Extraction Opportunity
8:00 PM Drumming
Dragon flies along West coast
Dragon weaving energy in push/pull, back/forth arcs
Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, San Diego
Many more dragons join in
I draw the vision
North / South line
Four points marked as dots
Two circuits intertwine along line
Positive and negative dance of Love
Hank and Jill teach about fire element and fire gatekeepers. We journey. Fire flames lift me up to cosmos. I see planet and stars that hold fire and light differently. We learn the Fire Clan's gift is to help people dream, awaken their intuitive and emotional selves.
9:30 AM
Song birds reflect my state of being here. I am happy and vibrate for the pure joy of it! I pour forth. High beam. Is it too much for those around me? I try to adjust and be less charged. My arms help me express this moving energy. I wrap my blue shawl around me and stand on a stum facing west. I let the wind fill my outstretched arms and shawl. I fly! I am in love with elements. Elements are in love with me. What good is shamanic journeying if there is not an increase of joy? Joy is the symptom of well-being. Joy is the child of Love's green fertility.
10:00 AM Journey with fire and water element
Hummingbird appears red and orange. We fly into sun. I agree to go into center. Intense. Hands shake and arms move my hands up to my eyes to cover them. Wheel turns from fire to water. I let water wash over me; I bow down to listen for spirit lly. Turtle appears offers shell for my head and my body. Turtle support. His flippers are wings!
1:00 PM
My roommate and I go to Pfeiffer Beach. Watch watery waves crash through rock portals. One like the window opening of my recent dream. Wind picks up with intense voice.
4:00 PM
Hank talks about the next session and that we will invite our team to assist with extraction work. We have spirits of this place, oversoul, helping spirits and teachers to assist. As he talks I notice GIANT energies gathered. Serpent head larger than the building we were in, cypress tree spirits, space ship in the water behind me, large wings that were a lineage of light winged beings.
Drum journey begins and my team goes to work! BIG extraction. I do a west coast scan. Four cities come into view. My fingers reach out and begin to pull slimy whitish chord -- I know this chord! It's the one that extended from my solar plexus awhile back. I pull and pull and pull. My bowl of water to neutralize the toxins? Ocean is right behind me! I ask about the chord. It leads to ground under mountain. I pull on the white substance that is now more of a base than a filament like umbilical chord. The chord turns pink as if new blood moves.
I later ask questions? Is this "chord" brain matter? (The first night Hank introduced us to stone that is 2.5 million years old and calld oldowan. It represents a time in human evolution when man's brain evolved at the same time this tool was created.) Is the global brain coming to new life? I think about Lemuria and ask classmates what they know about this lost continent. I am told it's under the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. Who are these starship beings? An extraction opens space for something new to evolve. How fun! May that space be filled with joy of Love!~ Aloha~~~