Friday, July 31, 2009
For the first time this week I told someone in my family about Tracker harassment. This person commented that my telepathic experience is "witchcraft." That's his brain patterning. Another woman friend who is Jewish doesn't want me to talk about my telepathic experiences. She doesn't believe there are other realities. It's strange to speak a different language and see a different picture than most people around me. Which is why I am so grateful for those who do speak the same language and see with the same eyes...those who are on the same wavelength.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I received an email from Hay House regarding the Vitamin D Revolution. Yes, we need sol nourishment but not from outside in. The Vitamin D that we need...Sol inside out. Who has studied this medicine?
We explore outer space but don't turn within to inner space where the true answers await.
My simple way of seeing:
Cancer is a disease of suppression. Suppressed emotions, suppressed secrets. Air/Spirit does not breathe freely.
Swine Flu is a disease of over crowding and lack of oxygen. Crowded cities are the cause. Would anyone march for less crowding and more air? As I see it people seem to like to march and play up disease. How twisted is that?
Beer Summit...President Obama's creative leadership is refreshing. Some people don't want him to succeed. People live in fear and resist change...inside and out.
We explore outer space but don't turn within to inner space where the true answers await.
My simple way of seeing:
Cancer is a disease of suppression. Suppressed emotions, suppressed secrets. Air/Spirit does not breathe freely.
Swine Flu is a disease of over crowding and lack of oxygen. Crowded cities are the cause. Would anyone march for less crowding and more air? As I see it people seem to like to march and play up disease. How twisted is that?
Beer Summit...President Obama's creative leadership is refreshing. Some people don't want him to succeed. People live in fear and resist change...inside and out.
Sweet Waters
I have changed! My capacity has changed! I went on a road trip and wanted to socialize as much as to be in solitude. My sister told me I never have to be homeless because she has a room for me! That is so sweet!
Rivers and waterfalls sang to me. Driving home I didn't feel complete and body wanted to dunk in a river so I turned off and drove to a spot that is...chaotic. Why would I want to end up and do a baptismal dunk in a chaotic spot? There were power lines, railroad tracks, steep rock cliffs...and as I looked up from writing in my notebook a man looking at me from the bridge. I had thought earlier what I would say to a man if one approached me in the woods. I decided that I would say, "You are love and you are loved." The man on the bridge said, "I hope I didn't startle you." He asked what I was doing and I told him I was writing and listening. He comments about the rumbling. How does one tell a man about inner listening? He then asked if I wanted to be left alone. I told him yes... and then thought I should have told him I wasn't alone. I don't feel safe with life has been full of men who are aggressive and treat women as objects. And yet my mantra: You are Love, Your are Loved. That is the only response to male aggression. As well as taking specific action to protect oneself. I am at that place now in my life where I am extending both ends of the specturm. And I have women friends who have some expertise in this area. Women who have dealt with stalkers. I can extend love and light to men who are out of balance and at the same time take swift action to stop harrassment.
Rivers and waterfalls sang to me. Driving home I didn't feel complete and body wanted to dunk in a river so I turned off and drove to a spot that is...chaotic. Why would I want to end up and do a baptismal dunk in a chaotic spot? There were power lines, railroad tracks, steep rock cliffs...and as I looked up from writing in my notebook a man looking at me from the bridge. I had thought earlier what I would say to a man if one approached me in the woods. I decided that I would say, "You are love and you are loved." The man on the bridge said, "I hope I didn't startle you." He asked what I was doing and I told him I was writing and listening. He comments about the rumbling. How does one tell a man about inner listening? He then asked if I wanted to be left alone. I told him yes... and then thought I should have told him I wasn't alone. I don't feel safe with life has been full of men who are aggressive and treat women as objects. And yet my mantra: You are Love, Your are Loved. That is the only response to male aggression. As well as taking specific action to protect oneself. I am at that place now in my life where I am extending both ends of the specturm. And I have women friends who have some expertise in this area. Women who have dealt with stalkers. I can extend love and light to men who are out of balance and at the same time take swift action to stop harrassment.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Aggression and Violence Against Women
Tracker harassment escalates blocking my computer, communications and work.
Tracker acts out when he doesn't get attention.
And, thus, I have to deal with his increasing abuse.
Why do men bully, harass, abuse, rape and kill women? Is it a power and control issue? Truth is these men are trying to get power from women because they lack this inner force of their own sacred feminine.
Why aren't more men addressing this issue of violence against women? We hear it again and again on the out of control. It's time to speak out!
Where are the voices to say "stop" to this aggression and violence against women?
Tracker acts out when he doesn't get attention.
And, thus, I have to deal with his increasing abuse.
Why do men bully, harass, abuse, rape and kill women? Is it a power and control issue? Truth is these men are trying to get power from women because they lack this inner force of their own sacred feminine.
Why aren't more men addressing this issue of violence against women? We hear it again and again on the out of control. It's time to speak out!
Where are the voices to say "stop" to this aggression and violence against women?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Speaking Up / Speaking Out
There's movement in my valley to raise one voice and oppose the zoning changes be proposed by a developer. Several of us will attend the Public Hearing.
My letter to the editor:
Dear Woodinville Weekly:
I am very relieved to read in your July 20 edition that Woodinville’s City Council does not approve of the state-required growth allocations in our county. 2,500 – 3,000 new housing units by the year 2031 is unthinkable when it comes to our quality of life. What’s at the core of this ongoing issue of unsustainable growth? My logic sees it as overpopulation. Where are the discussions around this issue? What are the solutions? I can think of three: tax families for bringing a child into the world; give credit to families who adopt a child; and educate, educate, educate. Our planet doesn’t have the resources to sustain unlimited growth and Woodinville doesn’t either!
My letter to the editor:
Dear Woodinville Weekly:
I am very relieved to read in your July 20 edition that Woodinville’s City Council does not approve of the state-required growth allocations in our county. 2,500 – 3,000 new housing units by the year 2031 is unthinkable when it comes to our quality of life. What’s at the core of this ongoing issue of unsustainable growth? My logic sees it as overpopulation. Where are the discussions around this issue? What are the solutions? I can think of three: tax families for bringing a child into the world; give credit to families who adopt a child; and educate, educate, educate. Our planet doesn’t have the resources to sustain unlimited growth and Woodinville doesn’t either!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
New Voice in Body
I've been noticing a new vibration or voice in my body. It feels like a big smile coming from my center -- maybe solar plexus. Is it 7 months of unemployment and R&R? Is it aware eating with less carbs? Is it love that I AM wrapping around me? Is it more time with women friends? Is it seeing new pathways open for work in the world? Is it garden time and sun? It's all these things I am now calling my Living Matrix.
Through mind's eye I saw letters/words/sentences in one block...then some letters on the left enlarged...then I noticed a field of caring energy wrapping around me. This is the same sequence as the sea dragon experience on the Encinitas beach. These language symbols came in on the speed of light. I'd have to wrap around them with a different part of my brain (cognitive?)in order to recognize/see (South) and digest/know (North) them. I'd have to slow down this incoming stream of information in order to wrap around it. Does this mean that telepathic impressions come in from the East?
Seems to me there are different "time frames" and wave lengths in the parts of the brain.
Through mind's eye I saw letters/words/sentences in one block...then some letters on the left enlarged...then I noticed a field of caring energy wrapping around me. This is the same sequence as the sea dragon experience on the Encinitas beach. These language symbols came in on the speed of light. I'd have to wrap around them with a different part of my brain (cognitive?)in order to recognize/see (South) and digest/know (North) them. I'd have to slow down this incoming stream of information in order to wrap around it. Does this mean that telepathic impressions come in from the East?
Seems to me there are different "time frames" and wave lengths in the parts of the brain.
Matrix Magic
There is opportunity to be "party of record" and speak for 5 minutes regarding the zoning code changes and the Comprehensive Plan changes in this agriculture valley. I have some research to do if I want to speak.
I am starting to charge a fee for my Circle of Life class. I will deduct this amount from my EUC benefits. I now have an extended 20 weeks with potential for 13 after that. I want to build two income streams: the Circle class and The World Flag.
United Indians of All Tribes will pay me over half of my previous hourly salary for teaching a Circle Mapping class to their youth. I am so happy about this positive response and am reaching out to other non-profits. I'm talking with the YWCA and the NW AIDS Foundation. There is much potential with this class.
I am also reaching out to promote/sell The World Flag. WA State has nine Education Service Districts. I called several of them to see how I can share TWFlag info with their schools. Most of them forwarded me to the Assist. Supt. One district forwarded me to the media department. The man seemed impatient saying that he didn't have much time and yet he give me his email for more info. I love it when this happens...and light breaks through! This magic happened a lot at my previous job (before I moved to Corporate) and staff told me that I worked magic. People did like to say "yes" to me. I always thought it was something potential donors heard in my voice.
Friend, Lady Selah, asked me to help her promote her book at trade shows so this will be another income stream allowing me to extend my EUC benfits. After seven months of unemployment my living matrix is taking shape. I want to promote and sell products that I value!
I am starting to charge a fee for my Circle of Life class. I will deduct this amount from my EUC benefits. I now have an extended 20 weeks with potential for 13 after that. I want to build two income streams: the Circle class and The World Flag.
United Indians of All Tribes will pay me over half of my previous hourly salary for teaching a Circle Mapping class to their youth. I am so happy about this positive response and am reaching out to other non-profits. I'm talking with the YWCA and the NW AIDS Foundation. There is much potential with this class.
I am also reaching out to promote/sell The World Flag. WA State has nine Education Service Districts. I called several of them to see how I can share TWFlag info with their schools. Most of them forwarded me to the Assist. Supt. One district forwarded me to the media department. The man seemed impatient saying that he didn't have much time and yet he give me his email for more info. I love it when this happens...and light breaks through! This magic happened a lot at my previous job (before I moved to Corporate) and staff told me that I worked magic. People did like to say "yes" to me. I always thought it was something potential donors heard in my voice.
Friend, Lady Selah, asked me to help her promote her book at trade shows so this will be another income stream allowing me to extend my EUC benfits. After seven months of unemployment my living matrix is taking shape. I want to promote and sell products that I value!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Green Space
Development is encroaching our small farms here in the valley. Those folks don't have funds for attorneys and they don't know the political landscape. I'm ready to make signs and picket but it may be too late. I was hoping the economic downturn would have changed the madness around more and bigger is better.
Mother Earth cannot breathe. Who at City Hall and the Chamber of Commerce could get that? Guess I need to learn to speak their language to get my points across...or at least try. Some of us valley agricultural folks are getting informed and united.
This is supposed to be an agri-tourism zone. It's starting to look and feel like another strip mall. Where's the creativity and imagination for our towns and cities?
Green values must include green space and open fields where soil can breathe.
Maybe I'll do some research so I can make a speech!
Mother Earth cannot breathe. Who at City Hall and the Chamber of Commerce could get that? Guess I need to learn to speak their language to get my points across...or at least try. Some of us valley agricultural folks are getting informed and united.
This is supposed to be an agri-tourism zone. It's starting to look and feel like another strip mall. Where's the creativity and imagination for our towns and cities?
Green values must include green space and open fields where soil can breathe.
Maybe I'll do some research so I can make a speech!
Good News!
I received this today:
Dear Patricia,
Thank you for helping protect Oregon's ancient forests!
Ever wonder if your actions make a difference? Here's proof - yesterday the Obama Administration withdrew a Bush-era plan to more than double logging in ancient forests in Oregon. Your emails in support of this effort helped tip the balance.
With this move, the Obama Administration resets protections for some 2.6 million acres of public forests of coastal and southwest Oregon. With their towering trees and rushing rivers, these forests are home to some 1,000 wildlife species, including imperiled species like the marbled murrelet and the northern spotted owl. These spectacular forests also encompass some of the most productive salmon habitat in the lower 48 states.
Thank you for your activism! Together with other WildAlert online community members, we generated more than 130,000 emails in support of these protections.
As a Wilderness Society supporter, you lend extra weight to our potent blend of expertise, bringing the law, science and good public policy to bear to protect America's beloved national lands.
We can't thank you enough for your support!
Kathy Kilmer
Dear Patricia,
Thank you for helping protect Oregon's ancient forests!
Ever wonder if your actions make a difference? Here's proof - yesterday the Obama Administration withdrew a Bush-era plan to more than double logging in ancient forests in Oregon. Your emails in support of this effort helped tip the balance.
With this move, the Obama Administration resets protections for some 2.6 million acres of public forests of coastal and southwest Oregon. With their towering trees and rushing rivers, these forests are home to some 1,000 wildlife species, including imperiled species like the marbled murrelet and the northern spotted owl. These spectacular forests also encompass some of the most productive salmon habitat in the lower 48 states.
Thank you for your activism! Together with other WildAlert online community members, we generated more than 130,000 emails in support of these protections.
As a Wilderness Society supporter, you lend extra weight to our potent blend of expertise, bringing the law, science and good public policy to bear to protect America's beloved national lands.
We can't thank you enough for your support!
Kathy Kilmer
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Pulling/Pushing Voices
A couple of weeks ago I felt like signing up to volunteer for the Seafair Pow Wow. Last week I didn't feel like going so I had this push/pull going on.
Logic kicked in telling me to keep my comitment and that as a longtime professional volunteer coordinator I know the effect of those who don't follow through.
Driving to the site I realized this was an opportunity to help set the tone and once I was there to set up bleachers I knew the significance of that sacred space. I was setting the stage for thousands of dancing feet -- from all tribes.
It's so interesting how the body steers one in a direction without the mind knowing why. There are so many voices going on within one body and they change moment by moment. Logic supports the whole body.
Logic kicked in telling me to keep my comitment and that as a longtime professional volunteer coordinator I know the effect of those who don't follow through.
Driving to the site I realized this was an opportunity to help set the tone and once I was there to set up bleachers I knew the significance of that sacred space. I was setting the stage for thousands of dancing feet -- from all tribes.
It's so interesting how the body steers one in a direction without the mind knowing why. There are so many voices going on within one body and they change moment by moment. Logic supports the whole body.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Living, Breathing Matrix
My current matrix looks like this:
Job interview this week with ROOTS
Volunteer at Seafair Pow Wow
Follow up on job application at United Indians of All Tribes
Work as WA State rep for The World Flag
Teach Circle of Life classes at United Indians of All Tribes
Move West -- depending on job that opens
Next week it will look different.
Job interview this week with ROOTS
Volunteer at Seafair Pow Wow
Follow up on job application at United Indians of All Tribes
Work as WA State rep for The World Flag
Teach Circle of Life classes at United Indians of All Tribes
Move West -- depending on job that opens
Next week it will look different.
Natural Law
What kind of people have laws that are based in fact only and do not include empathy or feelings? People who are off balance. Natural law is empathic and full of feeling and thus peaceful and sustaining. Truth has been twisted and tangled. Such is the inner journey of the individual body as well as the collective body.
President Obama offers new stimulation of intelligence. On Fox news recently someone asked, "Who elected Obama?" "The media," was the response. No, the people voted Obama. People who are starving for more emotional intelligence and maturity.
I met a woman friend who is on the board of Seattle Biochar and joined them for a work party. I find this effort of burning green matter (biomass) to make char to add to compost to add to our soil very symbolic. When I transmute emotions I am in a fire process. I don't suppress or repress emotions. I let them move and the result is char/compost for the multi-dimensional minds.
President Obama offers new stimulation of intelligence. On Fox news recently someone asked, "Who elected Obama?" "The media," was the response. No, the people voted Obama. People who are starving for more emotional intelligence and maturity.
I met a woman friend who is on the board of Seattle Biochar and joined them for a work party. I find this effort of burning green matter (biomass) to make char to add to compost to add to our soil very symbolic. When I transmute emotions I am in a fire process. I don't suppress or repress emotions. I let them move and the result is char/compost for the multi-dimensional minds.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Wayne Dyer
Wayne Dyer looks 10 years younger! Weight loss has many benefits. His success story through example has powerful effects.
Wayne talked about ego. We lose ego that is found on the outer rim of circle. Ego drenched in surface identities and treasures of this world. We dive deep into the core center and find true value in spiritual Light. We re-emerge on the surface as ego is re-born. What is new Ego called? Ego is made of flesh and bones and asks for a new image -- new branding.
Wayne talked about imagination and he gave us space to use our imagination. Since the trees sang to me I am imagining myself living in a cabin in the woods. During Wayne's talk this image revealed a man next to me! I did not intend or create that man...he simply appeared. He was wearing white.
I walked into the packed church where Wayne was speaking and chose a seat next to a nice man. We had several exchanges during the evening's talk. As we were walking out he asks me if he was going to see me again. He called yesterday and asked me out to dinner. This pattern is uncommon in my life. I was thinking the other day about my women friends and noticing the lack of male friends.
As Wayne was closing the evening I put my right hand in the air to send acknowledgment and love. I felt sparks of energy emitting from my palm.
Imagination...a space of imaging. This space for me is an empty space. I'm not good at imagining material stuff. What would I want? What would make me happy? Instead I create an open and sacred space in which I listen and watch. Magic happens here...when on lets go to this receptive force.
Wayne talked about ego. We lose ego that is found on the outer rim of circle. Ego drenched in surface identities and treasures of this world. We dive deep into the core center and find true value in spiritual Light. We re-emerge on the surface as ego is re-born. What is new Ego called? Ego is made of flesh and bones and asks for a new image -- new branding.
Wayne talked about imagination and he gave us space to use our imagination. Since the trees sang to me I am imagining myself living in a cabin in the woods. During Wayne's talk this image revealed a man next to me! I did not intend or create that man...he simply appeared. He was wearing white.
I walked into the packed church where Wayne was speaking and chose a seat next to a nice man. We had several exchanges during the evening's talk. As we were walking out he asks me if he was going to see me again. He called yesterday and asked me out to dinner. This pattern is uncommon in my life. I was thinking the other day about my women friends and noticing the lack of male friends.
As Wayne was closing the evening I put my right hand in the air to send acknowledgment and love. I felt sparks of energy emitting from my palm.
Imagination...a space of imaging. This space for me is an empty space. I'm not good at imagining material stuff. What would I want? What would make me happy? Instead I create an open and sacred space in which I listen and watch. Magic happens here...when on lets go to this receptive force.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A Dream, Circle Mapping and World Flag
Wednesday dream: Mom is at my doorstep. I am NW and she is SE in a diagonal position. She shows me her lower legs/shins and tells me she is hurting and tired. Her legs are very thin...not like her legs in this lifetime. (When she passed over her legs were very large, dark blue and hardened due to diabetes.)
Then I am looking up to her. We have shifted positions. I am SE and she is NW. She tells me she is leaving -- passing over. I put my hands on her waist. She is very round and I find the right "seam" to hold. This flesh contact ignited a wave of grief gripping me at my deepest core. I let the emotion rip and scream without reservation. A couple of people are with me but I am not inhibited. I sense this now as an emotional fault line...a healthy system of communication.
Shared Circle of Life - Mapping One's Story at Day Break Star Youth Home with Elders from Alaska. I shared with one woman and then another rather than a group. This makes the time very personal and I get to hear about their lives and ask them questions. This makes me happy! I'll go back to share with youth in a few weeks.
Tomorrow my new friend Vivian and I drive to Portland. I have a meeting at The World Flag office with the development team. I may do some work with/for them. My newest brainchild is a United We Stand campaign and I have ideas to share. This brainchild is different from my last one (Green Heart) in that The World Flag has an infrastructure and I won't be planning and doing this alone. It will be fun to see if anything evolves. As usual...I am not attached and I continue to watch and listen for response.
Then I am looking up to her. We have shifted positions. I am SE and she is NW. She tells me she is leaving -- passing over. I put my hands on her waist. She is very round and I find the right "seam" to hold. This flesh contact ignited a wave of grief gripping me at my deepest core. I let the emotion rip and scream without reservation. A couple of people are with me but I am not inhibited. I sense this now as an emotional fault line...a healthy system of communication.
Shared Circle of Life - Mapping One's Story at Day Break Star Youth Home with Elders from Alaska. I shared with one woman and then another rather than a group. This makes the time very personal and I get to hear about their lives and ask them questions. This makes me happy! I'll go back to share with youth in a few weeks.
Tomorrow my new friend Vivian and I drive to Portland. I have a meeting at The World Flag office with the development team. I may do some work with/for them. My newest brainchild is a United We Stand campaign and I have ideas to share. This brainchild is different from my last one (Green Heart) in that The World Flag has an infrastructure and I won't be planning and doing this alone. It will be fun to see if anything evolves. As usual...I am not attached and I continue to watch and listen for response.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Colored Matrix
During the night I saw with inner eye a red and white matrix in checkered pattern. I was wrapped in it and thought of it at the time as a mummy bag.
How is this associated with terrain of unconditional love? Where is black?
Unconditional love is not promiscuous nor can its shield be penetrated by manipulative egos. This generative life force keeps toxins out and keeps protective heat in. In a mummy bag this heat protects the feet expecially.
So proud of Eagle and Bear - US and Russia - President Obama and President Medvedev. We weave the matrix healing the leaks and holes. We protect sacred space through personal and collective radiation of Love. Love makes people smile. It brightens the eyes and sharpens all senses. Our beloved Planet Earth and Her people wake up and take new action as criminal elements resist and act out.
The drug czars will not control. The sexual predators will not be fed. The greedy and self-absorbed will dry up. The terrorists will fail. Sweet green life prevails.
How is this associated with terrain of unconditional love? Where is black?
Unconditional love is not promiscuous nor can its shield be penetrated by manipulative egos. This generative life force keeps toxins out and keeps protective heat in. In a mummy bag this heat protects the feet expecially.
So proud of Eagle and Bear - US and Russia - President Obama and President Medvedev. We weave the matrix healing the leaks and holes. We protect sacred space through personal and collective radiation of Love. Love makes people smile. It brightens the eyes and sharpens all senses. Our beloved Planet Earth and Her people wake up and take new action as criminal elements resist and act out.
The drug czars will not control. The sexual predators will not be fed. The greedy and self-absorbed will dry up. The terrorists will fail. Sweet green life prevails.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
New Website
I have to create a new website...since this one is broken and my tech person is not available. It's frustrating to depend on someone else so I need a website that I can manage independently. This creation feels like a chore since my energy is so different now that I'm not working. I'm moving in a different gear and have to push myself.
Higher Control Center
Another politician is caught in infidelity. Do most men lust after women either in thought or action? What is the chemistry behind this behavior? Hormones? Why do men (and women) act like they're sexual machines? Hormones? It's time to awaken a higher control center that resides within a whole system of spirit, emotion, thought and behavior! What hormones are these?
It's time for men and women to have a deeper conversation about the "institution" we call marriage. What does Nature tell us about relationship? I see the Sun with many planets revolving around it and the planets in turn with orbs revolving around them. Perhaps we are meant to have more than one significant other. How does that play out in fearful and dark consciousness? It doesn't. Instead rules and expectations are imposed to keep order rather than listening and watching for natural order. When unconditional love breaks out relationships will change. Honest communication will be a sign.
It's time for men and women to have a deeper conversation about the "institution" we call marriage. What does Nature tell us about relationship? I see the Sun with many planets revolving around it and the planets in turn with orbs revolving around them. Perhaps we are meant to have more than one significant other. How does that play out in fearful and dark consciousness? It doesn't. Instead rules and expectations are imposed to keep order rather than listening and watching for natural order. When unconditional love breaks out relationships will change. Honest communication will be a sign.
Media -- Weaver of Relationships
What is happening in Iran? Why did that news get left behind? Is it a relationship that the media dumped for other more enticing news? This is not how we treat others as individuals or as a country. Why not take a circular approach honoring all the parts in a balanced way? The media weaves threads of information -- how can it make a strong web without dropping critical relationship threads. The media is a powerful political tool that can be utilized for the good of the whole system.
What is happening in Iran? Why did that news get left behind? Is it a relationship that the media dumped for other more enticing news? This is not how we treat others as individuals or as a country. Why not take a circular approach honoring all the parts in a balanced way? The media weaves threads of information -- how can it make a strong web without dropping critical relationship threads. The media is a powerful political tool that can be utilized for the good of the whole system.
Truth Telling
Gratitude to Deepak Chopra for speaking the truth regarding Michael Jackson and cutting through the dark drug deception. Good to bring dark issues into light.
I notice that my heart/brain/body has new capacity which reveals itself as I watch CNN and world news. I used to be focused within developing inner terrain of my spiritual and emotional bodies. In this stage of development I was not interested in politics or outer worldly events. That has definitely changed. With this new capacity comes a new view and a new voice.
I will be emailing this post to CNN and President Obama:
Missile Free Planet
The launching of missiles - by any country - is an outrage! This planetary abuse must stop! Planet Earth is not a dead object to toy with. Her ground and waters are alive and give humans and other life forms a critical system of life-support. It's time to let go of phallic missiles of mass destruction and replace them with circular thinking and systems that support the whole. The muscle needed for this change is the heart - our one heart - as a people and as a planet. The intelligence needed is emotional.
I notice that my heart/brain/body has new capacity which reveals itself as I watch CNN and world news. I used to be focused within developing inner terrain of my spiritual and emotional bodies. In this stage of development I was not interested in politics or outer worldly events. That has definitely changed. With this new capacity comes a new view and a new voice.
I will be emailing this post to CNN and President Obama:
Missile Free Planet
The launching of missiles - by any country - is an outrage! This planetary abuse must stop! Planet Earth is not a dead object to toy with. Her ground and waters are alive and give humans and other life forms a critical system of life-support. It's time to let go of phallic missiles of mass destruction and replace them with circular thinking and systems that support the whole. The muscle needed for this change is the heart - our one heart - as a people and as a planet. The intelligence needed is emotional.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Fireworks via Drum
My kind of fireworks to take place in Ballard July 4:
You are invited to dance, rattle, drum, hum, drone, chant and/or vocalize your intention and your joy in our safe & open circle. Drums, didjeridoos, flutes, etc. are all encouraged... Some special surprises may well be in store at this month's event too.
Turtle Drum Circle is a community ceremony where we take a deep journey using our drums and our bodies in dance to explore the otherworlds for insight and healing, for ourselves, each other and Mother Earth. Some participants also come to journey or to meditate.
You are invited to dance, rattle, drum, hum, drone, chant and/or vocalize your intention and your joy in our safe & open circle. Drums, didjeridoos, flutes, etc. are all encouraged... Some special surprises may well be in store at this month's event too.
Turtle Drum Circle is a community ceremony where we take a deep journey using our drums and our bodies in dance to explore the otherworlds for insight and healing, for ourselves, each other and Mother Earth. Some participants also come to journey or to meditate.
Full of energy and life force today. The best thing I could have done Tuesday when I was down was to be with my grandkids.
Dream 1:
D drove up in a car with three people in the back seat. I was happy to greet him and even more happy that the three people in the back seat were personal friends of mine. In the dream I sensed the synchronicity of this. We were at an event that was announced as one thing but turned into something else. A few people gathered as I tried to explain the change. As more people filled in D handed me the microphone. As I spoke through it I questioned the amplification...wanting to make sure I was being heard.
Dream 2:
With a man having a discussion. I interrupt him...don't let him talk...something is coming up for me and I have to speak. My eyes are closed and I speak what I see: one line with opposite ends. Center point wants to make a point.
This morning when I awoke I considered the dreams and asked about center point. I got the word "fulcrum".
I will volunteer at Seafair Pow Wow at Daybreak Star. I want to be with Native brothers and sisters.
I've thought about snakes as I ride my bike along the river trail. When I was young there were many snakes basking on the road. Today I saw something odd in my path thinking it was a dark rope but it wiggled in serpentine motion. I stopped my bike to make sure it got to the other side safely. I always acknowledge Goddess when I come across snake.
More trees means...more birds! Today along the trail I stopped at some poplars to listen to the birds' songs. One bird "beeped" his way toward me and when he landed on a branch he bobbed up and down. I named him Beeping Bob. The yellow birds are here: goldfinch and the one with the black mask whose name I cannot remember. I'll look these birds up in my books. Here at the library recently I reconnected with someone who teaches bird language.
Definitions of fulcrum on the Web:
the pivot about which a lever turns
Fulcrum is a drumming term. Traditionally, the fulcrum is said to denote the part of a percussionist's grip that is the main lever for the drumstick/mallet to rotate. This is usually created by the thumb + index finger, the thumb + middle finger, or a combination of the index,middle, and thumb.
A mass of billions of stars clustered together in a group.
The pivot point of a lever.
the support of point that a lever rests on when it is lifting something.
a plane surface inclined at less than a right angle to a horizontal surface, used to roll or slide a load up or down.
A support or point of support on which a string vibrates. This is typically on the bridge saddle or nut region.
the corneous body on which the base of the tubus, or sheath of the tongue, in the Hymenoptera, rests; it is "le pivot" of Reaumer.
Full of energy and life force today. The best thing I could have done Tuesday when I was down was to be with my grandkids.
Dream 1:
D drove up in a car with three people in the back seat. I was happy to greet him and even more happy that the three people in the back seat were personal friends of mine. In the dream I sensed the synchronicity of this. We were at an event that was announced as one thing but turned into something else. A few people gathered as I tried to explain the change. As more people filled in D handed me the microphone. As I spoke through it I questioned the amplification...wanting to make sure I was being heard.
Dream 2:
With a man having a discussion. I interrupt him...don't let him talk...something is coming up for me and I have to speak. My eyes are closed and I speak what I see: one line with opposite ends. Center point wants to make a point.
This morning when I awoke I considered the dreams and asked about center point. I got the word "fulcrum".
I will volunteer at Seafair Pow Wow at Daybreak Star. I want to be with Native brothers and sisters.
I've thought about snakes as I ride my bike along the river trail. When I was young there were many snakes basking on the road. Today I saw something odd in my path thinking it was a dark rope but it wiggled in serpentine motion. I stopped my bike to make sure it got to the other side safely. I always acknowledge Goddess when I come across snake.
More trees means...more birds! Today along the trail I stopped at some poplars to listen to the birds' songs. One bird "beeped" his way toward me and when he landed on a branch he bobbed up and down. I named him Beeping Bob. The yellow birds are here: goldfinch and the one with the black mask whose name I cannot remember. I'll look these birds up in my books. Here at the library recently I reconnected with someone who teaches bird language.
Definitions of fulcrum on the Web:
the pivot about which a lever turns
Fulcrum is a drumming term. Traditionally, the fulcrum is said to denote the part of a percussionist's grip that is the main lever for the drumstick/mallet to rotate. This is usually created by the thumb + index finger, the thumb + middle finger, or a combination of the index,middle, and thumb.
A mass of billions of stars clustered together in a group.
The pivot point of a lever.
the support of point that a lever rests on when it is lifting something.
a plane surface inclined at less than a right angle to a horizontal surface, used to roll or slide a load up or down.
A support or point of support on which a string vibrates. This is typically on the bridge saddle or nut region.
the corneous body on which the base of the tubus, or sheath of the tongue, in the Hymenoptera, rests; it is "le pivot" of Reaumer.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Muscle In Motion
Drifting without a compass; without points of orientation; without North Star. I am in transition. I listen to heart and steer accordingly. Drawn to Native American community I schedule Circle of Life Mapping at United Indians of All Tribes Youth Home and with Elders.
I cannot charge a fee for my class unless I want it deducted from weekly benefits. So, I make connections. I now apply for an extension of benefits and may get another 33 weeks to find new ground.
I saw a TV program regarding the 2003 Muckleshoot Canoe Journey. The captain was a man I worked with years ago. He helped me with a Protecting Sacred Sites event. The canoe needed a name and they weren't receiving one. One man said that the tribe had a lot of money but that could not get them a name for their canoe. As they waited an Eagle flew in...thus the name: Eagle Spirit. On the journey people kept getting songs and they would sing. I so relate to these people who ride the waves of Spirit.
I notice that I don't need to get into nature now that I'm unemployed. Nature is not as separate. It's as if I Am elements. And yet when I took my g-kids to a wildlife park the trees were singing so loud that I had to listen. I definitely need more trees in my life! Not more social networking, not more people, but trees. I set that intention.
When I picked up my g-kids for the park they told me that they had been hitting each other. I commented, "You know that makes me very upset." I showed them my hand and told them energy comes out of our hands and they are meant for kind acts not hitting. I touched my grandson lovingly to make an impression. They both listened intently. Later that night there was hitting between two boys. I suggested they do tai chi or martial arts to use their hands differently. So many negative habit patterns controlling our muscles.
I cannot charge a fee for my class unless I want it deducted from weekly benefits. So, I make connections. I now apply for an extension of benefits and may get another 33 weeks to find new ground.
I saw a TV program regarding the 2003 Muckleshoot Canoe Journey. The captain was a man I worked with years ago. He helped me with a Protecting Sacred Sites event. The canoe needed a name and they weren't receiving one. One man said that the tribe had a lot of money but that could not get them a name for their canoe. As they waited an Eagle flew in...thus the name: Eagle Spirit. On the journey people kept getting songs and they would sing. I so relate to these people who ride the waves of Spirit.
I notice that I don't need to get into nature now that I'm unemployed. Nature is not as separate. It's as if I Am elements. And yet when I took my g-kids to a wildlife park the trees were singing so loud that I had to listen. I definitely need more trees in my life! Not more social networking, not more people, but trees. I set that intention.
When I picked up my g-kids for the park they told me that they had been hitting each other. I commented, "You know that makes me very upset." I showed them my hand and told them energy comes out of our hands and they are meant for kind acts not hitting. I touched my grandson lovingly to make an impression. They both listened intently. Later that night there was hitting between two boys. I suggested they do tai chi or martial arts to use their hands differently. So many negative habit patterns controlling our muscles.