Camping & Bees
setting up tent
in fern hollow
with cedar
yielding her bark
in long strips
useful as door mat
celebrating birthdays
Son riding moto-cross
Grandson now riding a bike
Son and daughter-in-law
going to Thailand to volunteer
Son-in-law going into Navy Reserves
Daughter uncertain about the change
And the wheel turns...
Under pitter pat of rain
I am wide awake
considering the law of attraction
I dream -- three dream frames
Of chit-chat with Carolyn Myss
Good friend in a parallel universe
The law of attraction
How does it spin in
Dreamtime and "real" time?
What common chords wrap
and warp?
Swim, bike, putt-putt
food and more food
conversation and laughter
Camping with family
keeps me busy
not the time or place
to tune in to the
melodic buzz I heard
when first stepping into that
wooded space
A friend gave me a book to read
The Shamanic Way of the Bee
by Simon Buxton
"You were stung directly in the center of the dream wheel," he said, referring to the tiny wound on my head. "It is one of your interior stars and is the part of us that comes into the world first, the part where our first senses of the world reside, and the place where we attempt to make sense of our reality. It sees the world before we do. It is one of your magic circles."
"Your way has been paved for you by the law of spiritual gravitation. You arrived here on the principal that your own will come to you. It is the force of the cultus itself that has exerted polar magnetism upon us both, and thus we find ourselves in each other's company. The element of chance was entirely absent in our meeting."