
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Extraction Opportunity

8:00 PM Drumming

Dragon flies along West coast
Dragon weaving energy in push/pull, back/forth arcs
Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, San Diego
Many more dragons join in

I draw the vision
North / South line
Four points marked as dots
Two circuits intertwine along line
Positive and negative dance of Love

Hank and Jill teach about fire element and fire gatekeepers. We journey. Fire flames lift me up to cosmos. I see planet and stars that hold fire and light differently. We learn the Fire Clan's gift is to help people dream, awaken their intuitive and emotional selves.

9:30 AM

Song birds reflect my state of being here. I am happy and vibrate for the pure joy of it! I pour forth. High beam. Is it too much for those around me? I try to adjust and be less charged. My arms help me express this moving energy. I wrap my blue shawl around me and stand on a stum facing west. I let the wind fill my outstretched arms and shawl. I fly! I am in love with elements. Elements are in love with me. What good is shamanic journeying if there is not an increase of joy? Joy is the symptom of well-being. Joy is the child of Love's green fertility.

10:00 AM Journey with fire and water element
Hummingbird appears red and orange. We fly into sun. I agree to go into center. Intense. Hands shake and arms move my hands up to my eyes to cover them. Wheel turns from fire to water. I let water wash over me; I bow down to listen for spirit lly. Turtle appears offers shell for my head and my body. Turtle support. His flippers are wings!

1:00 PM

My roommate and I go to Pfeiffer Beach. Watch watery waves crash through rock portals. One like the window opening of my recent dream. Wind picks up with intense voice.

4:00 PM
Hank talks about the next session and that we will invite our team to assist with extraction work. We have spirits of this place, oversoul, helping spirits and teachers to assist. As he talks I notice GIANT energies gathered. Serpent head larger than the building we were in, cypress tree spirits, space ship in the water behind me, large wings that were a lineage of light winged beings.

Drum journey begins and my team goes to work! BIG extraction. I do a west coast scan. Four cities come into view. My fingers reach out and begin to pull slimy whitish chord -- I know this chord! It's the one that extended from my solar plexus awhile back. I pull and pull and pull. My bowl of water to neutralize the toxins? Ocean is right behind me! I ask about the chord. It leads to ground under mountain. I pull on the white substance that is now more of a base than a filament like umbilical chord. The chord turns pink as if new blood moves.

I later ask questions? Is this "chord" brain matter? (The first night Hank introduced us to stone that is 2.5 million years old and calld oldowan. It represents a time in human evolution when man's brain evolved at the same time this tool was created.) Is the global brain coming to new life? I think about Lemuria and ask classmates what they know about this lost continent. I am told it's under the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. Who are these starship beings? An extraction opens space for something new to evolve. How fun! May that space be filled with joy of Love!~ Aloha~~~


New "alliance" with Tracker opened the sky dome and sweet fragrance swept through body and atmosphere around body. A sky opening; an archway clear.

Flying out of Seattle Cascade Mountains rose up from fog that was kissing canyon crevices. I drew them and noticed how dragonlike the Cascade Mountain range is especially when kissed by fog. Shaman Hank later said that fog is "dragon's breath."

Driving to Big Sur I stopped at Rocky Point. From high cliff I looked down to see in the dancing vortex of water, rock and shore -- serpent dragon! I heard that it's no longer what you do for me/my growth nor is it what I do for you. It's now what we do together to heal Earth. Magic stirs along this West Coast. Seeing has to do with lens that is associated with brain and how light beams move reflecting, refracting.

Mountain range tells the story of an energetic dance: ebb/flow, back/forth, push/pull, yin/yang, positive/negative. Ocean waves tell the same the story of an energetic dance: ebb/flow, back/forth/ push/pull, yin/yang, positive/negative. This is lovemaking in action. A passionate ongoing affair. This has nothing to do with the shallow lovemaking of lower chakras of two-leggeds. Addicted two-leggeds who treat one another as food for ego and physical pleasure. This new level and dimension of lovemaking crashes to shore and into consciousness. Evolved lovemaking creates two arcs one on top of the other. This whole circle rotates back and forth, forth and back. This motion of emotion/emotion of motion is Love in action on earth.

Rocks are stable here as wave after wave pounces on their backs. At the "edge" where water meets shore salamander of old came through dreamtime; dragon of now swirls in vortex of emotion. Elementals are alive!

I write in my journal that there are pyramids here in the west -- a cascade of them. These grounded layers of earth are the foundation for the shamanic week ahead.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cedar Longhouse

I attended a meeting today at the Duwamish Longhouse regarding education for Native children. There is an uprising underfoot and people of grassroots are speaking. A Seattle School Board member and the Chief Academic Officer were in attendance and responded to questions. Positive change is happening and this passionate native community is not going away.

I love speaking in the Longhouse. I am able to let my passion move and speak my insight-out language. I am so honored to be with people who speak the same language! Near the end of the meeting one woman got out of her seat, walked over to me and asked if I still wanted to speak as I had my hand up earlier. I said yes so she went across the room to the moderator to inform her. I was then given the space to speak about the old dominant culture disentegrating and a new one rising. One that is a whole system and honors all voices, colors and cultures. This is a rainbow system. An elder commented after the meeting that I give "good speeches."
This could sound so egotistical...but it's not. It's about fitting into a community. During the meeting I noticed that my body was rivotted to the floor -- I have never been so grounded as I was today in that cedar longhouse. Love continues to blossom and round out.

Another positive development -- I met someone who is an artist. He is interested in doing art for Circle of Life booklets! He will also be a mentor for my project proposal as he has worked with non-profits. We will set up a meeting next month. Step by step life moves one forward to a place unknown...yet welcomed.


I want to thank angels and winged beings of light, faery realm, spirit allies, power animals for your circle of protection that shines through infinite dimensions.

Thank you bee, buffalo, bear, serpent, spider, cougar for this recent cycle of grounding.

All together we share a 5-day adventure called Visionseeker.

Thank you Hank and Jill. See you tomorrow!!


Need to add two-legged men and women as part of this collective circle of protection!
We are a collective body of heart centered beings.

Protective Shield

"What is real time?" I asked. I got that it's a grounding of water, air, earth, fire, mineral. It's a full circle in this realm of matter AND spirit. No, we don't have to go anywhere else to experience spirit. Spirit and matter co-operate and co-create.

There is a protective shield around Earth generated by emotions that watch, listen and act rather than react. The shield is one whole with many parts. At center is Heart of Love which I see/know as white Light. This shield has developed over time. "What is time?" I ask. It's a spectrum of sound, color, emotion, motion.

I was listening to Dana's Circle the World CD and heard Jane Goodall tell the story about Greybeard, a chimpanzee, who she communicated with eye to eye and hand to hand. It struck me how loving this creature was. It also struck me that the human species has been and is being manipulated by dark forces that are self-absorbed like black holes. The human brain and computers are similar. However, humans are not machines. We have heart that is directly linked to feminine Nature. Earth matter will not be turned into a machine nor will it tolerate the onslaught of abuse. Dark forces use technology that acts like virus worms to corrupt parts and systems. The pattern is seen and thus loses power.

Dark forces are being tracked even as they think they are tracking. Dark forces are being watched (like that dreamtime open window to the cosmos) just as they think they are watching. We of dark and light forces are of one fabric you know. It's time to relinquish aggressive dominance and partner in co-creative action. You, my friend, are no longer dominant.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Circular Pathways

Another dream segment from yesterday was that after the cougar encounter I was driving and felt pressure around my upper left arm. It was so real that I looked to see what it was. I saw nothing. This is a recurring dream theme. Not sure what upper arm "tattoo" represents. I am aware that some indigenous people wore upper arm jewelry/markings. Maybe it's my serpent!

I hugged that attractive Native man -- in real time. In the semi-embrace I heard myself say: "It's good to be here again." The words expanded the emotion, the rounded (soft and comfy) energy, of that moment. I looked at that statement later and asked what it meant. Does it mean I was with this man/these people in another lifetime? Does it mean that I was on that high bluff in another lifetime? What about reincarnation and blood lines and DNA? Why do I have such intense emotion for my Native brothers and sisters here in Puget Sound? Why do I feel Native when it isn't my blood line? Perhaps there are heart lines or ley lines that follow a different path -- one that left-brained scientists have yet to discover from that limited view.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Path of a Peace Elder

This is the first story for my Circle of Life project. The story blossomed quickly -- flying through open minds and hearts and landing on open fertile ground. There are many more native stories yet to blossom. In the blossoming a sweet fragrance is emitted to heal hearts, minds, and cultural divides. Native voices once silenced will sound and reveal the ever present enchantment of spirit on earth. This is peace making/love making.

The Path of a Peace Elder
By Anna Halla, Tlingit/Kaasoot Elder

I lived in 38 foster homes. At the approximate age of six I was in yet another abusive home. I was struck in the head with a hammer by the foster parent. I ran off into the woods and ended up at a creek. After laying on the edge of the creek an elderly person spoke to me. She saw that I was injured and told me that she would be right back.

Upon her return she had plants in her hand and she spoke what I thought were prayers because I didn’t understand her language. She then placed the plants on my forehead where I had been struck. She continued with her prayers for a while and when she removed the leaves from my forehead there was the piece from the hammer. She placed that in the creek and bathed my forehead with creek water. She then said more prayers.

Then she started asking me questions in English and I answered them. She asked me what it was that was troubling my heart. I told her about my dream of squares and half circles. I didn’t understand why I had to have the same dream night after night after night. She suggested that I go home and pray with intention to understand the dream. I did so.

The next morning I awoke but I still had that same dream and no answer. I then made my way down to the creek once again and sat watching the fish. Within a short time she appeared once again. I told her that I didn’t get an answer to my dream. Once again she told me to pray; this time with more intention.

That evening I prayed with as much intention as I could bring forth and repeated that prayer until I fell asleep. I awoke one happy girl because that answer did come! My square and half circles joined. The answer was “I am to see with my heart, I am to hear with my heart, I am to feel with my heart, I am to speak with my heart.” And in that way I will be able to live in the two worlds.

The squares represent the dominant society. You go to a square school, sit at a square desk, have a square book, and after a few years you get a square piece of paper. The Sacred Hoop teachings were outlawed by the dominant society thus breaking the hoop in half. Uniting the half circles and the square brings understanding one to another.

Anna’s recipe for life: Love, honor, respect, balance, spirituality

Cougar/Mountain Lion Medicine

AM Dream:

In a car with mom and she was driving (she never learned to drive in this realm due to deafness). She was making turns too wide and I asked to take the wheel. As we got out of the car I skimmed the scene and a second later it hit me…was that a cougar? I focused in and saw that a cougar was among us! I was then concerned about the cougar’s intent. I watched as it came toward me. I communicated with it telepathically transcending its earthy form in order to connect with its spirit. This took some effort/intention. Then…our spirits merged in a white light flash.

Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson

Mountain Lion - Leadership

Mountain Lion can be a very difficult power totem for you to have, because it places you in a position to be a target for the problems of others. You could be blamed for things going wrong, or for always taking charge when others cannot. You could become the perfect justification for the insecurities of others.

Mountain Lion medicine involves lessons on the use of power in leadership. It is the ability to lead without insisting that others follow. It is the understanding that all beings are potential leaders in their own ways. The use and abuse of power in a position of influence are part of this great cat’s medicine.

By observing the graceful pounce of Mountain Lion, you will learn how to balance power, intention, physical strength, and grace. This relates, in human terms, to the balance of body, mind and spirit. The giant feline never wastes anything. It only kills what it needs for survival. The female lion is the hunter who graces her table in a style akin to mother energy.

If Mountain Lion has come to you in dreams, it is a time to stand on your convictions and led yourself where your heart takes you. Others may choose to follow, and the lessons will multiply. If you have pulled the card of Mountain Lion, you may be asked to review the purpose behind your personal beliefs. You may need to discover whether or not your plans include a pride of cubs wanting to be like you or to share in your dreams. If you are already a leader, the question may be whether or not the time has come to push the cubs out of the cave. If you are aligned with cat medicine, you are considered to be “king of the mountain,” and never allowed to be human or vulnerable. The pitfalls are many, but the rewards are great.

In assuming the place of power that Mountain Lion affords, you must constantly be aware of keeping peace. However you can never make everyone happy unless you lie to yourself or others. This is human nature. Therefore the first responsibility of leadership is to tell the truth. Know it and live it, and your example will filter down to the tiniest cub in the pride. Responsibility is not more that the ability to respond to any situation. Panic is not a part of this sacred medicine.

The recent appearance of so many power animals reminds me of Noah’s Ark. Where are we going? Soon we are going to a Visionseeker shamanic workshop with Hank and Jill. That will be an adventure! I had a brief phone chat with Jill this week…she is very grounded, anchored and will be a good influence in my life.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Spider Medicine

Last night at the peace day event we had extra time in the program and I invited the audience to the microphone to speak what was in their hearts. I had mentioned the power of one’s voice earlier. I was surprised at the numbers of people both young and older who spoke from their hearts. Circle of Life project is also about encouraging voices to speak and tell their stories. What is this pattern?

Last night at the event there was a huge spider under the table I had chosen for showcasing my organizations. That spider was still there at the end of the event. I checked to see if it was alive…it was. This morning I honor spider:

Spider – Weaving
Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson

Spider…weaving webs of delight,
Weave me a peaceful world.
Carrying creation in your web,
Waiting to be unfurled!

Spider wove the web that brought humans the first picture of the alphabet. The letters were part of the angles of her web.

Deer asked Spider what she was weaving and why all the lines looked like symbols. Spider replied, “Why Deer, it is time for Earth’s children to learn to make records of their progress in their Earth Walk.” Deer answered Spider, “But they already have pictures that show through symbols the stories of their experiences.” “Yes,” Spider said, “But Earth’s children are growing more complex, and their future generations will need to know more. The ones to come won’t remember how to read the petroglyphs.”

So it was that Spider wove the first primordial alphabet, as she had woven the dream of the world that had become manifest. Spider’s dream of the physical world had come to fruition millions of years before.

Spider’s body is made like the number eight, consisting of two lobe-like parts connected at the waist, and eight legs. Spider is the symbol for the infinite possibilities of creation. Her eight legs represent the four winds of change and the four directions on the medicine wheel.

Spider weaves the webs of fate for those who get caught in her web and become her dinner. This is similar to humans who get caught in the web of illusion in the physical world, and never see beyond the horizon into the other dimensions.

The web of fate also represents a wheel of life, which does not include any alternative solutions. It is typically human to get caught

In the polarity of good or bad fortune without realizing that we can change it at any time. If we are not decisive enough about changing our lots in life, we may end up being consumed by our fears and limitations.

Spider is the female energy of the creative force that weaves the beautiful designs of life. Her web has hundreds of intricate patterns which catch the morning dew.

If Spider has dropped from her web into your cards today, she may be telling you to create, create, create! Look for new alternatives to your present impasse. She can also be warning you that you are coming too close to an entangling situation. Spider could be asking you to use a journal to write out and review your progress. If you do this, you will not forget how you are creating a new or different phase in your life.

Spider brings a message of a different kind when she sees you becoming a bit too involved in the weaving of your life plans to notice opportunity at the outskirts of your web. If this is the case, Spider gets your attention so that you notice that something you have woven has borne fruit. Congratulations! Spider caught you just in time, before you missed the opportunity on the edge of your web or reality.

The most important message from Spider is that you are an infinite being who will continue to weave the patterns of life and living throughout time. Do not fail to see the expansiveness of the eternal plan.


It was fun to spend Sunday at Daybreak Star for a community event to learn more about Pathways to Prosperity program. At the end of the event one staff person handed me baked salmon to take home. He said I could volunteer at Head Start anytime. Another staff person handed me flowers. Native people respect their elders. And…we prayed before the event and drum music played. Heaven!!! I’m “falling in love” with this community. What does that mean? Does that mean energy moves from the beginning of East and flows South. This seems to be the “honeymoon” phase. Sometimes relationships don’t evolve beyond this phase and thus get burned out. I’m at a place where I want and need ground in order to thrive.

A friend sent me an email stating that unemployment benefits may be extended! I am creating the work I want to do in this world. I appreciate the time to let this creation unfold.

My Circle of Life class has expanded into a program/project with three components: A mapping class that teaches students to pull threads from the E/S/W/N circle of their life; a writing class that helps students weave their threads into a story; a publishing phase that gathers multiple stories into one rich fabric that is a Circle of Life booklet. My family owns a printing company and can assist with soft-bound books. I have three possible homes for this Circle of Life program/project.

1) UIATF – submit a proposal to the Board of Directors to see if this project fits into Pathways for Prosperity (funds from grants I write)

2) Community Threads – apply for start-up funds. Several tribes have forms online with timelines stated.

3) Native Education – the native community wants a new support system for education. (We have a meeting this Saturday.) Perhaps this project/program would have funding in this new system?

I learned a lot about what to do and what not to do when MCing an event (International Day of Peace). I could have done a lot of things better…more smoothly. I was very unprepared and preferred going with the flow. That doesn’t work when I need detailed information such as the names and titles of the varied speakers/presenters/musicians, etc. The amazing thing I notice today is that I don’t have that feeling of dread in my body that used to sprout up when things didn’t go smoothly. I think I am holding less grief…and that negative space is now replaced with joy! I noticed many lethargic faces and bodies in the audience last night even when we were singing upbeat peace songs. It does take awhile to warm up an audience. At the end of the two hours energy had started to move from and between people.

I thought about Tracker last night at the event. His teachings came through at one point and I was able to honor those teachings via my words to the audience. Tracker was not always as aggressive and dark as he is now. Love flowed between us. I am reminded of my own dark days and when I hit bottom. There is an inner eye that is always watching no matter how dark it gets. That inner love can steer one in a new direction of light. Self-love is an inner light always shining. In our time we are driven to madness of selfish indulgence of ego. And yet that can shift at the darkest hour. Self-love holds infinite wisdom and grace.

Bee has been hanging around. I awoke one morning recently feeling bee features in my eyes; flowers at Daybreak Star and a reference to “honey”; and a honeybee in the flowers I bought yesterday for a couple of key volunteers. Also several bees buzzing by right ear at garden. I honor Bee.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Power Underground

“Too charged” means too out-going. Does that mean too much discharge? This language seems confused as if it’s lost its true meaning.

There seems to be a thread of shame that comes up for me when a door closes. As if I did something wrong. Perhaps this stems from being a sensitive and timid child; one who held pain within rather than lashing out in anger towards others. Now that I hold more masculine logic and inner grounding I can move through these shifts more easily. It’s a snake pattern – SSS curve design. Serpentine ley lines which are my true roots! What’s missing is work in this middle world – work that aligns inside out.

The truth to closing doors is that there is another path. Be ye not attached!

I am meeting with Anna tomorrow and together we will write her story. This storytelling feels like the heart of the Circle of Life class. It fills me up like a breathing tube -- like a life line. Does that mean Ancestors and Spirit Beings are with me?

Now that the training is closed I need another way to plug in to the native tribes and will start asking questions. Do I need a “sponsor” to introduce me to the tribes? Do I need a “contract” to do this work in the native communities?

It turns out that I received an electronic copy of the 44 page New Business Training manual (because the class manuals weren’t available and because I have to miss the next two classes – another reason for not being accepted.). I’ve been working with the manual and developing my business plan. I appreciate CASH for the way it’s designed. It breaks up a business plan into workable pieces. This is so helpful! This short encounter with CASH training also inspired me to write a booklet of Native Elder and Youth stories. I’m grateful for this support – which does seem rather underground.

Friday, September 18, 2009


I was informed today that I did not get accepted into the Native Entrepeneurship Training. Is it the blonde hair and blue eyes and that I am too charged?

I thought it would be a great way to connect with the Native Community. Looks like there's another door and path.

I have adjusted so many times....I know how not to get attached.

And yet I want roots in this realm.

Stories of Balance

I’m developing a friendship with a Native Elder. Anna is the woman who approached me after the first anniversary meeting at UIATF and thanked me for attending. I stopped by her house with garden vegetables. I told her about Circle of Life class and how East weaves story threads of childhood, South adolescence, West adulthood and North Elder or the current age of the storyteller. She lived in many foster homes and told me a story that holds both dark and light forces, a dream, an image and a spirit being who appeared to her as an elder Grandmother – a spirit who saved her life! I’ll include her story and image in my Circle of Life booklet. Grounded!

I notice that some UIATF staff are stressed just like the staff person at Bellevue College who I’m working with on the peace day event and just like staff I worked with at my previous job. Why are we working with so much stress? Why are we doing too much? More is not better. Faster is not better. Bigger is not better. Where is the “sacred feminine” that provides stillness and balance? Masculine discharge must be contained…with boundaries!! It’s imperative to say NO! (I think of cancer cells that are out of control.) The Bellevue College person says she does 130+ events a year. Why??? This is not healthy. This is not prevention of disease, this is a symptom of it. Every business should have green space where people can go to relax, meditate, tai chi, etc. and every neighborhood a park. I’m getting that this is not only about our well-being -- these places of rest are where and when we commune with the spirit world -- consciously or not.

Anna says she has elder friends who want to contribute to their community. Rather than complain about what is or isn’t happening how can I help her be part of the solution? I have some ideas. She wants the city to proclaim Bernie White Bear Day for their anniversary. Okay…I know how to do that and will show her. This can be part of their marketing/promotion campaign.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Safe Grounding

At the committee meetings with United Indians I notice that I’m detail oriented. I want to ground the parts. I made a flier for the meeting today – a flier is a map that gives details for an event. It is a grounding tool. I’m happy to recognize my masculine side.

My friend is working on art for Turtle’s Circle of Life! She is enthused about it and has created the first image. I’m eager to see her spirit shine through the images and eager to see Turtle come to life!

It dawned on me yesterday that I can produce a chap book of Native stories/poems/art by elders and youth as I need a product for a Holiday Showcase with the business training. I’m glad to have this focus and to be pointed in a specific direction.

I contacted Singing Feet leader Mike and now have permission to spend time with the kids and hopefully inspire them to create something for a book. He invited me to “pull the canoe” with their Blueheron group. I am honored at this invitation. However, it could be more of a commitment than I can make. It involves learning the songs and spending time. My focus now is to plan a business and soon generate income via employment and/or a Circle of Life business. I also have a scheduled class (the first one of which I’m getting paid a decent fee) with a United Indians' youth healing circle. Perhaps I can engage these youth in the book project as well.

A lot happening in my orbital field last night -- a lot of energies coming in. I couldn’t sleep and finally got up to look at the time: 3:00 AM. I then started to fall to sleep…at a certain brainwave level and time (at the pre-turning of sunrise) I felt a presence at the side of my bed. I didn’t like the intrusion and became very alert. This entity put his hands on both sides of me. I was facing south and worked very hard at turning to face him. It was work because of the pressure force on me – maybe the brain wave and level of consciousness or this entity’s intent. I screamed and screamed letting this being know that I was watching. No sound came out of my mouth. There was a window above me facing the open sky. What I get here/now is that this was my breathing tube, my life line. I kept awareness on this window into the cosmos. When I rose into wakeful consciousness I watched and listened. I noticed that I didn’t feel toxicity. This experience reminds me of spirit possession. Tracker harassment has escalated this week targeting me with his venom. Was this Tracker trickster?

Why do men make war against women and thus, Earth Mother? Why the aggression that stems from fear? Why the hatred? After the intrusion I thought about how dark spirits control people and use people for their purposes. That people have attachments and are not free. As it is for humans so is it for the planet. We must do healing work to neutralize these forces. Humans were created as Light Beings. Shadow charge is out of control and needs to be reigned in for balance. I continue on this healing path grounding my Love and Light here now as all things are made new.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Aloha Ley Line

I begin to see life as ley line. Does that mean I am or I create ley line? And what does ley line have to do with grounding? I’m hearing here/now that spirit beings of light use ley lines to press into and impress matter.

I begin to see that when ley line in this middle world aligns with ley line in upper and lower world magic happens. What is magic? Is it not the co-creation and cooperation of life forces?

I have an image I drew years ago that seems to represent this picture. It’s the image of “Dragon Eye” and reminds me of a crystal. Is lens of eye a crystal? The image reminds me of equilibrium and looks like a gyroscope. Like the circle of life I now teach, this image was created through inner senses via inner journey.

Ley line that unfolds in front of me said “aloha” again last night at the Native Entrepreneurship – New Business Development Training. I sat next to a Hawaiian couple who gave me a brochure about an event they have helped organize for the past five years: Kalama Heritage Festival: “Celebrating the spirits of pow-wow and aloha. …we are honored to combine the spirits of pow-wow and luau, creating a unique atmosphere of celebration honoring the mixed bloodlines of Native Americans and Native Hawaiins.” Is something building around “aloha” in preparation of my shamanic training with Hank and Jill who weave aloha threads?

Starting a new business is not something I dreamed of or even imagined. New business training opened up before me and was simply the next step in the ley line of life. Where it leads will unfold in front of me in the same way. Here/now I get the image of a vine reaching out to unfurl and grow organically. Life is a natural creative process – which is why I relate to gardening and working the land.

This Native business training has a totally different tone than the sessions I was attending at Worksource with unemployment. It encourages community! Members of the class are not on this journey alone – we will be supporting one another in the development and implementation process. The fact that this is a Native community is exactly what I need in order to meet this community for Circle of Life classes. I now get to ground my ideas into action!

I heard from a bookstore in Carmel about teaching my class. They asked if I'd written a book. I do want to publish my children's story Turtle's Circle of Life so that it can be a "product" of the class services that my business provides. I am still waiting for art/artist. I begin to realize that I may not want to teach anything or relate to people after shamanic training. I may need time to process. And yet I may welcome the opportunity to ground “aloha.” This is the challenge with living in the moment. I have no idea how the energy is going to move. Will I want/need to charge in solitude or to discharge with people?

I’ve been thinking about charge and recharge so I need to ground it via communication. That way the process can unfold. Not communicating blocks the flow of consciousiness. Humans have created a lot of blocks and that equates to disease individually and collectively. I know several people who have thyroid issues. Does this disease not have to do with communication: how and what one communicates. If “aloha” was communicating there would be less disease.

Charge is negative, receptive, receiving. Discharge is positive, outgoing, giving. Charge is East. Discharge is West. What is North and South? Neutron? Does atom have two neutrons? Is neutron a place of stillness and recharge? There is a reason for four cardinal points. They are the places of turning. An atom has four points as does any healthy circle be it micro or macro.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Snake Medicine

From Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson.

Snake medicine people are very rare. Their inititiation involves experiencing and living through multiple snake bites, which allows them to transmute all poisons [reminds me of Tracker], be they mental, physical, spiritual or emotional. The power of snake medicine is the power of creation, for it emobidies sexuality, psychic energy, alchemy, reproduction, and ascension (or immortality).

The transmutation of the life-death-rebirth cycle is exemplified by the shedding of Snake's skin. It is the energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness, and the ability to experience anything willingly and without resistance. It is the knowledge that all things are equal in creation, and that those things which might be experienced as poison can be eaten, ingested, integrated, and transmuted if one has the proper state of mind. Thoth, the Atlantian who later returned as Hermes and was the father of alchemy, used the symbology of two snakes intertwining around a sword to represent healing. Complete understanding and acceptance of the male and female within each organism creates a melding of the two into one, thereby producing divine energy.

This medicine teaches you on a personal level that you are a universal being. Through accepting all aspects of your life, you can bring about the transmutation of the fire medicine. This fire energy, when functioning on the material plane, creates passion, desire, procreation, and physical vitality. On the emotional plane, it becomes ambition, creation, resolution, and dreams. On the mental plane it becomes intellect, power, charisma, and leadership. When this Snake energy reaches the the spiritual plane, it becomes wisdom, understanding, wholeness, and connection to the Great Spirit. If you have chosen this symbol, [if it has chosen you] there is a need within you to transmute some thought, action, or desire so that wholeness may be achieved. This is heavy magic, but remember, magic is not more than a change in consciousness. Become the magician or the enchantress: transmute the energy nd accept the power of the fire.

Grounding Time

Yesterday in the shade of poplars, while weeding the Heritage Garden, I found a 23" snake skin. Such a significant gift after the many visions and dreams I've had over 35 years of my life. This feels like a grounding of spirit/energy and matter/earth. "Grounding what?" I ask. "Welcome" is what comes through here/now. As always this is not about me as one part but about one collective conscious body of many bodies. Gratefulness is an ongoing emotion. I thought I would put the pliable snake skin in a medicine pouch I made many years ago. However, my eyes like to look at it so will keep it on my shelf with my other medicine.

Now I know more clearly why I wanted to weed this garden by hand and why I asked the men in the Grange not to bring out their machinery. Macinery doesn't relate to the land the way human hands do; and human hands cannot have enchanting experiences when machines do the work; and machines do not charge the Earth with Love the way human hands do.

This may be why I had to stop engaging in social networking. Relating to people I don't know or barely know doesn't have enough earth charge for me -- it doesn't move full circle and ground. At least that is what my body is communicating at this time. I simply have no energy to respond to many of the emails that come through from the larger community. Perhaps I have a new focus now. One that includes the larger community in a new way. It's always a mystery as to what is transpiring. As in quantum physics one knows what's happening when one sees it in front of you -- in the moment.

Dream this AM: Listening and watching for an earthquake. It happened somewhere and we were preparing by gathering supplies. It's as if the earthquake happened in another realm as there was no effect in the one I was in. The effect here was the preparation.

If my body got burned out on communication that didn't ground fully what is the experience of Mother Earth's body? Is she not getting charged through the sensual and emotional grounding of Love? Is all the techno and machinery worship cutting off her source of electromagneticism that maintains equilibrium? She needs more direct communication! What does that look like? The first thing I think of is ritual in and with Nature. Drumming, singing, dancing, circle fires, etc. The whole body in relationship with earth -- not just our mental minds! The elementals (spirits "pressing" into and expressing as water, air, earth, fire) faery beings, power animals, spirit allies with all sizes of wings need to be recognized as part of our Family of Light.

Will an earthquake create this grounding opportunity? Will Mother Earth find equilibrium when humans evolve to a more simple and earth-centered way of life?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Local Community Outreach

Something unusual happened yesterday. I received an email from United Indians of All Tribes Foundation regarding a community meeting date. I put it on my calendar. I then received another email saying that the date in the text was incorrect and that the meeting was September 20. I thought this was odd because the date I saw was September 20 and that's what I had written on my calendar. I looked at the original email and there it was...the date was September 12. I'm tracking /grounding this because it has to do with Seeing. It was as if I was in that spacey twilight zone and my eyes saw what was true -- rather than what was written. My Seeing has had to do with inner relationship between Light and Earth bodies (auric, psychic, emotional, mental, physical). This new experience of Seeing had to do with outer relationship with a community. I track changes in terrain that represent news. A shifting of Light. This is not the news we are fed by the media.

I am no longer interested in social networking. I'm not sure what happened to that attraction with a global body. It feels as if it was an expansion phase and that now I'm in a contracton phase. I no longer enjoy chatting online with people I don't know -- people I've never seen or heard. It feels very mental. I now prefer to be with real people. It's much more...sensual....alive!

I'm attending committee meetings at UIATF and am surprised at how outspoken I am. I think it has to do with being unemployed for so long. I have all this energy to give....I want to work. (that "love made visible") I had another "soft" experience with a man on the committee. This was the result of eye to eye contact. At my previous job I noticed how people would not look eye to eye. Now, I am finding an experience of softness in the Native Community. It's all very interesting to me - my consciousness that observes it all. I know that some people don't like me being so "conscious". Can't I just have fun...not be so serious? For me being conscious is Fun-filling. It makes me happy!

Tonight I called a couple of people who attended last week's committee meeting but who missed the meeting today. Outreach via phone is something I love to do and am good at's nurturing as well as productive! One woman is an Elder. I'm taking her tomatoes from my garden next week. I spoke with another man about an auction item. He's going to make one or two necklaces. I asked for a description: Traditionl SW design; semi-precious gemstones; shells; buffalo bone; strung with buffalo sinew; New Zealond abolone shell; imitation bear claws; freshwater pearls; all natural. Buffalo and Bear continue to imprint their tracks. And that's how Great Spirit lets me know I'm on the right path.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pastel Lines NW/SE

It's not easy being non-native and wanting to teach Circle of Life classes to Native Youth and Elders. I am asked my tribe. I say that I'm Native in heart line not blood line. Yesterday I said that my tribe was the Great Spirit. What else can I say? If Great Spirit is my tribe then I belong to ALL tribes.

Lately I'm more awake at night than I am asleep. This morning I laid down for a nap and as soon as I closed my eyes I saw those thin and bright pastel lines that have gentle, soft curves in a NW/SE path. Previous lines have intersected creating a flower image. (I draw these so I can remember.) Lines today were not touching at all. Happy and soft lines -- interdependent. Aloha lines? I noticed the lines flash across my eyes as if I was seeing them with earth eyes rather than spirit eye -- Dragon Eye of Kundalini System. It was as if there is one triangle composed of two lower eyes and one mystical third eye. Some sort of movement happened here. Maybe an integration with less separation.

Would this explain my increasing spaciness? I am not grounded much of the time. Where am I if I'm not in this realm? Do I need more anchoring here? What does that look like?


At our monthly SVA meeting and potluck we watched Juliette of the Herbs. A fascinating woman who lived with the gypsies and who healed animals and people with plants. I watched her pick a bouquet of plant leaves from her garden and eat it with her lunch. So, I nibbled on my nasturtium, violet, basil, mint and dandelion stomach was happy with me! It helps to have this education via visual mentoring.

I was clearing the 6' thistles from the Heritage Garden circle and in the South section found a bird's nest! I then saw the eggs: a cracked blue one, another yellow and intact and another white and heavy. When the yellow and white one fell into each other there was a loud CRACK! The yellow one had cracked and opened with oozing liquid. There was something substantial inside but I didn't want to inspect it. Very stinky!! The white rock-like egg was still intact and heavy. I buried them all in the dirt that was dark and rich after two days of rain. This morning I feel a new grounded connection with that circle garden because of this encounter impressing on me how Nature provides opportunities of enchantment that our tech world cannot.

"Aloha" has been an incoming greeting the past few weeks. First from Hank and Jill then from a woman at the Monterey Boys and Girls Club who responded to my email regarding Circle of Life Class: "Aloha, Trish, This looks awesome! I love Native American teaching/wisdom." And yesterday I heard my new Native American friend extend an "Aloha" greeting. No doubt Aloha holds soft edges of lacy love. Why lacy?
Because love is porous -- it breathes water, air, earth and fire. Love is alive and dynamic -- whole, holy and healthy.

I've met a dynamic man via email. He's associated with Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action and will be participating in our International Day of Peace event at Bellevue College, Sept 21. This man's communication stands out because very few people are dynamic in their enthusiasm and gratitude. This man expresses both. Most people are...what? Sleeping? Depressed? Unaware? Unconscious? What does it take for people to wake up? More Aloha?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Bear Medicine

From Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson:

"The strength of Bear medicine is the power of introspection. It lies in the West on the great medicine wheel of life. Bear seeks honey, or the sweetness of truth, within the hollow of an old tree. In winter, when the Ice Queen reigns and the face of death is upon Earth, Bear enters the womb-cave to hibernate, to digest the year's experience. To accomplish the goals and dreams that we carry, the art of introspection is necessary."

"Bear is in the West, the intuitive side, the right brain. To hibernate, Bear travels to the cave, which is the center of the four lobes where the pineal gland resides. In the cave, Bear seeks answers while he/she is dreaming or hibernating. Bear is then reborn in the spring, like the opening of spring flowers.

For eons, all seekers of the Dreamtime and of visions have walked the path of silence, calming the internal chatter, reaching the place of rites of passage --- the channel or pineal gland. From the cave of Bear, you find the pathway to the Dream Lodge and the other levels of imagination or consciousness. In choosing Bear, the power of knowing has invited you to enter the silence and become acquainted with the Dream Lodge, so that your goals may become concrete realities. This is the strength of Bear."

Ley Lines

This blog is my ley line; my lifeline. I charge, discharge and recharge here. This electrical circuitry is grounded via communication. It is a release and movement of e-motional pressure and keeps me in equalibrium.

After writing my blog post yesterday morning I noticed that my body was engaging in deep inhales -- from unconscious depths. This told me that electrical grounding is intense, passionate work. In The Shamanic Way of the Bee one reads: "The Bee Master Knows" and "The Bee Mistress Knows." In my case it's The Body Knows. This doesn't mean that all my lines, wires and patterns are crystal clear. It does mean I have a connection and relationship with parts of myself -- especially Light -- my first teacher.

The grounding and sensual gesture I was shown with hand, fingers, forearm is Bear! Yep, that evolved into Bear! Is some sort of new totem being built? I know I have my own totem starting with salamander and serpent to turtle, dragon, horse. Now Bee, Buffalo and Bear appear -- in a very short time. Is this new lineage in association with an outer male? I could draw these totem allies in a Circle of Life format --- how fun!

I finished reading Hank's Visionseeker and Simon's The Way of the Bee last night. I am grateful to know men who love the Sacred Feminine that moves through Nature and the Great Mystery. Men who acknowledge Her in very conscious ways. I always wonder if men are underneath what they appear to be on the surface. Do these men respect women in their lives? I don't know Simon but I do know that Hank is genuinely devoted to his wife and that he does walk his talk. This is hopeful -- with rainbow of full colors.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Buffalo Medicine

Medicine Cards say that "Buffalo medicine is a sign that you receive nothing without the aid of of the Great Spirit and that you must be humble enough to ask for that assistance and then be grateful for what you receive."

I now have words to describe my Teacher. Thank you.

Aligned Mirrors

A Native man is now in my orbital space. He's an orb I relate to from a distance. He has features and ways that are new. I feel shy around him and asked inner guidance about this. He then shifted into Buffalo. This image represents his stature and helps me relate.

This Buffalo Man has reached out to me twice hand to shoulder. I like this grounding gesture. I have not reached out to him in the same way. I have, however, been "instructed" to reach out energetically with a specific gesture which is right hand to right hand, fingers to fingers and forearm to forearm. This gesture is both sensual and grounding. Outreach has to do with electricity -- those electrons again! It's my turn to reach out to him in this realm. Body will have to guide me in the moment. This does make my emotional body happy.

I'm not sure who my inner teacher is and who my teachers are. I don't know where my "medicine" comes from. I do know light beings of upper world and under world. My job is to listen and express gratitude -- "to the whole" is what comes through now.

Sorcerer is mentioned in The Shamanic Way of the Bee. S/he was directly connected with Pan and the Way of the Pollen. S/he was connected to Source. How that term has changed during these times. How distorted Truth has become. Reminding me of fractured mirrors at the Fun House at Puyallup Fair. Mirrors out of alignment. Mirrors that connect upper, middle and lower worlds.

Perhaps our work here and now is to correct the distorted mirror lens. Mirrors to me represent clear and still waters. Waters represent electricity. Electricity represent grounded Earth Body. Earth Body is sacred.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Power of Shamanic Love

The Bee Pollen I purchased is colorful and sweet and tastes a bit like hay. I like having it in a jar to look stirs up happy emotion. Bee happy!

Weeks ago I included bee photos on Hank and Jill's article on my website. Little did I know that the book The Shamanic Way of the Bee would be entering my life. What is this underlay and overlay? Seems like a riddle...a ley line running its course. It's as if there is a subtle intelligence at work in our lives that is of under ground and of higher ground with this reality in the middle. When the three's a full circle of wonder. Such magic rounds out this dimension.

The book connects me with Pan as "Vitamin Pan." A full circle experience as Pan was my first door into Goddess realm many years ago. "Vitamin Pan" won't mean anything to anyone who has not experienced this enchantment. There is no reading from books or hearing about Pan that will give one "Vitamin Pan." Enchantment is experiential not intellectual.

The Queen Bee:
"The women within the Path of Pollen are fully empowered. ...In fact, it is their power that gives birth to all things: sexuality, emotion, mind, body and spirit. Our treasure lies in the beehive of our knowledge, for we are honey gatherers of the mind."

The Bee Mistress:
"You are aware that to our forebears, honey was deemed to be divine. The priestesses of Eleusis were known as Melissae, and their temple was known as the beehive. Within the Path of Pollen, the temple, the beehive, denotes a Melissa's body. The honeycomb signifies that which is interior to the physical, the alchemical body, in which is created the choicest nektars and aromas of earthly experience. The bee and Melissae carry into the hive what lives in the flower. If you reflect on this, you will unlock the secret we carry. The living element of this sexual power that is spread all over the flower is also contained within the honey the bee creates. What does this honey do? It creates sensual pleasure, upon the tongue in particular, and when imbibed, it creates a circuit of force between sexual power, mind, and emotion. Furthermore, because the bee is influenced most of all by cosmic forces, by communing with the bee, the entire cosmos can find its way into human beings, assisting them in stepping into who they truly are, before they were told who they were meant to be by their parents, their schooling, their culture."

This power of the Bee can also be the power of the tree, the water, the eagle, the turtle, etc. (At least that's what's coming through for me.) All it takes is attention and love for these beings. The ritual and work that goes with being a Bee Shaman is incredible. To offer so much devotion and love to an aspect of creation is
true prayer and worship.
Thursday night before sleep Native peoples were dancing around me. A lot of activity. Looking forward to spending time at Day Break Star that next day...when the park was closed due to cougar sitings!

Grandson's first full days of kindergarten. He wonders why he's there so long. Granddaughter goes to school with both wrists in casts having gone head over bike handles. So glad she was wearing a helmet.

I've met a Native man who has soft edges. I also notice that I feel "soft" when I'm at Day Break Star and with the Native community. I think "soft" must have to do with love -- that white lacy edge I dreamed about. I am grateful for these experiences.

Going to be on a ship in Olympia all day getting trained to promote my friend's research book Blackbeard Decoded. Next week at the Wooden Boat Show. This is one small income stream. Lady Selah and I are starting to promote the Moonwaters Garden. The Sammamish Valley Grange is our first sponsor of one of the stone benches. This is another income stream as I am doing outreach for fundraising.

The Grange is paying me to clean up the Heritage Garden. This manual labor is a welcome change after sitting at a desk for so many years. I can only do two hours at a time, however.

Am attending more Native events to make connections and see how my Circle of Life class can support Youth and Elders.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

BEE Enchantment

The Shamanic Way of the Bee is pollinating me! As I read I stop and feel surrounded by fairy dust. The Way of the Bee is one of enchantment -- a joyful peace and serenity.

In this realm one has to go beyond "the veil" to collect this magic and then bring it back into this earthy hive. One has to see with inner Eye and collect the pollen that flows in the land of "milk and honey."

We reclaim our magical rituals and our nature centered orientation. We reclaim our rhythm that attunes to cosmic rhythms. We fly with pointed focus of sting.

The Way of the Bee encompasses Pan, Goddess, Nectar and Nektars, and Sexuality that is a whole expression and not at all what humans act out in this place and time. May our ignorance and immaturity evolve.

Enter the worlld of the Bee Mister and Bee Mistress! Connect with magic and BEE!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Busy Bee

The book Shamanic Way of the Bee is a fascinating story and having an impact on me. I went to PCC and bought bee pollen -- imagine ingesting wildflower food from Washington and British Columbia. I wonder what effect it will have on my system.

I feel like a busy bee today as I reach out to Native Tribes and Boys and Girls Clubs in WA State. Teaching my Circle of Life class is pollinating Native values in a large garden and is exactly the work that I want to do. Native feminine values need to be woven and rewoven into our culture.

Here is a poem that initiates my class:


Everything an Indian does is in a circle,
and that is because the Power of the World
always works in circles and everything
tries to be round.

The sky is round
and the earth is round like a ball
and so are all the stars.

The wind, in its greatest power, whirls.
Birds make their nests in circles,
for theirs is the same religion as ours.

The sun comes forth and goes down again in a circle.
The moon does the same, and both are round.

Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing,
and always come back again to where they were.

The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood,
and so it is in eveything where power moves.

~ Black Elk, Black Elk Speaks

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rearrangement of Electrons

The concern I had a few days ago about spending time with a certain man was a non-issue. My field was still without any emotional waves! I had opportunity to maintain my equilibrium and at the right moment -- when emotion moved from within -- offer this man love from higher ground. The camping weekend with extended family was an expansion of love.

Since I've been home I've had that spacey feeling as if head and body are disconnected. It's a struggle to get out to the gardens and be active. I begin to wonder if there's a pattern here as this disorientation happens regularly. Does expansion of loving field affect brain body? Could it be that love creates chaos that is a rearranging of electrons making all things new?

I have found energy to contact boys and girls clubs in the area and they are receptive to my class -- and have funds! I'm thinking that if I don't find a job this winter I could go into the Peace Corps or Habitat for Humanity. Maybe I could find a village with a shaman! In the meantime I'm working to promote my class and build a business. Life is full of surprises!

A New World Order

I noticed early last week that I was no longer on the defense regarding Tracker. I heard myself say to someone that, "I was making peace." Does that mean I am on the offense? No, it means I'm in a new field.

Sorcerers manipulate matter through strings and chords (muscle) treating matter like an object, a machine. Humans are not black holes but are radiant sources of light. Sorcerers relate to dark unconscious matter.

Sorcerers control and manipulate through negative "attachments." This negative influence is not the same as negative space. The former acts alone; the latter acts with "positive" force and creates order and peace -- higher intelligence.

Sorcerers treat matter/humans like objects and machines. This creates a technology that starves humans from creative forces that move through stillness. What machine enhances stillness? What technology encourages humans to go within and listen to spirit?

Technology has been the downfall of past civilizations. The human species is at a cross road. Can technology (outer machinery) and spirit (inner knowing) co-operate to create a "new world order?" This balancing process is critical and reflects the radiance of human hearts, minds and bodies.

We continue to line up and engage in a (image coming in via sacred feminine) honey comb crystal design. We are worker bees and we pollinate this garden Earth.