I woke up to specific information. But more than that. I experienced the motion of passing through the space where that information lives. It felt/looked like like a filter or grid right below the surface of wakefulness. The message I got was that my body has new polarity: South is now dominant North; North is now dominant South. The internal change was very apparent to me last night as I am not longer uncomfortable to any degree around Dana. The lines of force between us, the charge, has settled and I am breathing easy around him...for the first time! It's a new freedom! I do have strong feelings for this man which in the past had a disorienting effect on my orbital motion/e-motion. I welcome this newness within. Thank Goddess!!
Dana was singing his last song of the evening's concert
Prayer For This Land:
Won't you please hear my prayer for this landWon't you please hear my prayer for this landAnd you know that I'm ready to do my partI'm just standing by waiting for that wave to startOnly the moon can turn the tideOnly the moon can turn the tideSo I kneel and pray at the ocean sideAnd I watch for that wave, that great green wave to riseThere's a sparkle of hope in every eyeAnd when those eyes sparkle at the same timeThat's the time with that waveThat wave of love will riseWhen he sang "Only the moon...." a wind-like force or current moved up through my head causing my neck to stretch out and fall backward all the way. I went with the rolling full motion. My arms and hands then came together and stretched. It felt like a counterbalance of force. I totally yielded in body in the darkened room. What is this motion in response to sound? Reminds me of cobra rising up out of basket in response...actually it was more than rising up and dancing it was a striking motion...with some sort of venom? I don't remember my jaws and teeth wanting to bite into something solid but my arms and hands may have acted out that part.
I love to buy clothes. It's a pattern from childhood when I picked raspberries in our valley and saved the money to buy school clothes. Lately I'm wanting to renew my entire wardrobe which I cannot afford but I am buying some new things. Shopping for clothes is like treasure hunting -- I'm getting the image of dragon with his love of treasured gemstones. Clothing adds color, texture, lines to one's body and thus one's expression. I found a black shirt with cool dragon design and a red jacket recently. Red has not been a color I wear because I wore too much of it in school cheerleading. However, it looks like I am now wearing red. The significance is that this represents my new skin.
Red and black represent alchemy.
2) Tetramorphic Progression: the Four StagesOnce ANY Nature has been contacted by use of Alchemical forces, there begins a Four-Stage "Evolutionary Process" that leads in fixed steps to whatever 'goal' one has set-out to attain. These Four Stages are represented as THE 'ASCENDING SCALE OF ALCHEMICAL COLORS.' While it may seem improbable to the inexperienced mind, each Alchemically-triggered Evolutionary Phase actually DOES produce some manifestation of the color of that Phase of Alchemy. The Four Color-Phases are (in sequential order:)
BLACK: 'Massa Confusa'
In this initial Stage, the 'subject' seems both confused and vague; disorder is the keynote, and one may wonder if any good could come of this! Patient observation soon reveals an emerging 'Product' though it is quite primitive and only slowly does it move toward your goal.
WHITE: 'Purifactio'
In this second Stage, the emerging product enters a rather extreme period of 'purging;' it sheds the confusion and vagueness of it's origins.. but may seem to have completely missed the intended direction of evolution! Further patience reveals that this Stage has further solidified the Product as a "workable nucleus" which can later be turned into a more desirable direction of growth.
RED: 'Fulminato'
Now in this third Stage the Alchemy becomes quite apparent; the formerly rather distorted Product now begins to show clear signs that it is moving in the desired direction of growth. Patience is less needed now than is CAUTION; the Alchemy here can be sometimes quite 'explosive' and fast-paced! At times, one may feel that it is all getting QUITE out of hand!, and then suddenly..
GOLD: 'Magnum Opus'
The Product solidifies into a FUNCTIONING or 'living' REALITY that fulfills the goal intended (and usually quite a bit MORE than ever expected!) One may be tempted to think the work 'done' when it attains this Stage; but it may still need to 'cool' or temper into final form over a brief period of functional use. Sudden 'proofs' of the final Product's desirability emerge, to inform the Alchemist that his Great Work has been attained.
Any deliberate use of this Four-Stage Color Symbolization (even as simple a use as dressing oneself in the four colors sequentially!,) can trigger Alchemical results, though (naturally) only on a minor level unless the Creative Forces of Causal Geometry are also employed. Many people find Color-Alchemy sufficient for their self-transformations. But, should you wish a more detailed description of the complex process of Spiritual Alchemy as performed in our tradition, we recommend you study The Shining Tree Self-Work-Book..
Khiron, the Kuei-Shen Hsien
Ashby, Massachusetts 1998