
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Camping & Bees

setting up tent
in fern hollow
with cedar
yielding her bark
in long strips
useful as door mat

celebrating birthdays
Son riding moto-cross
Grandson now riding a bike

Son and daughter-in-law
going to Thailand to volunteer

Son-in-law going into Navy Reserves
Daughter uncertain about the change

And the wheel turns...

Under pitter pat of rain
I am wide awake
considering the law of attraction

I dream -- three dream frames
Of chit-chat with Carolyn Myss
Good friend in a parallel universe

The law of attraction
How does it spin in
Dreamtime and "real" time?
What common chords wrap
and warp?

Swim, bike, putt-putt
food and more food
conversation and laughter
Camping with family
keeps me busy
not the time or place
to tune in to the
melodic buzz I heard
when first stepping into that
wooded space

A friend gave me a book to read
The Shamanic Way of the Bee
by Simon Buxton

"You were stung directly in the center of the dream wheel," he said, referring to the tiny wound on my head. "It is one of your interior stars and is the part of us that comes into the world first, the part where our first senses of the world reside, and the place where we attempt to make sense of our reality. It sees the world before we do. It is one of your magic circles."

"Your way has been paved for you by the law of spiritual gravitation. You arrived here on the principal that your own will come to you. It is the force of the cultus itself that has exerted polar magnetism upon us both, and thus we find ourselves in each other's company. The element of chance was entirely absent in our meeting."

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Space Suit

Dream: I was serving food to people in a restaurant and couldn't manage the crowd. Stressful so I left to get support from x-husband who passed over last year. Then I made a wrong turn and wanted to get back. I remembered that I could fly faster so I did. I felt energy threads clamping onto my body -- like a space suit. I felt it on my upper arms and ankles. Like shackles. This body suit allows me to fly.

I am sooo spacey. I forgot the town hall meeting last night! Even after researching and preparing to speak about our tourist district design standards. I think I was floating after a meeting at Day Break Star to plan their 40th anniversary. I love sitting in circle with Native brothers and sisters. One elder woman approached me after the meeting and thanked me for being there. She said that the men aren't good at saying so. I get the sense that some Indians want to take the Indian out of Indian Country and be like white people. I don't think they realize what gifts they have to give. I am there to support their culture and sacred ways. I guess it's a matter of fitting into this world....something I continue to discover for myself.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Electrons are very personal -- it's the stuff we humans are made of. This negative charge relates to a positive charge. Why is this science not grounded and translated into an awareness of personal relationship within oneself, with another and others? Quantum physics relates to inner space and that force that connects us.

The news tonight reflects hatred and violence toward the human body: torture, murder, dismemberment, etc. The human body is sacred ground. It's time to remember.


The electron is a subatomic particle that carries a negative electric charge. It has no known substructure and is believed to be a point particle.[2] An electron has a mass that is approximately 1836 times less than that of the proton.[8] The intrinsic angular momentum (spin) of the electron is a half integer value of 1/2, which means that it is a fermion. The anti-particle of the electron is called the positron, which is identical to the electron except that it carries electrical and other charges of the opposite sign. When an electron collides with a positron, they annihilate, producing a pair (or more) of gamma ray photons. Electrons participate in gravitational, electromagnetic and weak interactions.[9]

The concept of an indivisible amount of electric charge was theorized to explain the chemical properties of atoms, beginning in 1838 by British natural philosopher Richard Laming;[4] the name electron was introduced for this charge in 1894 by Irish physicist George Johnstone Stoney. The electron was identified as a particle in 1897 by J. J. Thomson and his team of British physicists.[6][10] Electrons are identical particles that belong to the first generation of the lepton particle family. Electrons have quantum mechanical properties of both a particle and a wave, so they can collide with other particles and be diffracted like light. Each electron occupies a quantum state that describes its random behavior upon measuring a physical parameter, such as its energy or spin orientation. Since an electron is a fermion, no two electrons can occupy the same quantum state, a property known as the Pauli exclusion principle.[11]

In many physical phenomena, such as electricity, magnetism, and thermal conductivity, electrons play an essential role. An electron generates a magnetic field while moving, and it is deflected by external magnetic fields. When an electron is accelerated, it can absorb or radiate energy in the form of photons. Electrons, together with atomic nuclei made of protons and neutrons, make up atoms. However, electrons contribute less than 0.06% to an atom's total mass. The attractive Coulomb force between an electron and a proton causes electrons to be bound into atoms. The exchange or sharing of the electrons between two or more atoms is the main cause of chemical bonding.[12]

According to theory, electrons were created in the Big Bang, and they are lost in stellar nucleosynthesis processes. Electrons are produced by cosmic rays entering the atmosphere and are predicted to be created by Hawking radiation at the event horizon of a black hole. Radioactive isotopes can release an electron from an atomic nucleus as a result of negative beta decay. ...Electrons have many applications, including welding, cathode ray tubes, electron microscopes, radiation therapy, lasers and particle accelerators.

Physics as a Bridge

Fascinating post on with Deepak Chopra and Michio Kaku founder of string theory and author of Physics of the Impossible. Topics include invisibility, teleportation, time travel, parallel universe, entanglement and chords, string theory, and "mind of God is cosmic music." Physics bridges shamanism and science.

There will be 12 series on this topic via the science channel -- November.

Thanks, Deepak!


I stand on mountain with rattle and drum. I affirm:

Women of all ages, sizes, religions, cultures
Men of all ages, sizes, religions, cultures
are valued and seen for their true inner beauty

Past emptiness is filled in with Spirit
False addictions begone!

Crossed wiring is untangled
Men and women are free to be and express
Inherent higher Nature

Weaving of Parts

Some parts are coming together in consciousness: the blue dream frame with white lines running E/W is Native community. White lace around edge is Love as shown via the white lacey amulet bag in same dream. This blue space is Feminine. We hold Her in Love. Grounding happens in brain-body!

Grounded Contacts

“Rise and shine and give God/dess your glory.”

It was so fun to open my Facebook page and see Hank Wesselman, David Spangler, Lorian and The World Flag Project. Facebook is a community that I create. I can delete people, ignore people and invite people. And others do the same with me. Facebook is a group of people who choose to interface. I’m at Patricia Lee for anyone wanting to be part of this community.

My body feels anxious regarding social networks. I don’t find it meaningful to engage in email with people I have not met. I need to have a grounded point somewhere in the mix. This must have to do with grounding chords which is why it’s important to connect in this realm once in awhile. I’m looking forward to shamanic training with Hank as it will be very grounding. I’m also looking forward to seeing David Spangler at a local bookstore. Carolyn Myss and others will be here in October as well. I need physical contact to add dimension to spiritual substance.

I introduced myself to the Executive Director of United Indians of All Tribes: Marty Bluewater. Reminds me of my blue dream frame! Marty said that he’d seen me around. It reminded me of Hank’s email response when he said that he remembered me. In the past men have pretended not to know me so this acknowledgement is appreciated. It’s grounding! I am introducing Marty to my Circle of Life class and will volunteer there. I love my Native community! It’s a good place to ground!

It’s time to learn how to hold “negative” charge. This charge is feminine and has to do with stillness. I see in my own behavior and in others that we don’t know how to stay in silence. Must have to do with nerves, impulses and muscles. Addictions (what do these chords look like?) are the result as we repeat insecurity patterns from childhood. It takes time to erase old tapes and create new ones. Time is shortened, however.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Glandular Pebbles

Male and female forces/men and women are not designed to be enmeshed or entangled. Each is designed to be whole, free flowing and independent. It is then that the two opposites can be holy, radiant and interdependent...and inter-connected. Entanglment creates chaos, amnesia, spells. Sorcery sets in and takes over. Through individual awakening and evolution male-female/men-women are set free. Free to engage in healing and creative work. A series of whole and holy links.

Dream: My brain-body was tested. Deepak wanted to send the results to other doctors. He had a worried look on his face and I asked him why. He said the docs were too "academic." I said that it didn't matter. My body felt strange after the tests and when I touched my forehead there was a small bump like a pebble. I sensed all my endocrine glands were similar. I then visited Deepak with "family." There were several babies on the floor. I connected with one baby and had eye to eye contact. Next I am in a new age shop looking at aromatic amulets in small colored bags. I was to choose two scents I liked best. I didn't like fruit or sweet flowery scents and chose the one spicey and subtle. I am drawn to one bag that is white with lacy weave. There is no amulet stone in this bag. I am told this bag represents Love. I then hear that there was an earthquake. I didn't feel it. I go out to check on my grandkids who are eating in the cafe. I mentioned the earthquake to Sierra but she had not felt it. At one point in this dream there is an "overlay" of sky blue with lines going E/W horizontally. There is lacy border which seemed amusing to me. Is there a fashion designer directing my dreams?

United Indians of All Tribes sent an email and called Pow Wow volunteers inviting us to a volunteer party today. Native people know how to be grateful! I will attend and ask who their grant person is so I can call this person with more questions. I keep pushing and planting seeds. Why? Because I am called to do work in this physical world. Work that honors who I am inside and out. Work where I can be my true and whole Self.

I'm grateful for the peace and quiet I receive from Tracker now. Love lives in this negative space. What work do Tracker and I have to do together? I hope new work!

I've noticed red clover for months. This past week it has called to me and I am now picking and drying it for tea this winter. Can one live by this way of listening? A way that doesn't rely on books or outside teachers?

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Next weekend I'm spending some time with a group of people. One is a man who makes me feel uncomfortable. What do I do? Not attend? How do I protect myself from my sensitivity to men who who feed off of women? It's totally a body thing. It's about self-image (body too fat) and self love and it's about men who take rather than give (body not worthy of love). Feels like crossed wiring. I have to make some inner adjustments in order to attend and be comfortable.

Communication with Tracker takes on new dimension that includes higher instructions via cooperation...perhaps...time will tell. I did experience clear charge of contact and with that a specific image that conveyed information. Definitely a new opportunity signifying maturation/evolution. I hope!

Land Trust

I broke ground at a new circle garden much larger than my own. This Heritage Garden was created by the local Grange. There are few members in this Grange and most are elderly. (I remember attending Grange events on country roads with my parents. My mom wrote a cookbook for the Grange.) I enjoy weeding and looked forward to time alone on this open piece of land near my house. The first day I was there one of the Grange men stopped by and asked about rototilling. I said that I preferred weeding by hand. He seemed to want to do this work in a hurry and he had the attitude that it was a chore. I’m sure he’s burned out after trying to maintain this site for years. I told him that I wanted to do a little each day and that I enjoyed the work. Yesterday two crew members from the nursery on the East edge of the property stopped by. They had instructions from the property and nursery owner to weed the garden. I felt some ownership and wasn’t too happy to have them interrupting my solitary communion. One of the men asked me about using a weed whacker. I showed him that pulling the weeds out by hand gets the roots. What a waste of time NOT getting to the roots! As I left they told me that next time I was there it would be all cleared. I’m proposing at the Grange meeting that we have a Harvest Celebration at this garden. I’d like to honor a couple of elderly members who have contributed so much to our community via the Grange. Ideally if volunteers “adopted” sections of the garden circle we could maintain it with a quarterly work party. And at the work parties we could celebrate the four directions. More ideas….. The Grange has their way of doing ritual, however. But they might let me offer something new with my drum.

Due to rainy weather I took my grandson to the movies for his fifth birthday. At the theatre we considered which movie to see. He was quiet as we talked about the choices. He chose Shorts about a wishing rainbow rock. After the movie I heard him say that the Disney movie GI Force was an action movie and that he and his dad would go see that. I realized then that he chose Shorts for me! He knows I don’t like loud noise and violence. That was my gift from him!

The Native Entrepenurial Training is focused on for-profit businesses. I am welcome to attend the orientation. I’ll continue to ask questions as to how Circle of Life ~ Mapping One’s Story can contribute to “my” Native Community. Perhaps there’s a grant. Here’s another garden I’ve been working for 8+ months now: employment. I notice a new groove in this process. One that rides the waves instead of making waves. It’s based on trust. I’m always learning this in new ways at new levels.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Grounding Chords

I met Tracker through Ingwe and his storytelling. Ingwe was and is a medicine man. He is attuned to the spirit of the leapord. Hank Wesselman is also attuned to leapord. Feels like a chord grounding in this realm. Grounding is a full circle connection where E/S/W/N forces meet.

My detective introduced me to Archangel CyberInvestigations. The brochure has a picture of Michael. Another grounding chord via Archangel Michael.

I sense something softening between Tracker and myself. Will it be sustained? I welcome balanced connection. Healing requires time and stillness. I do see a new dawn.

I am inquiring about my attendance at a free entrepenurial training at United Indians of all Tribes. I want to build Circle of Life class as a business. More dream work is to visit every native tribe in this state and offer this class. I would love to tell/publish the stories of Elders. I will continue to volunteer at United Indians -- I am attracted there. I chose not to follow through with the
Assistant Teaching job. I want more time to let other possibilities unfold.

Grounding chords bring soothing substance calming nerves and soothing muscles. Let earth be healed.

Thank you.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A New Brain

Tracker must not like to be dowsed with spirit medicine. Last time I tried to log on to the internet I was quickly shut down. His previous mode was to shut systems down slowly like a cat toying with a mouse. I continue to dowse. Tracker you are Love and you are Loved; you are Loved and you are Love.

I have a full circle of support in this realm and in spirit realms. Tracker is alone in this realm as no person knows that he stalks women (other than some of the women themselves) and hacks into computers. Who or what supports him in spirit realms? Certainly not Grandfather Ingwe. This is why and how sorcerers lose power – they lack support. Tracker is not playing with a full spectrum. I continue to invite him to join us in light – light that includes shadow but is not overshadowed by it.

I waited three hours to speak at the Planning Commission meeting last night. Most of the audience had left. I had the ears I wanted and said to the commissioner panel that I was there to speak on behalf of the wildlife habitat in my backyard--the place where development has begun. I said that I speak for the red-tail hawk, otter, fish, heron, cotton wood trees and oregon grape of which I recently made jam. I noticed how a couple of people sat up in their seats. I noticed how some brightened and even smiled. I suggested that our city set a new precedent in creativity and cooperation and that they set some “design standards” (a term I learned at this meeting) for the Tourist Business District.

This meeting was very dry lacking spirit. It was all about codes, rules, regulations. Yawn! I remembered the community meeting at the longhouse with Native people. We used the talking stick and told our stories that were full of emotion!
Our goal is to get people voted on the Commission who represent our values-- values that include business in a balanced way. Power must be in the hands of those who have new vision – backed by new brain!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Extraction and Release

I received a call as I was writing the last post. It was the Seattle Indian Health Board in response to my Circle of Life class. Their focus is diabetes and they don't have funding for this type of creative healing work. And this is what we are up against. A system that has gotten so far off track that it's forgotten about inner healing and knowing oneself via the power of emotions -- the sacred Feminine. It's so sad that indigenous people have had to buy into the "civilized" system.

From what I've read and heard about Lemuria and Atlantis the same scenario played out. Technology of the masculine vs nurturing of the feminine. We are now at similar crossroads. It need not be the us versus them mentality of old brain. There can be cooperation and co-creation.

I keep experiencing interference on the computer system. I suspect tracker/sorcerer. I am doing something new. When he comes into my space I am dousing him with spirit medicine. His unhealthy "attachments" dissolve and he is whole. I hold him and his blocked emotions in new Light and Love.

My letter to the editor is published in the local paper this week a friend informed me. I'm attending a City Council meeting tonight to meet my local reps. Several groups in this ag and business tourist valley are uniting and saying "no" to a developer. Sounds like he's already retracted and is asking for a plan B. I am happy to see solidarity.

Love the Rachel Maddow show. I do hope "Progressives" can pull together and move that which is stuck -- for the good of the whole.

Thank you. (to all my spirit allies in this realm and beyond. A force field of....the word that comes in is..."color.")

My feet are deep in moist mud...and I just did an extraction letting that rage that I've sensed at the edge release. Rattle and Sage played their part.

Earth I Am

Late Tuesday night cannot sleep. Sharp energetic pressure moving through heart chakra…very uncomfortable. My body doesn’t know how to manage/process this power surge. My head feels more spacey, body lifted (not grounded) – as if I’m functioning in a different dimension.

I finally learned how to engage a lock on a gate near my garden. The answer was to put firm pressure on it in an aligned N/S angle. I walked away from this lesson into the rising sun and felt a line move through me N/S. The sensation was one of grounding. I thought that straight masculine lines are coming in to balance arcing curvature. What are these grounding chords?

In Visionseeker I had trouble engaging with Hank’s description of Ku and Aumakua. I seem to need pictures to help me assimilate information. Is my brain becoming more “reptilian?” I’m finding that working on the land is what I want to do most…it must be helping me to ground. What is happening to this earth that I am?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Brain Function

Yesterday: Too much energy in South creating pressure and imbalance. Toxic nausea and headache. When I was married to Tom I would ask him to put his hand on top of my head. This calmed and smoothed out my wiring as if his cool touch balanced the fiery charge. This "sexual" circuitry is charged North rather than South.

I don't read very much and discovered that I had difficulty reading the descriptive passages in Visionseeker. I wanted to skip over that step by step information. As if my brain-body didn't want to go there. The same is true of websites that have a lot of parts. It's too busy and linear for my wiring, seeing and assimilating. I opened an email from Carolyn Myss and was greeted with deep and rich blue with lovely complementary colors. She's going to the Meditteranean! (My dream work is to visit sacred sites around Earth Mother and do shamanic healing.) This reading of color and space I can assimilate and enjoy! It speaks my language. So, what does that say about my brain function in this linear world? What I'm hearing is that I need to find like-brained people. Is this why I'm so drawn to Native Americans?

I saw someone I hadn't seen for awhile. The language that came forth was, "I missed you." But that didnt't ring true to my observer so we changed it to "I'm glad to see you again!" What's the truth behind that new language? The truth is that I was never separated from this person. That we have a connected heart chord and that there are rhythms to our connection. So, what does one do with chords that want to dominate and control you? Chords with unhealthy people?

I've been thinking about earthquakes as a way to release pressure. Volcanic eruption and tornadoes must do the same. Does this release of pressure also mean the release of toxic emotions and spirits? If so should not shamans be working together to honor this process of Nature? Perhaps this is happening. This looks like a working relationship/partnership with Elementals and Elements.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Tracker sorcerer has infiltrated my new computer. I was blocked from using all my systems yesterday. It's been like a worm creeping in. It's like the worm I saw in vision attached south of equator. I don't have to use the internet. I can use snail mail and the phone. Cutting me off of internet also cuts my communication to him --such as this blog.

I am hoping to find someone who is as tech savvy as he is to give me the "hard evidence" I need for my detective and the police. I am reaching out to a lot of people in a lot of directions. His tool or worm acts as if it is the administrator. I do have connections at Microsoft. I'm wondering who is liable for this invasion of privacy? Microsoft must make protection available; they need to work on this half of their quality of service and product. As it is their products put people at risk of being abused by people like this sorcerer. Hank has a good definition of sorcerer is his book. Someone who inflicts harm and someone who loses their power in doing so.

At any point I can choose to stop the communications and connections via internet.

In Visionseeker Hank talks about the future and how humans must evolve. I think that the future portrayed in Visionseeker is more advanced and evolved than this one. I welcome a life without technology -- a simple life connected with Earth and Spirits.

Thank You.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Garden Abundance

I notice the foods on my lunch plate -- all from my garden!
Brocoli, red potato, beet and green beans. Yesterday I made squash curry mushroom soup with on of the many squash. This is true abundance! And what "slow food" is really about.

Alpine Wilderness Trail

I met Jill for the first time yesterday via video on their website. She is a beautiful and clear woman -- inside out clear. As I was about to listen to Hank's video a friend called asking me to go hiking. That is a rare treat so I said "YES!"

Alpine Trails Wilderness
Greeted by wildflowers
Bright Blue Monkshood, Indian Paintbrush
Yarrow, Asters blue and yellow
Cow Parsnip

Small bird with yellow
Grounds at the trail head
What more magic awaits?

My friend's poodle is greeted
by dogs and their owners
I've not been on a dog highway before

Soon I stop in my tracks
I gesture for my friend to stop
There it is!
On short wooden planks over the happy creek
Draped over a sunny log at the edge
A plump garter snake!
My friend knows of my serpent vision
and is as delighted as I am
Snake dashes in the underbrush
And I jump for joy!
at a creek holding signs of Faery

Dragonfly and butterfly land on my friend
who is in grief
I acknowledge this spirit ally support for her

Walking out at trail head
wind picks up
I receive the refreshing carress on my face

Driving out my friend sees huge blue/black raven
on the ground
It flies upward and couple of feet landing on tree branch
And...turns her head to look at us eye to eye
We are honored! Gratitudes!

What do Medicine Cards have to say about Raven?
Magic, change in conciousness, healing circle, Great Mystery

Driving out two long clouds stretch out in sky
My friend sees them as I do: Two serpents!

At one point on this journey I was watching two hornets in odd positions
One was biting the other -- in half. I watched the process. What is that about hornet to hornet?

My brain felt different yesterday and I told my friend that it felt like the wires were stripped. Not sure what that means. This morning I felt as if body was levitated.

My shamanic journey continues -- now, however, I have friends and teachers in this realm. Happiness is my response.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A New Fit

I listened and watched yesterday for that answer. My head hurt as it does pressure. Computer work hit a wall so I ended up in my garden. Technology is not where my head is at.

This morning I woke up to both question and answer. It's time for me to take classes in Shamanism. Doing so connects me with people and gives validation to who I am: my spirituality, my gifts, my teachings. Up to this point I've focused on inner teachers. Is it time to change? As both student and teacher of "the language of the sacred feminine and masculine" I could meet other students and teachers.

In a split second this AM-- at the speed of light -- I saw teal blue. Perhaps I can learn how to stay in that color and learn from it. I also saw/felt myself shedding snake skin. Then I saw/felt (seeing includes texture which is dimensional) serpent of brown/grey in what impressed me as a new position: N and E. S/he filled in a good portion of that upper field. Again it was snakes's middle body -- the plumpest part -- that appeared. I do not ask questions in a linear way of my spirit friends...and wonder if that is something to learn or if my learning/teaching style is different. I can be open minded/hearted and discover. I'm hoping there is not a wall in Shamanism that has a right and wrong way of doing this. I'm not good at fitting into a mold.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Turtle Flight

AM Journey:

Network of light like roots underground -- a meeting ground

Orange/red sun spirals in the distance

Flying fast on back of Turtle -- meet Goose and woman with long red hair
She comforts and assures me -- touching the top of my head -- soothing

Standing on large black rock cliff -- facing West -- wind in face -- arms upward in V -- links behind me with their arms in same position

Message comes in: Tabernacle of God/dess is with wo/man

Large bullfrog closes the session -- vibrate blues, greens -- huge eyes

T is in a bag squirming, unhappy with restrictive space
Zoom in -- cloth is significant -- burlap -- held tight with string

Burlap reminding me of a past life regression I did on Whidbey Island at Madi Nolan's
I was with siblings in Ireland, Potato Famine, we wore burlap (intention of this regression was to understand food issues -- we had little food in this lifetime)

I am told that I will receive an answer to a question watch/listen.

There are many sensations in a journey -- seems to be an intelligent filter that sorts the significant "stones" for communication. Much like a sieve. Some impressions are "heavier" than others to be communicated. Intelligent matrix of communication.

Tabernacle definition:

The portable sanctuary in which the Jews carried the Ark of the Covenant through the desert.

A case or box on a church altar containing the consecrated host and wine of the Eucharist.

A place of worship.

A niche for a statue or relic.

Nautical. A boxlike support in which the heel of a mast is stepped.

Goose (via Aflac) appeared -- moving long neck and head -- in this reality of computer techonology. She thought that comical -- me too!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Power Points

I appreciate Hank's words in Visionseeker about the transcendent power of sexual expression with his wife, Jill. I experienced this power with husband Tom and found myself seeing Native chiefs and regalia. At one time after a lusty night and morning Angel Gabrielle made an appearance - she was very feminine. Spiritual intimacy and physical intimacy are like that lightning bolt that descends and ascends to charge/fire/explode in the middle distributing fire force to all the parts of heaven and earth. Physical sex grounds this force differently than telepathic sex. Different mediums are in focus.

Reading Visionseeker has me wanting to go to the spa and sit in pools of steamy water and get a lomi massage. The book has created a new environment around me that feels tropical and relaxing...with misty sprays of water.

A story line hit an emotional nerve last night when I was reading the chapter Hawaiian Encounters. Hank was offering prayers at night at the crater Kilauea, "a side vent on Mauna Loa's eastern shoulder." "The mountain spirit, whose elements are fire and volcanic stone, clearly said to us both, "I shall be with you always, children of the Earth." That still stirs my solar plexus points here/now. (I read recently that the solar plexus holds ground for emotion. I see this area as equator.)

Thank you.

Circle of Power

I purchased a laptop and now have freedom of expression without Tracker intrusion. New cycle commences.

Image of Hank came in this morning and the following "prayer" emerged:

Our conscious collective body joins hands above Earth Mother encircling Her. Linked in solidarity we offer gratitude to Her mountains, waters, winds, core fire, soils, minerals, plant and animal life and weather patterns. We offer prayer song of vibration. We don't know what Her healing looks like. We don't know what is meant to pass away and what is meant to be reborn. We simply sing, drum and rattle...Tibetan bowls sing, too. Circling above us and with us are hosts of Angels joined in clouds of Glory. Our circle of power increases in this dimension.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

South of the Equator

The attachment I'm now conscious of is located south of my equator. It feels full of rage and depression like a dark cloud. I've been asking myself where this "entity" came from. As a child I was very sensitive and remember the grief that exploded when my Uncle Ed passed over. I couldn't sleep and ran from my bed to my mom and dad sobbing about his death. And when I was in fifth grade and at a teen party I broke into a sobbing spell after someone had sang Old Shep which reminded me of my collie. In a family that didn't epxpress feelings there was no avenue to release this energy. I held my own emotion and probably that of others who suppressed theirs.

As I read Visionseeker I realize that my emotional cycle with it's deep anger and depression may have to do with this unreleased energy that developed into some sort of entity or collective mass. So, how does one release energetic attachment? Is the shamanic term for this process "extraction?" I'm asking shamanic healers Hank and Jill.

If my earth body is similar to planet Earth body then She holds all of our chords of attachment as well as her own cosmic chords. My release and detachment of negative energy chords is Her release -- south of the equator.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chords and Attachment

Something odd is happening. As I clean house I'm taking things off walls and getting rid of clutter. Am I going to move or am I making more breathing room in my living space? I know it symbolizes a shift within and without...a new cycle.

My new awareness of chords/muscles allowed me to sense/see something new: Yesterday afternoon I experienced an "attachment." This entity has shape, color and texture. It holds negative pressure. This "entity" attached at lower chakras and felt to parallel my body. Is this about parallel realities?

Last night I read in Visionseeker about chords of connection. It was fun to experience this coordinate as Hank's words and my experience crossed. Tracker chords had felt binding so there must be a spectrum of the quality of chords. I did get that chords connect me to my winged friends in other realms. What are these chords? Are they impulses/threads of light energy that expand across dimensions?

I was thinking that addictions and disease are about attachments via chords. I know medicine people shamans do healing work to help release attachments. Fascinating!

There's always more to learn in this organic and evolving story of life.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Cutting Chords

As I was reading Visionseeker by Hank Wesselman a vision came in at the speed of light. I saw my home and surrounding land overlayed by chords of Tracker -- chords that are invasive. Tracker has connection with Kahunas in Hawaii as does Hank. Interesting that these threads are coming together in my consciousness at this time.

Whenever I soften my stance with Tracker he acts out sexually and invades my space. Thus, once again, I cannot trust this man who refuses to evolve.

Visions coming in "at the speed of light" remind me of a nature show I saw on TV last night. It was about lightning and showed how the energy current moves down reaching toward earth. The breakthrough information that one man captured via photography shows earth responding from points on ground with energy currents moving upward. These two currents connect and meet above ground and ignite. Spectacular! There are terms for these two currents but I did not write them down so I don't have that in memory. So, does my personal earth respond -- or not -- via electrical current to that which is coming in?

I am aware that I have developed muscle of awareness so that I don't respond to Tracker invasion. It is difficult, however, not to respond to tech stalking via computer hacking. I am taking steps to cut the chords that do not belong in my space.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Prayer is Natural

Recently when I was on my fairy trail near Icicle Creek and Sleeping Lady mountain I felt the pull to ground and go deeper. What did that mean? Was I to pray for this place? I kept walking and found myself touching the plants with left hand and right hand, left hand and right hand. All the while saying, "Thank you"..."Thank you." Prayer is not a head game...asking for stuff to fill one's ego, house or garage. It is a living and breathing expression through one's body. Body knows how to pray in humble is it's natural state.

Attraction Bending Reality

Attraction is a force that creates bend or change. It comes in from different angles (frequencies) and bounces off fields of consciousness (more frequencies). Attraction holds information within one whole spectrum that can be uplifting and positive or stagnant and negative. The body is both transmitter and receiver of the force of attraction. When attraction is felt/observed one reacts or responds depending on the "strength" of one's muscles. Silver chord is coming into mind's eye -- is that a muscle? What is a muscle anyway? Does body have many silver chords?

I had a dream about Michael Meade during the week of hell with Tracker harassment. I was with someone. Michael was present. Kittens were kissing us and then singing to us sweetly. Micheal was barefoot. What a strange dream...from out of the blue. And I kept thinking about him when I was on Lopez Island. Why this attraction in dreamtime? I will honor the dream by reaching out via email to Michael who has been an inspiration to me over the years. I do hope that all is well in his world.

Weather shifted from hot to cool. Body shifted with it. I stayed inside to clean house. I have several books under my futon that are waiting to be gifted. One book has been calling out to me so I started to read Visionseeker by Hank Wesselman, Ph.D. Why this attraction? Hank is a shaman with fascinating stories. I've attended two of his workshops. He has a lot of sacred objects to share...reminding me of the healing stone that I had when I attended his workshop. A stone I chose to give away to a creek at Dosewallips in the Olympic Rainforest. "Why would I give my "medicine" away?" I now ask myself. Also under my futon is a basket of fir boughs...I love the fragrance. Since I can't sleep in the forest I bring the forest to me.

I don't pray, do intentional work or journey in a structured way. My process is more about "letting" -- about providing a receptive space and letting "attraction" play out. I have had my doubts about this way of being but it's simply who I am. Souldn't I be more grounded, deliberate and masculine?

Walking into this library I noticed that I was saying "thank you" to this place with its surrounding trees. This place that has been my office since January. I noticed that I AM prayer. This attitude of gratitude is something I a cloak. Maybe it wears me.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Good News!

President Obama must have had a key role in the release of the two journalists Laura and Euma from North Korea. And yet Bill Clinton and Al Gore shined in that story. This reflects the mature leadership of President Obama and reminds me of the Knights (women can be Knights!) of the Round Table.

Ego wants all the attention which is old politics of me against you. We move into a "new era" as ego of separate self dissolves and empathy and compassion of heart manifests.

Vibrational frequency moves from red and orange to yellow and green. We are evolving!

Sex, Love and Boundaries

I spent some time with a woman recently whose energy felt like/sounded like (feelings are sound!) that of some men I know -- red, orange and sexual. Why am I so sensitive to this energy? Probably because these frequencies were my identity until I was 25 years old. Until that time I thought men and sex would make me happy. I was conditioned, like everyone else, to live as if sex was love.

When I hit bottom at age 25 I got scared and took a metaphysics class. In my first meditation I met light-being Archangel Michael. My world shifted and I would never be a lost soul again! Gradually I moved out of the dominant reds and oranges discovering new colors and frequencies of who I AM.

Red and orange are colors and energies of childhood (East) ego and physical dominance of adolescence (South). We are intelligently/lovingly designed to move West and North through a maturation process. We are designed to move full circle again and again.

When reds and oranges dominate the higher frequencies of light’s sound and color are blocked. We see the effects on Planet Earth: overpopulation, addictions, violence, depression, disease, etc.

How does one move out of lower frequencies that have us brainwashed, conditioned and stuck in physical desires and pleasures? The first step is to stop, look and listen within. A spectrum of frequencies are singing and as one listens and hears one makes adjustments within oneself and without in one’s life. This spiritual evolution requires a deep desire to move forward on a spiritual path. This requires an honest intention to be one’s whole self. This requires the willingness to die as a separate ego and to be reborn as one whole being of light with an ego.

I am noticing a softening toward Tracker. Did he harass and beat me into submission after that week of hell? The Truth is he harassed me into more Truth telling -- submission to that which is higher. I cannot relate to Tracker as I did years ago. I am not the same person. I do feel threads of higher love toward him. This love is not that which is dominated by red and orange. This love is a full circle and spectrum. And this love knows how to protect fields of energetic matter through healthy boundaries.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Life on the Move

Good to see positive news via Bill Clinton and N Korea agreement!

Such a relief to have some time on the computer without interference. I had one hell of a week last week. I felt Tracker energy -- I would move this way and he would block...again and again. Such a strange way to get attention. The fact is this aggressive behavior pushes me away from him. I would love to take a class at the school he founded but do not feel safe when he acts out like this. I would have loved to attend their anniversary event but could not because of his invasive behavior. If he wants to have a connection this harassment must stop!

I think I may have an artist (a woman friend who is Native American in heart) for my children's story book Turtle's Circle of Life. It will complement my classes.

I'm organizing International Day of Peace with Bellevue College. ANH and The World Flag are co-sponsors.

Trying to get my website fixed...Lupe has been very busy. I do have a new website template I've been working on that is much easier to upload/manage but I like the old website he created.

Slept under the stars this past weekend at a woman friend's property on an island. Woke up inspired about my book. Nice to have this time to feel inspired... I am grateful.