
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Broadcasting Stories

My friend, Lady Selah Sujuris, is program director of a radio show called Storytellers Campfire.

"Alternative Talk 1150 listeners genuinely care about the environment, social justice, their personal health, and raising people up rather than carrying them down. In short, Alternative Talk 1150 is a breath of fresh air. Listeners tune to 1150 for exposure to culture to gain helpful tips and for answers to some of life's mysteries."

My friend has offered Circle of Life a 15 minute segment on her program. I will host the show and feature native storytellers. So, this needs to be incorporated into the grant.

We envision a CD being produced after a year of storytelling. Both the broadcasts and the CD are project outcomes.

This does feel solid now...the direction to move with the Circle of Life project.

I am grateful for this revelation...something that shows up and is revealed by Life!!

Rainbow Enchantment

We arrived at Day Break Star to make fry bread and enjoy the concert. My women friends noticed the rainbow arcing over the waters below. We were mesmerized! I stepped out of my car and there was no ground...I had to concentrate to find my bearings. I was swept away! My friends pointed out the pastel colors and we all noticed the sailboat that was in the path of this magical light. What an enchanting greeting! What sacred ground!

Ahh...the sweet pulling force of attraction to and with a man. Ahh...the sweet sensation of earthy contact. The feeling/thought this new relationship brings up in me is: "How can I support you." "How can I make your life lighter and brighter." I've not had this "intention" before. I guess it's because I've not had this experience with a man who shares sacred common ground. He and I don't know each other yet. We have not spent any time together. These days relationships take time. In the old days the pattern was to jump into red and orange waters. Now, I want all the sweet rainbow colors! I want enchantment...not just for me. Not just for me and another. But for me and a much larger community. Such is the natural expression of arcing love.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Bubbles and Boundaries

I had a concern and asked a question. All hell broke loose. Why is my question taboo? Why is it not okay for a female to question a man's action? Is it because girls didn't grow up asking questions? Is it because adult women still are not asking questions? Are we brainwashed and desensitized? Are we intimidated? The question brought up deep anger, defensiveness and then verbal attack. Why not ask about the concern and make a calm and mature response?

Honesty. I guess that's impossible when emotional intelligence is the missing link.

I was shopping and heard a mother say to a daughter who was being pushy: "You're in my bubble." In other words the girl was in the mother's personal space. It seems that aggression at any level is an abuse of personal space. Where does this "bubble" come from? Would it not come from having an inner compass that identifies boundaries of North, South, East, West? What is this inner compass that steers us in thought, feeling and action? Why is there a shortage of healthy boundaries? Could it be that Soul and Sol at the center is missing in action? Could it be that there is no light shining and a heartless robot is in charge because he has been programmed in a lie.

The great lie: we are human and not divine.

The great truth: we are divine and human.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sacred Feminine

The violence and hatred that was acted out in the gang rape of the 15-year-old at Richmond high school is indication that our young people are in a dark state. Which, in turn, is indication that parents are no more enlightened. I'm not referring to enlightenment as the end of a spiritual journey but rather as the love and compassion that is expressed throughout one's life on planet Earth.

Why do women continue to be abused, raped and disrespected? Why is this pattern so pervasive? The Sacred Feminine is forgotten. She's excluded in our history, our bible and in our language. Where are the heroines? CNN refers to their good news feature as "Heroes" -- what about Heroines? Religion and spiritual teachings refer to God. Where is Goddess? Where is that feminine aspect of the atom, the physical body, and the planet? Where is that unique charge and polarity that complements the Sacred Masculine creating a dynamic electro-magnetic field called life? Violence, hate crimes, abuse, rape reveal that the life force of individuals and our planet is deteriorating. What fills in that void? Darkness and evil.

The Sacred Feminine is half of one whole equation. She's intuition that balances logic. She's right brain that balances left. She's receptivity that balances action. She's listening that balances doing. It's time to shift into new intelligence that includes love of the Sacred Feminine. This is not gender specific. The Sacred Feminine is an aspect of creation.

If we are to find new footing and evolve into a higher expression of love we must first look within and take personal responsibility. No laws or policies will inspire people to change their minds and hearts. We must inspire one another through emotional intelligence that brings out the best in one another and circumstances.

The Sacred Feminine is present in all Nature waiting to connect and nourish body, mind, and emotion. Turn Her direction. Listen for Her wisdom. Act from Her deep source of Love. Only then will we have a new language that reflects Her presence in our lives and on our Beloved Earth Mother.

Dysfunction and Opportunity

Is this the darkness before the dawn? If so when will it shift?

Another phone call with another person yelling at me. Anger is an issue. People cannot hear one another when anger is in charge.

I crossed the line and I cannot go back. It's like lancing an infected wound. There's an opportunity for healing or for more infection.

Many relationships and families pretend there is no dysfunction. Everyone is happily rolling along in spite of signs of dis-ease. Sooner or later the toxins rise to the surface and demand attention. At this point everyone has choices to make. Based on past patterns I trust things will evolve in a good way. However, I am also aware that we've moved into some deep territory and egos can dig in their heals. Love is present in all hearts...will it be heard and honored. What an incredible opportunity for healing!

Last night at PCC a man approached me saying that he saw me in the parking lot and wanted to find me in the store to say hi. I knew this man from Wilderness Awareness School years ago. He was genuinely glad to see me and the encounter touched my heart much like the friendship at Muckleshoot. He has a most adorable daughter. I left WAS due to Tracker toxicity. However, WAS holds friendships and feelings of family. So, one never knows if or when relationships will re-weave. Letting go does not mean forever. One simply moves in seasons and cycles.

This morning I was thinking about the Sacred Feminine and how She needs to be acknowledged. I got that I'm the one to do that. How? U-Tube video? Articles? To whom? At that moment I received a call from National Association of Professional Women. I had received their membership packet. No, I didn't have $800. No, I didn't have $400. I did have $89 so I am now a member for a year. No, I'm not interested in attending seminars. I am interested in speaking and writing. I asked if a mystic and shaman fit into their "professional" network. I will look for opportunities to honor the Sacred Feminine.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bring It On

Another day in paradise and....hell. I wake up surprised that structures in my life are still intact. I raise my arms to the sky and say "Bring it on."

I spoke up about a concern and all hell broke loose yesterday. I "crossed the line" as a grandmother. The day before Tracker attacked via computer all day and night. Another relationship brought up old issues blaming me for something that I did 30+ years ago. Why all the pain? Why all the anger? Why can't we talk about hurts in an adult and mature manner? I have no idea what today will I say: "Bring it on!"

I feel calm in the middle of chaos. I wonder what is the brain pattern and chemical that moves in our human matter/flesh and bones that keeps us in darkness? Ancient texts tell us that there is a master gland in the brain that regulates hormonal chemistry. Why are humans cut off from this gland? If heart is the bridge between lower and upper worlds and channels why aren't more people interested in accessing that bridge?

Seems that people have distorted ideas and patterns about love. "Looking for love in all the wrong places." Isn't it time to grow up...evolve? Addictions have us held's time to let go of the chains. That requires honesty with oneself. That seems to be the most difficult thing for humans to do.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Canyon Road Brick Wall

Earth turns to greet sun morning, noon, evening and night. A love affair of cosmic proportions.

Dark forces close in both near and far. Light wraps around (emoting Love) revealing Truth.

Made chicken soup for sick grandkids. I had the impulse to visit mom and dad's grave sites which is very unusual because that's not where my parents' are. As I was driving there waves of emotion rose up and I rode those currents letting them wash over me. I later asked about this emotion and determined it had to do with loss -- loss of two people whom I never really knew because they never shared their feelings.

At the grave site I had no emotion which surprised me. Driving back home I decided to drive past our old house that six of us siblings grew up in. I drove by and noticed that no one lived there...that it looked abandoned. I turned around and drove up the driveway. I took a picture of the rock wall steps dad built so many years ago. I went into the garage and house. There's trash in every room and in the overgrown back yard. I took a picture of the tree still standing. I noticed paths in the grass leading to the back sheds. I heard a noise. Someone was back there! I thought i better leave. No! I was not leaving. I wanted to go into the woods I loved as a child -- woods with anthills, camps and tree house.

I didn't feel in danger so I walked to the back past walls of overhanging shrubs. I saw a jeep and a man. I said hello loudly and asked him if he lived there. NO. I asked him if he knew who owned the property. No. His eyes were glazed over. Another man stepped out of the shed dad built. He too was high on something. I told them I had grown up there and was taking some photos. I went into the back woods and said hello to the land. I walked next door and took pictures of the old red barn now caving in and old man Jack's house now swallowed up by greenery. Several of the firs lined up along the property line still stood. I took the picture. It's a matter of time before this property is turned under and some business or strip mall built up. Canyon Road has lost its beauty. It would be so cool if they would create a park on this remaining land. In my dreams!!

I'm calling the county sheriff today and reporting the men who are probably using the place for meth. Will I be in trouble for trespassing?

This morning I wondered if my parents called me back to our house or if it was the land. One is bombarded by impulses moment by moment. Which ones do we listen to? Which ones do we act upon? And where do those choices lead?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Happy Ray Guns

Took my g-son to the Nature Center in Tacoma for a Halloween event. He likes guns (macho father influence). We talked about happy guns. He was resistant but I kept at it. What if all guns were actually happy guns that shot happy rays? He associated shooting people and they turning into trees. Trees that had faces, legs, arms. I told him to use his imagination. What if happy guns created rainbows and made the world a happy place. I implanted this programming into my 5-year old grandson.

We were talking about a movie that had guns. He told me that he would tell me when a shooting part was coming up so I could close my eyes. I asked if he was protecting me? He said yes. I told him that is what men do for women -- they are protectors.

Elders and g-mas have the opportunity to program their g-kids!

I must add the image I was getting talking about ray guns: light beams radiate from fingertips, eyes, ears, chakras. Sacred Earth Body is a field of opening and closing flowers creating a rainbow of radiant light. My experience at Muckleshoot was a joining in rainbow energy and light. Communion this planet is hungry for.

Pure Love Radiates Full Circle

I read in Organic Consumers Association e-news that Mexico has approved genetically modified food crops. Does that mean that Monsanto is associated with the drug cartel? Does that mean that Monsanto is part of the dark force that is destroying Nature and Life on this planet? It's one battle. Darkness will not dominate this planet and Light will increase in our solar system. This is my reality and my "news" that I am passionate about broadcasting.

Called Muckleshoot Tribe regarding Circle of Life project and was put in contact with the "culture" department. I met with that person yesterday. I was amazed at the changes in that "village" (term used by this person). A new state-of-the-art school and tribal center. My agency used to have a program at Muckleshoot so I can appreciate the changes. I introduced my Circle of Life class and we chatted. I was full of energy and emotion and noticed that he didn't emote in the same way. He was very somber and business like. I asked about his work and if he was a scientist. He said that he was a historian and in that same breath he lit up. Ahhhh...emotion! He gathers stories for their cultural preservation. Stories around plants, huckleberries and oysters for example. I showed him the plant wheel I made last spring. It's a circle on paper with plant life glued all around. He identified many of the plants that I had picked from my backyard valley. He gave me contacts for program staff so I can follow up further. I was able to find my out of that office maze because there is a huge black bear hide on the wall. The place is like a museum. As I was sitting in the lobby on a beautiful leather couch reading their newspaper I heard "Trish." I looked up and there was this man standing several feet away ready to climb the stairs. He waved to me with a full warm smile. I was so touched by this emotional gesture. I asked myself later why this contact meant so much to me. I got that I'm like a flower and need sunlight. I also got that I am sun and give sunlight. A friendship was developed man to woman. A friendship pure. I am still full from this experience in a new quality of Love.

I have this notion that I need to make personal contact with each tribe that I am requesting a grant. Maybe it has to do with stepping onto their lands and into their villages. I have one month to do this and get my grant in to one of the funders. It's time to get focused!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Male Leadership

Last night at the King County Council there were many voices advocating for human services. Others for animal shelters, elder care,master gardening, conservation and agriculture.

There were five men who spoke on behalf of violence against women. They are working locally to reverse that epidemic. One man said that violent men are responsible for changing their behavior. (When the media reports a problem--their definition of a news story--are they not responsible to report a solution?)

Another man stood and asked for silence. He had been a batterer of women. He had been in treatment for several years. He is now speaking out for programs that support women.

I appreciated these men who are leading the way in a healing process.

Media Outrage

I signed in as #70 to speak at the King County Council meeting. Three of us women from Sammamish Valley waited until 10:30 to speak. I notice that my "soft" politics always opens hearts. I see it on the faces of council members. A woman responded to my talk last night by smiling and saying that she agreed with everything I said. Ahhh...sweet response. (I submitted our statement to our local newspaper.)

One of the women with me last night emailed saying that we needed to be more specific in our political statements. This gave me the opportunity to explain that I'm not doing politics as usual. I work to open hearts. I was surprised by all her "shoulds." I will not be should-ed!

CNN is reporting more teen deaths. "Why?" they ask. Where's the intelligence? Where are the positive role models and positive stories? The media is responsible for their negative lens that feeds the fuel of darkness on this planet. I am outraged!

It's time for forces of light to stand up and speak out. Can we do that collectively? I'll have to explore that....what organization is doing that. I'm not talking about talk alone as the spiritual types do (I was one for many years). I'm talking about those who have healed enough within to take action now. Action that is not politics as usual but a new politics of love. For our planet's children, animals, vegetation, etc. It's never too late to express Love and Truth.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Voices for Beloved Land

21 Acres, Sammamish Valley Farm, Olympic Nursery, Khoua Garden, The Emperor's New Clothes, Barn Place, Gold Creek Trout Farm, Bassetti's Crooked Arbor Gardens, Sammamish Valley Grange, Sammamish Valley Alliance, Adytum Cellars, Apple Farm Village, Woodland Park Stable, Willows Lodge, Herbfarm Restaurant, Minea Farm, Root Connection, South 47 Farm, Thenos Ice Cream and Dairy join me in raising a voice for agriculture lands and programs at King County Council meeting tonight. I am revved up!

I felt a lot of love from Grange members last night. Most are elders and I'm not sure how much longer a couple of them will be with us. The Grange Master told me that he wants me to be Master in another year. Wow...I definitely cannot make that commitment. I have no idea where I'll be in a year. My life is an open book!

Cyber Abuse and Greed

Tracker harassment has escalated since I purchased a new laptop and since I've been going to the library to use their computers. He not only has a worm virus to corrupt my systems (my programs freeze up and my work and communication is blocked) he also does a reverse intrusion where he goes after my email recipients -- because I created alias email addresses. I will make more adjustments to get free of this parasite.

I now have a spirit ally and protector sitting above me. This being's claws are drawn. This being is not always mild mannered -- neither am I. The battle escalates. I'm speaking up more and telling this story to more people. Interesting it's at the same time that I and we are speaking up for agricultural land. Abuse and greed at personal level is the same pattern of abuse and greed at the level of Mother Nature. This sick pattern must stop!

Tracker claims to love wilderness. I have concluded after 10+ years of association that this person does not walk his talk. He doesn't seem to have a heart. There are other women associated with him who have a similar story. I am working to create a women's healing circle. I am also looking into legal counsel. This harassment and disrespect will stop.

Two times yesterday as I was googling "spyware computers" my computer froze up. I wonder what he doesn't want me to see. There are days when Tracker seems to be focused on stalking me -- I think it's when he's in town. Other days he must be with his wife, family and wilderness work.

This little computer keeps chugging along despite his efforst to corrupt and break down. She keeps restarting. Technology may be a field for darkness -- it's also a field for light. I choose Light and Truth.

I write these incidents to have a record of this harassment. I am damn mad and am not going to take this anymore! I raise my voice!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We The People Unite

The "Tree" yoga pose is good for grounding, ankles and balance. My body loves it.

I have a language/communication pattern I want to change. It happens when I am charged with positive energy and get out of the moment. I say that I will do this or that in the future. I feel so connected that what I say feels to be true. However, the future depends on others and what I say I will do or what is going to happen doesn't. This is an opportunity for me to embrace more logic during these emotional highs. I will try to remember!!

I am buzzing from local farm to garden to nursery to business here in my valley. People are signing the statement. One farmer commented that they have to cut the budget somewhere. Excuse me! Agriculture will not go down without a collective voice in its support. Some of us know that our survival at all levels wraps around a wholesome food from the rich brown soil up! Not sure why I'm becoming an activist around farms and food. I keep waiting for a major system to break down and I see us living more close to the earth. Is that "in the moment" language and is it true? It's what I sense...

Here is the final statement that people are signing off on. I hope I have the chance to voice this tomorrow night in Redmond. I love to speak of that which moves me!

To King County Council:

We, the people of Sammamish Valley, unite and raise a collective voice in support of agricultural lands and programs. We are local farmers, gardeners, families, consumers, businesses, artists, poets and writers who support a wholesome food system that nourishes the land and the people. We are proud that Sammamish Valley is one of the ten most fertile farmlands in the United States.

We, the people of Sammamish Valley, unite and request that our valley and agricultural values be supported at this time of environmental crisis, health risks and economic challenges.

Our food system sustains more than our bodies. For many of us working the land is a spiritual experience—one that sustains our souls. Agricultural lands and programs deserve top funding priority as they provide nourishment for body, mind and spirit; a safety net for feeding the people in times of crisis; business opportunities; and a way for children to develop a relationship with Nature and her natural beauty through rhythms of seasons and cycles.

Through vision, we the people of Sammamish Valley, see agricultural lands and programs as a critical part of our local community and global family. Through action, we ask that you support a whole system that must include a healthy agricultural foundation on which all life can thrive.

Respectfully submitted,

Ms. Trish Knox
Sammamish Valley Grange
Sammamish Valley Alliance

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


CNN report says that white house officials denounce Fox news as it is not objective. Is any of our news objective. Would not objective mean balanced? For every negative story aired the media is responsible for airing a positive story. These two story lines must weave if we are to have balance. Our children need role models via stories that are positive, hopeful, healing, etc. This is why we need Native traditional stories in our mainstream culture. This is why there needs to be more cross cultural programming.

The developer who wanted to change the zoning codes here withdrew his proposal due to the opposition -- especially expressed at our local Grange. He did say that he would be back to make the same proposals "one on one." Citizens with heaven/earth values must unify and stand up!

I really like the jewelry that native men wear...especially the bracelets. One man wears a beaded bracelet of soft blue and salmon color...I think. I am mesmerized by this bracelet and realized why....these soft pastel colors are the colors of those threads that weave in my etheric awareness. Etheric means enchantment. Now, why can't we have news about enchantment??

Monday, October 19, 2009

Grounding of Values!

Dream: A man asked me to marry him. It was the same man I was married to years ago in this realm. I said yes in the dream and seemed happy. Then...there was some shift and I realized that this man lied to himself and to me. I didn't want to marry this man so I changed my mind. I told him no.

This shift from denial and an old pattern of choosing unhealthy men into truth and making new choices seems rather significant. As if something aligned and anchored between realms. Maybe a reprogramming from being asleep and unconscious to being awake and aware. Maybe this reflects a healing of my fear and distrust of men.

On Highway 410 there was a shift of land. An entire hillside moved! It was a rotational shift where the movement went E/SE/S/SW. A lot of shifting going on!

I received a couple of emails today regarding our county cutting funds for agricultural programs. I'm taking action and wrote a pro-ag statement. I will take this to local farms and businesses that are pro-ag for their signature. I hope to take this statement to the City Council meeting Thursday night. This is what I have written and I'm asking for input from neighbors/associates/friends here in this valley since this is our collective voice.

Redmond City Council:

We, the people of Sammamish Valley, unite and raise a collective voice in support of agricultural land and programs. We are local farmers, gardeners, businesses, artists, poets, writers and visionaries who support a local food system that nourishes the land and the people. We are proud that Sammamish Valley is one of the ten most fertile farmlands in the United States.

We unite and request that our agricultural valley and our agricultural values be supported at this time of local and global environmental crisis, health risks and economic challenges.

Our food system sustains more than our bodies. For many of us working the land is a spiritual experience--one that sustains our souls. Agricultural lands and programs deserve top funding priority. They provide a whole health service, varied business opportunities and a sustainable system in our community and for our community.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Love AND Truth

I notice that I am out of my body as I drink chai tea. Where are my feet? I can relate to tea better and really taste it rather than going through empty motions. Nourishment happens through grounding. I do tend to float and have to remember my feet. I know there is a chakra at the feet just as there is a wing chakra at the shoulders.

I engaged in a thinking process before getting up this morning. This process is very different from the inspiration that comes in as one whole at the speed of light. This process engages logical threads:

Positive feelings of attraction to a man brought up past fear patterns to look at. What is this process that pulls out toxins in body, mind, and emotion? Is it a natural process of purification? Is it an alchemical relationship where one positive force neutralizes the opposite force? I say neutralize not destroy or eliminate. Storyteller Roger Fernandes informed me that traditional native stories do not eliminate or destroy the "enemy" as our stories/dramas of today do so. Tricksters and sorcerer antics of illusion keep heart and mind alert with intelligence when Love AND Truth are co-operating as one for the well-being of the whole.

I include Truth with Love as I heal old patterns. Negative patterns pull one way; positive patterns pull another. When the negative dominates I am off balance -- I wobble. My higher centers of Love and Truth take the reigns and straighten out the tangled wires and tapes of old ego. Love and Truth line me up so that I can see and know that I can fly! What is flight? Joy! Pure and radiant joy!

I don't think that Earth's wobble is natural even as scientists explain it. I think it's in place due to the dominance of dark and negative forces. As the matrix of Love and Truth increase (are they two opposite nets that relate via vibration or do they merge their threads through "choice points?")

Earth Body purifies, straightens up to fly as well as ground. What does this image look like? It reminds me of the sha-woman I drew when my feet stayed on Earth and my head rose into the cosmos. During a meeting at Daybreak Star last week I looked at the North wall and saw a large carving of several tall beings with curves! I will ask for this story. I am grateful that I have grounded visual support that aligns with my inner experiences. I am grateful for Daybreak Star.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sorcerer, Circle, Spiral, Beam

A circle is part of a larger system -- a spiral.

Sorcerer weaves spells to interfere and manipulate. He uses information for his self-absorption. Today I picked up on such a spell being woven. I used white threads to intervene dark e-motions. Behind every motion is e-motion. This is how sorcerer is tracked.

A circle is a system of circles -- a spiral. A spiral moves forward in evol or is stagnant in evil.

A circle moves E/S/W/N and holds "choice points." (a term from Gregg Braden.) These points are the spaces between inhale and exhale, ebb and flow, etc. They provide space and time to choose. Choice is life affirming or life denying energy in thought, feeling and action.

Darkness of ill will has no power as it is the absence of Light. Light is power of Love encompassing and including. Darkness excludes.

There is another hue to darkness and shadow. This one not so thick and stuck. This one more resilient and coherent. This hue complements Light. Light and Dark dance.

I felt old patterns rise up in mind, feeling and body one day this week. They had to do with relationship with men. The feelings brought up old insecurities and fears. I saw a pattern that doesn't feel safe or trust men. What is the source of this negativity and blockage of flow? Is it my father relationship, the exclusion of women from the Bible, the witch hunt, the current abuse of women? Whatever the source I choose to change the pattern so I am free. There is only one way to change my own feelings toward men: Love more. This is not the "women who love too much" kind of love or the obsessive and needy kind of love. This is much different...and in the moment I see "white fire." A force that burns away darkness by seeing differently. A new angle...a new beam.

Evolution Revolution

Evolution is a revolution - a turning - a shift in consciousness. My story has been and is a process of evolution. This morning the next page opens. How does this energy move in this way? Through the generation of Love within and between beings of multi-dimension. Love is a powerful e-motion turning micro and macro wheels.

Yesterday morning I sat with my Turtle story and drew the images. I use lines that are circular (arcs, spirals, curves, circles, etc) and feminine. I use images in design and color that I've seen in the "land of enchantment" that land of third eye. I will ask Roger if he will work with me on bringing Turtle's Circle of Life to life in book format.

Yesterday Noon I was going business to business in an area of town I'd not been before - Magnolia. I was asking businesses to put up fliers for our Anniversary Concert at Daybreak Star. At one restaurant I was waiting for the manager and was greeted warmly by several staff. It reminded me of days when I worked in this hospitality industry. I enjoyed this work that serves and nurtures people. As I was feeling this "in my body" (something that Gregg Braden refers to) I saw/got the sense of pastel lines moving between people. These lines are the same lines I have seen through mind's eye and ones that I'll use in my book. What are these threads? Makes me think of "string theory."

This morning I GOT that I am to submit my book manuscript to Hay House. In that outreach I introduce myself and Roger. I will send the story and a sample of the art to several authors I have met and with whom I feel a heart/spirit connection. I will ask for their comment/review of the book so that I have some credibility. This may not be the "right" way to do this but I have no training in this world. I learn through evolution which has no right and wrong. It does have twists, turns and circles!

I have a new feeling in my body and I see myself and Roger on stage in front of people. Roger sharing traditional Native Stories and I telling my personal story -- a relationship between dark and light. This is solid in consciousness. It is simply the next step that takes me the next step. I am not attached. I do have emotion. Evolution always enlivens my matter!

Friday, October 16, 2009


I appreciate sitting in conversation with storyteller and artist Roger Fernandes. I feel honored to receive his knowledge and hear traditional stories that honor parts of creation. He will contact local storytellers and we will look at planning a project. Roger says that they need an administrator so I will play that role.

Roger and I are coming together from different angles. I am interested in gathering and telling personal stories and he supports telling traditional stories. I suggested that we weave them together in storytelling circles. He did say that he could "expand" to consider that.

My friend sent me art for my Turtle's Circle of Life story. It is wonderful and made me realize that I have my own images/lines that align with the story lines. I had no idea...I guess that's the creative and evolving process. So, I will thank her profusely and pay her. When I mentioned this to Roger he informed me that artists work with authors and help bring their images to life. I will sit with my story and draw the images.

I am now a storyteller -- Turtle of Life is my journey and story around the Circle of Life. Reminds me that: "We must be the things we wish to see in the world."

Sacred Circle

The final CD in Speaking the Lost Language of God has much inspiring information. Some notes:

~ feeling is the language that communicates
~ energy and matter are interchangeable
~ feeling and experience are interchangeable
~ E=mc2
~ there is connection between matter and energy
~ if we can feel something we can create it
~ feeling carries the power
~ heart and brain dialogue is based on feelings in heart
~ heart and brain dialogue creates life affirming or life denying chemicals
~ heart, brain, body chemistry registers on the quantum level of creation
~ heart links us to the mind of God
~ "Science has taken us as far as we can go with left brain logic. Now, to survive we must re-incorporate our right brain experience, our feminine intuition."
~ visible world is the reflection of our thought, feeling and emotion
~ we must be the things we wish to see in the world

Good medicine! I would add:

~ heart links us to the heart of Goddess; mind links us to the mind of God
and heart links us to the mind of God; mind links us to the heart of Goddess

For some reason this feels like an 8 flow. Could it be E = mc4? Which reminds me of a circle. Matter and energy are associated with circular orbs. Does the emission (the union and radiation of + and - charge) of light through matter create circle? Are there not four directional points on a circle? Circle is sacred -- circle represents Life.

When we speak a new language of God and Goddess we will see Great Spirit reflected in our visible world and in all worlds. We will see with new eyes. No, we have not been here before. We evolve in fertile field of Love.

Thank God and Goddess!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Angle and Position = Shift

I experienced another shift that had to do with a pattern of relationship. I was observing and acting from/within past patterns. Then...I saw from a new position! The feeling of this shift was one of if my space expanded. I saw more!

I see a circle with arrow -- much like the visuals that Gregg and Bruce shared last Saturday at You Can Heal Your Life. The arrow moves in relationship to circle N to E to S and feels to shift inside the circle. This shift feels associated with new angle and position.

In Gregg Braden's 3rd CD of Speaking the Lost Language of God I learn that book 3 of The Dead Sea Scrolls left specific instructions 2200 years ago:

"Three are the dwellings of the sons and daughters of man. Thought, feeling and body. When these three become as one you will say to the mountain "move" and the mountain will move."

Feeling is associated with sacred feminine. We cannot avoid having this conversation. Acting and communicating is associated with sacred masculine.

There is feeling associated with emotion and there is feeling associated with knowing. What is the difference? I can't see this on my own. As a collective body we create this conversation and thus, knowing. Knowing seems to be a collective experience and expression. That quantum field. Knowing is Light...which is more of an intuitive than logical statement from me.

I am building a case around (not against) GPS Tracker, computer Hacker and Stalker. I am doing an "intervention" because I care about this being made up of matter and photons. It's not okay for sorcerers to manipulate and interfere with energy and matter of humankind individually and collectively. This old pattern is shifting due to new angle and position of Light on Earth.

Light continues to expand and in this expansion all things are made new.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Teachers of Light

Fascinating stories in Gregg Braden's CD Speaking the Lost Language of God. The integration of science, history, religion (Dead Sea Scrolls, Essenes, etc) is grounding for me as so much of my journey has been in spirit realms. I appreciate his focus on feelings in the body and the power of emotions. Powerful words about prayer as feelings in the body and not repetitive words. Which says to me that every moment is a time of prayer. I am learning so much from this CD. And that's why he has crossed my path at this add new dimension in my experience and awareness. Just like so many other relationships. We teachers...when we have something to give and receive one to another. It's a circuitry of enlightenment for the whole. Relationships are blessings and I am grateful for so many lights/teachers in my life. I guess "teacher" in this new angle that emerges means a mirror..."shard" comes through. It's like meeting a holographic piece of who I am.

Kaleidoscope of Life

I am in relationship with a current under, over and around me. It moves me. I am in relationship with a force behind the current. It is steady and focused like a lens through which I see. Both remind me of a kaleidoscope.

The story behind this knowing/seeing revolves around my unemployment journey. At first I was frantically creating projects and making connections -- planting seeds and knocking on doors. Recently some of the projects fell away and I had one focus: Circle of Life project. Something shifted last Saturday and I saw that I was approaching the Indian community as an outsider. there was a certain angle to it. After being accepted into the community I saw that I had a new angle. I now had new questions. It was no longer this is what I have to offer you but rather what support do you need? How can I be of service and enhance your vision and dreams for your community? I knew this pattern when I worked at Children's Home Society. People would call and tell me what in-kind donations they had and how they wanted to volunteer. I always wondered why they never asked what we needed first. This is an old pattern of association that has to do with separation. It lacks intelligence.

So, now that I've seen this lesson I am yielding in that current that holds me. I am not frantic about a new job. I saw how Native people listen first and take their time. It's so helpful to see this played out -- it is the power that reprograms one's subconscious and thus brain and muscles. Reprogramming requires more than words.

And I experience yet another shift. I have no idea where the current leads me. Not true.....I do know! In the moment! This lesson and this journey of life has to do with trusting the momentum of the moment.

This is the test as we continue to live in turbulent times. Where is one's focus? On that which is changing or that which is omnipresent and omnipotent.

I celebrate those people who are in the current with me and I celebrate those seasons of relationships. Life is constant change. Love is constant e-motion.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Stories that Enliven

A lot of seeds (concepts/words) were planted yesterday in subconscious mind. I let them rest in fertile ground until they are ready to rise into air of consciousness and blossom. I then tell their stories. This is Bee medicine that pollinates.

Bruce Lipton talked about animism yesterday and said that Mother Earth has organic matter, Father Sky has photons and together they enliven matter.

For me Father Sky represents conscious mind and Mother Earth subconscious. Earth body is enlivened matter.

Healing is the process of thinning darkness in/around micro and macro orbs of matter. Where did this darkness come from? It's part of our Story. It's the ego shadow of light and matter. Imbalance happens when dark ego is too dominant.

Today I sing (buzzzzz) praises to Sun. Sun is my lover. He never says I don't like what you say, how you look, what you think, how much money you make, etc. Sun simply radiates joy. Matter that faces sun in receptivity is kissed and enlivened. Matter that turns away and hides from sun is in darkness.

In a healthy system darkness sustains balance. It keeps one humble and contained. Darkness helps keeps circle round and moving.

Dark and Light have a love affair that is respectful and cooperative.

It's time for our stories to proclaim: Light + Matter = Life at a new level of expression. It's time for our stories to reflect the shift that is happening in individual and collective consciousness. It's time for stories of healing and hope.

This is a new medium and media!

Dark aggressive forces resist and want to keep their holdings. Our response? Shine Love. Speak Truth. We hold a two-edged sword and transform a very old story.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

You Can Heal Your Life

At the You Can Heal Your Life event I sat next to a couple from Idaho who are involved with the Chopra Center. It was so fun to meet new friends who helped ground the experience (we spent five hours together afterward). I invited Tom to write an article for the Alliance page on my website and if he feels it appropriate to share one of his mystical experiences while meditating. These stories "reprogram our subconscious" -- something we talked about today with Bruce Lipton.

Had great eye to eye and heart to heart connections with all the speakers. Fun to hear Gregg Braden again. Last I saw him was in Bellevue with IONS. I had asked him a question about male/female and positive/negative polarities. (I still don't understand why this "sacred contract" is not more prevalent in our awareness and thus our conversation.) I hope to hear him again this next year. His work is enlightening in its intelligence. Gregg's open heart was nourishing.

Carolyn Myss' body language was like a dance -- full of emotion. People next to me saw a rainbow around her; angel wings and her double. She was charged! I/we love Carolyn.

Bruce Lipton and Cheryl Richardson added their light beams to the day's enlightenment. I have notes..but the bottom line for me is JOY. Was joy exchanged? Was love lifted from hearts and brains and thus imprinted on the collective body? In so doing our Global Brain is imprinted with new inspiration which is information.

I am in Love with this process called Life.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Met with native artist, Roger Fernandes, regarding Circle of Life project and grant. He had a lot of questions:

Why am I only working with natives?
(natives have a connection with this land/water/sky. How do I say it's where I'm led...where my heart is? And yet...maybe I should pursue the Boys and Girls Clubs)

Do I know my own cultural story?
(I never connected with my family blood lines even though mom did a lot of geneology of her Swiss heritage. How could I connect with people who never talked about feelings? Who is my tribe? Where is my home?)

Is a booklet the best way to tell stories?
(Oral teaching through breath is the old way he said. Anna thinks a CD would be a good way to tell the stories.)

Why am I doing this project?
(Circle of Life is my personal journey and one I want to inspire/teach others)

He wanted to get to know me...and my intention. He wanted to give our conversation time in order to see what might emerge. Working with the native community is very fluid. I'm glad I have more time to let this job creation process unfold. I so want to spend my time doing what I value.

This morning I called Anna to ask if I could read her Peace Elder story to the Singing Feet youth at the Duwamish Longhouse. She said yes. The youth and adults at the Longhouse were amazed by the story. I loved reading it to was an honor. I hope to have another elder story to share with them the next time they meet.

Blue Heron Canoe skipper, Mike, invited me to join the Singing Feet group anytime. He said that I don't need an invitation anymore. That I'm family. That I can dance, drum and help out with the kids. Wow!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rotation E-Motion

Lust and Passion are not the same expressions. They are different in sound, color, scent, texture and motion. Lust is ego and separation driven. Passion is heart and love driven. Passion is not passive although that is one of it's threads. Passion is a full circle force.

Reminds me of the space craft I sensed in the West above Pacific Ocean when I was at Esalen Institute. I seem to have a space ship-like ability to engage and disengage that has to do with round rotation. When we did our healing for three people in the group I used three beams to assist. I put the beams in the middle of the three and let the beams do the work. This is holographic and is how telepathy works.

I saw a show on TV about aliens. I learned that there are many UFO sightings around the world. It's time to acknowledge other cosmic citizens. These beings are not an enemy. I think they are watching over us. In our state of consciousness we are the enemy. We are the scary ones. When more humans evolve and love from deeper waters we will get to know our cosmic neighbors.

I was watching a feature about mythology on the history channel. I learned that Medeusa was a Priestess in the sacred Temple and was assaulted and raped. She then turned into an evil monster. I learned that women of Greece and Athens were treated as objects. And that myth continues to live -- after all these years! I learned about other myths that have to do with monsters and demons -- the untamable part of nature. It's time to write new myths! Do we not have a new story? Shamanic practitioners experience a mythic journey each time they disengage from this realm and travel elsewhere. Where are the shamanic stories? Stories...not instruction or information. Actual stories! As I sat in the shamanic circle at Esalen I was captivated by the journeys/stories. One person used crystals, another flew on dragon, etc. I felt like Goddess -- honored to be in circle with healers of earth and sky.

The History Channel will air a show about Atlantis this Wednesday night -- I'm interested in Lemuria and the Pacific. Something BIG is happening along the West Coast. It was amazing how much energy was waiting in the West. I witnessed that energy as a very large serpent that came into the big house where we were sitting in circle and the large spacecraft. The global brain wanted to speak! Information comes through shamanic experience. It's time for shamanic medicine to have new respect on this planet and in the awareness of two-leggeds. It's time for a rising of...a new city...continent! I will see you there!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Cat Fight

I was listening to a woman speak at the shamanic practitioner week. She is charming and a good storyteller. She is a wise woman. As all my senses were focused on her I witnessed my heart chakra open up across my chest and light pour forth. I have never experienced such a flood of love. It was as if my heart cracked open. Emotional waves swept over me and tears crashed to shore. I wondered if this was a soul sister experience.

Later that day I noticed an energy shift with this woman and found myself in a psychic space with her. We were clashing and harsh words flew. I later identified this as a "cat fight." In that psychic space I told her that I wasn't interested in her husband. She lashed out anyway. I didn't want to stay engaged in this negative space so I sealed the space with white light and disengaged. This was very sad for me as I had just experienced this incredible love for her and then she lashed out at me. I think I witnessed this woman's wounds. Husbands who treat women as sexual objects hurt their wives. Husbands who lust after women are abusive. This behavior is an insult to the intelligence of woman -- her mental, emotional and spiritual intelligence. What does a woman do about a partner who is lusting after other women? I can answer from personal experience: She stays until she learns about the pattern to get "daddy" to love her; until she gets a life that revolves around her own interests; until she is tired of her own mirrored lusting after other men. She stays until she evolves and sees the light. Women are not victims and it's time that we say "NO" to the aggressive and shallow nature of men.

And my question remains: When will men tell these stories of abuse and recovery? When will men remember their true nature that includes inner feminine and masculine parts? When will men meet their sacred Self? Maybe when women do so...and refuse any less from men. We are on this path together. We reach out to one another woman to woman, man to man, woman to man, man to woman. Threads of love are woven here and now. These are healing times.

Soul Retrieval

During the week with shamanic practitioners I did a soul retrieval for Mother Earth. As I began the journey Fire lifted me into the vast ocean of macro space. I saw an orb with rings around it and immediately saw a point in one of the rings. From this point a beam of energy that felt negative and manipulative was directed toward Earth. I put my right hand out (in this realm) and demanded that this manipulative interference stop! I got the sense of white cotton between the ears (this was comical). It's time to recharge matter through connectors in brain. The reweaving of soul parts awaken brain matter. Horses came in -- horse power. I drew this journey in my journal. Shortly after a photographer at Esalen spoke with us about rock art and shared his photographs. Esalen Indians lived in that area 6-8000 years ago. I was delighted to see petroglyph images of the exact thing I drew! A tall shaman with head in the cosmos and hand visible. The only thing different about my drawing is that my shaman has curves! I imprint my female shaman image on Earth rock -- She joins a lineage of healers and creates a petroglyph for past, present and future. (In my journal I wrote Jupiter for the orb in space. Later I thought that it should read Saturn. Does Jupiter have rings?)

We did soul retrievals with a partner. My partner journeyed back to my infancy and gave me touch, comfort and nurturing. As she was journeying an iridescent blue dragonfly came in and reminded me of a place and time that holds grief. I acknowledged the emotion and let it release. At the end my partner put her hands on my shoulders. I turned into spider with legs out in front of me. I thought I was airborne and that I needed grounding. However, a web appeared and there I was -- Spider a weaver of webs, chords and filaments of dark and light.