
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Energy Shield

I have a film presentation and talk this morning in the heart of Seattle at the Chrystal Ballroom.

Awake most all morning anxious not to oversleep. Kept seeing black with bit of red always to the right. The horizontal swords in hands vibrated and became attached to hips....Solar plexus lines East/West?

Energy field becomes energy shield. Intrusive beings not be allowed.

The Beast

Shadow/evil lurks in dream world
Manipulating from lowest chakras
I increase intention and take with me
Sword of white light / Truth

Large shiny black "vehicle" is in front of my vision
Some red on the right / East
I hold white swords in both hands
Pointing outward (a new direction of focus)
with intention

Archangel Michael and his hosts gather
to face the demon
Alchemy in motion

Monday, September 29, 2008


Winging shadow on water's surface
I peddle moving with it
Owner of shadow hidden
due to morning sun in eyes
Soon great blue heron takes shape

Sun and form = shadow reflection
Angular relationship

Friday, September 26, 2008

A New Economy

Our strategic plan at work identifies "community engagement" as it relates to direct service. We have no "gear" within this plan that includes community engagement as it relates to public/community relations. My Speaker's Bureau project is increasingly bringing to light the need for this gear or "organ" in every community.

As we go into the community to radiate and introduce our programs people want to give back through volunteer time, inkind donations and funding. (Is this response reflected light?) A staff person (gear/organ) needs to be in place to manage this energetic circuit of flow going out and coming back in. This is how an abundant "economy" and system works. There have been missing pieces that need to be identified and included in a whole system.

Grassroots life forms are not recognized and are abused by egos. Money and stature has ruled and held power. These two opposites are at war. It's a matter of life and death.

Systems are breaking down so that intelligence will rule. That intelligence includes a whole circuitry where grassroots values and life forms are recognized and supported by the whole. Those who have more will give to those who have less. It will be a conscious intent of the whole system. We need a new name for this system that radiates and reflects light of love.


Radiation - emission of energy
Attraction - a gravitational force between like-sol/hearts/minds/bodies
Response - reflected energy
Union - fusion of forces
Unified radiation - collective radiant emission

Energy waves and particles hold a range of quality depending on "intention" at core source. If that source is ego radiation attracts other egos who respond and unify. Collectively these ego "organs" emit their radiant tones. Enter political parties, social groups, religions, etc.

Living matter holds light. Dead matter holds no light. There is a range in between. Conscious work intentionally increases light within ones' self of parts and within a collective body of parts. Our work is to radiate and reflect higher vibratory energy/light moving all parts to a new level of inclusive love. It's pointed and direct and becoming more so.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Leap of Faith

"Leap of faith" is a conscious choice that takes one into new territory. Why new? Because the parts are new. It's as if the parts have been turning and e-moting in reflective light until saturated and full-filled. A new point is reached in space/time where a conscious leap is required. This leap is in response to and follows radiant light.

A leap of faith takes one into dark void. Orchestrating the parts in a new directon takes courage that simply means being in the moment and making choices. An orbit is in motion and quantum leaps are part of the creative process. There is trust in this process that is not about outcomes. It's about the evolutionary moment. In that evolution is dissolution of old patterns. In that moment is shedding of skin. Oh how snakes love to bask on solid rock in the sun.

If the poles are radiant and the parts in between are reflective emitting colors and sounds why are all the planets in the Solar System dying? Why are the chakra wheels of humans not spinning? Why have these emoting outlets been closing down? What was this dis-ease? It's simply the absence of Light. Conscious men and women continue to evolve through leaps of faith while emitting sparks of love.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Black Power

What is black power? Where does black live? I asked these questions this AM and have these answers: Black is not a separate chakra or wheel. Black is a force within every part just as white is a force in the same way. Colors weave in and with black and white. Gives "black hole" new significance -- it's not the evil empire. All these parts live together expressing in and through space. All these parts sound a tone.

My friend is very creative. She has all sorts of projects. One is a design for a human sized chakra system that she sent to Berkeley for possible research. The purpose is for a person to use this as a machine to align and tune up with the colors and sounds. I invited her to write something about "chrystal" for my book. She has created a new website so people have a place to ground as her presse release for

her new book goes out nationwide. She put my Speaker's Bureau on this site (this happened so fast that it hasn't even been cleared by my agency -- I hope to get approval today). She also included Community Threads and Dana's event information. It's as if we're all getting exposure at the same time.

This is an email she sent me yesterday afternoon:
I found out that the Press Release they sent out Launching the Book site is ranked in Yahoo's top 30% searches, Google in the top 9%, it took us by surprise! In just 1 day, wow! I'm very excited! They will be submitting Press release every 48 hours from now till December!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How Deep?

My new Native American friend sent just sent me this from his church Center for Spiritual Living:

CSL's Weekly Spiritual Practice

How Deep Are Your Roots?

At the time of this writing I am concerned about the nation’s economy. Last night I heard about another major Wall Street institution narrowly missing imploding on itself. That would have been the 2nd in 2 weeks. The commentators called it a near miss with an economic atom bomb. Whew!

I seldom write about current events in this email but I want to share what I went through because it might help others. My first thoughts went to all of us invested in the Stock Market. That includes pension funds, 401Ks and individual investments. Stock holders and most Americans with any kind of retirement plan are taking huge losses in times like these. I went to bed with a head full of concerns and worries. Then sometime in the middle of the night I woke up singing a song by Eddie Watkins, “God is All There is.” And this morning I’m cheerful again. God is all there is! The surface will change! Stuff happens! But deep inside me, I am firmly established in the consistent Goodness of God and I will live from there!

In trying and troublesome times we find out where our consciousness is rooted: the ways of the world, or of Spirit. We also find out how deep the roots go. Shallow roots won’t hold us up; deep roots will withstand anything.

This week – check your root system.

Much love,

Dr. Kathianne Lewis

Constellations of Love = Astronomy

New discovery in informed by Body.

There is an energy that is motionless and e-motionless. It doesn't spin or revolve. It radiates.

There is an energy green and affectionate -- radiating from heart.

There is an energy blue and clear -- radiating from neck/throat.

There is an energy yellow and joyous -- radiating from belly.

There is an energy that is black (once red) -- quaking, rumbling in the bowels of earth. It rattles the bones of one's foundation. Power lives here giving new dimension to the term "black hole". This energy feels like rich and deep soil -- a luscious mud bath.

These are new colors...because of the new "star" now in space.

Stars form constellations within themselves and with other points in space. Enter astronomy.

I know these colors because of my spatial relationship with another and others. It is a gift I celebrate.

A current moves to purify these colors. That current hits pockets/spaces of stagnant energy (too much negative charge -- "ions" comes up) and transforms them. If one is not identified in ego that change can happen quickly. It's a shedding of skin. It's a chemical change from toxic to sweet. Sweet doesn't mean nice. So maybe "pure" is a better word. No, maybe "clean" since pure has so many associations with puritan values and this newness is not that imposed way of being according to human opinion/law.

I was not "nice" at work yesterday. I was fed up with a couple of people and took action via communication. I am not as popular now and I don't care. This is a different quality of earthy rumbling at the loins. Power is a range of motion and e-motion = color. White energy of radiant star includes all wavelengths and can be trusted. It's where Truth of Love lives and breathes.

Monday, September 22, 2008

You Tube's Sacred Geometry

Charles Gilchrist on You Tube
An Introduction to Sacred Geometry -- excellent left and right brain presentation. Synthesized.

On this You Tube I don't see spiral design that has been so dominant in my experience. Charles uses full and round circle. Does spiral represent motion/expansion/dimension of circle? Very serpentine...can't leave out my ancestors.

I saw that a scientist wants to manipulate genes of chickens to replicate dinosaurs. Says scales evolved into feathers. What did feathers evolve into?

Why are light beings associated with wings?

Sacred Geometry, Planet and Star

While scientists try to agree on the definition of space and time She is busy relating within it and dancing the tunes. She relates through points, lines, angles and dimension. Is this "sacred geometry"?

My physical core has a sign and signal telling me "Closed for the Season". I don't know what "Season" means but I do know what closed means. I can be affectionate; I can say "I love you" but I cannot do core fire right now. Sacred geometry may be giving my experience of "love" new definition. I am now more wise when it comes to relationships. I am more discerning. I know what doesn't work and I won't go there again. I now have boundaries. I take care of all my bodies (spirit, emotion, thought, body) because the points, lines and angles are more sharp and laser like.

What's the difference between a planet and star? What is similar?

Deepak is talking about being a "unit" of peace. When there are enough units there will be critical mass. Then what? Do points, lines angles and dimension of planets shift and evolve into star? What is personal and planetary transformation? What is shining light of love?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Skin of Alchemy

I woke up to specific information. But more than that. I experienced the motion of passing through the space where that information lives. It felt/looked like like a filter or grid right below the surface of wakefulness. The message I got was that my body has new polarity: South is now dominant North; North is now dominant South. The internal change was very apparent to me last night as I am not longer uncomfortable to any degree around Dana. The lines of force between us, the charge, has settled and I am breathing easy around him...for the first time! It's a new freedom! I do have strong feelings for this man which in the past had a disorienting effect on my orbital motion/e-motion. I welcome this newness within. Thank Goddess!!

Dana was singing his last song of the evening's concert Prayer For This Land:

Won't you please hear my prayer for this land
Won't you please hear my prayer for this land
And you know that I'm ready to do my part
I'm just standing by waiting for that wave to start

Only the moon can turn the tide
Only the moon can turn the tide
So I kneel and pray at the ocean side
And I watch for that wave, that great green wave to rise

There's a sparkle of hope in every eye
And when those eyes sparkle at the same time
That's the time with that wave
That wave of love will rise

When he sang "Only the moon...." a wind-like force or current moved up through my head causing my neck to stretch out and fall backward all the way. I went with the rolling full motion. My arms and hands then came together and stretched. It felt like a counterbalance of force. I totally yielded in body in the darkened room. What is this motion in response to sound? Reminds me of cobra rising up out of basket in response...actually it was more than rising up and dancing it was a striking motion...with some sort of venom? I don't remember my jaws and teeth wanting to bite into something solid but my arms and hands may have acted out that part.

I love to buy clothes. It's a pattern from childhood when I picked raspberries in our valley and saved the money to buy school clothes. Lately I'm wanting to renew my entire wardrobe which I cannot afford but I am buying some new things. Shopping for clothes is like treasure hunting -- I'm getting the image of dragon with his love of treasured gemstones. Clothing adds color, texture, lines to one's body and thus one's expression. I found a black shirt with cool dragon design and a red jacket recently. Red has not been a color I wear because I wore too much of it in school cheerleading. However, it looks like I am now wearing red. The significance is that this represents my new skin.

Red and black represent alchemy.

2) Tetramorphic Progression: the Four Stages

Once ANY Nature has been contacted by use of Alchemical forces, there begins a Four-Stage "Evolutionary Process" that leads in fixed steps to whatever 'goal' one has set-out to attain. These Four Stages are represented as THE 'ASCENDING SCALE OF ALCHEMICAL COLORS.' While it may seem improbable to the inexperienced mind, each Alchemically-triggered Evolutionary Phase actually DOES produce some manifestation of the color of that Phase of Alchemy. The Four Color-Phases are (in sequential order:)

BLACK: 'Massa Confusa'

In this initial Stage, the 'subject' seems both confused and vague; disorder is the keynote, and one may wonder if any good could come of this! Patient observation soon reveals an emerging 'Product' though it is quite primitive and only slowly does it move toward your goal.

WHITE: 'Purifactio'

In this second Stage, the emerging product enters a rather extreme period of 'purging;' it sheds the confusion and vagueness of it's origins.. but may seem to have completely missed the intended direction of evolution! Further patience reveals that this Stage has further solidified the Product as a "workable nucleus" which can later be turned into a more desirable direction of growth.

RED: 'Fulminato'

Now in this third Stage the Alchemy becomes quite apparent; the formerly rather distorted Product now begins to show clear signs that it is moving in the desired direction of growth. Patience is less needed now than is CAUTION; the Alchemy here can be sometimes quite 'explosive' and fast-paced! At times, one may feel that it is all getting QUITE out of hand!, and then suddenly..

GOLD: 'Magnum Opus'

The Product solidifies into a FUNCTIONING or 'living' REALITY that fulfills the goal intended (and usually quite a bit MORE than ever expected!) One may be tempted to think the work 'done' when it attains this Stage; but it may still need to 'cool' or temper into final form over a brief period of functional use. Sudden 'proofs' of the final Product's desirability emerge, to inform the Alchemist that his Great Work has been attained.

Any deliberate use of this Four-Stage Color Symbolization (even as simple a use as dressing oneself in the four colors sequentially!,) can trigger Alchemical results, though (naturally) only on a minor level unless the Creative Forces of Causal Geometry are also employed. Many people find Color-Alchemy sufficient for their self-transformations. But, should you wish a more detailed description of the complex process of Spiritual Alchemy as performed in our tradition, we recommend you study The Shining Tree Self-Work-Book..

Khiron, the Kuei-Shen Hsien

Ashby, Massachusetts 1998

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Senator Patty Murray

Oprah called to action millions of "mothers" in a recent show on internet child pornography. I am one who responded to her call:

Ms. Trish:

Thank you for contacting me about S. 1738, the Combating Child Exploitation Act of 2008. It was very good to hear from you.

The Combating Child Exploitation Act was introduced by Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE) to provide additional resources, strategies and coordination to combat crimes against our children. The bill is currently before the full Senate for consideration. You will be happy to know that I am a cosponsor of S. 1738 and I fully support this effort to give our children greater protection from those who would harm them.

As you may know, S. 1738 would increases penalties for crimes against children. It would create a National Strategy for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction and establish within the U.S. Department of Justice a National Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force. It would also create a grant program to support state and local ICAC task forces. Finally, the Combating Child Exploitation Act would authorize increased numbers of agents in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and other federal agencies to combat these types of crimes.

As a U.S. Senator, I have made the health and safety of our children one of my top priorities. I will continue to fight for strong federal support for programs that prevent child exploitation, aid victims and assist in the investigation and prosecution of these despicable crimes. Please rest assured that as the Senate considers legislation on this issue, I will keep your concerns in mind. Please keep in touch.

I hope all is well in Woodinville.

Senator Patty Murray



Why are leaders responsible for their communities? Because they are at the core sounding a tone. People respond to that tone.

When all our leaders are corrupt and greedy people have no healthy choices. But as leaders evolve in spiritual maturity so will their people.

Leadership can also be found in the parts and this has a positive effect on the whole.

Leaders are catalysts wherever they are in the collective body of expression through Soul, Emotion, Thought and Action.

Truth & Respect

I was at the CSA yesterday picking vegetables and thought how peaceful and quiet it was without tracker bugging me. That was short lived. This morning he struck-out/acted out. His motion and sound is intentional and strikes at South core. The only response he gets from this woman these days is: Truth as I see it. This intrusive and inappropriate behavior toward me cancels out positive work he's doing. The book that is being released cannot have the same impact as it would if the leader at the core was honest with beams/lines straight rather than distorted and short circuited. Leaders of communities are responsible for their communities and must be held accountable. If they cannot do this for themselves others need to take a stand and revolt. People are lethargic in their "hero" worship. People give their power to others. I will not be silent. Lies will not be hidden forever nor will secret lives. The veil thins.

There was a Native American man I met in tracker's community years ago. He had a way of telling people they weren't doing this and that the "right" way. He and I didn't like each other/get along. (Not sure the "spiritual" way to say that.) I heard he continues in that same pattern. Why would a man choose this path of language? Does it give him a sense of authority? I revolt/bolt and will not participate. I will not be told what is "right" from someone else. Perhaps it shows I don't like external discipline and authority. My focus and my path continues to listen for what's "right" inside out. Sacred Feminine will not let a man tell her what is "right" unless it's coming from Sacred Masculine. That relationship is on an entirely new and different level than egos butting heads.

Tracker does not find response at South core not only because his motion and sound is dissonant but also because Fire doesn't live there least this woman's fire. I'm not sure where it went. Maybe I'm becoming androgynous. Maybe fire is diffused amongst the parts. I cannot relate in the same way sexually because my sexuality has changed. Part of me senses a loss that maybe comes with elder age. Maybe someday I will explore this terrain with a sacred partner...and maybe not. I'm content. I'm more whole. This creates new scenarios with new lessons of Truth.

I do want to give credit to masculine point in space for respecting me and giving me space to cool down. His motion and sound brought up a lot of passion and when these currents have no place to ground it's very disorienting emotionally. Spirituality (higher consciousness that includes the parts) includes is the vehicle for motion though sensual outlets. Spirituality includes's the vehicle for making logical choices and directing emotion. I respect this external masculine point in space for his thoughtful and conscious choices.

Friday, September 19, 2008

New Limbs

My speaker's bureau project is growing a couple of limbs. I talked with several golfers at a recent work event and asked if they knew any companies or groups who would like to see the film. Out of that a local celebrity responded and is interested in telling his story about hydroplane racing and promoting the film. He offered to split his fee with us. This would create a new angle in this project and give me a more solid foundation on which to promote the film and book venues. This man is very connected to our kids in residential treatment and has his own story of breaking down and rising up...personal crisis.

Another golfer lives in the middle of the state and is president of the Chamber of Commerce. He has opened the door for a film presentation to 60-80 members which in my world is a good size audience. He is also involved in a nation wide association and is opening a door there. This is the ripple effect in action and it's fun to watch it let it evolve naturally. Some things don't manifest but that is beside the point. It's the motion that is critical.

A friend who is releasing a book about Blackbeard Decoded also wants to speak and find her own venues. She is in the broadcasting business and wants us to create a commercial for 2009. She is very business oriented and a good balance for me.

The project is taking on shape in quantum fashion. My style is that where there is response so am I. I don't care how insignificant it seems...I don't care if there is no $$ in the picture. I follow where there is response. It must be a universal law. I notice that others put up barriers due to their well-established concepts based on business models. I follow sparks of interest and those who respond to me and the heart of the film. It's a living project and I intend to keep it that way.

Left brain analyzes and works to figure things out/how things fit. Right brain goes with the larger flow. By itself left brain creates stagnation. Right brain can bust through it all. "You go girl!" Of course, Sacred Masculine is involved too. "You go guy!" So fun as parts start to emerge and move together.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

New Fertility / New Tissue

body to body
is no longer
clingy, sticky
new spaciousness

bodies to bodies
is now connective "tissue"
new spaciousness

Fertility connects
through new range
of motion and sound

What is fertility? I see it as a creative space and field
where opposite forces and charges (+/-) play out their dance.
It is not about making babies and overpopulating our planet.
It's about higher levels of interraction and co-creation.

What is at the center core of sound?
I see circle with surface ring and with core point of Soul/Sol
New resonance erupts from flowing core oozing to and through parts: Fertile.

How will this new motion and sound
uplift when old systems continue in their breakdown?

When connection with Hank and Jill came into consciousness that experience was initially like connective "tissue". I felt lines emerge like support beams and then the parts started to move like kaleidoscope and fill in with images of spirit allies. Good to identify the process that moves and sounds/sounds and moves. One vibration with different forms of expression...different outlets in this world. Multi-dimensional. Chrystal Community.

Tissue definition:

~ a mass or layer of cells forming a basic structural element of an animal or plant body

~ an aggregation of similarly specialized cells united in the performance of a particular function

~ a collection of similar cells and the intercellular substances surrounding them

~ part of an organism consisting of an aggregate of cells having a similar structure and function

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Shamanic Connections

I received an email last night from Hank Wesselman and Jill Kuykendall informing that they will be sending out a newsletter. I was happy to respond. That connection had an immediate energetic effect that was kaleidoscopic. Parts came together and started to move in exponential fashion. Spirit Allies/Power animals came into view with large presence. A spotted cat that I met when I did shamanic journeying with Hank came in as well as my winged dragon friend who was quite "tall" about this.

This experience was very different from the one I had just been engaged in on chopra intentBlog. I was in the process of responding to a post by Avtar Singh and his Holistic Relativity (HR) theory that explains the scientific observations of the universe. His 3 scientific points were cold and impersonal to me and I was creating my own right-brain translations in response. I decided not to send however as my language is probably as foriegn to him as his is to me. What's the point? seemed to be my conclusion.

Participating in energetics that do work/move/sound make me very happy. I have a male point in space that generates resonance. The colors are pastel and sweet and the vibrational sound is unique. I know him by his sound. This experience transforms my old relationship with men. It transforms my feminine and fertile body. Our common ground is giant peace dove puppets. All things are made new. I learn again that I cannot go backward into old patterns. I keep moving forward without that old ambition.

It's as if one is in a collective body and the ambition and drive is now up to, generated by, the whole. Listening and being is more dominant than thinking and doing. Going within to Sacred Feminine and letting Her surface is getting more play.

Two departments at my office had a meeting yesterday. It was dynamic and creative. The parts are synthesizing for the first time in our history. A whole system is rising. All things are made new.

Monday, September 15, 2008

A Loss

I think I've lost something that I've been wearing and carrying for many years: ambition. I've lost my ambition. I'm looking forward to concluding my projects outside of work and wonder if I will say "no" to taking on more projects. I'm not sure how this new state will effect my book project. I'm definitely detached.

I've lost some inner drive of achievement. I think I'm at a resting place. What does this mean?

Driving home from work I saw an older woman raise her arms in the sky and circle them. At the same time she looked up and smiled in contentment. Wow, another woman who feels the way I do! I wonder how many other women, in the midst of our chaotic world, are feeling the same way.

This feeling has nothing to do with externals. It's an inside out state of Being: Feminine.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I almost forgot to ground this experience in writing. When I drove over to Wenatchee I noticed something very different. I was not drinking in the landscape like I've done so often in the past. My eyes were not feeding on the green. My feet in flowing river felt like an extension of those waters. It was as if I met the elements face to face -- on equal ground. The image that comes in is two different points meeting eye to eye so to speak. >< The whole experience with granite pillars, golden grass, blue oregon grape, mountain stream, salamanders, birds, pines, breezes, boulders, etc, etc was full but in a new way. I understand why spiritual beings become hermits and live alone in nature. There is oneness and resonance in nature that is not found in human society. Do we have time to change that? Do we have time to create shangra-la and utopia where people live as natural beings with the elements? The shape of this place is diamond like where lines meet and angles resonate. The colors are multi-dimensional in soft and sweet pastel hues. Subtle and profound.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hiking Bliss

Wenatchee to train staff and Board members on the Speaker's Bureau. Most dynamic group yet. I integrated my personal story around peace (before CHSW 18 years ago I worked at a peace and justice organization and got tired of angry people working for peace -- now I am a peacemaker helping children and families thrive) and received open and enthusiastic response. I think the difference is that the Director in Wenatchee is a peace activist and has drawn a board around him who share those values.

Next day was open to following my nose...with absolutely no agenda. I stopped as I felt pulled. Hike. Peshastin Pinnacles State Park amongst pillars of granite: Sacred Male and Female rising up from earth in Hallelujah rejoicing. Wenatchee River with feet in water and picking up litter along banks. I wanted to swim without clothes but, of course, no place to do that. A woman has predators watching. I don't feel safe. Icicle Creek trail -- hike up to the top. One day I'll have time to go deeper into the trail that leads to The Enchantments. I love this area. 4 salamander greetings along the trail. They stop to listen as I speak to them -- relative of my dragon friends.

I was so surprised how good I felt after a day of hiking. As if my core is stronger and more stable having a positive effect on the parts.

Planting Peace

OCA Plants Peace at the Republican National Convention
The Organic Consumers Association's "Planting Peace" brigade actively participated in a series of rallies, street protests, and concert/teach-ins at the Republican National Convention last week, along with tens of thousands of other participants. OCA's Planting Peace contingent supplied organic food and literature to musicians, volunteers, and protesters at the "Ripple Effect" concert and march on September 2, which culminated in a massive and dramatic street march on the RNC.

Throughout the week, despite tear-gas, police dragnets, and intimidation (heavily-armed police at one point pointed their guns and threatened OCA's lawyer and Political Director, Alexis Baden-Meyer), OCA staff and volunteers spread the positive message that a local, energy-efficient, and Fair Trade system of organic food and farming represents a lifesaving cure for America's current "quadruple crisis" of food, health, climate, and energy. As OCA Director Ronnie Cummins emphasized at a St.Paul educational event on September 1, called the "Tumblewood Cabaret", "We must make the nation's green and organic economy the dominant economy."

Please check out OCA's Planting Peace website and campaign, designed to bring about cooperation and synergy between the peace movement, the climate crisis movement, and the organic community.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Gene Defintion

A hereditary unit consisting of a sequence of DNA that occupies a specific location on a chromosome and determines a particular characteristic in an organism. Genes undergo mutation when their DNA sequence changes.

[German Gen, from gen-, begetting, in Greek words (such as genos, race, offspring).]

Drumming Breakthrough

In drumming circle yesterday -- after Lomi Lomi massage -- my hands danced on drum like never before. It was effortless --without any conscious effort. I sustained the rhythm for a long while as the intensity of the collective sound built up. It was a breakthrough of left and right brain playing as one through hands. So fun!

Ancestors and Heredity

Lomi Lomi massage. Intense. Parts worked released toxins that moved up spinal chord to top of head. Head ache. Deep breathing to painful parts released constriction. Left hip erupted. I felt the low deep rumble and let out a high-pitched scream. The energy felt low and the sound wanted to be low but I held back. I didn't want to freak out the massage therapist and high pitched screams are more typical. There was, however, some deep vibration from deep Earth that wanted to bellow. (There will be a place and time when I can scream in a more "shamanic" tone.) Last time I felt that rumble and screamed I was doing Aware Eating massage. That release had to do with Father issues...his negative impact on my life. With Lomi Lomi I felt rumbling and quaking in the whole pelvis region. Lomi Lomi refers to that area as the "Well of the Ancestors."

The True Power of Water has a chapter called Conditions That Have Been Thought To Be Hereditary:

Heredity refers to the information transmitted to an individual from his or her father and mother and also from extended ancestors. The ancestor's information is clearly written in a gene.

In the context of disease, the ancestors' negative emotions are transmitted as negative information that often is transmitted physically.

People often use the term "a family line of cancer." Perhaps such a family had carried the emotions that were likely to cause cancer generation after generation. This is how I understand "heredity".

I'm seeing a tracking object in Earth orbit. It's a foriegn invasive object. It reminds me of the dream I had flying in space and darting away from that "enemy" space craft coming our way. Maybe this is a "gene." How does one decode and defuse a micro and macro gene? The True Power of Water talks about this as overlaying one wavelength with an opposite wavelength. One cancelling out the other:

A hado is a wave. It has a wave shape of peaks and valleys. When the shape of a wave opposite to the original one--valleys for peaks, and peaks for valleys--is used, the wave can be straightened. By overlaying a wave with another wave in this manner, its characteristics are cancelled.

A sound wave also has peaks and valleys. When the sound wave of an opposite shape is used, the original sound wave is cancelled, and the sound disappears.

Be it music or human voice, each has an intrinsic wave. The basic principle of this new silencing method is to examine the wave shape of peaks and valleys of a sound to be silenced and produce a sound that has the opposite wave shape of peaks and valleys.

Nice theory/concept. How does it apply to one's life? How is it grounded? That's the heart of the matter! For me this must be what has occurred as I now emit more positive vibration when certain people and circumstances come to mind. I am greeting most thoughts with positive energy. Often I will see white wings on the shoulders of people who are not that pleasant. This shift and the seeing involved has taken time. It's required wakeful and pure intention at soul level. Healing effects are the gifts received.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Vibrational Space is Sacred

And Tracker continues to come into my personal space with his vibration and his physcial presence. He doesn't seem to understand the value of personal space. Did he learn any boundaries as a child? Does he think it's okay to barge into someone's space simply because he knows how to be invisible and therefere he can. It's not okay in any realm. It's offensive. My body tells me so (picking up his vibration) and responds as such. What does he want from me and women? Why is he looking externally? He has not yet found his eyes or ears. He is still in grief and ignorance. What force is he geared into and what vibration uses him and emits from him? Male power is not over anyone or anything. Male power is within and lovingly connected to one's own Feminine. I will not be silent. This behavior continues to be abusive as it was the first day he intruded into my space. Then I was looking for I know better.

Plant and Water Intelligence

Dr. Steven Farmer sent his monthly newsletter which has an article about plant spirit and consciousness:
. . . Mr. Baxter proved scientifically that plants could think and respond! A Consciousness! . . . . Baxter did months of research and found plants respond to threats as well as healing peaceful thoughts. Plants love to listen to easy-listening music and classical music (but no heavy metal) and seemed to be attuned to animal life. The plants could actually tell when a human subject on the polygraph machine was lying! Baxter found out in stress conditions, as when it is being cut, a plant will “faint” so it can’t feel any pain, it goes “flatline” on the machine. With fruit, the plants wish to give up its fruit only in a loving ritual, a communion between the eater and the eaten, a Sacrifice. Baxter said, “It may be that a vegetable appreciates becoming another part of another form of life rather than rotting on the ground, just as a human death may experience relief to find himself on a higher realm of “being”.

A friend gave me the book The True Power of Water by Masaru Emoto. His hado experiences show how water is intelligent by taking in information and responding via crystal designs...or not. He relates how hado effects food, illness, etc.

As water and plant matter respond to vibration/hado so does air and fire and all elements and elementals. It's all about vibration. How fun it would be to hear that context via the media. Political conventions, reports on wars, domestic violence, sexual addiction and abuse, overeating, etc. would all take on new levels of awareness if this was part of the information we receive. As it is all we hear about (it's all most people see) are externals. Talk, talk, talk, opinion after opnion, concept after concept. It's dead ended unless it's grounded in vibrational sub-atomic particles of earth matter.

If one wants to change something in the external realm the way to do so is to change one's vibration. Vibration communicates through many outlets of body. Creativity is the result. The more vibration pouring forth the more alive and creative. This is the time, this is the place, we are the ones to open the lease those who are willing to dig deep and do the inner work rather than staying in habitual low-vibration and surface patterns. By their light ye shall know them.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Geek Squad

I hired the Geek Squad to clean my computer. I was online with a foriegner for a couple of hours. Tracker is very skilled and I don't think we lost him. During the process I got how symbolic the work was. It felt like someone massaging through grey matter of brain. Something shifted in the process. And what a process it is!

I'm starting to hear that Tracker wants to protect me. He means no harm. There is definitely a leveling happening. Not sure what that means. Maybe finding middle or common ground. I will continue to be vocal about what is not working and will acknowledge what is. It's my story. I tell it from my lines, points and angles. If Tracker wants to tell his story...there is plenty of space to do so. The healing story continues...

System of Grace

Tracker drama lies somewhere in the micro/macro layers of reality. Maybe it synthesizes through the whole field. (just expressing words coming up in this moment) Cosmic codes and patterns.

My feminine gave power away to masculine due to missing parts of lost soul. Love that is whole was not transmitted from me nor recieved back to me. Once parts are found and integrated and some degree of wholeness restored the old pattern of relationship must change. Tracker liked the old power where he had center stage and everything revolved around him/with him. He liked being part of that level of creative process because he contributed to it to some degree. However, Feminine cannot go backward. Evol happens.

From a woman named Mieke in the Netherlands (thanks to connection) something was born today: Labyrinth. She will partner with me on my book project and we will include this magical and mystical flow pattern of energy as it relates to chakra and kundalini in individual body and collective Body.

Disintegration and Integration -- hand in hand. Something passes away -- something is born. Amazing system of Grace.

Evol and Evil

Tracker uses technology to get information and to know another persons thoughts, activities and plans. This gives him a sense of control and power over another. He lights up at this power. How do I know? I feel it from him. It's quite sick. He uses computers to track emails and he uses GPS devices to know where one's car is. In the process he is being tracked because his energy is sound vibration.

Tracker patterns on externals and has no sense of vibrational attunement. If he put as much time and energy into his families and community as he does into his secret and deceptive life there would be more light in this world.

Tracker holds patterns of immature ego. The personality traits are easily recognized. Stubborness is one.

Tracker thinks his scouting and stalking skills can be applied in any realm. They cannot. In the physical realm where I live as a woman stalking is illegal...a crime. Laws are in place to protect women and being a tracker and scout is no excuse to harrass women in any realm.

This ground is holy. No one will intrude without an invitation. This applies to the individual female body and the collective Feminine Body. Force field is in place and you will not enter.

Tracker lives in the past thinking sparks and flame will reappear. They burned out long ago and time has come and gone bringing around a new cycle of energy. Those who refuse to move with it in resilience will be left behind...extinguished. Such is the law of Evol.

That which is and those who are stuck in past pattern is Evil.

Naming and Claiming Light

My new Native American friend is easy to be with. He's like a warm fire without any sparks. I am comfortable with him. We talk easily. He's teaching me about his church family at Center for Spiritual Living. I'm teaching him about my church of Goddess and Nature. His culture was taken from him as a child and Christianity and Catholicism shoved in. Five years ago was the first time he claimed to be Indian. Last night after dinner he was talking about Jesus Christ and looks directly at me saying, "I see the Christ in you." He then comments, "Doesn't Christ mean Light?" This was a direct went to my soul and sort of spun me around in a sweet and gentle way. I had been seen, heard and recognized in a very pure way...through a man's bouncing reflection. The feeling reminded me of Jesus' disciples. In this new paradigm some of us are being called forward as disciples of light...a collective body. The definition of disciple needs to be expanded as we are now in a new dimension that contains more collective spiritual light. Maybe we need a new word. I used the word "catalyst" as I was talking with our CEO the other day. I like that word.

That experience with my friend was another one of piercing my stake/sword into the earth and claiming holy ground. This time the catalyst was a male friend.

Disciple definition:

1: one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another: as a: one of the twelve in the inner circle of Christ's followers according to the Gospel accounts b: a convinced adherent of a school or individual

2capitalized : a member of the Disciples of Christ founded in the United States in 1809 that holds the Bible alone to be the rule of faith and practice, usually baptizes by immersion, and has a congregational polity

Friday, September 5, 2008

Life Force

The agency and speaker's bureau continues to open doors. The momentum picks up. At an early morning Rotary talk on Lake Union the opening prayer was:

"There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable it is nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open.

You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate YOU. Keep the channel open...

No artist is pleased...There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction; a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others." -- part of a letter from Martha Graham to Agnes DeMille

I sent this to top management at fits the speaker's bureau so well.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Increased Light and New Mental Patterns

Bike riding this morning different people came to mind. Some whom I've been in conflict with over the years. Instead of the old negative greeting as they came to mind I greeted them with new creative thinking. I saw one woman's heart expand larger than her ego. I heard myself surround another person in empathy. This was not an affirmation from mental mind...that tactic is so dead end. This new pattern came from a cycle of dealing with toxins at several levels. This inner work takes more than mental gymnastics. I hope this new patterning will be sustained and even expanded. Guess I'm the one to make that happen as I do my own inner light work.

Yesterday driving to work...I thought about my blog statement that light evolves. I questioned that. (How is this statement different from simply asking: Does light evolve? It seems to me that when we make a statement it must ground in our own experience...otherwise it's all in the mental mind. The difference is in the focus and the sound. How would this way of communicating effect science?) Maybe light simply IS. Electricity comes to mind and as I read in my journal from years ago elves "download electricity". That's what they told me. Elves are light beings that have a focused purpose in the whole body.

Does light evolve at the same time and level that matter evolves? Do they evolve together? If so that would mean that human consciousness is critical in our evolution as a species in a whole cosmos of parts. Our light radiation is critical in response to sun substance that is transmitted, received and transmitted again. It's that bouncing of light beams in crystal community.

Gears Humming in Tune

There are times when gears don't want to move. I may want to go bike riding or work in the garden but cannot...I have to be still. I may need to make phone calls and do outreach at work but it's as if an obstruction has been placed at the center of the gears affecting physical level of motion...I can't.

This has occurred so many times that now I accept the situation and do what body suggests: be still! Is this tune up attunement of gears as a cycle evolves?

Yesterday at work I felt a shift. Gears moved again....this time spinning at a new pace. It did feel like a new tune...much more upbeat. This new energy has to do with two staff in different communities who are now engaged in my speaker's bureau. I am plugging them in to give presentations and it's giving me more energy. I do love team work. I do love engaging gears and supporting their motion...and sound. I knew that I would be doing this as it's part of the speaker's bureau vision and plan but I didn't know it would feel this energized.

A man in our area went on a shooting rampage killing several people. He is mentally ill. It's time our society treated this disease via shamanic practice and the calling forth of the dark demons behind this disease. It's the art of recognition and naming. All disease is a blockage of light and energy...who or what holds this pattern? Darkness. Medicine people are needed to do this work. With sound coming into consciousness and motion this medicine includes sound waves.
The human body emits sound. When sound moves with light one is a healer. When a community of parts moves in harmonious sound they are healing.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Negative Wall

I'm happy withdrawing and being still. Logic tells me to write and track evolution of light.

Light is because of dark. Dark is because of light. Two opposites relating.

I hit some nerve, vein, meridian...something. A circuit that carries negative force in or out of body...maybe both.

Head, shoulders and body are dealing with new pressure and stress. I thought it had gone but no it came back around. New vibration wants to sound through these parts. In with integration and out with disintegration. In the stillness I choose calm and soothing music. I choose new balance through how many activities I schedule and who I spend time with.

An example of the negative wall: yesterday I grabbed a hammer to pound stakes to support my tomatoes. As I walked by my car with hammer in hand I saw my whole body hitting my car with hammer. Where did this violence come from? Is dark so intimate with light that it would create this visual? I'm also being bombarded with negative thinking about this, that and everything else. Quite a challenge. My response is to greet each negative "being" with white light. It's a lot of work to stay alert and do this constantly. But that's the work now. Another example of this wall is at work as I hit against individuals who don't want to respond or support the speaker's bureau system that I'm trying to establish. One staff person put up negativity about the 10K opportunity! What is underneath that attitude?

If a shield of white light was in constant play what role would one have on earth? Wouldn't one want to float away into heaven? And yet that's an escape route it seems. Who will stay with dark matter and do the work? Who will love the unconscious body enough to do the light work? And who will stay long enough to see rainbow circling Earth?

What do light and dark look like, sound like, taste like, smell like, feel like when they move in balanced harmony? Who is eager enough, passionate enough to discover?