
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pagan Integration

I'm preparing a Community Threads table for Dana's concert on Saturday. What will I display? A flyer for my class and soon to be released activity book. Circle of Life mandalas from my students. Objects that represent the four directions. Circle art of Goddess and Huichol yarn paintings. A plant from my home. And...yes, my large Community Threads banner that I made for the Fairy Congress years ago. A banner with my large salamander. At first I thought it would be too pagan for this community event...but I'm going for it! True colors, true images, true language, true love. It's time for integration of many parts!

And my drum wants to go as well!

North on the Circle of Life

"Low life" are words I wrote. I want to clarify...these two words do not refer to ego or personalities. They refer to vibration. I prefer to speak Truth rather than insult and degrade people. So, I clarify my language.

Last week at the bank in the middle of a bank transaction my son called. I was happy to receive his call and answered. The bank teller was very mad at me for this. She didn't say anything but I could see in her face how my action of multi-tasking was disrespecting her. So, this week I took her daffodils. She wasn't in but I left them. I noticed a security guard at the door and learned later that the bank had been robbed earlier that day. Evil comes close to home. I send out white light of protection for my community, my city, my state, my nation, my planet. We are in the midst of turbulent times. Light prevails because we focus it by expressing it.

I'm so happy with the illustrator I'm working with on my book. She's bringing my images to life and filling them out with dimension. Today I was pregnant again...with the energy to contact mainstream authors with whom I feel a heart/soul connection due to eye-to-eye contact and ear-to-ear language. These best-seller authors seem distant in this realm but I was inspired to invite them to review my book.

I see that I get pregnant with inspiration. Is that what happens when one is an Elder in the North of the Circle of Life?

City Council

I woke up yesterday morning inspired to write my 3-minute City Council talk. It was ready to be I agreed. It may evolve by April 6.

Local Food for Local Kids

If you’ve seen the movie Avatar, Food Inc or the Japanese film Princess Mononoke you’ve seen the storyline drama of Nature vs. Human Greed. That greed manifests through over-population, over-development, over-polluting, over-eating,
over- drinking, over-drugging. Greed is unhealthy upsetting natural balance and destorying life.

I am a poet, writer and visionary. I am more right brained and intuitive than I am left brained and logical. I need Nature to breathe and thrive. I need land, trees, open space and green valleys for inspiration; for health. For this reason I am stepping into the political system to speak out for Nature.

I watched the King Co Board of Health on TV talk about Healthy Eating Policy strategies to Improve Health in King County through Local Healthy Food Initiatives. They mentioned that the Obama administration has $400 million for local healthy food production and distribution. This is the same funding stream identified by The Food Policy Council that I mentioned at this meeting last month.

Being right brained I see wholes intuitively rather than parts logically. So I see a whole system where Washington State, King County, the City of Woodinville, our Schools, and Farmers work together to create a system where local farmers feed local kids through local schools. I see funding supporting this whole system.

Being new to politics my first question is: How are these relationships? Are they intact or broken? A whole system works when the parts are connected via communication and respect. And…being new to politics I don’t have the conditioning that says “You can’t do that…that will never work!” I see something and I say We Can! And if it doesn’t work one way it can evolve another way. What is our focus, our intention? My focus and intention is health and well-being for all the parts.

I am now a 45th district delegate and will attend the WA State Democratic Convention in June. I will network and speak out for a food production and distribution system that supports all the parts. I am eager to contribute. I welcome your support.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Food Revolution

The Fire On the Mountain had an effect on me. It filled me out even more. It gave my life more meaning.

The ag community marched in the Spring Parade with a sheep, pony, roosters, wagons, banners, etc. I wore green skirt to celebrate Goddess. I noticed few women in skirts...we are not men! And I didn't see any men in skirts either.

I went to the Farmer's Market afterward and was drawn to a shawl on display. It's not the blue/green colors I've been wearing but has all the primary colors in design that is tribal. Just as the turtle book wanted to go to Hawaii so does this shawl want to go. Hawaii will mark a time of celebration.

This morning I received a call from a local woman who had been associated with Alliance For A New Humanity. She invited me to the May 1 Interfaith Fair at Bellevue Unity Church. She asked if I would drum. I offered to drum and sing an Earth Chant: Sacred Ground. In so doing I will honor the four directions. The church has a labyrinth!! Another reason I met my rainbow tribe shawl.

There is increasing language about the food revolution. Our local Health Department is getting behind local food for local schools/kids. It's time to creat a system with a win/win/win/win for our county, city, schools/kids and local farmers. I will speak about this at the next city council meeting. I want to have a vision and some sort of solution to take to the June WA State Democratic Convention. The Obama administration has $400 million to support local production and distribution. How can we be part of the flow of giving/receiving?

Dream Time

Dream 1: I am lost. I fly upward making loops...happy and free. I see dark misty cloud in a circle formation with center open. The misty form then takes shape as a vertical building with levels on the right of dream map. Somewhere in the dream a man hands me my lost purse and my wallet has lots of cash.

Dream 2: I am lost in that familiar dream coordinate. A man gives me directions. I walk into the dark and have to focus to see a gravel road go up steeply. I turn the other direction and it is the same road and angle. I fly...without thought...seems to be an automatic solution. I enjoy the exhilaration and look below to see boulders with circular holes. Suddenly I'm descending and landing in a specific spot. The force that lifted me also dropped me. I am next to a red-brown statue laying face up on the ground. It's ancient. I wake up to > on the right side of mind's eye...serpent fangs. Reminds me of the V in the dream. What does V have to say? What story to tell?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fire On The Mtn - A Gathering of Shamans

I found a group of people who speak my language! They are in a video tape loaned to me by Anna Haala, Peace Elder. It's called Fire On The Mountain - A Gathering of Shamans. In 1999 the Buddhist Dharma Center in the French Alps invited a group of spiritual leaders from Indigenous People around the world to gather for 10 days. Elders, Shamans and Medicine people performed rituals for one another and shared their common concerns. Anna was one of these people. Five Continents were represented: Asia, Africa, North and South America and Australia. The group also spent time with His Holiness the Dalai Lama -- now there's one happy man!

These shamans shared similar sacred symbols and objects: head dress, staff, drum, fire, pipe, breath, plants, ancestors, animals, birds, the elements, etc.

"Land is needed for dreaming" was a contribution from Australia. Their art reminds me of my own "dreaming" and "songlines".

Aurelio Diaz Tekpankali of The Native American Church of Itzachitatlaz offered a celebration ceremony entitled Fire of the Seven Lines. "Our technology is simple. We receive power from the air, power form the earth and this We all drink the same water. Brother Air, Sister Water, Father Fire, Mother Earth. We have a family...unity for all of us. This is a good teaching."

I love these people.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Warm Blanket

VP Biden's "potty mouth" brings up a response in me. Emotional language is expressed with that "F" word. A word I never use nor do I appreciate hearing it. Why? Because it makes profane an act between male and female that is sacred. Because it's a lacks intelligent thinking, feeling and thus is no-brain language. Because it's a catch all word for every emotion. Because it's low life.

I woke up thinking about what I can add to the political system besides technical language: Poetry! Could the politicians hear, swallow and digest it?

When a space opened up with my youngest daughter I asked if her printing business would like to print my books. She responded that she always likes to support me. So happy!

I'm living life inside out and it's not linear. Those who work with me never know what's next. I never know what's next. It's moment by moment, day by day evolution that is much larger than myself. I guide this ship according to E/S/W/N.

Some things are taking shape...other things are murky. Some choices are clear...others are murky. It's complex if I let it be. It's easy if I stay balanced in logic and intuition.

I had that feeling again the other day. It's like a warm blanket wrapped around me. It's more than peace that is sort of's a feeling of happiness running through my whole system. And there is no external reason for the's simply present.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Food Inc

Food Inc shows quite well the battle between Nature and Corporate/Human greed. I was saying to someone that science and technology is the issue and he said that it's the humans using these systems. So true!

I was talking to the local contact for the American Farmland Trust and realize that as I drill down into the issues the language gets very technical. That is not where I want to go. My interest is in bringing the parts together in a positive and inspiring way and to help create a political platform that is wholistic.

I heard the term "eco-system service markets...maybe I can wrap my brain around that since "eco-system" is familiar.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Spring

My other daughter called's her birthday. She's in Nebraska with work and did something she's wanted to do for years: watch the Sandhill Crane Migration. I'm a happy Mom now that I've heard from all my kids.

Emotional Fruit

I enter plan C regarding my Circle of Life book. Interesting introducing my class with a book -- a little book with Turtle creation story, mapping one’s story instructions, actvity maps, quotes, a poem and mandala information. Its reference to Goddess will alienate me from a certain population. I've been rather quiet and protected about my orientation. The book could change that.

My illustrations were not professional enough and an artist entered the picture. Each day brings new whispers to move this way or that. Each day brings a new step on an ongoing path. The artist introduced me to her art: wild cats! Ah ha! That cat at Esalen...and that cat photograph on my wall from Esalen. Wild magic!

Will this book publishing process find a stopping point or rather some sort of turning point since nothing ever stops? I’ve decided to print a large number of books rather than go with a self-publishing house – even though one did give me a good deal. The book is like my baby and I want to carry it in my arms as I teach classes. When momentum is reached I could then go with a publishing house.

Sunday Dream: wolf was my companion. A baby wolf and a fierce adult wolf that was happy and content near me but very ferocious when crossed. In the dream he took off from my side and attacked some object in the distant North on my dream map. In the dream I wondered how one animal could be so opposite in temperament, size and…language!

Language is the fruit of emotion.

Sustainable Language

Shedding of skin means that matter/ground/earth has expanded. I’m noticing that's true of my brain/body. It’s as if I have a new orientation and “gauge” telling me when I am not happy internally and not loving externally. It starts with self-talk and I find myself in more inner dialogue rather than on automatic pilot. Is it logic that has more play or something new that guides both logic and intuition? It’s a new math: 1+1 = 3. It’s the math of synergy and is magically round rather than linear.

I was in conversation with a woman who kept talking about a problem. I had heard this over and over again. My body was getting irritated and off balance. To get back in balance I said to her that I didn’t want to hear about the problem any longer; I wanted to focus on the solution. Later I realized that I had to take my own medicine. There has been an ongoing relationship issue and I’ve been acting in the same way rather that getting to the point. So, I learned from my own spoken language.

I was hiking with a friend on Friday and as we were chatting I felt new ”presence” within myself/around myself. I was holding an “intentional” space regarding my language. As we were talking about language the term “sustainable” came through. Sustainable language! We thought it comical that spoken language itself gave us the perfect word. Language carries force both positive and negative. I'm feeling that new space for positive language has opened.

I watch an old pattern of not speaking up regarding tension or conflict. I never learned to communicate as a child. My family didn’t engage in meaningful conversations. There was a lack of stimulus. I have to reprogram old patterns with new stimulus. And that new stimulus is conscious! It's almost like a zoom lens now in place. Here we grow again!

Once again I am impressed by the fact that there are so many choices each day especially when one is not sitting at a desk job 40 hours a week. New circumstances bring new light if one so chooses. Let there be Light in this realm of matter. In this place that looks and sounds like hell in so many directions let there be light. Let Nature express herself freely though Her elemental magic. Let space hold a peaceful green and blue planet.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happines Runs in a Circular Motion

My daughter emailed: She and my g-kids are attending the Earth Day concert! I'm sooo happy!

Dark and Light in One Space

I found myself in the pit of hell. It was dark and had form. It held relationships that are dying, children who are hurting, women who are suffering, men who are lost. I noticed that in the intensity of this depressed state there was a thread of...happiness. This is new ground and it had/has new substance.

Friendships are like flowers and flowers emote happiness. To grow flowers require the elemental forces of water, air, earth and fire/sun. Flowers die without these forces of nature. It's up to us humans to nurture relationships or let them die. We are gardeners of our personal plots and the plots that create our environment.

It happened twice within a week. An impulse moved through my body and at the speed of light and I called two different people. And it also happened that I didn't know what action to take regarding tension with someone...tension that has been in place for months. The body makes so many different choices each day and these choices look so very different. It's such a complex system! It's not all conscious, sub-conscious or unconscious. All these parts work together.

I felt a layer of "something" shed from me yesterday...the only thing I can relate to is snake shedding its skin. The "something" is an old, old pattern of me vs. you. This mentality and positioning happens when there is conflict and tension with another person. I'm looking for new ways to communicate that orient around higher ground and lightening up.

I reached out to two relationships this morning with love. I may not hear from one of them. The other one called me and we had a heart to heart talk resolving buried misunderstandings. She told me that I "snapped" at her and she doesn't like this defense mechanism. I appreciated her feedback. When negative feelings don't get released they build up and communicate in distorted ways. I don't want distortion in myself or in my environment. This healing takes place between parts when there is a willingness and a readiness. Learning to communicate in new ways is critical for a healthy and whole brain-body.

Iroquois Nations' History

CNN is talking about the re-writing of history controversy. I have not heard anyone talk about the native original people and their stories. It's an outrage!



1. I am Dekanawidah and with the Five Nations' Confederate Lords I plant the Tree of Great Peace. I plant it in your territory, Adodarhoh, and the Onondaga Nation, in the territory of you who are Firekeepers.

I name the tree the Tree of the Great Long Leaves. Under the shade of this Tree of the Great Peace we spread the soft white feathery down of the globe thistle as seats for you, Adodarhoh, and your cousin Lords.

We place you upon those seats, spread soft with the feathery down of the globe thistle, there beneath the shade of the spreading branches of the Tree of Peace. There shall you sit and watch the Council Fire of the Confederacy of the Five Nations, and all the affairs of the Five Nations shall be transacted at this place before you, Adodarhoh, and your cousin Lords, by the Confederate Lords of the Five Nations.

2. Roots have spread out from the Tree of the Great Peace, one to the north, one to the east, one to the south and one to the west. The name of these roots is The Great White Roots and their nature is Peace and Strength.

If any man or any nation outside the Five Nations shall obey the laws of the Great Peace and make known their disposition to the Lords of the Confederacy, they may trace the Roots to the Tree and if their minds are clean and they are obedient and promise to obey the wishes of the Confederate Council, they shall be welcomed to take shelter beneath the Tree of the Long Leaves.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bearing Fruit

Family secrets lay deep underground infusing poisons along systems and channels to those on the surface. Those on the surface play out the patterns of imbalance/dis-ease. To speak up with total honesty (not 78% or 99% honesty -- but total honesty) about the lineage of disease is risky....but doing so is not a personal choice. Something large is moving on this planet effecting the parts. There is no stopping truth from uprising.

I am now a delegate for the 45th District Democratic Party. I don't know what I'm getting into. I do know that now I have to learn about how government is structured and how it works. I'm most interested in meeting the people. Our State Convention is in June.

At the same time Gene Tagaban and I are talking about marketing a Circle of Life presentation. I will speak/teach my class and he will do native storytelling, flute, etc. Gene has the track record with entertainment. I will soon have a product. We will get to sell ourselves to mainstream producers. Gene mentioned doing a presentation at the Urban Longhouse....we'll see!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Native Family & Coffee Party Time

I thanked some native friends this week. I "gifted" them which is not the same as going to a local store and purchasing something. I gifted dried red clover, beads, a beaded bracelet I made and candle. Native people appreciate gifts that are earth centered. I now keep an eye open for gifts for my native family.

I so enjoy spending time with the Singing Feet group at the Duwamish Longhouse. I drum and sometimes dance with the kids. Feels like family!

The Coffee Party was well attended. There's a 45th district caucus tomorrow and I will probably attend. The Coffee Party had a tone of "civility" to it and we talked about that tone consciously. There was a fluidity between the parts. A new spirit in the air. Someone asked what was next....I told them: A celebration Earth Day Concert with Dana Lyons!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Unfolding Orbit

Earth/Moon relationship comes into focus. What woman doesn't want a "moon" to revolve around her and only her? It's a unique orbit...soul mate stuff I'd say.

Addictions are rampant: food, alcohol, sex, drugs, etc. I see that the Chopra Center has a new program for healing addiction. Thank goodness for that! Why are we humans so off balance and addiction oriented? That same old theory comes up for me: because the planet is off balance. Once She straightens up so will we...and, once we straighten up so will She. Once we find new posture in new orientation we will heal. Again I am reminded of The Dark Crystal and how the characters transformed as alignment occurred.

It's an intense week. Monday started with the 40th Anniversary march at Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center. I joined the back of the parade and since I went alone I wasn't distracted by another person. Yes, socializing can be distracting when one wants to attune to spirit. This allowed me to BE and as a result a huge wave of emotion move through me as we started to march. I'm not sure where the energy came from: above, below, in front or behind me? Maybe it came in from all those directions. Maybe it was the Ancestors and/or the Land and/or the Water and/or the Sky? I was surprised at all the native people I knew relationships have developed in such a short time. A lot of synchronicity occurred and the event was well done with...balance including prayer, history, political recognition from local and state levels, poetry, song, stories, etc. It was a celebration of the past, present and future. There's still an attraction with that tall Native man. Attraction is one orbital pattern of relationship is another. That orbit requires grounded communication and getting to know someone. Attraction can be a lot of static if it is not grounded in some way.

Tuesday was City Council and a group of us represented the ag valley. I read the Grange letter and as I was reading it hit me that we not only need the ag valley protected we need a "buffer" around it so that it doesn't get swallowed up from all sides which happened in the Kent/Auburn valley where I worked for so many years. I spoke those words as they came through me. I like attending these meetings and learning how city gov works. A friend invited me to a rural forest meeting. I'm getting political.

My Circle of Life illustrations are complete and ready for my review in photoshop. Thanks so much to my friend for doing that for me!! Soon the pdf files will go to print. It's a big step. I will have a mapping activity book to take to Hawaii! And I have another vision for this Circle of Life work for which I start planting seeds. It's amazing how one can see something and then work to cultivate it. It's a step by step evolving process and requires many parts. Which is why I stay unattached as well as persistent! (That's what the woman in finances at one tribe called me this week.) It's not up to me how the vision will's up to the whole. That is my business model!

I spent time with Anna Haala, Peace Elder, yesterday. I was drawn to the blue/green turtle in her home. She has met and travelled with shamans from around the world as well as the Dalai Lama. She said that every culture honors turtle which gives me some new emotion around my Turtle's Circle of Life story. I don't have a word for that emotion other than "sacred".

There is a lot of tension moving in the whole and in this part. I swore in front of someone when I was impatient. I apologized to him later. He said he hadn't heard me and that swearing is a common occurence in his day. And I apologized to someone else this morning for being impatient about doing bookkeeping for the Grange. Acting as Treasurer brings up a lot of resistance in my I have to talk to myself and say that with patience I can learn and do these mundane tasks. It's as if brain needs a stronger connection with nerves and muscles. More learning curves...more work! It all begins within...and it's that reason I care about my tone of voice and my language with other people.

I continue to hit places of grief regarding my children/grandchildren. I divorced the father of my children and now I feel as if I am divorcing my two daughters. They orbit around their father...and I do not fit it appears. I reach out on occasion and let them make their choices. This too feels surreal.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Earth/Moon Attraction

Earth is an emotional orb/body which makes me think of the moon. Moon rotates around Earth, Earth rotates around sun. What orb/body does sun rotate around? These meaningful relationships engage as parts in the whole. It's a whole system and we humans get to witness the sacredness of this design and participate in it. What effects does the moon have on Earth rotation and poles??


The Moon has had dramatic effects on our planet and the life that inhabits it, researchers believe. The Moon stabilizes Earth's rotation, for example, preventing otherwise dramatic movements of the poles that would fuel climate swings that some scientists figure might have doomed any chance for life to form, let alone evolve.

And biologists speculate that tides, generated mostly by the Moon, would have been a logical place for life to originate. Sea creatures might have then used tidal regions as experimental sites for testing the habitability of land, and therefore as an excuse to develop lungs. Put short, your gilled ancestors might have used the Moon like a gravitational guiding light to the first non-aquatic procreation.

In that sense, the only coincidence in all this is the fact that the Moon ever came to exist in the first place. For there was a brief time in the early history of our planet, likely 100 million years or less, when there was no Moon in the sky.

Sammamish Valley Uprising

Sammamish Valley folks are uniting in solidarity and sending letters to the City Council for the meeting tomorrow. Several of us plan to speak. We are starting to see and hear a larger movement that is pro health from the soil up to healthy food in our school systems. I get a surge of energy running through my systems from this letter. Synergy is happening!!

March 8th, 2010

City Council
City of Woodinville
17301 133rd Ave NE
Woodinville, WA 98072

RE: Farmland Preservation

Dear City Councilmembers:

We, the members of the Sammamish Valley Grange affirm the following:

“Since God placed man on earth, agriculture has existed. There is no occupation that precedes it, no order or association that can rank with the tillers of the soil. Before literature existed, before governments were known, agriculture was the calling of man. And all of the fruits of social progress since then grew from the brown soil. Agricultural toilers, therefore, claim this precedence over royal dynasties and titles of nobility – that they represent the oldest and most indisputable lineage, and hold a patent that issues from the ancient gates of Eden”.

We encourage the City of Woodinville to recognize and respect the scarcity and unique value of the land in the Sammamish Valley that we hold so dear. We encourage the City to integrate access to local farm produce and home gardening into land use codes and to leave the current King County zoning intact. We support local farms, farmers and continuing the agricultural heritage in the Sammamish Valley. We do not support annexation by the City of any of the current King County agriculturally zoned land. We cannot afford to lose more of the valuable, strategically located farmland in the Sammamish Valley. We can no longer stand and watch as it is consumed acre by acre to be paved over with concrete and buildings that we are told will merely increase the tax base.

The National Grange was organized in 1867, 10 years before the first white settlers began to homestead the Sammamish Valley. It is family-oriented and has its’ roots in rural communities all across America, serving farm families longer than any other agricultural organization. Our local Grange was established in 1909, and continues to this day to serve local families and to support such activities as local 4-H youth groups. We support maintaining the current agricultural zoning and ask that the City of Woodinville would join with King County, the Grange and many other local citizen groups and individuals to ensure that farming continues in the Sammamish Valley.

Thank you.

David Clark, Master
Sammamish Valley Grange of Woodinville

Friday, March 5, 2010

Sustainable City

If we can imagine it we can create it!! If we have the language for is reality.

Sustainable city
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A sustainable city, or eco-city is a city designed with consideration of environmental impact, inhabited by people dedicated to minimisation of required inputs of energy, water and food, and waste output of heat, air pollution - CO2, methane, and water pollution. Richard Register first coined the term "ecocity" in his 1987 book, Ecocity Berkeley: building cities for a healthy future.[1] Another leading figure who envisioned the sustainable city is architect Paul F. Downton, who later founded the company Ecopolis Pty Ltd. The field of industrial ecology is sometimes used in planning these cities.

A sustainable city can feed itself with minimal reliance on the surrounding countryside, and power itself with renewable sources of energy. The crux of this is to create the smallest possible ecological footprint, and to produce the lowest quantity of pollution possible, to efficiently use land; compost used materials, recycle it or convert waste-to-energy, and thus the city's overall contribution to climate change will be minimal, if such practices are adhered to.

It is estimated that around 50%[2] of the world’s population now lives in cities and urban areas. Essentially these large communities are unsustainable, but they provide both challenges and opportunities for environmentally conscious developers. In order to make them more sustainable, building design and practise, as well as perception and lifestyle must adopt sustainability thinking.

Phone Tree Activation

A member of the City Council reached out asking for support. She is pro-environment. So, we activate a phone tree and ask for "official" letters to take with us to the City Council meeting next week to let them know that annexation of our valley is not going to be a slam dunk.

I will write one letter representing the Sammamish Valley Alliance. I would like to google "green/eco cities" and find examples for our local leaders. I would like to google "design standards" to find cities that value development, open space and small farms. I would like to google "planning commission" and find visionary leaders who are creating livable cities.

As the pace increases I get stressed. I prefer wide open spaces without a lot of pressure to get things done. I create that enough on my own...when I get involved in outside activities the pressure doubles/triples. I learn to breathe deeper and more often. I learn that I don't have to get the task done at one time. I learn to pace myself. And I tell myself not to volunteer for anything else!

Profusion of Infusion

Earth is vibrating at a new frequency spilling over in profuse color and sound delightful. These fairy dust particles exude through the parts and uplift the whole. Can the physical dimension continue to download this heavenly force?

Harmony and peace hold inner space. New core solidarity threatens old ways. Change is inevitable.

Caduceus unfurls his/her wings on Earth. How do I know? Not from a book or an outside teacher. Not from anything outside in. True knowing comes from within…the central source of attunement. If I experience new vibration, if two experience new vibration so does the whole. No one part is separate or isolated. We are one living and breathing body of matter. To know something new is to express something new. Such are the laws of quantum physics. We know as we express. We are one with creator and creation. We watch it unfold and we play our parts. We know the struggles of ego and attachment in this world of matter and we know the freedom and joy of spiritual space.

Matrix of heaven meets matrix of earth reminding me of the “threads” scenes in Avatar. One by one threads are woven. Two by two pieces of fabric are designed. Piece by piece the whole is showing up through expression of one enchanted body.

Look for it…see it…hear it around you because you express it. Shift into wakefulness of expression and celebrate...even as walls crumble down.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Le Rae

Mother Earth is balancing and re-orientating both of which have to do with alignment.

I named my youngest daughter Leah Rae (the Ray) in honor of the sacred Light that had “knocked my socks off” so to speak; sacred Light that grabbed me by the neck and snapped me into another dimension 35 years ago. This Light holds on to me still guiding, teaching, uplifting, enlightening.

Earth embraces Light Ray at core. This electric and magnetic centered force has been missing since she was knocked out of her true orbit. It’s as if she has been in a dysfunctional relationship that has created chaos and disharmony around, in and on her body. Mother Earth is returning to her true Star alignment.

This solar and soul Ray force moves/flows North and South. The South energy coils and wraps around central core. The North energy holds steady in radiant Light. Both polarities singing and synergizing as One aligned force.

Recently I’ve been looking skyward and feeling something new in the heavens. It gives me a free and peaceful feeling...childlike, enchanting. I wonder what’s up there/out there with mind; my heart simply greets the heavenly space with a warm and happy “hello”.

North Star will be replaced as Earth lines up with new heavenly bodies. Because Dragon has been so much a part of my mystical journey here on Earth I sense that Draco Constellation is where She is being pulled. (I have no idea what that looks like on the cosmic map and don’t need that outside in information as I’m not attached to information. I am attached to mystical enchantment.)

Stonehenge comes to mind as well as the alignment of forces that are depicted in the movie The Dark Crystal. There will be much more shifting of Earth and many more deaths. For those of us who know that life is more than physical we know that we may be “sacrificed” in these critical times.

Cosmic consciousness (awareness of the larger whole) gives us peace and serenity as well as abundant and overflowing joy. Her “cup runneth over” are words that pour through me here now. Both North and South poles are singing/dancing welcoming Earth change and shift. Right brain and ego cannot comprehend...doing so requires brain body of the whole.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Circle of Life Mapping Book

I took a friend out for lunch to celebrate his birthday and driving home mentioned my book project. He told me how he uses photoshop for his artwork. He offered to view my drawings and told me that I should use them. It's exactly what I needed to hear to give me a boost of confidence. So, I'm drawing sea turtles and circular images and starting to format my activity book. I get to put all my energy, images and thoughts into the project....enchanting!

Brain Body Support

I heard on CNN that the 8.8 earthquake shifted a large land mass so much so that the axis of Earth was moved. So, perhaps if She can shift degree by degree the human species will survive. She is balancing and re-orientating. How do I know? I am of Her Earth and know the renewing process through brain body.

A question comes in and I cannot body can, however. What's the difference? The latter is a whole system that includes ego. My body is leading me these days and a lot of synchronicity is happening. It's fun!

I spoke at the City Council meeting last night. I was nervous but the radio talk show experience helped. I mentioned that my letter to the editor was in the local paper. The city officials all took notes on that. I guess that means that letters in the paper do matter....and that our politicians do have to answer to their constituents.

I have a lot more to say after the council meeting. I can't believe the cookie cutter mentality. Where is imagination and creativity? I will not be silent and watch another fertile valley be paved over because the city needs more tax revenue. They cut down a block of trees on my corner for a development that is still undeveloped after two years....and they want to do more of the same? It's absolute stupidity! I will be attending more meetings! I notice that I do have an influence on people...that my charged emotion has an effect. I am conscious of engaging with people through light hearted and positive energy...and that people respond with the same energy! It's magical.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Systems of Mystery

I walk to my garden hearing the house finches fill up space with re-sounding music. I feel that "sexual" surge run through my system...with a tickle at lowest chakras. Are my eyes and ears sexual organs? Something new and enchanting is moving through my earth system.

I don't think I've ever talked about this because it's a bit "far out". Years ago I felt a spiritual connection with John Denver. I spent time at his Windstar symposiums and appreciated the wholistic education and inspiration at those events. One day (I think a Saturday) I picked up his energy. It was troubled as if he was angry. Then a "spell" came over me...that happens to me on occasion. It's as if a misty cloud comes in that makes me very sleepy. I later learned that JD had died at the time I was sleeping. I have always sensed that I was there when he crossed over. Thus, my connection with him/his spirit continues. I also notice that my contacts with spirit beings (such as mom) seem to happen in cycles. They come and they go. It's such a mystery...all one can do is tell the story.