I went for a walk at work and noticed a man in the distance standing on the sidewalk smoking. As I approached him I thought about my aura boundary and his. My approach changed and I was not as open when I said "hello" and walked past. It looks like I’m experimenting with this new awareness. Saw a beautiful shruib with purple berries and thought what a great wreathe the branches would make…but I knew the property owner would not feel the same way. I walked a little further directly into some sort of laurel bush with round fruits of yellow, red, orange, yellow – perfect for wreathes. I was so grateful and am able to cut some of them. My new native friend reminded me to offer tobacco…I am not attuned to tobacco and told him I prefer to use lavendar buds or cornmeal. Tobacco feels masculine to me whereas lavendar and cornmeal feel more feminine. I think "fairies" have something to do with this way of giving thanks.
Had a fun "date" with my new friend. He talked about his passion for water (his tribe are fishermen in Alaska) and I asked how "boundaries" apply to this type of passion. He talked about merging and oneness and we concluded boundaries don’t apply to nature. At one point as we were sitting next to each other he turned to me "square on", looked directly into my eyes and shared how something I said brought up certain feelings. This body language stirred something deep in me and seemed sexual. It must have to do with spiritual intimacy. This is new territory for me. He invited me to his CSL church and a meeting with his family and other Alaska Natives who are doing fundraising work to build a center for their people in this city. I wonder if the center will have a totem pole? Putting a totem pole in the ground is what my drumming vision was like. Grounding cords. Humans are totem poles with each chakra energy wheel representing a certain "totem."
My two women friends who I thought I would never speak with again have called and the connections remain. I was the one that needed to change. I can say "no" to their invitations and I can invite them to events that I value such as drumming circles. Boundaries have so much to teach me!
After a yummy meal at an Indian restaurant I went home with a flat and empty feeling. It’s a familiar place (I used to feel this way after services with EDL) and I have always translated it to mean that I want sugar. I don’t yet know how to respond to this inner state. I don’t know what it means. Perhaps if I stopped long enough to listen and ask I could learn. For some reason I am afraid to stay in this place of empty flat lining. Is it a depletion of energy and a need to build that reserve back up? I could choose to reach for saurkraut or dill pickles or…drum! I work to remember that I have new ground for new choices.
Crown chakra reprsents 7th level of energy in body. The crown that looks like sun and rays is a whole system and is like a rainbow totem pole that extand earth to sky/sky to earth. It's inclusive.
I start singing this song at this time of year:
Joy to the World
The Lord is Come
Let Earth Receive Her King
Let every heart
Prepare Her room
And Heaven and Nature sing
And Heaven and Nature sing