April 6, 7, 8, 9 6 AM shamanic drumming for alignment and purification
Letting fire burn; water cleanse; air lift; earth ground
I awoke to a whole “picture” of information. I’m not certain where this information came from. Today it didn’t feel like it came from my own personal feedback loops. Where do my personal feedback loops begin and where they end? I seem to be part of a sea of loops of energy and matter. These loops exchange (give/+/masculine and receive/-/feminine) chemistry and alchemy of fire, water, air and earth. It is a time of re-alignment and purification through feedback loops within oneself, in one’s environment and the whole sea we call universe.
I bump up against another loop and there is resonance or dissonance. The latter is a clue that something is out of balance and chaotic. I work to make adjustments within and in my environment. I am an alchemist. Old patterns are set in solid matter of diamond quality. What does it take to break up the patterns so light can get in and through? In my experience it takes both humility and bold action. I continue to hold a “wand” with shining light at the tip that serves as a sword when I seek protection. The wand came through this morning from out of the blue. Looks like the wand is for peace and the sword is for conflict. I am wand; I am sword.
She and I talk and hug through our tensions and conflict. Another “she” and I do not. One relationship holds openness of heart, mind and body the other one does not. Alchemy cannot flow to work its magic when there is hard heartedness and mindedness.
What is peace? Peace for me is not about being silent; not making waves. Peace is speaking Truth, creating balance within one’s heart, mind and body and working to spread and hold that balance. Peace is not popular at this time on Mother Earth.
Am I too honest? Is pointed honesty too intense? What is that? Is there such a thing? Mother Earth is off balance because of all the debris buried underground. And now they want to bury more contaminated matter in Japan. Sure, just bury it underground where it’s hidden….denial and stupidity! Demons feed on this underground mess that never gets turned over to decompose. These “attachments” haunt the parts and the whole. Mother Earth needs a major purge and cleansing via fire, water, air and earth. We assist Her in this healing process of evolution. Let us do this conscious work as one body of Light and Love – Love that is transcendent which is beyond human ego.
Strong Shamanic drumming calls for deep looping underground and high looping above ground. These 8 figures flow free without blockage. We work this magic in April 7, 8, 9.
I’m thinking about the sacred site trip with Gregg Braden to Machu Picchu. I don’t need to go anywhere to experience vortex, I don’t need to spend the $, I don’t need a spiritual re-charge. Why would I go to this sacred site? To join others in honoring universal loops of connection. I’m not keen about travelling alone. It’s a lot of left-brain work to connect all the dots and my brain body isn’t up for it. I’m purchasing Fractal Time and listening. Anything can happen…from out of the blue. I am open.
Here’s more honesty to throw on the compost heap to be turned over. Here’s more honesty in the intensely creative process of dark and light. Last night I overate at a class and got sick. My body purged as soon as I got home. It rejected the out of balance matter in my personal universe of feedback loops. And what follows this darkness of resorting to old patterns in fear of being empty and alone? Light! Light that brings with it pictures and information. I don’t understand this at all! Should I not be condemned in Hell forever? Am I not a sinner?
The whole point (of my wand and sword) is that I AM DIVINE and LIFE rules through LOVE and TRUTH. It takes guts to choose this path and stay on it. I am not/we are not the pioneers. We follow many other footsteps and wings. And for these teachers of fire, water, air and earth I drum, we drum. Whew…one huge energy stream moves through me and all I can do is let the tears flow and raise my hands in
acknowledgement with the energetic passion of the "aho" that I hear Native friend Rob say. I am here/we are here as sacred parts of one magnificent whole. Let the changes move. April 9 1 PM is Earth Day ceremony with Rob & Liz. This ceremony has begun!!!
Earlier this stream of consciousness didn't want to stop but here I am in a different gear catching up on emails. Two positive communiques from Transition women which lifts me. One says the editor of our paper is posting our Transition Earth Day UNLEASHING events this week -- she didn't have room in last week's edition. These positive responses tell me light is getting through and the creative process is moving. The other email from Montana re permaculture work her boyfriend is doing in a Buddha garden on Native American land. What a network of loops!