
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Internal Exercises

Eight Directional Exercises

from The Complete System of Self-Healing
by Dr. Stephen T. Chang, Tao Publishing

All the elements of the universe occupy space and are therefore directional. Since we are part of the universe, we are influenced by space and are therefore directional also. Directionality arises wherever electrical forces are present, and electric forces are everywhere because they are a property of atoms. The electric forces are the means whereby two magnets, for example, are drawn together or repelled apart. These forces are also the means whereby a weak magnet is made more powerful. This "recharging" of electrical forces involves correct orientation of a body, or "rechargee", with respect to the "recharger". For example, the north pole of a magnet must be placed against the south pole of another magnet in order for magnetic induction to take place. In magnets, as in other substances, "recharging" is actually a re-ordering of atoms or groups of atoms so that electrical charges are heightened.

It was after repeated experiments of the energizing properties of directionality that the Taoists developed eight directional exercises for energizing mankind.

Toxic Outburst

I had a head-on collision with toxins. It showed up in my life by eating too many sweets in one day and going to sleep seeing a creature with red beady eyes. My whole head ached followed by nightmares with aggression and violence. Toxins of all shapes and sizes are the swine flu has our attention. Emotional addictions play out in our lives.

I think it's interesting that cities with dense populations seem to be most at-risk. Which is why we need to balance the numbers of people, the amount of concrete and green open spaces. Earth is like our skin...she needs to breathe to be healthy. We are intelligent beings and can learn new patterns of feeling, thinking and acting for the good of the whole.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Aura Images and Information

Access to holographic reality becomes experientially available when one's consciousness is freed from its dependence on the physical body. So long as one remains tied to the body and its sensory modalities, holographic reality at best can only be an intellectual construct. When one is [freed from the body] one experiences it directly. That is why mystics speak about their visions with such certitude and conviction, while those who haven't experienced this realm for themselves are left feeling skeptical and even indifferent.
-- Kenneth Ring, Ph.D., Life at Death, The Holographic Universe

This morning I opened my book The Holographic Universe and read about Seeing Holographically. Auras hold images of information. What we immerse ourselves in, what we focus on, lives in our auras. This is how psychics see images that give them information about a personality. I am reminded about the "creepy" feelings I get when I watch a movie and television where torture or violence is broadcasted. I refuse to digest this energy. I don't want my aura to be a dumpsite.

Imagine what images our children digest on a daily basis through the media of music and entertainment. It's time to clean up our aura(s) personally and collectively. We do this as conscious adults who are in position on their circle of life to integrate the parts, the threads, that didn't get woven in a healthy way.

We have a leader in Washington, DC, who is acting like a responsible parent for the good of a larger whole. Such leaders are all around us. All we need to do is invite them into our aura and our consciousness...and say "thank you" for the healing they provide.

In Body and Out of Body Grid

Out of body greeting
Out of body meeting
Laughing, loving, letting go
To holographic pattern
Infusion -- fusion
Collapse -- combust
Inhale -- exhale
Relating -- generating
Grid to grid parts
Merge as One
Filled in-between
With subtle green, pink, lavendar
A soft mosaic with rainbow
Chrstalline Light
Matter and energy
Radiating -- reflecting

A Friend Visits

I see green, she sees yellow
I say high, she says low
I hear one thing, she hears another

We move in opposition
Like hitting a wall
Like a slap in the face
Of stinging disconnect

What is this dynamic
Called "friendship"
As she hits a nerve
Pushes the buttons?

I am left speechless
Is she parent of long ago?
Is she sibling control?

Adult now
I take inner child in arms
And speak up for one
Who never would
Who never could

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

From Ambition to Meaning

I am losing the ambition and the drive that I had been generating.

After being laid off from work I was extra busy establishing new work and identity in this world. I had four creative projects to work on. Those projects, like all things, have a life of their own and are not in the forefront now. They all seem to be on hold and I have no idea how or if they will continue to unfold. They all seem to be in a sprout stage and further growth is determined by more parts than me alone. It always comes back to response from others in this world.

A couple of weeks ago I took a breath and noticed a new momentary quality since my unemployment began. Could I really relax and slow down? Could I live without fear and enjoy this new cycle? Yes! I am now doing that! I am loosely letting go of my projects that give me a sense of contribution in this world. I am no longer busy doing...I am now BEING! This feminine nature of stillness deserves as much recognition and honor as the masculine nature of action.

Wayne Dyer's movie From Ambition to Meaning comes to mind. Something shifted for me and that's the way it is with life cycles and circles. Shifts are signs of changing seasons. No shame...of self or others when one is aware of the sacred circle of life. One simply keeps moving. It's a very green place and that makes me very happy and not lonely at all! I guess that means I feel connected to an energy source and an energetic expression.

Aliens Among Us

Last Sunday after picking daffodils in the valley I drove South to Tacoma and felt an expansive peace with earth and sky. It was so very sweet. Maybe it was my soul singing. Is this an e-motion? Is it a vibrational frequency? Is e-motion vibrational frequency expressed via body?

I noticed Mt. Rainier and honored her consciously extending my bliss her way. She held ground for me growing up. She was my grand neighbor to the East. Later that evening as family was outside picnicing on the grass I noticed a "UFO" cloud above Mt. Rainier. Scientists have that cloud all figured out and have a name for it. Whenever I see such a cloud over a mountain I think of aliens.

Are not aliens similar to dragon, horse, unicorn, faery, angel, etc? Are they not multi-dimensional also?

I can feel like an alien on Earth. Enter loneliness.

Shades of Loneliness

This blog is a living story about my relationship with Light and how that relationship transforms and evolves me. I watch it unfold moment by moment and day by day through rhythmic cycles and circles of e-motion. Emotion that teaches me what works and what does not work. What is harmonious and what is not.

So, I'm tracking loneliness. Last night when I got the impulse to eat more food after dinner I explained to inner child that I/we were not lonely and I/we didn't need to eat. It worked! The pull resided!

As a child in the East loneliness looked like solitude as I built camps in the woods and rode my bike to far off places. As an adolescent in the South I was "in love" with my high school sweetheart (that's what was expected of me and what my hormones regulated) and popular (I was nice to everyone) as cheerleader and homecoming queen. On the surface I didn't appear to be lonely. As a teen parent and young adult in the West I was very lost and depressed -- I was lonely searching for externals to fill the inner void. I hit bottom and had a spiritual awakening. Now, in the North loneliness doesn't mean the same as it did in the East, South or West. Now that loneliness has identified itself I am watching and listening to learn more. I do know that I have more women friends than I've ever had. There is now a busy traffic pattern on my cell phone and at my door. It's sooo fun! I don't have one person, however, with whom I can share my spiritual side and my mystical journeys. So I share them here.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Maybe one's parent changes from being a person to being Light. That is thee authority that lives in all parts of matter. Matter wants to resonate with Light. Where it does not it will act out and cause chaos. Chaos gives us an opportunity to change our ways of behavior and to use our innate intelligence of heart mind. And it gives us an opportunity in this dimension to be with our family of humankind moment by moment, day by day.

Grid Pockets Speak

Previous comment about Tracker does not refer to a personality or his power. It does refer to an energy grid held by matter: earth body's soil. Grid has "pockets" of attraction/repulsion and dissonance/resonance. Those pockets seem to be squares that differentiate positive and negative energy lines and that hold tonal qualities.

Unemployment gives me more time to be at home. I notice at night I want comfort foods of carbs/sugar. It's emotional and not logical because I'm not hungry. This morning I identified this emotion as loneliness. A feeling that stretches way back into infancy and early childhood. My personal grid now gives me new inspiration and information so that I can act in a new way allowing me to be more conscious. What replaces old addiction based on loneliness?

As an adult in the Northwest on the circle/wheel of life I have to look at that feeling in my life and track its story. As an adult I can feel lonely with one person or a group of people. I don't feel lonely in Nature or in my visions, journeys and dreams.

At the open mic poetry night I heard others speak my language. It was comforting and nourishing. It was a pocket of resonance. So somehow I will rewire the old pattern that associated food with loneliness. I will continue to look for people and groups where I can share my values. I know the shape of the people and groups --they are circular where each voice is heard. There is no authority figure that people revolve around for approval. The authority is inside out. This is whole system and one that can feed whole being. An infant and child need an authority figure or parent to feed them. An adult does not. So perhaps this is a process of separation, of individuation.

Does "soil" refer to flesh, blood, or bone? Does it refer to cells or DNA? What is this material substance of earth body?

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Land Knows

My Circle of Life class was today... not Tuesday as I wrote earlier on this blog. When I arrived at the facility three signs on the doors had my class scheduled as May 12! A couple of weeks ago I had called the activity director to make sure she had the date correct. Perhaps this geographical area is not open ground for me. I do have a history in that area that is not altogether positive -- one associated with Tracker. I'll see if another class works in another geo area. Life knows....I don't. If something is right doors open easily. I know not to struggle.

Daffodil Yoga

I went to pick daffodils that grow in an abandoned field in my valley. I would take them to my niece's baby shower that day. I had planned to leave early enough to drive to church. However, the daffodils had a sermon for me so I stayed to listen. Their straight upright stems in yoga posture held yellow faces radiant. These yellow daffs kissed my face starting at my mouth (a full lip-lock!) and then all around the outline of my face. My face and spine became a daffodil! When I opened my eyes and looked at the eucalyptus trees in a row in front of me I got the word "Ireland." My logic mind asked if Ireland has eucalptus trees. Then I saw them in misty haze of white -- like faery dust: four leggeds grazing. When I asked I got "unicorn." Such a magical valley I live in...transcending space and time. Multi-dimensional. This was my Sunday morning service.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


A friend gave me a couple of Lynn Andrews books to read thinking that I'd appreciate the references to sorcery. I started to read one of them. With no disrespect I have to say that the book made me feel "creepy" -- I guess that means unsafe. So I stopped reading it and picked Brooke Medicine Eagle's Buffalo Woman Comes Singing off my shelf. It's packed full like a crystal. A very different experience.

I am plugged in to a new whole system. Tracker's vivid red energy is now absorbed into this larger whole. It feels impersonal...I'm not involved in the same way. I don't know how this works. I do know that there's been a shift between me and this incoming energy. Perhaps a buffer of some sort. Or perhaps there is now a place to transfer and transmute it.

Some Genesis volunteers did an Earth Day Duwamish Alive! event with my son's organization. We cleaned up a dumpsite along the Duwamish (associated with Chief Seattle) River. We opened up a space for Mother Earth to breathe!

There is a Duwamish Longhouse near the site that was recently opened. My Alluet friend and I stopped by. I was talking with one of the men and he mentioned that he worked with the youth. I told him about my class Circle of Life ~ Mapping One's Story and asked if I might have an opportunity to share it. He gave me a date in May. I'm aware that this class will bring up grief for some. I want that grief to have a voice as well as the lighter aspects/threads of people's stories. No, I don't have any idea what I'm getting into. I'm in the flow of trust knocking on doors and walking through the ones that open before me.

I did the circle of life process with a friend for the experience. For the East of childhood she drew a swing set with A A as the sides. She was surprised and commented that maybe her AA journey started in childhood. It will be fascinating to see how the listening/receptive space and the active/artisitic hand and mouth space co-create to bring up impressions from Her "underworld."

Friday, April 17, 2009

Esoteric Food for Thought

Etheric plane:
Encyclopedia II - Etheric plane - Rosicrucian and Esoteric Christianity conceptions

Etheric plane - Rosicrucian and Esoteric Christianity conceptions

According to Max Heindel's Rosicrucian writings [1], there is - in addition to the solids, liquids, and gases which compose the Chemical Region of the Physical World -

a finer grade of matter called ether, which permeates the atomic structure of the earth and its atmosphere. The ether, which is disposed in four grades of density, is considered to be physical matter and responsive to the same laws which govern other physical substances upon the physical world (the blue haze seen in mountain canyons is said to be in fact ether of the kind known to occult investigators as chemical ether). He states that there are various grades of spiritual sight, each suited to the superphysical realm which it opens to our perception: etheric vision, color vision, and tonal vision. Ether is reported to be of four kinds, or grades of density (from the lowest to the highest one) [2]:

- the Chemical ether: both positive and negative in manifestation and it is related to the assimilation and excretion processes;

- the Life ether: has also a positive and negative pole and it is related to the forces of propagation;

- the Light ether: the positive pole is related to forces which generate blood heat in the higher species of animal and in the human being and the negative is related to the forces which operate through the senses (passive functions of sight, hearing, feeling, tasting, and smelling);

- the Reflective ether: the medium through which thought makes an impression upon the human brain and this ether cointains pictures which work as reflexions of the memory of nature found at the World of Thought. Heindel states there are in this Etheric region various classes of sub-human beings and also here it may be observed the Angels who are seen as being one step beyond the human stage, as humans are a degree in advance of the animal evolution.

According to Esoteric Christianity teachings, based upon the Bible and in esoteric knowledge, the next major step in human evolution will be entering and living in the Etheric region of the planet, through a major change which is expected to occur in the Earth's environment ("reserved unto fire") in a future, not identified, time: the "new heavens and a new earth", or "New Galilee". It also teaches that, in order to the human being be able to adapt to these new etheric conditions, it is necessary the development of a body, named Soul body (Paul of Tarsus' "soma psuchicon") or the "Wedding Garment" as taught in the Holy Scriptures, eg.:

Soil - Astral or Etheric?

Yesterday, a day without rain, I worked in my garden turning the soil to remove the unwanted plants (otherwise known as weeds -- which they are not -- all of them are wild: medicinal and many edible) and prepare the space for seeds. I love sifting through the dirt and getting out the clumps. There must be something very healing/soothing about dirt! Planting and maintaining a garden is very artistic. I can create any way I choose and see what responds. And when there is response I get to transplant.

Last night before sleep an image appeared that was emitting energy. It was as if it was trying to speak to me. The image was of a green plant being dug out of soil. I don't know if the soil was emitting energy or if the open space was breathing. Was it saying "thgank you" for the massage?

I was reading a story about fairies today and the astral plane. I never thought of soil associated with astral. However, perhaps all matter has an etheric and astral level.

Does one level hold vision and the other dreams?

This process of "knowing" is not linear and reveals itself in its own time. Such is the artistry of right brain embracing left and working as one whole system. It's spontaneous combustion.

Honeymoon Phase of Relationships

I'm thinking about the honeymoon phase of relationship and how it is present with one person or a group of people. After the initial phase of enchantment one sees the flaws and feels the tensions. It is here that one has a choice of action. One can either communicate the discomfort, ignore it or walk away from the relationship(s). There are a lot of factors involved in the choice of action. I've learned not to be too hasty. To watch and listen to see which way the wind will blow.

Changing relationships is a constant in my life which is why I am very rooted in spiritual realms.

Whole Brain Expression

My Circle of Life mapping class is a whole brain exercise. I'll mention the differences between left and right brain and encourage participants to listen to the story threads that want to speak.

"Our educational system, as well as science in general, tends to neglect the nonverbal for of intellect. What it comes down to is that modern society discriminates against the right hemisphere."
~ Roger Sperry

"Without emotion art is lifeless, without intellect it is shapeless."
~ Charles Johnson

Earth Day Honors

I read two of my poems at open mic at a local bookstore/coffee house. Before it was my turn I felt this surge of panic in my solar plexus/stomach. I wondered if my nerves would hold. I called on my spirited life support system and aligned my chakras. When it was my turn I was grounded. I honored Mother Earth and Earth Day with Equal Rights for Mother Earth and the following:

Her Story (Herstory)

Mother Earth turns
a day begins
Mother Earth cries
a flood moves
Mother Earth shrugs
a valley carved
Mother Earth fumes
a mountain grows
Mother Earth shifts
a season awakes
Mother Earth blinks
a civilization gone
Mother Earth flies
an orbit patterned
Mother Earth spins
a galaxy danced
Mother Earth loves
life is born
Mother Earth turns
a day is done

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Faery Turning

The new colors, scents and textured growth of spring heralds in faeries -- sparkly nature spirits. Do they hide away in winter or do they simply change energy with the seasons? Matter that turns with this season is touched by fairy. Humans are too busy and too "sophisticated" to notice. They are cut off from this source of nourishing de-light.

Tis a gift to be simple, tis a gift to be free
Tis a gift to come down where we ought to be
And when we find ourselves in the place just right
It will be in the garden of love and delight

When true simplicity is gained
To bow and to bend we will not be ashamed
To turn, turn will be our delight
And by turning we will come round right

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Carolyn Myss & Baptism

I appreciated Carolyn's words from her Hay House online event yesterday regarding the value of self-dignity and self-worth.

Matter holds circular space. That sacred space of aura holds energy. That energy is charged or not. Is clear or not. Is honest or not. Is pure or not. There are many shades inbetween. One is responsible for one's circle of life. A teacher helps others get in touch with their own inner circular nature so they evolve upright and not leaning on another person or material stuff. This is what I will start teaching in my Circle of Life ~ Mapping One's Story class as of next Tuesday. Soon I'll post the class description on my website.

I have Carolyn's book Why People Don't Heal and How They Can in a visible spot in my living room. This morning I picked it up without conscious intention and "blindly" opened the book to "baptism." Body did all this without consciousness. I seem to be moving in this non-intentional way more and more now that I'm not employed. I float...until I have to get practical and in this world to survive. I really like floating where my brain is sort of empty and not in driving gear. It's peace full.

From Carolyn's book page 221:

The First Chakra--Baptism
...Baptism is thus symbolic of the information that grounds the child to its place on the earth. archetypal celebration of the gift of life itself. Its meaning and relationship to the first chakra, which symbolizes our connection to physical life and to groundedness in the energy of the earth, is identical to that of baptismal rituals in other cultures.

This is a powerful chapter where individuals go through a healing baptism experience with water. Very inspiring.



I am in a house and looking out. The wind picks up. I watch a window shutter being torn from a house across the way. The wooden 11 structure that I'm in starts to tilt left to right falling over. It's now very dark. I listen/feel to sense the direction of movement. I think logically that I will soon be in the water behind us. Then a window opens slightly and there is a view from the air as if on an airplane.

I am now on land and cannot find my golf clubs in square bag with light blue lines and luggage. I'm distraught. I want to know where I landed and where my stuff is. I look for someone to help me. A couple of business men are busy but I catch the attention of one of them. Again I ask about location wanting to know how far I drifted but I can't remember the name of the California city where I was when the wind picked up. I am frantic. My brain isn't working in a linear way. The man puts his hand on my stomach and grounds my energy calming me. We walk out to find a solution...

Seems to be a lot of straight lines in this dream perhaps representing logic. I haven't used my golf clubs in 9 years and the bag is not blue. I suppose that country club part of my life represents material abundance. Being unemployed is like being separated from stuff. Dreams are amazing.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Feet Chakras

I remembered something left out of the vision. When brown and white horse came in I stood on both of them with one leg/foot on one and one leg/foot on the a circus act. I "chose" to merge the two so I didn't have to feel split. The one horse was now brown and white down the middle. Is horse representing feet chakras or brain? Perhaps horse represents feet of earth and brain of sky and the two connecting through 180 degree arc/line.

Visions are interesting in that some images come in without choice. And then there are spaces where one can orchestrate the scene with conscious choice: whole brain imagination.

Visions occur when awake and in a transcended state of consciousness. Visions connect me with beings of other realms. Dreams are different in that when I sleep I seem to connect with people. Both are gifts that reinforce loving connection heart to heart, soul to soul.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pulling of Reins

I took a couple of women friends to a women's drumming circle. I chose the rattle as each one of my chakras wanted to be attuned to the rattling sound. It seems to draw the energy out and upward. Very different than drumming. I used to associate rattling with faery dust...which is light energy.

I wonder if other people hear sounds of movement in their brains? The other night after the journey with horses I heard two snaps in two different locations in my head. A couple of weeks ago I heard a pop and saw/felt a line shoot from point A to point B in my head much like a shooting star. The body is a mysterious swirl of forces as energy and matter interract.

I scheduled 5 classes today at Ballard Senior Center for Circle of Life ~ Mapping One's Story. This circle of life is a spinning mandala and each participant will take home their own creative mandala.

It's time to move energy...which reminds me of the pirate hostage situation. I guess I am not a "non-violent" person. I do have aggression moving in my blood. Individuals who abuse others need to face's natural law of order. Individuals who refuse to respect other's space need to be removed from the scene one way or another; at one level or another. I say this knowing that I am a loving being. Love is not chaotic. Love is focused. Love provides a space for evolution that includes respect for all parts. Law and order will reign/rein for the good of the whole!

White Horse of Revelation

I love the spinning wheel on the Alliance for a New Humanity announcement today regarding funding opportunities for projects that support the larger whole. The motion of E-Motion! Is this new? Or am I seeing it for the first time? has very significant meaning today.

A couple of days ago I was considering thanking Tracker on this blog for the peace and quiet in my field. I decided to wait and see. Unfortunately he resumed his low red/orange energy assaults triple-fold. Seems he couldn't hold the higher ground for long. What is the alchemical component of aggression? How is it different from peace and love? What hormone is off balance??

I took action. I turned to my spiritual support system with a drum journey to deal with this aggression. As I started to drum I got that I needed to rattle first. I did just that. Rattling has a different power and purpose than drumming.

Large face of a dark brown horse came in. I stroked his face. He showed me his hooved foot with shoe. This makes impressions. Then a white horse came in. They called in additional reinforcements and hosts of horses started to come into the field creating a spinning mandala that gained power and rose upward in force. I rode the horse that I "chose" -- yes, there was a space here for me to create the image -- to be both brown and white right down the middle. I rode bare back and was shown how to deal with Tracker's assaults.

The Biblical chapter of Revelation has several references to white horse. Tracker and fallen angel are Babylon. Angels on high are New Jerusalem. One can read the current state of the world in Revelation. The white spinning mandalas created by horses are power!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I was flying carefree and then dove deep into darkness. I felt the fears and saw the demons that the collective body of the unemployed face day to day. My body felt the constrictions of energetic forces and I saw the images. At the same time I wondered what good could ever come out of such a dark and desolate space. The next morning I had energy to bike ride and while meditating under cedars I received new inspiration that continued to flow all day. Such is the process of passover and resurrection. It's part of the circle of life when one is attuned to the e-motional body.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Angles of Connection = Community

I'm happy to see that I can connect with Carolyn Myss this month:

From the World to You:
Using the Archetypes to Understand the Changes in Your Life
Caroline Myss
Hay House Live Online Event
April 14, 2009
Show: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm PDT
Pre-show: 3:45 pm - 4:00 pm PDT
Login beginning at: 3:30 pm PDT

Unemployment limits my spending and travelling. It's causing me to stay local which I rather like. I applied for a great job today with Casey Family Programs. I don't usually get a response from companies. Perhaps if/when there is a heart connection that lack of connection will shift. I am starting to enjoy not going to a job. I am relaxing into and trusting this transition phase of my life.

I was asking myself about that 180 degree line and seeing circle with those petals in 8 shape. They're feedback loops. I wonder what that looks like in our brain?
Chakras are feedback loops as are organs and cells...and planets. Does all matter contain feedback loops? I would love to hear what Deepak has to say about all this. He has such a bright mind! As do others adding intelligent angles to our collective story...and community.

My friend with the ponies loves to read and gave me her Urantia book to look at. I don't resonate with it...too much "Father." I have yet to find reference to Mother or Feminine or Goddess. I don't have time to waste on old left brain orientation. It's time to move on in balance that includes a consciousness of both male and female forces invisible and visible.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Community Shaping

Wow....unemployment is intense. It's like losing one's grounding and identity. There are rough waters that bounce one all directions. Mental discipline is needed to rein in and manage emotions.

I was thinking about moving back to Tacoma to be closer to family but my emotional body got quite sad and depressed. I simply cannot move back to the city. I have to stay on the land that I love. Images of nettles came in strongly...I guess I have a love affair with nettles!

I've connected with a woman who owns a couple of the shetland ponies on the property. She's been here a couple of years and we both discovered recently that we have common spiritual ground. Our friendship is blossoming and we may garden together. This morning she introduced me to:

Living In The Heart & Earth/Sky Workshop

You are One with the Creator of this universe, and you always have been. There never has been a time when you were not One, and there never will be a time when this is not true.
Because you and I are One with the Creator, you and I can personally change the world and bring peace and beauty to this entire planet. But you must change yourself first. You simply have to remember who you were before you fell into this very dark place.

This workshop combines both of the previous workshops into one. The purpose is to give all of the information and knowledge of the human energy field, the MER-KA-BA, the missing information around the BEAMS OF LIGHT coming from the pineal gland, and the instructions of how both of these human energy fields are intimately linked to the SACRED SPACE OF THE HEART, the place of creation. The place where all new worlds are born.

Once this information is practiced in unison, a new Earth emerges from one's inner vision. A way of seeing where this outer world that seems so chaotic and crazy, begins to recreate itself from deep within your own heart by a dreaming process long, long forgotten.
Together, we will remember. Fear will turn to love. Hope will emerge out of desperation. And the World can have a second chance, if only you care enough to reveal the truth of who you really are.

If you believe you are supposed to be at this gathering, I would be honored to help you to remember your intimate connection to God.

From my Heart, Drunvalo Melchizedek

Another woman friend is going to create a Moonwaters Garden close by in this valley. I introduced her to the people that could help her make this happen. She told me today that she is signing lease papers. Another reason for me to stay here.

I am somewhat relieved to know that I am staying put and can continue planting my garden and getting to know this realm!

Relationship threads are woven so that crystal community can rise up as old systems crash. For me these threads now appear in flesh form whereas for so many years thy have been in spirit. Community is taking shape!

Tracker Shift

A couple days ago my emotional field picked up Tracker emotion. His response was like a digging in of heels...more red and orange. It put me into an alert mode. But then...something shifted. It was as if he made that 180 degree pathway shift and observed from an opposite point of new angle. If this is true it means that there is a thinning out in his emotional field. This shift had an effect on my field and it was one of those times where I had to be still and sleep. Transitions are like that for me. Years ago I had thought of a friend and had to sleep immediately. I later learned that he had passed away at that same time. I'm not sure what happens during sleep...but there appears to be work done outside of body's physical field.

Tracker and I cannot be lovers for many reasons. We can be loving. I welcome such healing that can only happen through evolving of frequencies. I am hopeful that shifts continue.

When I awoke from the intensity of Tracker shift I listened to my bodies to see what was moving energetically. I felt like signing up for an open mic at Soul Food Books and reading a poem about I did. When I was asked at the bookstore what number I wanted in the line-up I chose "9" and used my spirit name of Yellow Turtle Spirit. I shared the story of my two spirit names: Yellow Turtle Spirit in Laughing Waters. I was happy that the audience was quiet listened as I read. I plan to read my poetry again.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Intimidation vs Intelligence

When I speak of Tracker and tell the story his attacks escalate. This part of the cycle of abuse is called intimidation. Every man or woman who is abused knows this behavior pattern.

Tracker did his attack of red and orange. It's as if he thinks he can turn me on -- turn my wheels. This mechanical approach is a waste of his energy. I am not a machine. I am much more than red and orange. The word "partner" came through with the assault. I will never partner with a machine. I will never be machinelike again. I am evolved beyond that. My source of power is inside out.

Dream this AM:
I observe a woman in a car. A man is behind her threatening her in her right ear. I call out to get her help. A man in a car nearby shoots at the man. The abused woman and abusive man get out of the car. I watch her and ask her if she's okay. I tell her, " I care about you." She and I are eye to eye. She hears me.

Tracker won't stop. Neither will I. This is a new revolution to uphold the sacred Feminine in all matter. This is not a gender war. This is Angel vs. Fallen Angel. Archangel Michael leads.

Evolution is inner core stillness -- negative charge.
Revolution is outer core expression -- positive charge.
E-motion is the water of Truth in between inner core and outer surface.
The whole systemic wheel circulates to purify and sustain Life.

Polarity shift is a natural process in a healthy system. When more humans are engaged in their own chakra revolution Earth Mother will have less stress and less weight on Her shoulders E/W.

Waters of Truth rise to assist purification. Who is evolved at core to ride the currents? Who has enough emotional substance to revolve with Earth changes? Who is willing to be baptized -- again and again -- from inner core of Love to outer surface of Life?

I am aware that telling stories about Tracker gives him information that he uses against me. I am willing to handle that stress. Why? Because of my deep feeling nature for Her Love, Her Truth and Her Life.

It's interesting how I/we can identify what works by experiencing what doesn't work. This intelligence creates movement forward for those who evolve. This reflective process is like a mirror of Truth telling: Inner core through still waters to outer surface. An alignment of frequencies in order to See and Know.

E-motional waters allow this Seeing and Knowing intelligence. See/Feel/Know. Trinity.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I could ignore the manipulative antics of Tracker. However, there is a purpose to the telling of this story.

Tracker treats me like a machine. He pulls this way and pushes that way. I watched him manipulate a turtle that way once -- in front of an audience. I and everyone else thought it humorous and clever. Little did I know back then. Little do others know now. With me (and other women) his manipulations are telepathic. (a friend told me that Lynn Andrews has written about this type of personality in one of her books...which I soon hope to read.)

From a high observing place I now watch Tracker manipulate the physical field. His antics are low frequency -- far removed from heart and soul of emotion. Matter that I am is treated like an object -- void of feelings. The effects of this dis-connected level of consciousness is evident everywhere on our Earth Mother: indigenous peoples wiped out, landscapes raped, trees destroyed, communities over populated with congestion, etc. Earth Mother is used like an object...a machine. (Just because Tracker works in the field of nature and wilderness does not mean that he knows and loves his own Feminine nature. IQ is not EQ.)

Tracker's manipulation and attempt to control is intentional which is ultimate self-absorption and ignorance. This is the way of Fallen Angel. He is like the Wizard of Oz....once the curtain is pulled he is seen for who he really is...for what he really does. I pull the curtan again and again.

I am now holding in Eye and in hand a dense black "crystal. " Its substance is the strongest in the universe. (what is kryptonite?) It has no points. Its edges are blunt. This "pellet" is lodged deep in brain both personal and universal. Maybe it's lodged in DNA and has a trace in every cell.

This dark pellet is a "tracking" device. It weighs on the energy field. It chokes space with toxins. It manipulates and controls matter. It's a foreign substance -- and that is how and why Light forces detect its presence!

This dark pellet of inner and outer space can be thinned out so that Light filters through. Such is the alchemical process of chakra clearing and healing for the individual and the whole -- system.

Tracker does not stop his antics...that is his choice. It allows me the opportunity to transcend his low frequencies rising above his red and orange wavelengths. It allows me the opportunity to thin out my own darkness so that I can emit Light. Light that dissloves the dark pellet substance. Evil in our midst is an opportunity to heal by shining Light.

Love is unknown to those wading in low frequencies. I invite those who are stuck to dive deeper into their own soul; to step into the unknown. Baptism it's called. Purification. I've been involved in this circular process for many years and I continue to revolve with it. It's a polishing of that dark crystal so inner Light can emit into the outer world.

It's core expression getting through surface matter! Planet Earth needs humans to provide this emission. We are her crown of glory -- along with minerals, plants, animals, elements and elementals. All together we hold Her in protection so that she can do Her creative work to heal and purify making all things new.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Energy Exchange

I was doing some grant writing last night and my attention turned to the dream of two males and the dream of having eyes at the back of my head like a 180 degree stretch. I GOT that North polarity holds both positive and negative charge and I GOT that South has the same. These charges exchange energy -- that's what makes the gears move.

The source of connection is spirit at the core of circular field. The expression of spirit is at the surface where exchange is like teeth of gears. Energy exchange is a looping connection of balance.