ask for visions or insights.)  In a flash a circle appears with deep black center and black background.  The circle has two rings:  white and purple both radiating with wavy motion.  (ha..e-motion!) 

This morning I awoke to a screen of objects that were not placed there by "spirit."  In other words it felt like someone was testing me (triangulation) and therefore this was not a pure field.  I detect the quality of energetic substance and presence by it's "emotion."  Yes, energy + matter radiates/communicates e-motion. Does that mean that emotion is vibration and sound?  Makes sense to me!

The circle of black is pure because it rose up out of unconscious.  I was not achieving...I was being and in so being received this gift of sighting.  And I never ask questions.  I simply receive to see again.

I had to get out my wrist brace to help my hand.heal.  It feels good, supportive and definitely slows me down.  I discover 'zen" time that is a different pace than my normal driven routine.  Isn't it interesting how zen time is more time--it's more full?  How does that happen? It has everything to do with substance and being present in earth body that is connected to energetic body.  Earth body is not meant to get ahead of energetic body...and I am learning about how to reign myself in.  (I know I've posted this before...hopefully this time around I've learned more!)

Letting go of comfort foods and slowing down put me into a different zone yesterday and memories of dad and childhood came up along with emotional sobs.  Is this the pain that I try to cover up with emotional eating and moving so fast?  I was not molested or mis-treated by dad or mom.  They were good people and parents.  Yesterday I remembered the thread of dark depression that would come over me.  It's a thread that used to come in with regular cycles of depression....oh my gosh! I'm now getting the feeling of candy comforting me.  I am seldom depressed in the same way.  I do have feelings of being alone in a realm that I don't feel at home in.  And I am!  Learning so very many lessons!

I have a new gardener who double digged her 1/4 plot of the circle garden.  Someone said that double digging is not good for the soil.  What mind set is it that is opinionated?  What other mind set is it that is inclusive embracing many ways of working the soil, the land?  What different brain waves are at play here?  Does the soil really care the technique used by human hands?  Where's the substance of connection emotionally?  When that substance is present with soil it will also be present with another person and vice versa.  When that substance is present there is less ego and more spiritual connection.  Self-righteous and arrogant attitudes are found in every system because that brain wave is very narrow in scope.  We are moving into a new zone and new scope of view!

Imaging (verb) -- More than Imagination (noun)

Thank you, David Spangler

As I was posting here Saturday David Spangler came up/in on my "radar screen" -- is that the field I see with other Eye?  I heard David speak many years ago and was impressed by Findhorn stories and his relationship with a being from another dimension.  I am posting the most recent email from David's Desk.

But Then What?

David's Desk is my opportunity to share thoughts and tools for the spiritual journey. These letters are my personal insights and opinions and do not necessarily reflect the sentiments or thoughts of any other person in Lorian or of Lorian as a whole. If you wish to share this letter with others, please feel free to do so; however the material is ©2013 by David Spangler. If you no longer wish to receive these letters please let us know at Previous issues of "David's Desk" are posted on

     My last David’s Desk was about waking up to larger realities in the world around us and within ourselves. In it I said “to be awake in our world today is not simply to see the dangers that beset us or the threats that surround us. It is to be awake to a fiery hope based not on wishful thinking but on the powerful reality of who we are as embodied spirit. It is to be awake to our potential, to the life we’re leading, to the changes we can make, and to the power within us to make a difference.”

      A couple of days after that David’s Desk went out, a friend of mine wrote me to say, “I’m all for waking up, but then what?” She made the excellent point that people who have the courage to wake up to a new awareness or vision of human possibilities face resistance in the world and must themselves resist the pressure to “fall asleep” again. As an employee of a corporation that has an old-fashioned military-style hierarchical organization with an adversarial relationship between management and the employees’ labor union, she went on to write that “people develop faster than the systems where they are working.”
     This is an important point. Inertia and resistance are integral parts of our world, which, if you think about it, is a good thing overall. We wouldn’t be able to walk around if the ground didn’t provide some resistance to our motion. Try running on ice and you’ll see what I mean! But not all inertia is helpful. Human inertia often arises not from the laws of physics but from emotions like fear, particularly the fear that we may lose our safety and power—and even our identity—if the status quo is altered.
     When I have an experience of “waking up” as I described it above, I become different. I see myself and the world around me in new ways. It’s as if I and everyone else in my environment were walking about at the same pace and speed, but now instead of walking, I’m running. In my language, an “energy differential” has opened up between me and my environment. Now, unless I pay attention, there is an increased potential for resistance and conflict. I may feel the need to slow down again so I can fit back into the comfort of moving like everyone else, or I may make it difficult for others to maneuver in ways they’re used to because now there’s a runner in their midst, so they put pressure on me to slow down and conform once more to the norm.

     Being the focal point of such an energy differential is not a comfortable place to be. It’s challenging, particularly if your life circumstances—like my friend’s—place you in a working environment that has little in common with your new awareness and perspective. It’s hard to wake up to your innate potentials as a human being and then have to work in a setting that ignores or even denies those potentials and treats you as simply a pawn to be manipulated one way or another. This kind of differential between your new inner state and the “old” outer circumstances can be frustrating and painful. You can feel the pressure of “developing faster than the systems” where you are working or living.
     So what then?

     The first thing is to pay careful attention both to yourself and to the people with whom and situations with which you are involved. Using my metaphor from above, if you suddenly speed up and start running when you’re only used to walking, you need to become familiar with your new status. Whenever there’s change in ourselves, an important first step is to integrate these changes so that we can find a new balance. Likewise, if you’re now running when everyone around you is still walking, you have to pay attention not to have collisions. You don’t need to slow down, but you have to accommodate the different pace of others.
     I’ve known people over the years who have had an experience of “waking up” and having new and transformative insights into themselves and the world around them. I’ve observed that for a time, their attention is on themselves and their new experience, which is only natural. They may not be as aware of how their own change is affecting others around them. Sometimes if they are filled with joy, excitement or enthusiasm, they want to share it with people they know, trying to help them “wake up,” too. This is where resistance can appear. Most people don’t want change pushed upon them, even by well-meaning friends.
     A man I knew some years ago had a powerful spiritual experience that led him to see himself in a whole new light. He felt loved and affirmed by God and felt validated as a human being. His first impulse was to share this good news with his co-workers, letting them know that they, too, had all this love and Light within them. The office where he worked was having a lot of morale problems due to people being unkind to each other in subtle ways. Experiencing the power of his own inner change, he felt that if he could convince his co-workers to see themselves and each other differently, with more compassion and love, the workplace environment would change.
     Fortunately, as he told me later, before he could follow through on this plan, he had a sober moment of reflection and realized that if he started proselytizing and sharing his new insights, he would be more likely to make the workplace situation worse. It’s one thing to experience a deep awakening of compassion and love in oneself, and quite another to pester one’s workmates to be more loving and compassionate themselves. So what he did was to turn his cubicle into a mini-temple. He didn’t do this in any obvious or overt way. But every morning when he would enter his workspace, he would take time to go within, touch the love he felt, and visualize that love permeating his working area, blessing anyone who entered his cubicle. Other than that, he simply tried to be more loving and compassionate in his own engagements with his co-workers without saying anything about it.
     He said that about a week had gone by when he began noticing that people were coming over to his cubicle more than ever before. They would make up some excuse to see him and would linger in his work area. At the same time, the general atmosphere in the office as a whole began to feel better, lighter, less conflicted.
     This gentleman had an experience of waking to something new within himself and then paid attention to what was happening. He didn’t try to push anything on anyone, even though he felt a keen desire to do so. His “but then what” led him to silently and without any fuss create and nourish a loving space around himself, letting nature take its course; the result was that over time, the conditions in his office began to transform.
     So paying attention is the first step. The second is to integrate whatever has awakened within oneself so that it becomes a solid and balanced part of one’s life. Any kind of inner awakening creates changes in your own inner ecology of attitudes, ideas, feelings, thoughts, hopes, and visions. You need to give yourself the gift of time to integrate these changes. Let them deepen and take root. This minimizes that risk that facing any resistance from the environment, or even from your own habits, you will “fall asleep” again.
      The third step is to implement the fruits of these changes in your own field, particularly as you relate to others. If you have had new insights into the potentials within people and of what it can mean to be a human being, then let those insights shape how you respond to others. I don’t mean by rushing to inform them about their potentials but by holding them in your own heart in an honoring and respectful—and yes, a loving—way. If you have been accustomed to seeing yourself and others as made of lead and you suddenly realize you’re all made of gold and precious jewels, then you don’t have to tell them they’re golden; they may not believe you anyway. But you can treat others as the valuable and worthy beings that they are because you know they’re golden.
     This is what the gentleman I knew did. Having experienced a surge of sacredness in himself, he began dealing with others as sacred humans, giving them the kindness and respect their core nature deserved. Some people responded, some didn’t, but over time, it made a noticeable change in his office.
     He also began working with the subtle environment of his workplace by creating a loving and Light-filled space in his own work area. This is a powerfully effective way of setting transformative and healing forces in motion. It’s a form of spiritual induction, exactly the way a radiator warms a room. It doesn’t force anything on anyone, but it makes new energies available and accessible for any and all who want to respond. And he noticed that one way people responded to what he was doing was by unconsciously coming over to stand in or near his cubicle.
     Many organizations have such strong, entrenched structures that it may seem impossible that they will ever change. People are deeply invested in the status quo if they hold positions of authority and power within it, or even if they see it as a source of safety and a regular paycheck. People are reluctant to rattle the boat.
     But organizations are also collections of people, and a person who is awake to more spacious possibilities has an advantage in that he or she can bring that spaciousness into the human relationships they form with co-workers. I may not know how to change the organization I work for, especially if it’s a large, old corporation, but I can certainly change my relationship with the specific co-workers I deal with on a daily basis. It may not be easy, but it’s within the human scale where we all operate as individuals.
     And if I’m paying attention, I may discern opportunities to open new channels of possibility, vision, and change within the organization. I may not know just when such channels may open or what form they’ll take, but if I’m awake and alert, I’ll have a better chance of recognizing them when they appear and responding.
     The kind of awakening I wrote about last month is important. Our world needs new vision. But equally important is developing the attention, the integration, the balance, and the skill to answer the post-awakening question: now what?
Visit the website to read the new Lorian blog, View past David's Desk posts and learn more about the classes and self study work available.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Trickster & Radar Systems

I was tricked!  by Tracker/Stalker/Hacker/Trickster.  So, in return here is my trick:

I see you! I call you out!  I speak your name!

I see that you traingulated and fed off of my personal space--twice.  The first time you tried to come in as lover.  You are not my lover.  That telepathic connection ended when you got married and I finally saw you as the womanizer you were / and are since you continue to treat me with disrespect 10+ years later. I do not have heart strings with someone who harasses me. 

The second time you interfered was with the Jean Houston webinar by hacking computer systems.  The techs at the library tried everything and finally told me that the problem was "outside interference."  I told them about your hacking...."there is nothing that can be done with those kind of people."  I disagree!

What do you gain, Jon, by interfering with my personal space?  Attention?  Power?  An ego boost?  I have determined that you are a very "young" soul.  Why are you interfering with my personal communication and my communication systems?  What do you have to gain?  I see you as a puppet...who is pulling your strings?  Is it as simple as Ego?  Or is there a larger story and myth here?  Yes, Trickster plays a mythic role in cultures worldwide.

I am also Trickster and I am changing the story! I detect you and your trickery has moved me to a new level of conscious action.  I am aware that you use radar to track me and that you sense the edges of matter and then move in.  I know because I track you!  I use the same radar system! but my intention and pattern is different.

I am changing the set!  I am setting a new stage!  I am changing the system!

I am matter!  I am Earth Body with new intelligence that says: "Get thee hence, Satan."  Satan, the biggest Trickster of all.


The trickster deity breaks the rules of the gods or nature, sometimes maliciously (for example, Loki) but usually with ultimately positive effects (though the trickster's initial intentions may have been either positive or negative). Often, the bending/breaking of rules takes the form of tricks (e.g. Eris) or thievery. Tricksters can be cunning or foolish or both; they are often funny even when considered sacred or performing important cultural tasks. An example of this is the sacred Iktomi, whose role is to play tricks and games and by doing so raises awareness and acts as an equalizer.

Radar definitions
  • A device or system consisting usually of a synchronized radio transmitter and receiver that emits radio waves and processes their reflections for display and is used especially for detecting and locating objects (as aircraft) or surface features (as of a planet)
  • A method of detecting distant objects and determining their position, velocity, or other characteristics by analysis of very high frequency radio waves reflected from their surfaces.
  • The equipment used in such detection.
Radar systems  

Basic   pulse-radar   systems   are   rather   complex   in their  composition,  but  they  all  contain  the  same  basic functional   areas,   with   additional   equipment   included for   specific   purposes.   For   instance,   a   search  radar requires   additional   circuitry   to   indicate   antenna   azi- muth  position  coincident  with  a  particular  target  echo.

A tracking  radar,   such  as  a  fire-control  radar,  re-
quires  additional  circuitry  to  measure  target  range,  az- imuth,  and  elevation.  Since  circuitry  is  also  required to  keep  the  antenna  pointed  at  the  target,  fire-control radars   have   ranging   and   angle   tracking   systems included.
A pulse-Doppler  radar  has  certain  advantages  over a  basic  pulse  radar  or  a  continuous-wave  radar.  It  can
detect  both  stationary  and  moving  targets  and  can  also determine   range.   In   addition,   it   can   distinguish   be- tween  two  targets  with  the  same  radial  velocity,  but  at different   ranges.   The   radial   velocity   is   the   apparent speed  that  the  target  is  closing  on  or  going  away  from the  radar.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Manipulation as Triangular

My energetic core is intact again and now I have to be deliberate about slowing down.  When I feel great I think the more I do the better...I am taking a

I attended another women's circle last night.  Once again I had hallucinations and could not sleep.  The only homemade food I ate there was a kale salad so I asked my friend the ingredients.  Her comment was, "I wonder if you are aligning with a different "plane" after gathering with sisters , like a rising....?"  I am aware that we are not closing our circle and perhaps I am bringing home some energetic entities.  I will discuss this with a couple of circle sisters.

This morning I was calmly sipping my green drink and watching the robins in the white blossomed tree.  I was thinking about manipulation and voila!  I got that it is a triangulation pattern.  There is someone in my orbit who is manipulative and makes subltle comments that are suggestive.  This language/behavior causes me to shut down...I don't trust this person!  I asked myself, "Am I manipulative?"  I don't think feelings are straight forward and I don't play games that have unspoken undercurrents or toxicity in between the lines.  I will continue to watch myself for this pattern however.

So, triangulation can be light and dark.   The difference is one is ego-mind centered and the other is heart-mind centered.  (The dark triangle pattern goes like this:  I + You = ego strokes that are not part of a larger whole. This electromagnetic chain of (+) and (-) is weak and breaks down over time.)

Friends were telling me about another cruise they are taking to Alaska.  I thought that I'd like to go sometime.  And guess what?  A HayHouse event is announced today....a 7-night cruise to Alaska this fall and it is very reasonable in price.  I'm going to Alaska!  I just have to decide if I want the Angel program or the Past-Life regression.  How does one decide?

I want to pick nettles today...and then Jean Houstons online event.  Am I doing too much?  I am checking in.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Calming Down

My physical body and systems feel different.  Just now it felt like a triangle of lightness between my ears with lines to the top of my head.  I lose track of this dimension....maybe I'll float away.

I think my circuits are adjusting to the "solar flare" that transpired....or maybe a comet that came into my orbit and now I'm feeling the effects of its tail. ??  I also think it's a change of brain waves.

Whatever is going on my head feels light and I find myself telling friends that I have "low energy" as my whole body is effected.  A couple of people have asked me if I want to talk.  Interesting that low energy is seen as something wrong... as if one should be high energy all the time.

I am slowing down because of this new charge.  And the strangest thing happened when I woke up with this change one morning:  my food cravings were gone!  It felt like something had lifted.  I am....simply...more calm!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Romance's something romantic: 

I emailed him last week:  "Your music, past, present and future, is a garden I walk in."

Gaia would say something similar to her Beloved:  "Your music, past-present-future, is a garden I fly, spin and dance in."

Radiation, Attraction, Response, Union, Unified Radiation

I want to make it loud and clear, like the trumpet sound in the book of Revelations, that I could not have this core diamond experience nor solar triangulation without an inner and outer masculine charge.  It's this charge that is the input to my output, and the output to my input.  (Doesn't sound very romantic but we are talking sacred geometry here...who ever thought of that as romantic?)  I am aware of another relationship that is lunar and closer to home.  This triangulated relationship has a different purpose and dance that is watery and emotional.

Light's Effect on a Diamond 
There are many factors that determine a diamond's brilliance, the most important of which is its ability to reflect light. As a diamond is moved through a light source, tiny flashes will be visible within the stone. Commonly known as sparkle, this is also referred to as scintillation, an effect of the stone's reflection and refraction of light.

1. Reflection

When light enters the surface of a diamond, a portion of it is reflected back out of the top.

2. Refraction

The remaining rays of light travel into the center of the diamond and bounce off its internal walls, an effect known as refraction.

3. Dispersion

As light exits the diamond, dispersion causes the white light to be separated into multiple colors. Some light will escape out the bottom and sides, and some will reflect out of the top of the stone. The light that is reflected is referred to as the 'fire' of the diamond.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Diamond Back

I am queen of multi-tasking.  Today I burned a pan of food on Burnie's stove...again!  I fill in my day with tasks so I won't have to do them tomorrow and when tomorrow arrives more tasks have filled in.  It's a never ending tread mill and I'm tired of it!  Where did I learn this pattern anyway?  No doubt from the mainstream brain wave of achievement oriented humans. The frenzy contributes to my food binges and cravings causing inflammation in my body.  Enough already!  Last week I stopped in the midst of stress to  meditate.  I don't meditate or drum regularly.  I guess I have preferred spontaneity over routine.  However, my routine is not harmonious so I am going to change my pattern, my brainwave!

When I sat to meditate the top of my head immediately shape shifted as it does when I drum.  I associate this with brainwaves.  Colors and images flooded in.  I was sitting in a radiant green triangular diamond.  My shoulders/wing chakra was the E/W strut reminding me of a kite.  My head was the apex my torso the antapex.  I sensed that the diamond pattern continued South and North.  I drew this diamond chain and marked the E/W points as male and female.  At first I thought I was drawing diamonds surrounded by circles and associated with chakras but later got that this is the two-serpent coil cadaceus. 

The musical spectrum from previous post was a triangulation image and it was circular.  This diamond pattern is triangulation in pattern and also circular.  The "tree cookies" that show the life of a tree are circular so there is triangulation there as well.  I thought, "What would Gregg Braden say about sound spectrum and tree circles?"  He would say, "Matter + energy = vibration and vibration is sound." 

Without matter there is no sound!  So, please don't tell me matter and its triangulation of time is an illusion.  Please don't dissect my parts into nothingness like you do my ancient fluids that hold and protect me internally. 

A diamond is two parts (upper masculine + and lower feminine -) one reflecting the other.

The human earth body and Gaia holds energy in a circular field with triangulation lines of force.  Here is the key to creating solar energy...we are solar energy crystals and we can duplicate this pattern for a larger whole.

Energy is Love   ~   Matter is Life    ~  and humans in solid/gross form have the opportunity to express both!  What a sacred responsibility!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Music Spectrum

I spotted another indicator of a new thinking brain in this bod!  I am asking more questions!  It's the most amazing skill to have and one that has been so evasive in my brain!

I am listening to music with a new ear.  I heard piano music on the TV channel the other day and I was enthralled by its communication that was light and airy.  Yesterday I heard cello music in one of Dana's songs and it was so beautiful and so different from piano.  Each instrument has a musical language to share.  Just like humans!

I googled for a "music spectrum" image and found this one that looks like a "Tree Cookie" that we studied at the Project Learning Tree training.  Each tree ring representing a circle of life.  What does "circle of life" have to do with  music?  More questions!  Fun!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Energy + Matter = By-Products of Words and Actions

On the recent Transition teleseminar with Rob Hopkins I commented about the global brain and asked Rob if he thought Transition was contributing to a new intelligence.  He responded that Paul Hawken sees Transition as the Earth's "immune system' kicking into action.  He didn't think of it as the global brain.

The other day I experienced a competitive game and saw how unnatural it feels when someone wins and another one loses.  And then in coversation with a friend we realized that most of our systems are competitive.  At the same time I read a post from Rob about competition and viewed the YouTube he sent regarding REconomics in Totnes that is beyond competition.  I want to emphasize this common ground of language.  Is this not the by-product of a common brain wave and thus global brain?

At the Project Learning Tree training (educational cirriculum for K-8 grades by Mark Watrin) I received a handout called Systems Thinking Guides.  It has great diagrams with a circle in the middle and uses arrows to indicate matter and energy as inputs and outputs.  The diagram evolves by grade level. It is fascinating!  I also received a large book about environmental activities for children K-12!  My inner child is happy!

"A system is a group of interrelated parts through which matter, energy or information flow."  [I would add inspiration.]

I like to organize parts that are alive and moving and when they are not I move on to find those energetic parts.  Transition Woodinville, Transition Snoqualmie Valley and Sustainable Redmond have experienced similar cycles of development.  The first couple of years were charged and dynamic and then the energy changed as people's live and relationships changed.  This reminds me of the honeymoon phase of relationship as something proves itself out over time.  It's not about failure or success..rather it's about an organic process playing out.  I find myself reaching out to other groups now and organizing anew in the name of Transition.  Why?  Because I am loyal to relationships that are developing and evolving -- healthy!

My thinking brain is new!  I am noticing that I want to attend more classes/trainings on topics other than spiritual and that I can digest book reading more easily.  I also feel some new confidence about remembering details/numbers. !!!  My thinking brain is grounding!

I saw that man that I am so attracted to recently.  There was a moment when my body winked at him!  I was shocked that "she" did this but it felt very natural.  Later (in public!) I reached out with affection and touched his face and said some words of appreciation.  It was spontaneous and in the moment.  I had felt an energy and let my sytem of mind, heart, body create and express these by-products.  Every time I think about my actions I chuckle!  I experienced a new "resilience."  I mentioned to a friend how this connection was becoming more resilient and he asked if I meant "resonant."  I felt for the answer:  No.  Resonance has to do with subtle energy whereas resilence has more to do with gross energy through matter.  At least this is how it feels to me...this is my experience. So my inner systems were playing out  a new song that celebrates the development of external friendship. 

We use the word "brain" a lot.  What does that mean?  Does it include heart of intuition?  Does it include systems?  I think a more inclusive and accurate term for the "brain" that witnesses and holds energy and matter is GAIA. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Alchemy in Action

I am working to keep up internally and externally with all the new combustion and acceleration.
I am noticing a pattern, a by-product, of energy + matter.
[Been thinking that a circle/orb is created by the tension interplay of energy + matter and that the two create a spin and thus combustion = new acceleration. I don't know all the scientific names in play here...I do know this pattern through sensation and intuitive experience.]

At the end of Jean Houston's Salon circle I was overflowing with emotion/fire/heat and wanted to create something to move this energy into the future.  I suggested an idea and put it out there receiving one response.  Is this emotional process like flowing lava that changes when it cools down?  At the Transition Gaia circle several ideas came up regarding how to push this energetic momentum into future work and forms. Days later those ideas have cooled.

What is this pattern?  What lesson does it hold?  I see that in circles which hold combustion and acceleration I want to contain, hold, mold like clay. Others don't have the same emotional heat and fire and I cannot create something in a void.  So, what new response can I have when I am in combustion circles?  How do I convey my overflowing feelings of fire, of love?  Do I breathe deeper and speak less?

At the Project Learning Tree training I met two women educators who I followed up with regarding teaching opportunities for Circle of Life ~ Mapping One's Story classes.  This circle did not hold the same fire as the other two circles.  The temperature was more balanced as was my emotion. One of the women responded sending information about a grant opportunity for storytelling and invited me to participate in a Stillaguamish Tribe activity.  Interesting how this circle manifested something solid with less fire and heat from me. 

What am I learning here about myself?  Am I learning how to ground emotionally by using my four forces of water, air, earth and fire?  Am I learning about my personal alchemy?

I thought there was a shift:  I was organizing less and teaching more but I find myself organizing two library talks about Coal Free PSE.  Talks that include participants from several cities.  I like this weaving of's fun and natural and a good outlet for my e-motion.  E-motion I now get to manage anew because I see it anew. I stay tuned....

Monday, April 1, 2013

Sweet Infinity

Global brain...Gaia brain...your brain...our brain
Shifting brain waves:  Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, Gamma.
Resurrection's circle of life Beta to Gamma
[I can feel energy shift at the top of my head when I do art or drum which is why I want to teach storytelling mandala art.  Artistic expression of right feminine brain shifts brain waves.]

Is the top of one's head the "brain"
Or is the whole body with all its systems the brain?
Maybe the brain is the logical driving engine
The systems its emotional expressions
[Think meridian lines, chakra lines, ley lines -- all lines of life force subtle to gross and gross to subtle.]

And none are in competition -- in a healthy/intelligent system
[I attended a training with Project Learning Tree recently and we did a competitive game.  A young woman was standing next to me and we were to stand in one place while picking  up colored chips on the ground.  As I was bending over to pick up chips she swooped her arm and took them all.  I was appalled!  I didn't even have this pattern in my brain-body.  A pattern of winning while others lose.  I was sad for her.  A friend and I had a lengthy talk about competition and how every system is based on this way of relating.  It's not a natural or sustainable way of thinking, feeling, acting.  We need to create games and systems that are cooperative and non-competitive.  My friend thought that people would not try to excel.  I think competition is centered in ego and separation.  Cooperation is centered in one brain-body.  As humans evolve in intelligence we will create new ways and systems to play, work and create.]

Two men from my recent workshop asked when I would have another one.  That is the best evaluation yet!   Looking forward to seeing/hearing Carolyn Myss, Gregg Braden, Wayne Dyer and others later this month though I am not eager to sit and listen to talk, talk, talk for two days.  However, I want to stay connected with friends who are on the same wave length and contributing to new Gaia intelligence.

He said "everything is energy."  I asked him not to negate matter whcih led to an intense discussion.  I am surprised how well he listens to me through my emotional tides that often interrupt him mid-sentence.  The experience reminded me of love-making using different body parts.  This is the nice thing about being celebate right now...I see love-making in new ways.  Which reminds me....the English language is very limited and I am not finding the words to describe my experiences. 

From an article in my files that I ran across last night while watching The Voice:
Matter, which vibrates at a very slow frequency, is referred to as physical matter.  That which vibrates at speeds exceeding light velicity is known as subtle matter.  Subtle matter is as real as dense matter; [does that not mean that dense matter is as real as subtle matter?] its vibratory rate is simply faster.  It is believed that two opposite ends of the spectrum--yin, the energy of earth and yang, the energy of heaven--combined with humans to create this vital force.
[Subtle force needs matter to reflect itself; Matter needs subtle force to do the same.  One feeding the other in sweet infinity.]